My Sweet Son Lacked Confidence!

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Single mother helps her son to gain confidence.
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After my boys went off to college things disintegrated between me and my husband. We were not close anymore and had been drifting apart for years. I lost interest in him, and he wasn't into me anymore. Worst of all, our sex life was nonexistent for the most part. We were living together like friends not lovers. We talked it out and decided to split up. No hard feelings, we were just not into each other anymore. He moved out and we began the divorce process.

I wanted to attract a younger guy and start getting laid again, so I decided to diet and get back in shape. I started running in the mornings and joined a gym. At 42 years, I was in decent shape but as the weeks went by, I noticed my body toning up nicely. I noticed some cute guys at the gym but none of them asked me out, at first. I guess I looked too much like a mother. My outfits were loose and unflattering.

I went out and did some shopping and purchased a plethora of workout clothes, to show off my new curves. I made sure they were all very tight and revealing. The stretchy material felt great clinging to my skin and made me look way sexier. You could really see the shape of my ass and body, in my outfits. I didn't mind parading around like a sex object at the gym, it was fun. The guys began to take notice of me, and some flirted with me openly. I enjoyed the attention and the complements I received. A few guys did ask me out, when I found out their age, I had to say no. One was 27 and the other was 24. I almost said yes!

I knew I was on the right path, I just had to be patient. I was determined to find a horny younger guy, who loves sex as much as I do. I also wanted a guy who was more age appropriate. Maybe between 32-40 years old, the younger and hornier the better. Most young guys, love to fuck all the time. I wanted to revitalize my sex life desperately. I almost went out with the 27-year-old guy. I thought that was just a bit too young to date. Although I would have loved to have him ravage me for hours...

Last December, my boys came back from college for the holidays, and it was great seeing them again. It had been over 4 months since I had seen them last. I was a little different from the last time they saw me. I was single and more of a MILF than ever before. Ben is 19 and Danny is 22. Both are handsome good boys. Younger Ben is the ladies' man while Danny was shy. Ben was out with his friends a lot the first few days, while Danny spent most of his time helping me around the house and decorating for Christmas.

The first day, I noticed Danny checking me out quite a bit as we did chores and decorated the tree together. I caught him staring at my ass and camel toe many times that day. I guess I should not have been wearing one of my new tight spandex outfits for the gym, but it was too late. I did look hot, maybe too hot! It made me feel a little awkward at first and then I remembered Danny was very shy around girls and may need some help getting over this problem. Then I began to conceive the idea of helping him gain more confidence around woman. I decided to give him a much-needed schooling and make him a great lover. I loved Danny so much, I didn't want him to be a perve out on me or another woman, I wanted him to be a good lover.

After getting back from the gym in the morning on day 2, I saw Danny in the kitchen having breakfast alone. The show was on, and I began to flaunt my body to Danny more than ever. I hiked up my black tights, so my ass crack was visible. I also had on a tight sports bra, that showed off my nipples. They were hard now as I was pretty worked up and feeling a bit naughty.

"Hi Danny, how are you honey?" I teased, as I walked in.

"I'm fine mom, uh were you at the gym?" He asked a little frazzled by my body.

"Yes, the gym was great, you like my new outfit?" I asked like a bimbo.

"Uh, yeah mom, it's nice." He said with uncertainty.

"We should do something fun today. Are you busy?" I asked.

"No." He said quickly.

"Where is Ben?" I asked as I paraded around the kitchen for him. I even bent over for him, to look in the fridge and pull out something I didn't need. Exposing my tight ass to him, when I looked back quick, he was looking at my ass with wide eyes. Then he spoke.

"Um, he went over Steve's house. I don't know when he will be back." He said with a crack in his voice.

At this point I could tell Danny was staring at me lustfully, and I knew I was turning on my son. I was being bad, but I felt like this would be Ok for a while. I just wanted to teach my son about sex. Also training him to be a good lover would be deviant fun. I was pretty sure he would try anything with me I suggested. So, I continued to arouse him with sexual innuendo without stopping or letting up for the next few hours.

"Danny, I'm going to take a hot shower and freshen up. After I get dressed, we should go shopping for you. Would you like a few new outfits for class?" I asked nicely.

"Sure, mom that sounds great." He said with enthusiasm.

"Ok, go get ready. I'll be ready soon honey."

I went to my room and undressed with the door open. When Danny walked by, he saw me and froze.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I'm so use to living alone." I said as I covered my boobs and cunny slowly.

"It's Ok mom." He said and walked off slowly.

I took a nice hot shower and rubbed my clitty under the hot running water. I came to the thought of making love with my Danny. He was so handsome and innocent. I wanted to show him how to make love to a woman, the right way. I was hot for my son, and I had to have him. After I was dried off, I slid on a sexy pair of red panties and began to put on the matching bra.

"Danny, can you come here for a minute?" I asked out loud.

"Sure mom." I heard Danny say, as he walked in shortly after.

I had my back to him and had my bra half on.

"Can you clasp this bra for me in the back Danny? It's new and not easy for your mom." I asked, pretending to be frustrated.

"Ok, sure mom." He said nervously.

I felt his hands fumbling around for a minute before he got it secured. He was not good at clasping my bra at all, must be from a lack of experience.

"Oh, thank you Danny." I said as I turned around, revealing my perky boobs.

"Your welcome mom." He said as he took a long breath of air and stared at my enclosed breasts.

"Oh, Danny you look so handsome all dressed up. Don't go anywhere yet." I asked as I walked to my closet with most of my ass exposed to him.

"Uh, Ok. He uttered.

I could see his eyes undressing me from the closet door mirror reflection. I was having a lot of fun teasing my boy, bending over in my panties for him. I put on quite a show, then pulled out two dresses and turned to him.

"Red or black?" I asked, in a flirty manner.

"The red one I think, it matches your bra and." He said nervously, without saying panties.

"Well, let's try both." I slid on the red one right in front of him and had him clip the clasp in the back. He did a little better this time.

"That looks very nice on you mom." He said with honest enthusiasm.

"Thanks Danny, now let me try the black one." I turned my back to him, and he undid the clasp for me quickly. He was catching on.

"Thank you honey." I said innocently.

Then I slid out of the dress and tossed it on the bed. I slid the black dress up slowly and seductively. It was really tight and clung to my curves. I turned my back to Danny, and he knew what to do. After I was clasped, I turned around and modeled it for him. I did a few seductive moves and poses to tease him a little more.

"Which one looks better honey?"

"I'm not sure, they both look hot mom!" He said to my surprise.

"Hot? Really? Thank you, Danny." I said with a big smile.

"Uh, yes. Hot." He admitted shyly.

"This black one will do, let's get going." I said in a cool manner.

I drove us to the mall, and along the way we talked openly. I wanted to know more about Danny's sexual past. So, I could see where he needed help.

"Danny, have you been seeing anyone lately?" I asked casually.

"Uh, no mom. It's been a while. Ben gets all the girls." He said sadly.

"Honey, can I give you a few pointers today? I think it would help you to build your confidence."

"Ok, sure mom." He perked up.

"Aright, so let's pretend we are on a date today, and I am your new college girlfriend. Okay?" I asked calmly.

"Ok, sure. What do I do?" He seemed happy all of a sudden.

"Well, just be a gentleman, get the door for me. Watch out for me and protect me, like I am yours. Hold my hand when necessary and be proud you have me. Then drive us home, can you do that for me?" I asked innocently.

"Sure mom, but what if we see someone we know?" He asked with concern.

"Well just play it cool, we won't be kissing or anything." I teased. At least not in public, I thought to myself.

"Ok." He said with a chuckle.

Danny did a wonderful job escorting me around the mall that day. It was pretty busy, and fortunately we didn't see anyone we knew. When he reached for my hand on occasion, I held on tight. We walked all over the mall and went to a few nice department stores. I bought him and Ben some nice, classy clothes for college and going out. I also bought them some Hawaiian type shirts for picking up girls at college parties.

"Danny, you looked so handsome in your new sharp clothes, the girls are going to go crazy for you, when you return to classes." I said encouragingly.

"Thanks mom, I do like these new outfits. Thank you so much." He said again and again.

"Honey, do you get nervous around attractive woman at times?" I asked.

"Yes, I kind of clam up and can't talk sometimes." He mentioned with honesty.

"That's Ok, but I have an idea that will help. Come on, let's go to Victoria Secrets and pick something out for me. Something you think is hot. Be calm and casual honey." I suggested.

"Ok, mom. That might help." He said with a deep breath.

"Just be friendly and smile honey. Act kind to all the woman and don't call me mom." I said with a giggle.

"Ok." he said, with a cute smile.

"Be bold and don't act afraid. Can you do that for me?" I asked kindly.

"Yes, I will try."

"Good, it will be fun, come on." I grabbed his hand and he held on tight.

Danny was like a cute puppy in the store. We were surrounded by sexy panties, bras and more. There were a lot of attractive women, searching through the goods. Danny seemed to relax a bit and stayed by my side.

"Honey, you're doing fine. Now do you see anything that would look nice on me?" I asked innocently.

"Um yes, lots. Uh, but that bright blue set might look nice on you." He said calmly.

"Yes, I do like that. Now will you purchase that for me if I give you the cash?" I whispered in his ear.

"Uh, sure Ok." He said with concern.

I slipped him a $100.00 and we made our way to the check out. I handed the sexy panties and bra to him as we got in line. Danny was doing well and smiled as he looked down at the bra.

"Now be confident and friendly, you got this." I whispered to him again.

Danny handled himself well with the cute girl at the register. I flirted with him openly during the purchase and pinched his firm butt. Danny got a little red in the face, it was so cute. When Danny accepted the change, I thanked him and kissed him on the cheek as we walked out.

"Danny, I'm proud of you. You did great!" I boasted.

"I did?" He said insecurely.

"Yes, you didn't look nervous at all." I said firmly.

"I was though." He said honestly.

"But you did great composing yourself. That wasn't easy to do for a young guy with his older girlfriend." I teased.

"Thanks mom. I guess I did Ok."

"Sure, you did Danny, that was a big step for you."

"You think so?"

"Oh, definitely. If we went back there in a few weeks, would you be more at ease?"

"Oh, yes. For sure." He said confidently.

"See, you're doing better already Danny." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"I guess so, thanks mom." He said in a happy tone.

"Sure honey, did you see the way the girl looked at you at Victoria Secrets? She liked you!" I said convincingly.

"What really?" He said with a sudden smile.

"She thinks you can satisfy an older woman. She looked at you with respect!" I said in a strong tone.

"I guess, maybe." He said with a sly grin.

"Definitely honey." I said as we made our way to the parking lot.

Danny carried most of the bags to the car for me. He helped me get inside the car then we took off. We went out for a nice lunch after shopping and had a great time. I pointed out a few attractive girls who were looking our way in the restaurant. Danny was oblivious to these girls at first. I continued to coach Danny on how to act on a date and to watch body language. He was catching on rather quickly and I could see my son growing before my eyes. I was so proud and happy to have him back. Little did he know, the classes were just beginning.

Danny continued to take charge as the day went on and drove us home. He held my hand most of the way to the house and I wanted him so much at that moment. I let my skirt ride up, so my red panties were visible to Danny in the car. Then as we were holding hands, I moved his to my inner thigh.

"Danny, you are such a good driver, you make me feel so safe." Then I pulled his hand closer to my panties. I made sure he had a nice grip on my inner thigh. I held him there firmly, not allowing him to go any closer to my pantie covered pussy.

"Thanks mom, this has been a fantastic day." He said with arousal in his voice.

"Danny, I missed you so much. I love having you back home." I said as I pulled his hand to my panties and let his finger touch me there for a few seconds.

"Oh mom, it's been so nice being back." He said with a crack in his voice.

"Oops, sorry Danny, you should focus on driving honey." I said as I moved his hand away from my wet panties.

Danny continued to massage my inner thigh, so I spread my legs and let him feel me all the way home. He didn't go near my panties, but I would have let him. His confidence grew a lot that day and his fear of woman was slipping away. When we arrived at home that late afternoon, Danny brought everything in for me. He also put my blue Victoria Secrets set on my bed as I asked him to do. Then I had him unclasp my dress for me again. He was so attentive, I loved it. I was being adored for the first time in years and I didn't want it to stop.

"Danny, thank you. you don't have to leave; you can sit on the bed. Just close your eyes for a minute, Ok? I want to continue helping you build your confidence." I said seductively.

"Uh, Ok. Sure Mom." He said a little nervously.

I quickly slid on some tight white leggings and a white sports bra over my wet red panties and red bra. I knew I looked very hot, as my bra and panties were slightly visible thought the thin stretchy white spandex.

"Ok Danny, I'm decent now. You can open your eyes." I said seductively.

Danny opened his eyes and stared at me with lust in his eyes. "Does this look nice Danny?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah, you look great mom." He said calmly.

"That's fine Danny, but this is an exercise, you could say something more provocative. And don't call me mom when we are doing this, call me by my name. Picture this, you are alone with a girl, hoping to score. What do you say?"

"Ok. Jessica, you look very attractive in that outfit." He said nicely.

"Thank you, Danny, that's better. Now tell me what we are going to do with this outfit?"

"Really mom? I mean Jessica." He said nervously.

"Go ahead Danny, be more confident, you have to do this, Ok?" I pushed.

"Ok, I'll try. Jessica, you look stunning in your gym clothes. I can't wait to pull them off you." He said hesitantly.

"Better Danny. Now keep going and I will ad lib too." I said as I encouraged my son, to keep hitting on me.

"I want to suck your boobs and make your nipples hard Jessica." He said with more confidence.

"Oh, you like my hard nipples, do you Danny?" I asked as I rubbed my boobs together seductively and made my nipples harder.

"Oh yes, they are so sexy and firm." He said nervously.

"Do you like my ass, Danny?" I said as I turned around and slapped it.

"Oh yes mom, I mean Jessica. You have the nicest ass I've ever seen." He said with desperation in his voice.

"Thank you honey, you're doing really well. Now keep going. Do you want my pussy baby?" I encouraged.

"Oh yes, I'm going to eat your pussy till you scream out my name for all to hear." He said boldly.

"Oh yes baby, then what?" I pleaded for more of his dirty talk.

"Then you're going to take a hard pounding from my big cock in your tight little pussy Jessica." He said loud and clear, to my surprise.

"Oh Danny, it's been so long honey. I would love that!" I said with real lust and honesty.

"Really mom?" He said with surprise in his voice.

Just then, the front door slammed shut and startled us out of our role-playing game.

"Hi mom I'm home." Ben yelled out from downstairs, as he walked in.

"Were up here Ben." I yelled out.

Ben came up and made small talk, as he checked me out with a questionable look on his face. He also wanted to spend the night at a friend's house. I was fine with that and excited to continue with Danny's sex ed. I put on some normal clothes before dinner, I had to put our little game was on hold. Ben showered and had dinner with us. Ben thanked me for the outfits and gave me a kiss on the cheek then left, leaving Danny and me alone in the kitchen.

"Danny, now that Ben is gone for the night, would you like to continue building your confidence?" I said with a sexy innocent smile.

"Ah, sure mom." He said with excitement.

"Jessica!" I protested.

"I mean Jessica." He said quickly.

"Now Danny, let's go to my room and continue." I suggested.

"Ok, that sounds great." He said with a big smile.

I got up and made my way to my room, with Danny right behind me. I put on some music and sat him on the bed again.

"Ok Danny, in this lesson, try to keep your cool. If a girl wants to model for you, enjoy the show and compliment her. She's obviously into you if she does this." I told him.

"Ok, I will try." He said with nervous excitement.

I grabbed the blue Victoria Secrets gear and my black dress and went in the bathroom. I quickly changed and stepped out to model and tease my cute son again. I began to dance around and tease him with sex in mind.

"Oh, Danny, you make me so hot. You are so handsome and sexy." I said seductively as I danced and squeezed my boobs together.

"Oh Jessica, you make my cock so hard." He said, as he rubbed himself thorough his pants.

"Oh baby, you are really making mommy hot." I said as I let the dress fall to the floor. The blue panties barely covered my ass and pussy.

"You look Hot mom!" He said loudly.

"You like my blue outfit you picked out for me?' I teased and touched my pussy.

"You are making me so hard mom." He said seriously.

"Oh baby, let me see." I said nicely.

"Really? I mean really show you?" He asked surprised.

"Yes Danny, don't be scared." I said quietly.

"I'm not." He said nervously.

I approached Danny and began to undress my boy for the first time in many years. I removed his shirt then I unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. He seemed nervous but let me do as I pleased. He helped by stepping out of his pants and looked so attractive. We were both down to our underwear and very horny. Danny had a very big bulge in his underwear, I couldn't wait to see what was underneath.

"Honey, do you know how to kiss properly?" I asked him seductively.

"Not really." He said looking afraid.

"Would you like me to show you?" I asked with a cute smile.

"Ok, sure." He said with excitement.

"Now just copy what I do and go slowly at first, Ok?" I asked innocently, as we laid down on the bed together.