My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 05


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I soaped up her sexy legs feeling them slide through my hands slowly. Cassie was kissing all around my face and neck looking absolutely thrilled that I no longer reeked of sweat. My hands found her ass and rubbed the bar of soap between her legs. One of my fingers nearly dipped inside her slippery ass but she squeezed her cheeks together and shrieked before erupting in a fit of laughter as I tried to explain it was an accident. When she was thoroughly clean she got down off of me to rinse off.

This time she stopped me when I tried to move to shallower water and told me it was my turn. Cassie was in great shape from her days as a competitive snowboard racer and I think she could have picked me up if she wanted to but there was no way she could hold me there for any length of time. Standing close to me she had me lift one leg out of the water at a time for her to wash. When she was done she crouched down in the water until it was at her neck and she was looking right at my tiny, shrunken cock. She made a joke about it being easy to clean something so small as she cupped it in one hand.

"It's not that funny," I said pretending to be annoyed with her but I was trying not to laugh right along with her.

"My little Dickie is so cute I could just eat you up," she said laughing and I wasn't sure if she meant me or my cock.

"Stop it," I said pushing her away.

"Awe poor baby is getting upset," she said. Cassie was having far too much fun at my expense. She'd never try to embarrass me this badly in front of other people but when we were alone she was willing to tease me relentlessly.

"I'm not a baby," I said pouting like one.

"That's true," she said and it looked like she was starting to feel bad for teasing me. "I've seen baby boys at the hospital and they were all bigger than this," she said squeezing my cock and laughing even harder than before.

"I give up. You win," I said smiling at her.

"I'm just having a little fun with you," she said as if she felt the need to assure me she wasn't trying to be hurtful. "I know about shrinkage," she said with her cutest smile.

"You do?" I said trying to look relieved. "You know it'll be back to normal in a few hours then."

"A few hours," she said laughing. "That's not true... is it?"

"It's different for every guy," I said with a shrug somehow maintaining a straight face.

"I never knew that," she said looking like she was starting to believe me. It made me feel incredibly guilty for preying on her trusting nature, but her teasing was still fresh in my mind so I ran with it. "So how long?" she asked. With her wet hair, glistening skin, and erect nipples she looked like a sex goddess.

"It's always taken me at least an hour," I said. We'd spent a long time in the water so I thought to add, "But it takes much longer when I've been in cold water for a while like today."

"You should have said something," she said and I could see this wasn't part of her plan for the day at all. "Well come on get out of the water before it gets any worse." She pulled on my hand but I stood my ground and when she turned around to give me an exasperated look I was grinning from ear to ear. "You made that up! Oh that was so mean I hate you Rick," she said lying outrageously.

"No you don't," I said.

"Well I'm very angry with you right now," she said trying to glare at me with eyes that were far too beautiful for the task.

"No you're not," I said still smirking at her.

"Yes I am," she said turning away from me to wade towards our clothing on the riverbank. With a few quick strides I got in front of her and kept her from getting past me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. "Are you going to not talk to me for the rest of the day? Or make me sleep in the car? Maybe you won't let me have any sex for a while," I said giving her all sorts of ideas. She wouldn't say a word and I was starting to worry when we got to shore and she stepped around me to get to her clothes. "Some Fourth of July this has been. I can't believe I missed the fireworks for this," I said when she looked ready to pull her panties on.

"You're not playing fair at all now," she said turning around with a warm smile. "Come here my love," she said holding her arms wide.

"I'm sorry Cassie I was just getting you back for all the tiny dick jokes," I said hugging her and planting a kiss on her sweet lips. "I never should have said that about you ruining my day. Skinny dipping with you has been the best Fourth of July ever."

"How long does it really take?" she asked returning my kiss breathlessly.

"It took less than a minute," I said pressing my erect cock against her.

"I brought a blanket if you want me to make it soft again," she said smiling at me and kissing me deeply when my eyes lit up.

Cassie always thought of everything. Our hike in the woods had been carefully orchestrated from start to finish. I held her from behind as she bent over her backpack to pull out a tightly folded blanket. Reaching between her legs I started to play with her pussy immediately. It looked nice and wet already but I needed to be sure it was real excitement on her part and not just water from the river. My fingers slipped between her lips easily and she was even wetter on the inside. She let me play with her pussy long enough that my cock began to ache in anticipation. Just when I thought she might let me fuck her standing up she straightened her body and turned around to kiss me. I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted her juices as she watched me closely. Taking my wrist in her hand she licked my fingers too before guiding me closer to the river in search of a place to spread our blanket.

We found a shaded place where the wild grass grew much shorter and set our blanket down. Cassie met me in the middle smiling and kissing as we sat carefully until we were sure there were no big rocks. She wasted no time in claiming a spot on my lap and reached down to bend my cock towards her as she inched closer. I slipped inside her when she lifted her ass a few inches to give me space before siding forward. She placed another smiling kiss on my lips and squeezed me with her sweet pussy letting me know she was ready to take good care of me. Even now that we'd begun, it was hard to believe my shy, sweet girlfriend was letting me make love to her out in the open.

Hugging her tight to prevent her from going too fast I inhaled her clean, fresh scent. She always smelled good, even in the midst of one of our long fuck fests, but out here in the wilderness air she was the sweetest smell in the world. I was happy that the river bath had at least made me tolerable and she showed her appreciation with nibbling kisses along my neck and shoulders. The exhilarating combination of her soft, fresh skin and the romping sex games in the woods soon had me on the brink despite the slow pace.

When I lifted her off she gave me a pleading look. The soft moans she'd been making told me that my cock was hitting the spot within her but I was moments from cumming and needed to stop. Setting her down on the blanket I positioned myself so my cock was well out of her reach and I was lying between her legs. I could see in her eyes that she wanted my cock inside her more, but oral sex was the next best thing. My light kisses along her inner thigh as I approached her delicious pussy were enough to make her spread her legs wide and pull me in.

Teasing her was the last thing on my mind as I encircled her protruding clit with my lips and flicked my tongue across it. Sucking on it like I would one of her nipples, I could hear her moans intensify as her legs tightened around me. I wanted her to cum, I was willing her to cum and there was now way I was going to stop until she did. Cassie was twisting on our blanket drawing the edges in toward her and becoming more audible with her cries of pleasure. I'd spent enough time eating her pussy by now that I knew exactly what she wanted and I was giving her my best. When I silently wondered how fast she could make me cum from a blowjob if she wanted to my lips split into a smile between her pussy lips. Moments later I heard her breath catch in her throat as she lifted her shoulders off the blanket and looked up into her eyes. They were full of beauty and joy, but most importantly love.

Climbing on top of her I kissed her fiercely, our lips parting only briefly with a loud smacking sound before I pushed them back onto hers again. My stiff, aching cock was aligned with her pussy and thrust of my hips put it back inside her. Cassie gasped into my mouth as I sunk the full length of my cock into her suddenly. Her pussy felt hot around me as I pumped in and out of her rapidly approaching my own fantastic orgasm. I could tell she was still riding the sexual high my pussy eating had brought her, but she knew this wouldn't take long and let me have my way with her anyway. When I came inside her, I literally saw stars and got light headed as I grunted my pleasure before rolling off of her to stare up at the blue sky.

"That was wonderful," she said lying on her side next to me. I lifted my arms to let her squeeze closer and crossed my fingers behind my head. Pillowing her head on my bicep she kissed the side of my neck and ran her fingers through my chest hair.

"You weren't too bad yourself," I said snickering as I earned a playful slap.

"I love you Dickie, I love you so much," she said getting moist eyed as she gazed into my eyes.

"I love you too sweetie. I'm grateful for everyday we spend together," I wrapping my arms around her as we shared a tender kiss.

"So... you wanna do it again?" she asked with a blushing giggle that was beyond charming when our lips parted.

"I always want to do it with you," I said feeling her hand encircle my fading erection even as the words were coming out of my mouth.

We did it twice more and got sweaty enough in the late summer heat that we took another bath in the river. Helping Cassie wash her beautiful body excited me so much that I got hard again soon as we were out of the water. Cassie smiled at me and got down on all fours on the blanket before looking over her shoulder with a 'what are you waiting for' expression on her face. That last time it took me forever to cum and by the end she said her pussy couldn't take anymore. Never one to disappoint anyone, least of all me, she bent over my prone body and dutifully sucked my cock until I came. That night after another great dinner, our last bottle of wine, and hot cocoa before bed we were both ready for more sex. This time it was soft and slow love making where it took me a long time to cum and I don't think she even got close despite the satisfied smile on her face as she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

The next morning we had a quickie before getting up to pack the car in the pouring rain. We were cold and wet as we started the long drive home, but we were far from miserable because we were together. I smiled at her as I watched her try to dry her dripping honey blonde locks in the warm air coming from the heat vents. I stopped at the first diner we passed looking forward to a hearty breakfast and something warm to drink. Cassie didn't want to go in at first, claiming her hair was a mess though it looked beautiful as always. Still half wet and a little frazzled; it made her look more sultry than usual if anything. There was no way I was going to leave her in the car as I went inside to eat. I convinced her to come inside by lending her my Dodgers cap. She looked so good in it that I wanted to get her one right away and not wait until our trip to see a game later this summer.

When we got home Cassie insisted on helping me unload the car instead of letting me do it alone. Once in the apartment, Lei laughed at us and said we looked like hell. Cassie marched me straight to the bathroom for a real shower as if Lei's teasing had prompted it though I'm sure we would have ended up there first regardless. After our shower, Cassie told me to gather up all my dirty clothes so she could do laundry for us, but if she insisted on helping me unload the car then I could help her with the clothes.

It has been an amazing trip but now that we were home we quickly fell back into our routine. We spent most nights together, except for Thursdays when I had my advanced Tae Kwon Do class and she would go back to the hospital to play with the kids. She'd go shopping with Lei and her other friends or to a movie and her brother Marc took me to see a BC Lions game, then fishing a few weeks later. Cassie's mother was encouraging when Cassie spoke to her and even came to Vancouver for dinner with us, thought her father was another story altogether and I still hadn't met Jay or his 'bitch of a fiancee' (Cassie's words, not mine). Every other week we went to Marc and Julie's for dinner and babysat for them whenever they asked, which wasn't often because they felt bad knowing we'd never turn them down. Little Matthew started calling me Uncle Rick and though Marc claimed he had no idea where his son had picked it up I'd seen little old ladies lie better than that.

Towards the end of the summer Lei took a two-week trip to Hong Kong to visit her father's side of the family, most of whom still lived there. I teased her saying she'd miss seeing Tim and had her believing me until Cassie told her the truth. It was strange that they didn't keep in touch with each other at all but almost every time I spoke to Tim he asked about her. He had been planning another visit soon but put it off when I told him she'd be away. Our own trip to LA was only two weekends away and Cassie was excited to meet my family. I kept telling her they were going to love her, even my father, but she was nervous about it nonetheless.

Aside from the instructor job Steve had given I hadn't found any other work. Even that would be ending once the kids in his summer classes started the school year. It would have been comical at that point if it wasn't so damn frustrating. Depending on the job I was interviewing for, I knew how they were going to turn me down before I even went. It wasn't worth the hassle of work visas to hire me for an entry level job and no one was willing to commit to a work visa that guaranteed several months for the better jobs. I had limited real world experience aside from managing our personal investments which scared them all off. Money wasn't a problem but for someone who'd been engrossed in building a career before I found a girl far more important than all that it was slowly eating away at my patience.

"How did the interview go today?" Cassie asked in a voice full of enthusiasm as she came home. Earlier that day I'd driven Lei to the airport and knowing we had the apartment to ourselves she looked ready to celebrate. No matter how many times I got rejected she was always sure the next interview would be the one.

"How do you think?" I asked looking up from the sofa and taking a gulp from my beer.

"Oh Rick..." she said looking crushed. I think she took me getting turned down even harder than I did. "I'm so sorry."

"Come here sweetie," I said patting the sofa next to me. "You don't have anything to be sorry about," I added as I wrapped my arm around her slender shoulders.

"What's wrong with all these stupid fucking companies," she said looking angry until I started to laugh at her cursing and she smiled. "You've been to so many interviews now and not one of them can see what I see."

"It's not their fault Cassie. I wouldn't hire someone like me if I was in their shoes either," I said truthfully. "It all comes back to that damn work visa. I'd have my pick of jobs if not for that."

"I feel terrible" she said fretting like only a woman who loves you can. "You gave up everything for me."

"You're still a bargain at that price," I said making her smile.

"I'd get hired right away if we moved to California," she said in a serious tone. I knew at once she was making a real offer.

"I love it here sweetie. It isn't just your home anymore, it's our home," I said. "This is where we belong and this is where we'll stay." She smiled at me all the time but I'd never seen one quite like the one she wore in that moment.

"I want to help you so badly and I know exactly how," she said looking nervous and excited at the same time.

"How?" I asked wondering what she'd discovered. Cassie was an amazing woman and she read over the work visa and immigration papers enough times that she probably knew more about it that me.

"If you immigrate then you won't have to worry about the work visas anymore," she said.

"Yeah," I said nodding my head and waiting for her to continue.

"Well you should immigrate as my partner then," she said with that new remarkable smile again.

"Cassie... you know I've already applied but it takes a full year before I can qualify as your common law partner," I said.

"A full year to be my common law partner, but what if I was your wife?" she said in a soft whisper I could barely hear.


Thanks for reading, still more to come obviously.

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Hungry_VaginHungry_Vaginabout 2 years ago

Greg, the lone Giants fan, is DEFINITELY the unsung hero of this tale. ; )

WordcraftWordcraftabout 4 years ago
@ Anonymous 4/29/20

A laptop is a big ticket item? Not always. Electronics retailers regularly sell laptops like a Lenovo for under $300 U.S. dollars. Some laptops are expensive, like for gaming, but Rick only wanted one for routine stuff like email, word processing, and photos. The exchange rate from U.S. Dollars to Canadian would make it a bit cheaper. He paid with a credit card, and most credit card companies adjust for the difference in exchange rate.

MB, I'm enjoying this story very much and loved Best Summer Job Ever!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sales tax

Love the story.

But i keep thinking, what kind of dummy that is smart enough to save and invest would buy a big ticket item like a laptop in Vancouver when there was a complete lack of sales tax in Oregon. Oh well. If you need it you need it.

Keep up the good writing. Fix the silly spelling mistakes

Woodmania87Woodmania87about 4 years ago
Love this story

This is quickly becoming one of my favorites on this sight. Can’t wait to read more.

LancerCrownCTLancerCrownCTabout 4 years ago

I don’t want this story to end. Keep them coming!

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