My Sweet Candy Habit Ch. 07


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As usual he asked me to keep an eye on the place for them while they were gone. Later when I finally got him alone I asked him if he minded if I used his house for something during the summer. There were few secrets between us and one of the big ones he knew about was Candy.

With a friendly smile he asked, "Oh Lord what are you and Candy up to now?"

Without telling him the who I laid out a vague outline of what we had in mind.

After hearing the tale he said, "Of course you can use the place. Hell man just make sure if you video this I get a copy, I'd love to see it."

I thanked him and said, "I intend on keeping this whole thing just in the garage."

"Don't worry about it. I know you'll take care of the place."

"When do you guys leave?"

"June third. We fly out to San Diego and sail from there."

Just then the wives came out to the patio and we joined them in other conversation for the rest of the evening sitting around the pool.

I asked to use Carl's place because it offered what we needed for the game; isolation and privacy. The old estate he'd bought had a long-standing red brick wall around its entire perimeter. While his house on the property was relatively new, the wall dated back about a hundred and fifty years but was still in sound condition. The wall was ten feet high and coupled with the much newer electronic security gates at the driveway it all served to keep things nice and private. Not that the property needed a wall at all for privacy, it was so huge. But more importantly for my purposes the size of the property meant the house of his nearest neighbor was more than seven, eight hundred yards away from his. This would give us the isolation we'd need.

I met Candy for lunch one day the following week. During our meal we talked about several things but she finally got around to asking, "You get a plan worked out yet on how to get Julie?"

"Just about," I said between bites of my lunch.

"How are we going to do it?"

Smiling at her I took another bit of my salad.

"Are you going to tell me?" she pressed.

"When I get it all worked out I'll let you know."

Candy gave me a little look of annoyance mixed with a pout.

Then I said to her, "By the way. We've got a place to take her."

That perked her back up and she leaned over the table and whispered conspiratorially, "Where?"

"Carl and his family are going away for the summer sailing the Pacific. We're going to use his place."

Candy sat back nodding and with a sly smile said, "Oh, that's a good place. It's far away from any neighbors too. When are they leaving?"

"The third."

Picking up a piece of rare prime rib on her fork she asked, "It's really starting to come together now isn't it?"

"Well hold on, we still got a lot to do. It's only been about two weeks since I was brought in on this and we still need to figure out how we're going to hold her and what we're going to do to her."

After she swallowed what was in her mouth she said, "Jocelyn has an idea of how to hold her and she and I have been talking about the other stuff too."

"Care to share any of that with me?" I asked.

"Why should I, you didn't share," Candy teased.

Since my earlier comment I'd been waiting for her to say something like that so I replied, "Ok then." Taking a bite of my fish I acted as if I was totally disinterested.

"All right then, be that way," she said miffed and took another bite of her prime rib.

But about ten seconds after she'd chewed and swallowed that bite she broke down and said, "Oh alright, I'll tell you. Jocelyn said her dad has a home made twin size bunk bed that was broken and he was going to throw it out. But she asked him to hold onto it for her because she knew someone who might want it. Jocelyn said it's pretty sturdy and she thought if we could fix it somehow it should be good for what we want to do."

"Where is it?"

"At her dad's house."

"When can we see it?"

"I'll give her a call this evening and find out. When would you be able to see it?"

Thinking for a moment I said, "Tomorrow afternoon if we can."

Candy nodded and said, "I'll let you know."

When Candy didn't say anything about what she and Jocelyn had discussed about what they thought we should do to Julie I asked, "And the other thing?"

Candy looked around us at the other diners and said, "Not here, later."

So we finished our meal as we had started; talking about other things. Afterwards as we stood on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant Candy asked, "Can you come to my office for a bit? I want to tell you about what Jocelyn and I talked about."

I looked at my watch and said, "Sure."

It was a short walk over to her office building and we held hands as we strolled. As we rode up in the elevator Candy still held my hand and lightly stroked the inside of that same forearm with the nails of her other hand as she leaned against me.

Passing her personal assistant Rosemary, a strikingly beautiful older black woman, Candy told her pleasantly, "Please hold my calls."

"Yes Candy," Rosemary replied and shot me a dazzling smile.

I sat in the chair in front of Candy's desk as she sat behind it. For the next fifteen minutes she told me what she and Jocelyn had discussed. She told me what they thought would be fun and also be what Julie was looking for.

When she was done I said, "Sounds like we got some shopping to do."

Getting up from her chair Candy walked around the desk saying, "Yeah I think we can get everything we need from an adult bookstore and what we can't, we'll order."

I nodded then rose from the chair and Candy stepped into my arms and kissed me long and passionately.

After our kiss, her arms around my neck she said, "I think Julie will be surprised and delighted, at least I hope so."

"I hope so too with all we're going through. I don't think I've ever been involved in something sexual like this that took so much planning and such. Not to mention this is going to cost a little bit too."

Her arms still around my neck Candy pulled my head down and placed her forehead against mine, looked into my eyes and chastised me, "Oh don't be such a tightwad," then smiled.

Pulling her head back she looked up at me and said, "Look at it like it's a gift. When we're done we'll give everything to Julie, who I think will be able to find a use for it afterwards."

I nodded, kissed Candy again then afterwards said, "I've got to run."

We released each other and I walked to the door. With my hand on the doorknob Candy asked, "You sure you don't want to stay a little longer?"

When I looked back she was bent over her desk, resting on her forearms with her skirt pulled up around her waist. She was slowly moving her bare ass from side to side looking back over her shoulder smiling at me.

How could I pass this up? I walked back over to Candy and caressed the cheeks of her ass and the backs of her thighs. As I moved my hand over her smooth flesh I slid it between her thighs and felt along her wet slit with my fingertips. Candy was very wet already and when I passed my fingers between her lips I was able to sink two of them into her immediately.

Candy moaned and pushed herself back onto my probing fingers as I masturbated her and rubbed my thumb alongside her clit. As I fingered her I continued to caress her cheeks and thighs with my other hand for another minute and a half or so. Then I stopped playing with Candy long enough to undo my belt, zipper and button at the waist of my pants. They fell free to the floor and were quickly followed by my shorts as I pushed them down with both hands.

As I opened my clothing Candy remained bent over the desk, her right hand underneath her and between her legs. Placing my hands back on her backside again after I dropped my pants Candy took her hand away from her pussy. Moving one hand between her legs I caressed her outer lips for fifteen or twenty seconds more then pushed my two fingers back inside her pussy. I fingered her as I stroked my semi-hard cock with my other hand, bringing myself to a full erection.

After masturbating us both for about another minute and a half I pulled my fingers from inside her and stepped squarely behind Candy. With one hand on her ass I pressed the head of my cock between her lips and rubbed it several times up and down her slit, rubbing it over her asshole then down to nudge against her clit. Placing the head of my cock at her opening I pushed myself slowly into her pussy then lay over her and nuzzled her ear as I offered her the two fingers I'd had inside her.

Candy held my wrist and took the fingers into her mouth and licked and sucked them lovingly. As I pumped my cock slowly in and out of her she cleaned my fingers of her juices. When she was done she released my hand and I placed them both on her hips as I stood and increased the pace of my thrusting. As I fucked into her she pressed back to meet me and kept up as I changed pace from slow and easy to fast and hard and back again.

Staying bent over the desk she rose up onto her hands as I rode her from behind. In the glass of the door on the cabinet behind her desk I could see her reflection. Candy had her eyes closed and was biting her bottom lip as she neared her orgasm. Her head slowly sagged and hung down the closer she came to her release until she was right at the edge of cumming. Then she began pushing her hips back hard to meet my thrusts, so hard our hips slapped together making an audible sound as they met.

As she began to cum she moaned softly, her left hand going to her breasts. I could feel her pussy clasping at my cock as she rode the waves of her pleasure, her hips still pushing back to meet my fucking cock.

As Candy came down from her orgasm she pushed things aside and lay down flat on top of her desk. She lay bent over like that breathing deeply for fifteen or twenty seconds as I stood behind her my hard cock still inside her.

Standing she pulled herself off my cock, turned, squatted and took me into her mouth. Candy cleaned her own juices from my cock as she licked and sucked me to my nut two minutes or so later, swallowing my load as it filled her mouth. She let my softening cock slip from between her lips and sat back still squatting while holding herself up with one hand on the edge of her desk. With her other hand she used her finger to wipe up some cum that had leaked from her mouth and down her chin, putting that finger into her mouth afterwards sucking it clean.

Finished eating my cum Candy stood and we embraced, kissing deeply as our tongues played back and forth in each others mouth. Leaning back in our embrace she looked lovingly up at me and with one hand pushed a shock of hair from my forehead then hugged me to her again.

I held Candy tight for another minute or so, hugging her, holding her against me. Then I kissed her again and after our lips parted said, "I really hate to fuck and run, and although I'd much rather stay here with you I really do have to go. I've got to get back to the office."

Not letting go of me Candy hugged me tighter still. Her head rested against my chest where she'd placed it after our kiss and after nearly half a minute she finally said, "I know." A few moments later she turned her face up to me for one more kiss.

After that one she released me and said, "You better go before I jump you again."

As she pushed her skirt back down I bent over and pulled my pants and underwear up.

After we'd straightened ourselves up Candy walked me to her office door and before opening it we kissed and hugged again. Then we confirmed our plans to get together tomorrow night to see what Jocelyn had at her dad's.

Walking through Candy's outer office, Rosemary gave me what appeared to be a knowing smile and cheerfully said, "Bye."

As I closed the door leaving from Rosemary's space I heard Candy telling her, "Come on in let me tell you about it."

I wondered as I walked down the hall to the elevator if the 'it' she was telling Rosemary about was our spontaneous little tryst. I wouldn't put it past her.

The next afternoon Jocelyn met me at Starbuck's and then we drove to her dad's house in her car.

Her dad, Dylan, was a hulk of a man with red hair, a friendly face and the handshake of a bear. I liked him immediately. He took us out into his garage and showed us the bunk bed.

It was a massive home made bed constructed by someone who knew a thing or two about carpentry. Dylan said with a hint of an Irish brogue, "My older brother built it for his sons when they were little and when they outgrew it he gave it to me for mine."

In my mind I thought, "Outgrew it!!" How big were the sons that they outgrew this thing?

The bed was custom made with a twin sized mattress on the bottom bunk. The spring frame for the top bunk's mattress was hanging down on one corner where the corner post had split. The corner posts were made from 4x4's and the sides and ends of each bed frame was 2x6's. I picked up the lower mattress and saw the spring frame under it was in fair shape but more importantly the runners the frame sat on were in good shape. I looked at the broken corner post and saw that it had split from the top down through the holes for the bolts holding the bed frame to the corner posts. Since we wouldn't be using the top bunk at all this wasn't a problem.

When Dylan saw me inspecting the spilt corner post he said, "Yeah Michael was playing with a hatchet one day and decided to stick it in the post. It started splitting not long after."

I'd never met Jocelyn's brother Michael and didn't think I wanted to since he seemed to like to sleep with a hatchet in his bed. I asked Dylan, "Are you willing to sell it?"

"Oh glory no. You're welcome to it," he said in that subtle brogue. "I was just going to trash the damn thing until my Jocelyn asked me to hold on to it for her."

"My Jocelyn," he'd said. It was easy to see that Jocelyn was still the apple of daddy's eye. And Jocelyn being his only daughter I guess I could understand that, having only one daughter myself.

"Well we'll certainly take it off your hands if that's alright."

"That'll be fine my ole sod."

Keeping in mind Carl and his family weren't leaving until the third, another nine days away I asked Dylan if we could leave the bed here until the Saturday after next. I explained I needed to borrow a friend's truck for the task and get some help to move it.

Dylan gave it no thought and said, "Ah, that's no problem. You can just pick it up that Saturday whenever you like."

We spent a few more minutes visiting and I could see even in this short period of time that Jocelyn and her dad had a very good, very loving relationship. When we left Dylan took my hand in his huge paw again and shook it, then hugged and kissed Jocelyn on the cheek.

As we drove back to Starbuck's I asked Jocelyn, "What's this 'my old sod' thing?"

She laughed and said, "Daddy meant it in a friendly way, like if someone would say to you 'oh you old bastard'. But friendly, playing with you, you know?"

"Oh ok. I just never heard that before."

She looked over at me and said, "You know he really liked you. Daddy doesn't usually take to new people too easily and I could tell he took to you right away."

"That's good to know because he's a bear of a man."

"Daddy?! Oh he might be a bear, a teddy bear maybe," she laughed.

I smiled then told her, "You were right about the bed. With a little work we can put it to good use. It's solid too; Julie won't be able to hurt that thing."

Jocelyn nodded in agreement as we pulled into the Starbuck's parking lot where I'd left my SUV. She put her car into park and we sat talking for a couple of minutes.

"Candy told me about what you two discussed doing to Julie and I think that's on the right track. We're going to a couple of the adult bookstores Saturday evening to shop and I'd like you to come to."

She nodded and said, "I'll be there. What time?"

I told her what time we planned on meeting at Candy's house then teasing her said, "You sure are the apple of daddy's eye, aren't you?"

She just grinned, sexily shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yeah I guess so."

"Oh don't be modest, you got him wrapped around your little finger and you know it," I teased.

She just gave me a broad grin in response.

"I wonder if you'd still be the apple of daddy's eye if he knew what a wild, dirty little slut you really are," I teased her again.

"Daddy would never believe anything so horrible about his little angel," she smiled innocently and batted her eyes.

Laughing I said, "See, you got him wrapped," then leaned over and kissed her before I got out of the car.

On Saturday morning my wife and I had taken our niece and nephew to the zoo. After dropping them off at their home we got back to our house just before noon. Helen and I spent the rest of the lazy afternoon making love and napping.

Late that afternoon she got a call from her girlfriend Barbara and after answering I handed her the phone.

They spoke for several minutes and after hanging up Helen told me, "Barbara, Shirley and I are going to the Repertory Theater tonight to see a comic adaptation of Hamlet."

I made a face at her and she laughed and said, "I know, I know. Not your kind of thing." We stood hugging and looking into each others eyes for a moment. Then she placed her hand on my cheek and said, "That's why I love you so much, no class at all." Then she kissed me.

After our kiss I said, "Well since you're going out I think I may do something too."

"Ok dear, see you when you get home." Then Helen went in to shower.

I stood in the kitchen for a moment, debating with myself then said, "Fuck it," and headed in to shower with her.

Helen smiled at me when I stepped in then handed me the liquid soap and asked me to wash her back. I poured soap into my palms and rubbed them over her back and shoulders raising a lather then used her face cloth to wash her.

After rinsing her with the showerhead I poured more soap into my palms. Then standing front to back with her I wrapped my arms around Helen and soaped her breasts and belly. I spent an inordinate amount of time washing her breasts, wanting to make sure the nipples were very clean. Helen reached up placed her hand on mine and said, "You keep that up and neither of us will get out of here tonight."

"So?" I asked; my mouth next to her ear as I held her to me and reached my right hand down between her legs. As I kissed and nibbled her neck I spread her lips and ran my fingers up and down her slit as she dropped her hands and laid her head back against my shoulder. The water from the showerhead pelted us as I brought two fingers up and with one on each side of her clit began to rub in a small circle and up and down.

Helen moaned, raised her hand and took mine which was wrapped around her just below her breasts. Her other hand went to my forearm and rested there as I masturbated her. Her breathing became deeper as I rubbed her stiffening clit and after about ninety seconds of this direct contact she came, her legs quivering then giving out as I held her up.

I held her to me and when she recovered she turned and we kissed passionately and lovingly as the water sprayed down onto us.

Afterwards Helen stepped back and said emotionally, "I love you so much."

I smiled, kissed her once more and said as honestly as she had, "I love you too baby."

Then we finished our shower, dried and I dressed as she put on her makeup.

As she finished dressing I kissed her again and said, "Have fun and enjoy the show," then left.

On my way out the door she yelled down to me, "Be good," and for several heartbeats I hesitated. Each beat thundered in my head, her words echoing back to me. Then I stepped through and pulled the door closed.