My Sister's Wedding


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I forgot to mention that all night Jessie was telling everyone that I was her daddy. Now I was sitting there resting, talking to Dave when Jessie came up to me.

"Daddy, I'm tired." I knew she had a very long but happy day. I lifted her up and she laid her head on my shoulder and fell fast asleep. A few minutes later mom came over and told me to bring her into their house.

"I talked with Toni and this is your wedding night. You won't be getting too many nights alone. We'll bring Jessie over in the morning."

Everyone worked together and we had all the food put away. We'd take care of the table and chairs tomorrow. Toni and I said goodnight to everyone who was left but before leaving I grabbed the can of whipped cream.

Needless to say we had quite a night. We both slept in. Thank God mom called before coming over with Jessie. We told mom to give us about fifteen minutes. At least we were dressed when Jessie and mom came in.

Chapter 5

I spent the next couple of days packing my personal stuff and taking it to our house. Toni came with me in the evenings. I asked her what I should leave for Chris and Jason. They were just starting out.

"Honey, we have all the furniture, dishes, pots and pans we need. Let them have everything except anything you're attached to."

Chris and Jason stopped by to help us and were so happy. They had just about everything they needed to begin housekeeping. I did take my big screen TV.

I called a cleaning service, which would stop by on Wednesday after we left for the cruise and would clean the carpet, walls, refrigerator and do any other cleaning needed. I wanted the place in great condition for my little sister.

Very early Wednesday morning we went to the airport. We weren't all on the same flight but would arrive around the same time at the cruise ship. I did see mom and dad. They rode in with Roger and Marsha. They've become good friends. Chris and Jason were on our flight also. We asked them about seeing each other on their wedding day, which was planned for two o'clock, shortly after the ship left the dock.

"He just can't see me after I get dressed in my gown. I'm going to dress in your cabin with Toni. You and Jason can put your suits on in our cabin."

"Don't I have a say in this?" I asked.

Both women said "No!" at the same time. We all laughed.

Jessie loved the airplane. Once we were in the air she climbed on her mother's lap so she could see out the window better.

Once we arrived at the ship we all went to our cabins and got situated. Afterwards Toni and I, along with Jessie, walked around the deck to get familiar with the ship. It was huge. We checked out the room where the wedding was taking place. The actual wedding was being held in the movie theatre.

There was a sign in front of it that said, "Connors - Baker wedding at two o'clock. Movies will begin at four." We looked in and they had some decorations set up.

Next to the theatre was one of the many lounges. It had a sign also, "Private reception for Baker family. By Invitation only, from three to six." There were ship's personnel busy getting the room ready.

We went to the meet and greet that every cruise has. They basically spell out the rules and try to answer questions. We saw most of our wedding party there. Everyone seemed excited.

At one o'clock Toni kicked me out of our room. Chris gave me a kiss and I told them I'd see them at the wedding. Jason was nervous. He put on his tux and I just wore a suit. Chris made it as easy for everyone as possible. Men wore suits and her bridesmaids wore blue dresses.

I had a list of all the rooms where we had wedding guests. I walked along and knocked on each door and said it was almost time. Some had already left their rooms.

Jason and I went to the front of the theatre and took our places. The Captain of the ship was standing with us. He told us not to worry, he's done this a hundred times. The place was packed. I figured a few cruise people were there to see the wedding. We didn't mind.

Most everyone was seated when the music started. Each bridesmaid and groomsman walked down the aisle, up the three stairs onto the stage. The last to walk down the aisle was my beautiful, wonderful wife. Once we were all on the stage they rolled a white runner down the aisle.

Next came my daughter Jessie throwing rose petals. She was walking with one of my nephews who had rings pinned to a pillow. I had the real sets in my pocket. Jessie stood next to her mother and Troy, the ring bearer, stood next to his dad.

I saw everyone stand as my little sister, who looked gorgeous, walked down the aisle with my dad. I couldn't help having tears in my eyes. I knew Toni would be crying.

After the vows and exchanging of the rings, we heard the words, "Now I pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride."

The captain reminded everyone that the lounge next door was where the reception would be held. After the bride and groom and the wedding party left the theatre everyone headed for the reception. All the tables were set for the party and there was a buffet table ready to go.

A few announcements were made and everyone got up to get something to eat. Cindy had made an arrangement with one of the bands that would be playing in one of the lounges in the evenings to play for the wedding reception. It cost dad five hundred dollars.

The food was great and everyone was having a good time. On the dance floor I watched my sister and her husband dance the first dance. After that everyone got up and joined them. I was holding Toni and it was just magical. I couldn't believe I found my soul mate.

Jessie was having fun playing with her new cousins. Of course she's played with them before. Jason's parents and relatives seemed to be having a good time. I watched as my dad got up and went to the microphone between songs.

"Welcome everyone, I'm Harold Connors, father of the bride. I hope you're all having a good time," at which everyone clapped and cheered.

"I got asked by my son John the other day; by the way, he got married to a wonderful woman, Toni, last Saturday and is on his Honeymoon." Again everyone was cheering.

"Dad, he asked me. How do you make it work. What's the secret to a good marriage? I want mine to succeed more then anything." Toni looked at me with tears in her eyes and kissed me.

"I told him that communication was the key to a good marriage. No one really wins in an argument. You need to learn when to give in. I asked the band if they could play a special song for me. It was one that my wife Mary and I danced to at our wedding nearly forty years ago.

"Chris, dance to this song with your husband. John, think about the words when dancing with Toni." The band started the song and Dad asked mom to dance with him.

We got up and took our wives into our arms and listened to the words of the song while we danced.

A little love that slowly grows and grows

Not one that comes and goes

That's all I want from you

A sunny day with hopes up to the sky

A kiss and no goodbye

That's all I want from you

As the song played I saw Roger and Marsha get up to dance as well as Jason's parents. They played through the song twice as more and more guests got up to dance. I smiled as I watched dad holding mom. I knew this song meant a lot to him and now it meant a lot to Toni and I.

Don't let me down, oh show me that you care

Remember when you give you also get your share

Don't let me down I have no time to wait

Tomorrow might not come when dreamers dream too late

I knew the song was telling us to never give up, put each other first and continue to grow in our love. After the song ended I thank my dad and gave him a big hug.

It was time for the reception to end but our cruise was just beginning. We all went back to our cabins, changed our clothes and enjoyed the cruise. Something's we did with family, other things we did on our own. The ship had a number of activities for those with young children.

We spent a lot of time doing things with Jessie. They had a late night buffet and we went and ate a little. I laughed when I saw the strawberries and cream. Toni said, "Not tonight, we have a little girl in our room."

We were both worn out from the full day's activities. We put Jessie to bed and got in bed ourselves. We cuddled but before we knew it we were fast asleep.

The next morning we went to breakfast. Jessie asked for Lucky Charms. I couldn't believe they had it. It was her favorite cereal. I had bacon and eggs. Toni ordered an omelet. We saw a lot of our family eating also. We were at a table with Chris and Jason. They each ordered a big breakfast; said they had to keep up their strength.

The boat docked and we decide to go swimming in the ocean. After awhile, while her mother was sunning herself, Jessie and I looked for sea shells. We gathered up a bunch. I noticed mom and dad, along with Toni's parents, were sitting on the beach in lawn chairs. They were watching a couple of their grandchildren.

"Why don't you two go enjoy yourself for an hour or so? We'll watch Jessie. She seems to be having a good time with the other kids."

We took them up on their offer and decided to try scuba diving. It was just a beginners' lesson but thought it would be fun. Afterwards we swam out in the deeper waters. I pulled Toni close and put my hands down her bathing suit and squeezed her ass.

"You're bad! Do you know that?" We were in neck high water and I turned her around and put my hands back down into her suit. I was rubbing her mound. Damn, she turned me on.

"Honey not now, maybe tonight. Mom said that Jessie could sleep in their cabin tonight." We did kiss and Toni adjusted her suit as we got out of the water. I had to admire her ass when she bent over. She looked up at me and laughed.

That night Jessie did stay with Toni's parents. We went back to our cabin and made love. I had to kiss every inch of her body. I licked and tongued her pussy. She was so wet. I rolled over on my back and she rode me. I could see her juices running down my cock. I knew she had already come once.

I asked her to get on her hands and knees, I wanted to take her doggy style. She didn't object as I put my cock in her wet pussy. I rubbed some of her juices on my fingers and while taking her from behind I pushed a finger into her ass.

"John, what are you doing? I told you about that."

"Just a finger or two. I promise I won't hurt you." She agreed, as I pumped hard into her as I was fingering her ass. I felt myself ready to come and pushed my cock all the way into her as well as my fingers into her ass. She screamed out and had a huge orgasm.

We rested for a while and made love again that night, and then had a round of morning sex before Jessie came back to the room.


The wedding and cruise was fantastic. Everyone thanked Chris and Jason for inviting them. We also thanked Cindy for making all the arrangements. That was quite a job organizing a wedding and cruise.

We were home now and starting our life together. Chris and Jason were so happy with the condo and the furniture and household items I left them. Jason did say I could have left them the big screen TV but that got him a hit on the arm from Chris. She thanked me for having the place cleaned up. She figured she'd have a few days work ahead of her. I didn't tell her it was Toni's idea.

We got into a regular living pattern. We both worked, mom took care of Jessie. Whoever got home first picked up Jess. I was married now and wasn't going to spend all my time at the office. I started to delegate a lot of the responsibility.

Wednesdays we always had dinner with mom and dad. Saturdays was our family together time. It's when we always found things to do as a family. We would list places to go and let Jessie pick what she wanted to do.

Sundays we usually went and visited Toni's parents. One weekend we left on Friday afternoon and went to see her brother and sister in Indiana. They were really surprised.

We hardly ever cooked at home. We usually ordered out except on Wednesday's when we ate at mom's. The second time we ate at mom's I asked Toni if she could cook.

She looked a bit surprised and a little embarrassed. "Well, it's just been me and Jessie so I make what she likes. Macaroni and cheese, noodles, she's big on hotdogs and grilled cheese sandwiches."

Jessie added that her favorite cereal was Lucky Charms. "Can you cook? asked Toni.

"I can fry an egg," I said.

"Well you better learn how to scramble them because that's how Jessie likes them."

We really ate out a lot. Mom mentioned to Toni that she would show her how to cook a few meals if she liked. Toni mentioned that she was usually too tired to cook a big meal after working all day.

Mom explained to her the homemaker's best friend, the crock pot. After we ate mom and Toni took out a small roast, cut up a few potatoes and carrots, added some spices and told Toni to take it home and turn it on in the morning. She told her how to set the timer.

The next day we had roast and veggies that my wife had cooked. It became a regular thing that every Thursday we had a home cooked meal made in the crock pot. Mom gave a recipe to Toni each Wednesday.

We ate out the other days or visited other relatives. I came home early on Monday and picked up Jessie. She seemed a bit out of it.

"What's the matter, Honey?" I asked.

"We don't have hot dogs or macaroni and cheese anymore."

"We'll have it tonight," I replied. We drove to the store and got a package of hot dogs and buns. She picked out the kind of macaroni and cheese she liked. We went home and started cooking it when Toni came home.

"What are you making?" asked Toni.

"Macaroni and cheese and hot dogs. Jessie said she misses it."

"We had it last week. That little girl has you wrapped around her finger." She said it but also smiled.

"I know and I love it." I gave Toni a kiss.

Everything has been going along fine. We've been married for about three months now. We don't argue hardly at all. We remember what dad said about no one really wins in an argument. There are almost always hurt feeling.

Jason and I were discussing an account when Chris came in. Jason had told me she had a doctor's appointment. "So, what's the verdict? asked Jason.

"You're going to be a daddy in about six months." She was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Jason.

"Chris said she wanted to be sure before telling anyone." About that time Toni came into the room.

"Hi Honey, what brings you here?" I asked.

"I went to the doctor with Chris. Were you surprised?"

"Very, no one told me anything," I responded. "Always the last to know."

"Well you'll be the first or at least the second to know that you're going to be a daddy too."

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes, John that's how you have kids. I stopped taking birth control pills before we went on the cruise. Are you happy?"

"Happy isn't the word for it. I love you so much. I take it you didn't tell Jessie yet?" About that time my phone rang. It was Jessie.

"Daddy! Mommy called and said I'm going to have a baby brother or sister."

"I guess you were the third or fourth to know," said my beautiful wife.

"I heard Honey," I said to Jessie on the phone. "We'll celebrate tonight and order a pizza. I love you Jess."

"I love you too Daddy."

That's where this story ends and my new life begins. I can't help think how much my life has changed in less than a year. I often sit and think about that song that dad mentioned.

"A little love that slowly grows and grows, not one that comes and goes, that's all I want from you."

That describes my life with Toni.


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DG Hear.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It's a very beautiful story. It definitely a five star 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. Thank you.

DOC226DOC2268 months ago

I just finished reading "My Sister's Wedding" and it blew me away. I would rate this one of the Top Ten Romance stories on this site. Keep up the Outstanding Work.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The man is an amazing story teller. I like that so may of his stories teach valuable lessons for life.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

In most of this cuck writer's stories, established men find readymade families to settle down with

tonyneatotonyneatoabout 1 year ago

WOW ! 5 Stars for a great love story. Thanks DG Hear.

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