My Step-mom Angela Pt. 04

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Michael's adventures, concluded.
14.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 10/04/2019
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Please read parts 1, 2 & 3 and then come on back!


The next morning was a weekend and I slept late. I woke up with a warm feeling, wondering if I had dreamed the incredible experience with my stepmom the day before. But I hadn't. She had given me a massage which had led to some heavenly hand relief. She had made me come but hadn't let me touch her while she was doing it and tried to brush it off as something that had meant nothing, like a medical procedure. Well, it meant something to me.

I could hear Angela in the kitchen, so got up and joined her. I put on pajama bottoms but decided to leave my shirt off to see her reaction. I slipped into the kitchen where Angela was making some food. She was wearing a cute little peach colored summer dress and her ass was sticking out invitingly. I moved up close to her and put my hands on her waist, and pressed my cock up against her backside. I gave her a little kiss on her neck and said "morning," softly.

She spun around but I kept her close. She looked up at me and she was so beautiful, I wanted to kiss her. My eyes took a slow walk all over her as I felt her waist. Her cleavage was on glorious display. I went hard and my cock was pressing against her as I let my finger brush against her neck and shoulders.

Angela ran a finger over my chest and I could sense desire in her. She bit her lip and smiled coyly. I moved in to kiss her, but she turned her face away, then wriggled herself free from my embrace and walked to the fridge. "Why don't you put a shirt on and sit down for breakfast, Michael?" she said and went about her business, ignoring me. I did as she asked, except that I left my shirt off and pretty soon we were having breakfast and coffee together.

"It's a big week ahead for you, Mike. You excited?" she said. She was referring to my graduation from high school and then starting a job for the summer. I nodded and grunted positively. I was excited. I felt like I was becoming an adult and I wanted Angela to see me that way. I had decided to forgo college and go straight into a starter position as a junior mechanic. I hoped that the job would become my vocation. "Why the interest in cars, Mike?" Angela said while chewing on some toast.

"I like the working parts, like a puzzle, figuring out what makes it go. I like old things, before the plague of modernity. Plus, I like to get dirty and work hard," I said without an ounce of irony.

"Uh huh" she replied, hiding a little smile. I noticed that she had eyed me up a few times and appeared to be trying to hide her attraction for me, but she was now in professional stepmom mode, and any further attempts to get her to flirt were thwarted. She started to clean away, so I went back to my room and tried to think about other things.

She was right though, I had a big week ahead, but she hadn't mentioned the big graduation party coming up, which I had an extra reason to be excited about, cautiously. I had been nearly dating this cute raven haired girl called Natalie, and despite us not having gone too far, she had vaguely intimated via text, just that morning after breakfast, that she hoped to "graduate" in more ways than one. I really liked her, but she was so reserved with me, it was difficult to find a real connection, which was probably why I was still hung up on my stepmother.

But was this all about to change? Would the graduation party be my night to finally shed my unwanted virginity? I was now obsessed with this idea, with her message, and my mind and heart were racing.

If this was really going to happen, I wanted to go prepared, but had never bought condoms before, and didn't know about sizes. I thought about asking my friend Will, already sexually active with his girlfriend Gina, but felt awkward. The only other person I could think of to ask was Angela, so rather timidly, approached her later that afternoon to broach the subject.

She was lying in the backyard on her lounger, sunning herself, looking spectacular. I would normally take the opportunity to ogle her a little and maybe try it on with her, but I was actually distracted by the idea of sex with Natalie, so stuck to the matter at hand. "Can I ask your advice on something, Angela?" I asked her. I wouldn't usually have this serious tone, and she picked up on that, and looked at me.

"Of course, dear," she answered. "What is it?

"Well, it's a little weird."

"It's OK. You can confide in me. I won't judge," she said, putting me at ease.

"Well. I er... Natalie, my girlfriend or whatever, y'know, she er...we," I tried to speak, but words weren't really coming out in the right order.

"Slow down, Michael. It's fine. Come to the point," Angela said, with an amused look on her face. I paused, took a deep breath, and came straight out with it.

"I need to buy condoms. Or I hope I need to," I said hurriedly.

"Well, go on then. What's the problem?" Angela replied, then returned to her magazine. She didn't seem that interested in discussing it further. Again, I took a deep breath.

"I've never bought them before. I've never..."

"OK," Angela interrupted. "What are you worried about?"

"What kind should I buy?"

"Well, believe it or not, Mike, I don't have a lot of experience with that."

"Oh," I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say. Angela had been dismissive, so I walked away. I guess I'd ask Will instead, so shot him a text. Spontaneously, we decided to get dinner, and our girlfriends tagged along. Gina and Will were all over each other as ever, and for the first time, Natalie was forward with me. Up until then, I'd been pursuing her, trying to get somewhere, and our relationship thus far had been characterized by her pushing me back.

Tonight, Natalie cuddled up to me, and we felt like a couple for the first time, almost as if she'd resolved to go all the way with me, and changed her attitude thusly. We kissed a little bit, and I felt her pressing her body against me. She was the complete opposite of my stepmother; she was slender, with snow white skin, petite, with small, perky tits. I'd had a few feels of them, but usually she batted my hand away.

As we sat in the back of Will's car, driving around, Natalie and I made out. As I usually would do, I made a move for her tit, and this time, she let my hand stay. I was very gentle with her, and massaged her. She was wearing a bra, but she still felt amazing, and I couldn't help laugh a little. Natalie laughed as well, sat back and looked at me. I took my hand off her, but she picked it up and put it back. What had got into her?

I softly caressed her, and she sat there, biting her lip. For the first time in my life, I felt strongly drawn to another girl aside from Angela. Natalie looked gorgeous, and she was inviting me in. "Are you ready for Saturday night, Mike?" she asked me, and I think I understood what she meant. It was the graduation party, and I hoped I gathered her meaning correctly.

"I'm ready if you are," I said, and we smiled at each other. Just then, we passed a big drug store, and I asked Will to pull in. I wanted to buy condoms. Will and I broke off, as I'd told him my mission. We went to the aisle, and looked at the dizzying array of brands and assortments. And sizes. I had assumed they were one size fits all, but no. I then remembered what Angela had said, about me being big, so I grabbed a box of three that said 'large'.

Will looked at me strangely. "Are you fucking joking, man?"

I pulled a face. "Am I?"

"Are you?"

"Well, the only girl that ever jerked me off said I was big." I didn't tell him it was my stepmother. Again, Will looked at me incredulously.

"Well, what could go wrong?" he said, and we went to the cash register. As I was paying, the girls joined us, saw what I was buying, and started giggling. Natalie was blushing, but looked at me sweetly. Will whispered something in Gina's ear, and then Gina whispered in Natalie's ear. All of them cracked up. We left the store, and piled into the car again.

Natalie was looking at me in a way she'd never looked at me before. "A little presumptuous of you, Mikey?" she said, I was horrified. She obviously picked up on it, and moved in with a kiss. "I'm only joking," she said, and we continued with our touching. For the first time, Natalie reached down and felt the big, hard lump in my pants. I saw her face and she had gone bright red again, and she looked up at me, and squeezed. It felt amazing, and I realized I'd been touched by two different females in as many days.

"Did you really buy large rubbers?" she whispered in my ear, her hand still on me. I nodded, with uncertainty. I shrugged. "I think that was probably a good idea," she said. "But I don't know".

"I don't know either. But I've been told..."

"I can tell you're big. Not that I really know either," Natalie said, shyly. I didn't know her history, but I would have guessed it wasn't extensive either. We arrived at Will's place and all went inside. We went to his bedroom, and he put on some music, then Gina produced her pen with some dope. I hadn't got high too many times before, but didn't want to appear square, so joined in a little.

Gina and Will lay down on his bed, and started making out furiously, their limbs wrapped around each other. Natalie looked at me with expectation, and I leaned over and kissed her softly. I didn't want to bite her face off like Will was doing, so moved slowly. I touched her breast again, and again, she let me. We lay down on the floor, and our bodies pressed against each other's.

Natalie sat up, fiddled around under her shirt, and removed her bra, but kept her shirt on. I took this as an invasion, and put my hand under her clothing, and touched her. Again, I didn't want to just grab her, and was tender. I looked at her with heat in my eyes, and also affection, and she looked back, knowing what I was feeling. "You are beautiful," I told her, as we kissed as I touched her.

We lay down again and continued in rapturous exploration. Natalie squeezed my dick again. "Does that feel good when I do that?" she asked.

"It feels amazing. What about when I touch you?"

"It feels nice," she said. Her naked breast felt wonderful. She had small breasts, but they were soft and cute, with pointy little tips, which I found highly erotic. "Do you like them?"

"Oh yes, you are lovely," I told her.

"Thank you," she said sweetly, and unzipped my fly. This was a whole new side of this girl I was seeing, and I didn't know why, but wasn't going to question it. "We don't have to wait until Saturday," she whispered to me. I looked at her, my heart racing. I nodded to her.

"I'm ready if you are," I said, again, and we both laughed. We kissed a little more, as she fiddled with my dick. I didn't want to rush her, and with almost all of my knowledge of sex coming from watching pornos, I really had no idea what to do. All I knew was that I wanted to be kind to her. I moved my hand up her skirt and touched her panties. It was amazing to me that she didn't stop me, in fact, she spread her legs a little, and made a little groan as I touched her.

"That feels wonderful," she said, as I made little circles on her pussy with my thumb. I'd seen guys do that online. She pulled my cock out and started jerking me, not particularly subtly.

"Slow down, babe," I said, not because I was afraid I was going to come, but because it actually hurt a little. "Or I'll come," I lied. She bit her lip again and gave me a big grin. "Be gentle with me," I said, jokingly, giving her a gender reversal line, and she got it. We both laughed again. We made out and touched each other, then stopped when I heard Gina's voice.

"Hey guys, we're gonna fuck, so can you clear off?" she said. Natalie and I sat up. My dick was out and Natalie's shirt was lifted up over her tits. I looked her over and marveled at her small body. She was delicious, totally different from the exotic, busty beauty that was my stepmother, but definitely just as hot. Gina giggled at us, and when she saw my cock, laughed out loud. I covered up.

"Oh my god," she said.

"What?" said Will, popping his head up.

"That's the biggest dick I've ever seen," Gina said, then looked at Will. "Sorry honey, not you," she added and both the girls laughed. I slipped myself back in my pants, and Natalie pulled down her shirt. "You're gonna need to get her ready if you wanna put that in," she added and laughed, but no one else did.

Natalie stood up, reached down and gave me her hand. I stood up too. "Alright you two, have fun," she said.

"You guys gonna screw?" Gina said, and I didn't know where to look or how to respond. Natalie smiled.

"Definitely," she said, and my heart skipped a beat. I felt like dancing.

"Well, we have a spare room in the back. You can use it, just lock the door and don't make too much noise," Will said, and Natalie led the way.

We got to the room, and I locked the door behind me. I suddenly felt very nervous, and I could see that Natalie was too. I stepped towards her and gave her a kiss, trying to be masculine but not aggressive. She had really instigated this. I thought I'd make a gesture, so picked her up and walked her over to the bed, then laid her down. She smiled up at me. I got on the bed with her and we continued where we'd left off, with kisses and touches.

I had some idea what I needed to do. I would need to go down on her, to get her ready, before anything happened, but I'd never gone anywhere near a pussy before. Not really. I put my hand down between her legs again, and she welcomed me in. She let out a cute moan as I touched her, and she reciprocated by pulling my dick out again.

"I guess you bought the correct sized condoms, Mikey," she said with a laugh in her voice as we made out and touched each other. I massaged her and she moaned and arched her back as I did.

"Is that OK?" I asked her, and she responded in the affirmative, so I carried on. "Can I kiss you there?" I asked, and she looked at me and nodded. She pulled down her panties, and this very small little motion was just about the sexiest thing I'd ever seen, even considering everything I'd seen with Angela. I had been so obsessed with my stepmom over the last year or so, that I didn't think I would want Natalie this much, but my lust for her was coming on strong.

Still, I kept my head, and took my time. I didn't know what to do, so just improvised. I kissed her all over. "I love your body, Natalie," I told her, and she wriggled around as I nibbled on her tits gently. I kissed her belly, and then moved to her thighs when she spread her legs for me. I got a close up view of a pussy for the first time, and it was intense.

I'd seen pictures and videos before, but this was different. I'd never gone in for hardcore, sexually lurid porno, and hadn't expected this. It was like a little sliver of pink candy in between her legs, with curvy lines, and a small strip of hair on top. Her scent was in my nostrils, and when I kissed her, she was salty. I suddenly felt like I was in an alien world, and just faked my way through. I kissed her, and although I didn't find it entirely natural at first, it was a sensational experience.

She responded with some little moans, but even after five or ten minutes, it didn't build like the girls I'd seen online. Maybe that was unrealistic. "Is this OK?" I asked her, after a good amount of time.

"It feels so nice," she said, and sat up. "Can we get undressed?"

I pulled off my shirt, then lifted her's over her head. I decided then that I actually preferred her little pointy tits to Angela's massive and motherly ones. She looked so amazing, and I leaned over and kissed each in turn. "You think they're OK?"

"Better than OK, Natalie," I replied. "You are so lovely."

"Thanks," she said and smiled. "I was worried you'd think they were too small."

"You don't need to worry about that, or anything. You are perfect," I told her, trying to be supportive. But it was true. I smiled at her, then pulled down her skirt so she was nude aside from her socks. She pulled them off too, while I took off my pants and, awkwardly, my briefs.

"I assume you didn't worry that you'd be too small," Natalie said with a giggle, and took me in her hand. She sat at the edge of the bed, and I stood over her as she massaged and studied me. "It really is remarkable," she said and looked at me. "Not that I have anything to compare it to."

"No?" I didn't even know if she was a virgin.

"No. I've never seen one up close before, Mike."

She kissed the end, then put a little in my mouth. I got a rush of euphoria, not just at the physical sensation, but from the view of this lovely girl kissing my dick. She didn't get much of me in her mouth, but I didn't need her too. "Are you a virgin, Natalie?" I asked her. She stopped kissing my cock, looked up at me and nodded. "I am too."

I sat down on the bed next to her and we kissed a little more. "I don't want to be," she said and we laughed. She got up, went to the bedside table and picked up the packet of condoms. I watched her as she walked and admired her fine figure. She had never worn tight or revealing clothes, so I'd never realized how hot she actually was. My girl was a fucking ten.

She stroked my cock a little to make sure I was hard, as I wrestled with the condom packet. Once again, I had no idea what to do. "I watched a video on this, Mikey," my partner said, and instructed me on how to put it on. Even though it was a 'large' size, it was still tight on me, and didn't feel that comfortable. I didn't complain though, as I really just wanted to get on with it.

Natalie lay down on the bed and I got on top of her. She spread her legs around me and guided me in. I felt a little numb because of the condom, and I wasn't sure if I was in, but saw Natalie's face, and she was grimacing as I pressed against her. I kept the pressure on, but was too overwhelmed and confused to know exactly what was happening. My dick was being squished a little, as if it was feeling resistance, and that didn't feel right.

We carried on like this for a bit, and I looked at her. "Is it going in OK?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said, and I heard a little cry in her voice.

"Did it hurt?" I asked her, mortified. She nodded at me, and I held her tight, pulling my dick away from her. We both sat up a little, and I didn't know if we were still virgins. It certainly hadn't been this amazing pleasure experience like when we'd been making out. I saw some blood on the bed and was shocked. "Oh god!" I said and looked at her with a shocked face.

"Oh, that's normal," she said, and told me not to worry.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," I told her.

"You didn't. It's fine. I mean, you're big, and there's never been anything up there before, so..." she said, then paused. Maybe kiss me there again, and get me ready, and we can try again. I felt a bit weird about it, with the blood, and the fact that I had no clue as to what to do, but went ahead. I kissed, nibbled and munched on her, and she responded a little, but there was no sign of the 'big moment' that I had hoped for.

"Let me know when you think you're ready," I said, and carried on like a trooper. I began to enjoy it. It was pretty wild. This beautiful young girl had her legs wrapped around me and I was kissing her most intimate spot. Wow! Even though it was actually pretty strange, I felt good and knew this was a big moment for me. She tapped me on the shoulder, and I went ahead and put on a second condom.

We tried again, and this time, it was clear that I was in, as I could feel her softness, but it was still snug. As I entered her, once again, my dick felt like it had hit a wall, and was squashed, although I wasn't in all the way. It felt uncomfortable, but I was more concerned with her being in pain. I didn't give her any hefty thrusts, but put some pressure on, but I still didn't think we were doing it right.