My Son the Gigolo Pt. 02


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"I see," Drake spoke in a monotone voice.

"And you're always welcome to visit anytime you want, Drake," Idin said, coming up to his side. "Now, you sit right there," she spoke, pushing Drake down into the chair that sat across from Becky. "There, see, you look like you belong here," Idin cooed in a sweet tone as her hands lingered on his shoulders.

"So, Drake, how's Cornell treating you?" Mario asked as he carved up the prime rib. Making silly faces at Regan as he did, who was giggling madly in her highchair.

"Fine, I guess, haven't been there in a year and a half," Drake said, passing the potatoes after he had gotten a spoonful of them.

"Why? Your father and I would be disappointed if you dropped out," Idin said in a motherly tone, with Mario nodding along.

"Been studying abroad for the past year and a half," Drake said factually, seeing his father's head snapping up.

"I've heard it's very hard to get selected for one of those," Mario stated, dishing out his, Idin's, Becky's, and lastly, Drake's portion of the prime rib.

"It was," Drake agreed.

"And just where were you studying?" Idin asked curiously.


"For a year and a half?!" Becky uttered in shock. "Wow," she whispered when he nodded as she passed the gravy. Tickling her little sister to distract her from the question he had asked of her only moments ago.

"That must have been very exciting for you, Drake," Idin said, resting her hand on his left forearm. "Wish I could have done that when I was in college. I was always jealous of those who got to see the world when we all know how poor college students are." Arching an eyebrow, wondering why Drake had a smirk on his lips.

"So, Drake, what line of work are you in?" Mario asked, sitting down in his seat.

"Entertainment," Drake uttered, hoping the hours went by quickly.

"Is that how you afforded that car?" Mario asked in a questioning, fatherly tone.


"What car?" Idin asked, confused.

"You remember the BMW I was looking at?"

"Of course, but it's not practical with a family of four," Idin stated, thinking he was going to bring that fight up again.

"Drake bought one and an Audi," Mario whispered low, so only his wife would hear as he watched Regan feeding herself.


"I know; we'll speak later about this," Mario said, noting how Drake ignored their conversation.

"What's the address of this place?" Drake muttered as he read the text from Sandy, ensuring that he was at the place he had told her about before she got the limo ready for tonight. Texting Sandy the address, reading her response stating she would be there at eight-thirty to pick him up before heading to the client's home. "My car will be fine if I leave it there for a few hours tonight?" he asked, looking pointedly at his father.

"Yes, of course, it will, Drake; why do you ask?" Mario asked, rather confused by his son's question.

"My ride will be here at eight-thirty to take me to work," Drake stated before going back to his meal.

"But you have your own car; what would you need a ride for?" Idin inquired, perplexed. Keeping her frustration under control when Drake remained mute. Blowing out a breath in her mind, pondering if he was still upset with how Mario handled the divorce. She knew Jake didn't take it very well either, especially when she had told him that Becky wasn't his real daughter, but Mario's; not that she told him that. She knew she lied to her sister about how long their affair had been going. No one needed to know who Becky's father was at that time. Now she knew Drake would tell Iliana the moment he went home for the evening. Not that she cared, she knew that would just drive the knife deeper into her sister's heart. Savoring the wails of her sister in her mind as she thought about how Iliana would react to the news. No matter who this new man she had, whoever it was, she knew the man would never accomplish what her Mario had.

"Drake?" Becky uttered softly; she'd been avoiding looking him in the eyes all through dinner. Just to keep from seeing that accusing look he had in his eyes.


"Could you help me put together my application for college? I know I won't graduate until next year because most of my credits from China won't transfer to the high school here. Yet Mom and Dad said I should have that ready before Christmas," Becky spoke, knowing it was going to be hard forming a sibling relationship with him along with Franklin and Aydin. She wondered if they even remembered her. She couldn't blame them for being upset. She was too when her mother told her the truth when she was twelve when her mother was very upset with Jake one night. Her mother had sworn her to secrecy. Yet how could she tell the three of them that she was their sister? She knew they wouldn't believe her at the time, and they would only shut her out. They might still do that, not that she could stop them from doing such a thing. Nevertheless, if they couldn't accept her as their sister, then she would continue on as she has been for the past three years; helping to take care of her little sister.

"Don't think I'll be here when that happens," Drake said factually. Feeling the tension in the air, pondering if they thought this night was going how they thought it would.

"Oh," Becky muttered in defeat, "because you'll be back in New York when I do?"

"Don't worry, honey, your Dad and I will help you; we have filled out applications before," Idin said, trying to cheer up her daughter. "Maybe Drake will have some time before he leaves for his college to help you fill a few of them out," she spoke, glancing out of the corner of her eye as Drake remained silent on the matter.

"Drake, why don't you help me, and Becky clear the table while your father gives Regan her bath," Idin said in a motherly voice once their meal was over. "Don't forget her duck, honey," she called after him as Mario headed off to the bathroom.

"Never, dear," Mario chuckled, recounting the fits Regan put up when they had forgotten to place the duck in the bath with her.

"I hope you enjoyed dinner, Drake," Idin spoke in a sweet tone as he, along with her daughter, carried the dirty dishes into the kitchen.

"It was good," Drake lied; it was nowhere near his mother's quality of cooking.

"I'm glad to hear it," Idin stated with a warm smile on her lips. Turning her head towards the front of the house when she heard a knock coming upon it. Arching an eyebrow when Becky quickly walked towards it. Smiling at her daughter's back when she greeted the new friends she has made when they moved in three months ago in April. "So, Drake, what are you studying at Cornell?" she asked, handing him the dishes that contained the remains of the potatoes and carrots.

"Architecture," Drake answered in a matter-of-fact tone when he reentered the dining room. Stopping in his tracks when he had three teenagers gawking at him from behind Becky's back.

"Oh, that sounds like a rather interesting field to study; maybe I'll be seeing your name on a building someday," Idin said, flashing Drake a smile.

"Mom, would it be all right if my friends and I hung out in my room?" Becky asked, hearing the murmuring behind her. Wondering what they were talking about and what they meant by 'that's him'.

"Sure, honey, I'm sure your brother doesn't mind, do you, Drake?" Seeing him shrugging his shoulders as he plucked the last of the silverware from the table.


"Oh. My. God. Even up close, he's gorgeous," the petite brunette groaned in lust when Becky shut the door once they all were within her room.

"I know?! I thought Mom was joking when she was bragging to her friends," the light blonde teenager sighed as she sank down in Becky's desk chair.

"I thought he was just a rumor; you know something to irk the others around here," the cute black teen said as she bounced lightly on Becky's bed when she sat on the edge of it.

"What are the three of you talking about?" Becky asked, very, very confused.

"Don't you know?" the brunette asked with a pointed look. Sharing looks with her friends, noting how lost Becky was. "You sure you want to know, especially about your brother?"

"Not if it's disgusting," Becky muttered as she crossed her arms.

"Well, if what the rumors about him that're circling around are true, then your brother knows how to fuck," Mikaela said, giggling from her spot on the bed.

"And he has muscles that just go on and on if what my mother says was true," Janet sighed from Becky's desk chair.

"And his dick..."

"Okay, I don't need to know about that," Becky said, cutting Amina off with a wave.

"Why not?" Amina teased. "Don't you want to know how big his tool is?" she asked, causing the other two to giggle in lust.

"Not really," Becky muttered low.

"So, why didn't you tell us you were his sister?"

"And how would I know he was the talk of the community?" Becky asked with a pointed look from her bed when she joined Mikaela on it.

"Is he like moving in here with you?" Amina asked, very eager to see what the whole hubbub was about that surrounded him.

"No, I doubt he ever will," Becky uttered with a shake of her head.

"Why?" Janet asked, intrigued.

"Family issues," Becky stated low.

"But isn't he your brother?" Mikaela asked, peering over at Becky.

"Half-brother," Becky whispered.

"Oh? Who cheated?" Amina inquired.

"I'd rather not get into that, okay?" Becky spoke, casting Amina a look to drop it. Seeing her raising her hands in surrender, backing off the subject.

"But he will be coming over, right?" Janet queried, wondering if he would be partaking in the pool they have outback.

"I don't know, maybe; what's the fascination with Drake?"

"Other than the fact the rumor is that he's the best pussy eater around," Amina nodded when Becky looked at her oddly, "he's got the fattest cock you'll ever find, and he knows how to use it."

"Ew?!" Becky uttered in revulsion.

"Hey, I want to see if he can actually eat a woman out in two minutes for her to cum like Old Faithful, or that's what I've heard my mother say about him."

"You three are demented?!" Becky uttered with a shake of her head.

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it," Amina teased with a coy smile on her lips. "You wouldn't mind if I use your bathroom, would you?"

"No, go ahead; you know where it is," Becky said with a friendly smile. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" she asked, looking at Janet and Mikaela


Amina peered into the kitchen. She didn't have to pee. She just wanted to see the man up close. Maybe even talk to him a bit, just so she could rub it in her mother's face. Since she knew she's been dying to get another date with him since he's been back. She knew her mother had been somewhat miserable over the past year and a half. Although, if she thought back, there was a point over a year ago, a few days before Christmas, when her mother was rather happy. Wearing this far-off look that even her father noticed was out of place. Watching how he was helping to dry the dishes while Becky's mother was washing them.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Lucian?" Amina spoke as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Yes? Oh, hello, Amina; what can I do for you?" Idin asked, smiling at her daughter's friend.

"You wouldn't mind if I had a glass of water, would you?" Amina inquired, feeling her pussy heating when her grey eyes ran down Drake's chest when he turned to peer at her.

"Of course not, dear; help yourself," Idin stated in a friendly tone. Pleased that Becky was fitting in with the kids in the neighborhood.

"Hi, I'm Amina, Amina Curttail," she introduced herself, wondering if he would remember her mother's last name if he even knew it. When she saw the light going off in his eyes as his hand slid into hers, then she knew that he did.

"Drake," he greeted.

"So, you're Becky's brother," Amina uttered, stepping closer to him.

"So I'm told," Drake said, noting how Idin appeared to make herself busy.

"You didn't know?"

"No, I didn't."

"Oh, that's... I can't know how you're even feeling right now," Amina said, fighting herself from reaching out and touching his chest. Just to see if it was as hard as it appeared to be. "If you ever need to talk, I'm a good listener." Feeling herself just losing herself within those eyes of his as she stared up into them.

"Oh? That so?"

"Mmmhmm," Amina hummed as she nodded. "I know your parents just moved in, and I'm a good friend to have if you need one," she cooed in a bashful tone.

"I see," Drake said; it wasn't hard for him to tell she was interested in him. The way she stared at his pecs and biceps when he crossed his arms when he leaned back against the counter was a good indicator. "I don't know; you sure you can deliver?" he asked in a rather sinful flirt. Seeing how Idin's right eye glared at him from the corner of it. Personally, he didn't care what she thought of him. His opinion of her was so low at that point her objections were moot.

"You won't know until you try," Amina retorted with her own flirt. "Well, I should be getting back to Becky and the others; it was a pleasure in meeting you, Dante," she said, mouthing the last word, seeing his eyebrow raising when she did.

"Forgetting something?" Drake called after her when she neared the door.

"No, I got what I came for," Amina cooed as she peered back at him. Her eyes falling on his groin before she slipped out into the hallway.

"She's a little young, don't you think?" Idin stated in a disapproving voice.

Drake said nothing, returning back to his task so he could kill what time he had left. Wishing the hour and twenty minutes he had left would fly by as he put away the dishes.


"And just where did you go?" Mikaela asked with a knowing grin.

"God, that man's voice is just sin incarnate?!" Amina stated, drooling at the images that were swimming in her mind.

"Did you try anything?" Janet asked in a curious tone.

"Can we please not talk about my brother like he's some sex god?!" Becky groaned.

"But he is! No use in denying the truth, Beck, but you're right; we shouldn't be making you feel uncomfortable with this. Sorry about that, but God, he's just so... yummy," Amina stated, going back to her drooling. "Other than flirting with him, no, your mom was standing beside him. Otherwise, I would've copped a feel."

"Ugh?!" Becky groaned.

"So, Becky, do you know what your brother likes to do for fun?"

"No, we haven't seen each other in three years," Becky said, shaking her head. "I don't know if we'll be spending a lot of time together before he goes back to New York." Wondering why that got a smile out of Amina, it was rather strange to hear and see how much Drake had changed from that skinny boy whose brothers constantly teased him.

"What if we have like a small pool party?" Janet spoke, sitting up in her seat.


"Think about it, Becky; you want to spend some time with your brother, right?" Janet uttered, seeing the lights going off in the other two girls' eyes as they quickly caught on.

"And what better way to get him used to the place than to invite him to hang out in a non-formal setting. It has to be upsetting to him, finding out he has a sister after all this time," Amina mused, seeing Becky drop her chin when she put it out there that she knew the reason for his discomfort. "So, we'll help to get the two of you talking, and maybe he'll come over more often if he feels like he's welcomed here instead of feeling the outsider."

"You sure this just isn't your way of seeing my brother in nothing but a bathing suit?" Becky asked in an accusing tone.

"Duh?!" the three girls chuckled.

"Maybe I can sneak him off for a little..." Amina's voice trailed off as her tongue poked her cheek. Getting giggles out of Janet and Mikaela and an eye roll from Becky.

"God, I didn't know you three were some horny bitches," Becky taunted.

"Girl, when's the last time you've seen anyone look the way your brother does? That's not on TV or in porn?" Mikaela asked with a questioning look.

"So, when is he leaving?" Janet asked, wondering if they would be able to catch him when they got back from the movie they had chosen to go see that evening.

"Said something about going to work at 8:30; why?" Becky sighed when she saw the looks in her friend's eyes.

"What's that?" Mikaela asked when they heard the sound of something striking something.

"Oh, that's most likely Dad playing pool," Becky stated once she heard the sound. "He and Mom normally play a game to unwind while Regan plays in her pen before her bedtime."

"You think your brother is with them?" Janet asked, eager to be around him.

"Knowing Dad, probably," Becky nodded. "Okay, let's go," she sighed, seeing the looks on their faces.

"So, what's your plan once you're out of college?" Becky heard her father's voice as they neared the game room he and her mother used to unwind after a long day.

"Join an architecture firm."

"Oh? Is that what you're studying?"


"If you need help, I know a few people."

"It's fine; I got it covered."

"Yeah, because he knows more highly influential people than your dad does," Janet snickered low, getting a soft chuckle out of Amina and Mikaela. Seeing how Becky was eyeing her when they neared the room. Noticing how she wanted to ask her what she meant by that.

"Well, you know, if you need it, I'll be happy to help."

"Hello, girls; Idin told me we had visitors," Mario greeted with a warm smile. Knowing he had to be polite to the daughters of people in a whole other class above him and his family. Hoping that playing nice would get them to be able to rub elbows with the more wealthy people that lived within the community.

"Hello, Mr. & Mrs. Lucian," the three of them greeted.

"Dad, you wouldn't mind if we watch you two play, would you?" Becky asked, slyly noting how Drake was standing by Regan's playpen as he and her sister stared at one another.

"Of course not, honey. What do you say, son, feel like going up against your old man in the next game?" Mario asked with a cocky grin.


"You shouldn't have done that; your father's very good," Idin boasted.

"We'll see." Their eyes fell upon him when Drake's cell phone rang. "Have to take this," Drake muttered, seeing their nods before he stepped out of the room.

"Give him time, Mario; this can't be easy on him," Idin said in a loving tone.

"Thought he'd be ecstatic that we're back," Mario uttered.

"I know, honey, I know. It couldn't have been easy for him. I got the feeling he wasn't expecting to hear or see you again."

"Yeah, that's my fault," Mario grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. "What did you think of the offer?"

"Let's give him what he wants; maybe that will curry favor with him. Plus, we weren't expecting to get a lot of money out of that house. Who knows what Iliana has done to it or how far she's allowed it to fall into disrepair, and with those two, I don't see them taking care of the place? Drake maybe since he's the one covering the bills. But he's only here a few times in the year. No telling how bad it looks inside of it," Idin mused as Mario lined up his shot.

"True, they weren't known for taking good care of anything. Iliana..."

"Keep my mother off of your lips," Drake said coldly, noticing how Becky's friends were looking at her as he stood in the doorway. Seeing the worried looks on their faces wondering how much he heard.

"I didn't mean anything by it, son," Mario stated, trying to save face. Hearing Drake's irritation when his cellphone went off once again.

"Told you I'd talk to you about it later. You can try. Yeah, I am; yeah, you might not win right now. No. Not till sometime after one. Alright. Later." Mario cast his wife a glance as they listened to one side of Drake's conversation.
