My Sweet Candy Habit Ch. 09


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Candy nodded to Jocelyn who undid the clamp holding back the water. Julie's ass began to fill with the liquid and as it did Julie began to mutter something behind her gag. I checked her hands for her signal but one was clenched in a fist and the other was opened wide, all the fingers up.

Richard leaned down and in that same voice said, "Yah dat rite, dat rite ya be gittin da enma. And ya betta not let eny of it out befo we tells ya ta cuz if ya does ya just gonna hafta lay in ya own mess. And then we gotta gives ya nutter one. So you betta do what ya told."

Candy emptied the entire contents of the bag into Julie's ass then we let her stay in this position for maybe ten minutes.

Julie did her best but did let a dribble of nasty colored water leak from her ass, but we didn't say anything.

Figuring we'd waited long enough and while keeping her feet up we undid the wrist cuffs from each end of the spreader bar at the head of the bed and attached them to the sides of the belt Julie wore around her waist. Candy brought over the leash and I connected it to one of the D-rings on her collar. With Candy and Jocelyn holding her feet up Richard unhooked the rope holding Julie's legs in the air and the girls lowered them. They unhooked each ankle from the spreader bar while I unhooked the rope holding her collared head down.

Jocelyn, on my side of the bed took Julie's legs and swung them off the mattress as Richard helped her sit up. Sitting on the edge of the bed we gave her a second before I began to tug on the leash. I tugged several times before Julie got the idea and stood.

Being blindfolded she walked unsteadily as I led her over near the garage bathroom. We had anticipated this and was why Candy and Jocelyn were walking on either side of her to catch her should she begin to fall.

"Stop," I ordered sternly and Julie obeyed instantly and stopped walking. I slid the plastic bucket underneath her, the sound echoing in the garage as it slid across the floor. Then I told her, "Your toilets under you, squat and go."

Julie squatted and when she felt the plastic bucket against her haunches she rose and shook her head.

"You got a problem?" I asked menacingly.

Julie shook her head again.

"Then squat your ass down and go."

Again Julie shook her head, but maybe with a bit more defiance this time.

Seeing she was being resistant I stepped up to Julie, reached between her legs and using my thumb and forefinger pinched her inner lips together just below her clit. I tugged and held her lips down and said, "Ok then. We'll just take you back to your bed as you are and when you do eventually go you can lie in your own filth."

Julie vigorously shook her head. Taking her response as acquiescence I released her flesh and rubbed my fingers together. On my fingers I felt the slick smoothness of the natural lubrication they'd picked up from Julie's pussy. I held my hand up towards the other two women, continued to rub my fingers together and mouthed, "Whew, is she wet."

Julie began to squat but I saw she intended to sit on the bucket so I said sternly, "I didn't say sit on the bucket now did I? I said squat. Now squat your ass down and go you dumb fucking twat."

Julie's chest heaved as she took in a deep breath but she rose until she was in a squat.

Using her foot Jocelyn moved the bucket forward just a bit adjusting it so it was more in position under Julie.

Julie stood in this position for maybe fifteen seconds and I don't know whether she overcame her embarrassment or gave in to her need but she vacated her bowels of the enema. Behind the gag and mask her face and a portion of her chest above her breasts turned a bright red as she squatted and emptied herself.

Afterwards I cleaned her as I'd agreed to do and Jocelyn emptied and rinsed the bucket.

As we'd been taking care of Julie's toilet, Richard had gone out to the diving board ladder and set up the loops we'd need to tie Julie to it.

I took her outside and walked her to the ladder leading her by the leash, her wrists still hooked to the belt around her waist.

I walked her over and stood her with her back to the ladder and said, "Back up."

Julie took two small steps back until she met the cold metal and flinched.

Richard had already set everything up. He'd tied two loops we'd made on the rung and side rail about ten feet off the ground on each side of the ladder. Through each one of the loops he'd threaded ropes with spring loaded hooks. We attached each rope onto one of the D-rings on Julie's cuffs and then unhooked the cuffs from her waist belt. Pulling on the ropes we pulled her hands up and over her head until she could just stand flatfooted and tied off the ropes to the ladder.

As I unbuckled the belt from around Julie's waist and removed her collar and leash Richard changed her ankle cuffs from the leather ones to a set of waterproof ones. Then he attached a rope with hooks to each of the ankle cuffs. These ropes we wrapped around the outside of each ladder side rail and tied it off on the opposite side rail. This kept her feet spread well apart so all parts of her would be accessible.

As we'd been leading Julie out and tying her to the pool ladder Candy and Jocelyn had been removing their own clothes. They came out onto the pool deck carrying some liquid soap, wash cloths and big sponges.

Using the garden hose they sprayed Julie down and when the cooler water from the hose hit her skin she struggled against her binds and howled some, but settled down quickly getting over the shock. Her nipples and areoles were erect again, but not from anything sexually stimulating.

Pouring soap into their hands Candy and Jocelyn stood on each side of Julie and began to run their hands over her body, washing her, leaving no nook or cranny unwashed.

Candy started on Julie's belly washing in ever widening circles until she had soaped up the entire area from her pubic hair to below her breasts.

Jocelyn was soaping Julie's left arm as far up as she could reach from the ground. Based on Julie's reaction, when Jocelyn passed her hands over the bound girls underarms it must have tickled. Jocelyn then squatted and washed Julie's leg from just above the ankle cuff up to her hip, avoiding her pussy.

Candy washed Julie's other arm and then reached behind the ladder and washed Julie's back and shoulders through the rungs. Then Jocelyn soaped and washed Julie's other leg as she had the left.

Jocelyn bent over to pick up the hose and gave me a very nice look at her ass and pussy from behind. She pulled the trigger on the nozzle and sprayed the water over Julie rinsing the soap from her body then rinsed the soap from the ground around Julie's feet.

Then Jocelyn stood between the bound women's spread legs and began to soap and wash her pussy. Before we'd started with the bath I'd reminded these two we did not want Julie cumming yet. So wash her, wash her thoroughly, but don't make her cum. Jocelyn's soapy hand cupped Julie's sex and I could see her fingers moving through her lips. As Jocelyn's fingers moved between and over her lips, Julie's head hung down. Jocelyn, careful not to make her cum did what she had to quickly and then used the hose to rinse her.

Remembering how aroused Julie had been earlier, as evidenced by the amount of natural lubrication I'd felt between her legs when I'd tugged on her lips I was concerned Julie may cum just from the stimulation of the water hitting her pussy as she was rinsed. But it had to be done. We didn't want to leave soap on her tender flesh and have a skin reaction to it.

But Jocelyn was aware of this too and rather then spray the water upwards between Julie's lips she sprayed it downward onto her pubic bone, letting the water run down and through our captives pussy lips. Working quickly, the water running down, Jocelyn's fingers made sure all the soap was gone from between her folds.

As Jocelyn washed Julie's pussy Candy was behind the ladder soaping and washing Julie's ass. Perhaps Candy took a bit longer then she needed to but what the hell, she was having fun.

As Jocelyn held the nozzle spraying water down between Julie's cheeks Candy ran her hand up and down between them to make sure she was soap free. She also ran her hand underneath and cupped Julie's sex for a second, then dragged her fingers slowly back through.

When they finished rinsing Julie we left her tied to the ladder to dry in the sunlight as Candy and Jocelyn redressed after drying themselves off.

Earlier, once we'd gotten Julie tied to the ladder for her bath Richard had taken off to go get us some lunch at one of the chicken outlets about a dozen blocks over.

As the girls dried and redressed and we waited for him to return I went back into the garage and cleaned the mattress of Julie's earlier accident.

We knew we had to let Julie eat; going three days without food and water wasn't going to work. But we wanted to do it in such a way that Julie's requirement of having no control was met. We talked about making her eat like a dog; from a bowl on her hands and knees and other such ways but we decided that may be a little extreme. So what we decided on was to give her a little reward and punishment.

Candy and Jocelyn went into the garage to get the items we'd discussed while I went back over to Julie.

I stood and looked at her body for a minute or so then reached out and with the back of my fingertips caressed her left cheek. Julie pulled her head away from my fingers and while it may have been because she thought it was a bug brushing her face I took advantage of the opportunity anyway.

Julie let out a small, surprised grunt when I reached up and took hold of her hair, not pulling it, just holding her by it. I pressed my body right up against hers, my thigh pressed tight against her sex. With my mouth right next to her ear I said, "Bitch, don't you ever pull away when I touch you, understand?"

She nodded as best she could with my hand holding her hair.

Stepping back just a bit as I held onto her hair I said as menacingly as I could manage, "You don't have any choice you little cunt, I own you. If I want to touch you here," and roughly grabbed her tit, "or here," and grabbed her pussy, sinking the tip of my middle finger into her hole, "I'll do it and you'll like it, even if you don't." Then after pausing for effect I leaned in close to her ear again and whispered, "Because the alternative could be much, much worse. Got it?"

Again Julie nodded her head and under her gag said a muffled, "Uh huh."

Then I released her hair and changing tactics talked to her condescendingly, as if I were doing her a favor. "Now I came over here to try to be nice to you, I was going to give you something to eat. But since you want to be a bad girl, I guess you don't need anything to eat. Do you?"

Julie made urgent noises from behind her gag and was nodding her head.

"So I take it you're hungry?" I asked.

Again she nodded.

"Well then, if you want to get something to eat there are some conditions. Without complaint you'll wear what we give you to wear, on or maybe in your body as we see fit. Obviously we'll remove the gag so you can eat but you better not utter a sound other then to say three things. 'May I have something to eat Master' when you meal is placed in front of you, 'May I please have another bite Master' before each bite and 'thank you Master' after each bite. Don't even think about saying anything else. Understand?"

Julie nodded her understanding.

"Good. And you'd better not forget your manners or this could be your last meal. Now when I untie your hands you're to place your wrists here and here," I said as I touched my hands to the points of her hip bones, "and keep them there. I wouldn't recommend moving them without permission."

Bending over I untied the ankle ropes then changed her ankle cuffs back to the leather ones. Next I stood and put the dog collar and leash back on her neck then untied the ropes holding her hands over her head.

Immediately Julie placed her wrists at her hip bones and held them there.

Leaving her blindfold on I pulled her along by the leash and walked over to the patio table and stopped.

With my hand on the small of her back I told her, "Walk forward slowly until you feel something against your thighs."

She stepped forward until she was against the patio table.

"Spread your feet," I ordered and although I thought Julie would only spread them a token amount she spread them as wide as necessary for what we wanted to do. But we couldn't let her get away with this so I said, "Wider."

Julie did get her feet apart just a bit more then I said to her, "Bend over and lay on the table."

When she had I said, "Now we're going to put something in your ass. You need to hold it in you because if you drop it or it comes out on its own, we'll just have to use something bigger, much bigger. Understand?"

Julie nodded as Jocelyn began to lube up the woman's asshole and dip her finger inside some. Candy handed Jocelyn the smallest butt plug; it was four and a half inches long and about one inch at the neck. After she'd spread a little lube on the tip Jocelyn pressed it into Julie's asshole and sank it in with one steady slow push. Julie took in a deep breath as Jocelyn pushed the invasive toy into her ass but kept her legs spread, her ass relaxed and her torso on the table.

Once the butt plug was in place I set a patio chair behind Julie and told her, "Stand up," and when she had I ordered, "Sit down."

Julie squatted to sit and reached back to feel for the chair with her hand and I asked with faux anger, "Who the fuck told you to take your hands from your hips?"

Julie's hands flew back to her hips as she stood up again.

"When I told you to sit down you thought there'd be no chair there? You think I'd let you fall on your dumb fucking ass? I get the feeling you don't trust me. Is that it bitch? You don't trust me?"

It was a trick question. No matter how Julie answered would give me cause to jump on her again.

Julie nodded her head in response.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed loudly. "You don't trust me!? You fucking worthless bitch cunt whore, is that what you just said?"

Julie shook her head vigorously.

"Oh so you do trust me?"

Julie nodded.

"So what the fuck are you waiting for?"

Julie hesitated for a few seconds but I knew it wasn't from mistrust. It was more from not being sure what I was saying. Finally it dawned on her and Julie sat down slowly, her hands at her hips. As she sat in the patio chair the butt plug pushed deeper into her ass.

Then I leaned down next to her ear and asked, "So you trust me right?"

Julie nodded.

"So in the future if I ever feel you're not trusting me, it'll be ok with you if I tie your ass up and beat some trust into you with the whip, right?"

Julie hesitated but a heartbeat before nodding her assent.

Standing up, surprised that she had answered 'yes' so quickly, or even at all, I looked at Candy and Jocelyn. They were as surprised as I was at Julie's response.

I looked at Julie and petted her head with my hand for a few seconds then said, "Good, we understand each other then."

Once again Julie nodded.

Then using some rope we attached to the D-rings on the cuffs we tied her ankles to the rear legs of the chair. We pulled her ankles to the outside of the front legs before tying them off. This left Julie sitting with her ass on the very front of the seat.
Then using some more rope we tied her wrists to the armrests.

"Remember what I told you about speaking," I reminded Julie and then nodded to Candy who removed the gag. Julie worked her jaw as she'd been wearing the gag for quite a while.

Just then Richard walked out onto the patio with a big box of hot chicken. Placing it on the table we could all smell it, especially Julie whose nose was deeply inhaling the delicious aroma. Later we would find out this was her first meal since the night before. When Jocelyn had called that morning getting her out to the kidnap site, she hadn't eaten her breakfast yet, so she really was famished.

Seeing Julie's reaction to the food I realized we'd missed out on an opportunity to mess with her some, but oh well.

"Ok, before we give you something to eat we need to put some...what do we call this?" I asked the others.

"Jewelry," suggested Candy.

"Yeah, before you get to eat we need to put some jewelry on you," I said.

One on each tit Candy and Jocelyn began to pull and rub Julie's nipples until they became erect, then they applied the 'E' shaped nipple clamps. They tightened them down until Julie flinched some, but she never said a word, then they backed them off just a bit.

Standing next to her I flicked the clamps once and again Julie flinched but kept quiet. "Lean back," I ordered. When she had laid her shoulders against the chair back I took one of the three quarter inch vacuum domes and licked the end of it. Squatting, I placed it between her lips over her clit, moving it around some to insure a good seal. Then using the pump I squeezed it slowly while watching Julie's face, not wanting to apply more vacuum then was necessary.

Julie's lips were parted a bit, pursed really, and she breathed out through them as a staccato, "Oooo," escaped from her throat as the vacuum pulled against her clit.

I stopped pumping when Julie's reaction told me the pressure was still ok for her. Standing I flicked her clamped nipples again.

I'd considered putting the six inch vibrator inside Julie during the meal but thought it would be too difficult to monitor her level of sexual excitement, making sure she didn't cum and concentrate on fucking with Julie while we fed her.

After that we each took a chair around the table. I set a paper plate with a piece of chicken on it right in front of Julie so the aroma would be right in her face. I pulled apart the breast I'd set on the plate so it could begin to cool for her but for now she had to listen to us eat.

The four us began to eat and say things like, "Ummm, that's good," and, "Isn't this delicious," tormenting Julie.

I'd just swallowed a bite of lunch when I'd thought I'd heard Julie say something and asked, "Did you say something cunt?"

In a tiny little voice I barely heard, Julie repeated, "May I have something to eat Master?"

Smiling I looked at Candy who was sitting right next to Julie and asked, "Did you hear anything?"

"No, I didn't," Candy said while shaking her head and her answer was echoed by Richard and Jocelyn, who were both smiling too.

"Then it must have been someone's radio I heard," I said.

It was nearly another minute before Julie asked again in a bit louder voice, "May I have something to eat Master?"

I looked up and cocked an ear as if listening for a sound, ignoring Julie. Then I shook my head as if I'd been mistaken and took another bite of chicken. My co-conspirators giggled and laughed at my reaction, enjoying Julie's torment.

Almost another minute passed before Julie asked again in a good loud, albeit almost tear-filled voice, "May I have something to eat Master?"

Looking towards Julie's I said, "That's better, now I can hear you. You may have a bite of food. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue," I ordered and watched as Candy picked up a teeny tiny little piece of chicken, barely more than a crumb really and placed it on Julie's extended tongue.

That piece of chicken was gone before she could chew it two or three times it was so small.

Julie said as soon as she'd swallowed, "Thank you Master. May I please have another bite Master?"

"Did you enjoy your meal," I asked?

Julie hesitated a few seconds then said, "May I please have another bite Master?"