My Teen Stud Cousin

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Sam’s Cousin Comes to Visit.
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of fictional incest or fictional incest content.


I was in a coffee shop studying when I got a call.

"Hey Dad." I answered.

"Hey...ahem...hey Sam!"

"You coming down with something, Dad? Your voice sounded super high and raspy there for a second." I said.

"No, no. I'm fantastic actually. Best I've felt in years." My dad replied.

"Oh yeah? That's great. So...why the call?" I was curious. My dad and I had a good relationship, but neither of us was good about calling. It didn't help that, at 25, I'd lived away from home for 7 years. My dad and sister lived near Toronto but I had moved to the US for school...then work...and now school again. Typically when my dad called it was for big news.

"Can't I check in on my favorite son just to chat?"

"I'm your only son, dad." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Yes - and my favorite!"

"Ha. Anyways of course you can. But I bet there's something else too." I kept at him.

"How's school?"

"It's good." I wanted him to get to the point.

"Are you becoming a master massage therapist?"

"Yes, yes. I am. Whatsup?" I was being impatient and rude. But he was being weird too. I didn't want to talk about my massage therapy studies right now. I was a year and a half into my two year program and my Dad didn't typically just call me to chat about school.

"Alright...Well your cousin Ryan has actually been visiting us here for the past week or so..."

"Oh really? Is he still a spoiled brat?" I replied, picturing my cocky cousin in my head from a family reunion about 4 years ago.

"Umm...well..." My dad sounded momentarily frazzled. "He's certainly...matured...since you last saw him." I heard giggling in the background.

"Is that Tracy? Can I say hi?"


I waited.

"Hey Sadie!" My sister said. She'd called me Sadie for years. An immature (and somewhat misogynistic) joke in my mind.

"Hi baby sister." I answered patiently. "How's it going?"

"'s actually going ammmaaazzing right now." She said.

"Umm...okay, that's great. You and dad are singing a similar tune."

She giggled. "Yeah we areee..." she was acting weird, but that wasn't so unusual for her.

I persevered "And this is even in spite of Ryan being there?"

A pause, then she said in a rush. "Oh yeah...definitely."

"Okay - sounds like he's improved." I said.

"Fuck yeah... like you wouldn't believeee."

Super fucking weird.

"Alright, pass me to dad. You're obviously distracted."

I heard her say distantly "He wants to speak to you, Tammy."

Tammy? I guess I misheard "Daddy."

"Hi Sammy." My dad was back.

"Why is Tracy being weird, dad?"

"Weird? She's not...I don't" He replied, flustered.

"You're both being weird. Okay should I just hang up?" I was getting frustrated with this.

"No wait. Sorry, okay. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, shoot."

"I...uh..." He sounded nervous, hesitant. There was some low murmuring in the background then he continued. "So Pap...I mean...your cousin Ryan..."

"This is really about the little kid?"

"He's not little!" He suddenly sounded angry, and his voice rose again to a high feminine one. Jeez he was so rarely angry I didn't realize he could get so shrill.

"Jeez dad, okay. What about Ryan."

"Sor...sorry. Um. Right. So Ryan is here checking out schools, but he's still deciding where to go. I told him you could maybe show him around your school if he came to visit?"

Fuck that.

"There's no way he's coming here, Dad. C'mon." I heard some deep murmuring in the background - then Tracy giggled.

What the hell. "Is he with you, Dad?"

"No, no...that's just the tv." My dad replied quickly. I decided to let it go.

"Dad - Ryan's super Rich. There's no way he's going to go to my dinky community college. And has he really not even decided what country to go to college in?"

"He's...keeping an open mind, Sam. Please - I'm just asking that you spend a few days showing your cousin around. He's family."

I put my phone on mute.

"FUCK!" I swore out loud. A bunch of people stared at me. I waved at them, embarrassed.

"Okay Dad, fine. When's he coming?"

My dad didn't answer right away. I heard some whispering. "Do you need to? So soon? Are you sure?"

"Seriously, Dad!? He IS in the room with you!!?"

"Oh uhh..." He ignored my question. "Next week?"

Fucking hell. "Fine." I said, angry. I hung up without another word.


It was hard to think of anything that I had ever looked forward to less than my cocky little cousin visiting. Hell - I could work up more excitement about my exams and papers than I could about his visit.

But, just a few days after that weird call with my dad, I was waiting in arrivals at the airport looking around for Ryan.

His plane was late to deboard, notwithstanding the fact that it took off on time. So I was of course stuck fucking hanging around at the airport for over an hour.

Finally, a group started filtering out towards the baggage carousel for his flight. I looked around for Ryan.

My eyes fell upon a pair of flight attendants whispering and giggling to each other. Wow, they were gorgeous. Thin yet curvy with perfect, glossy hair. As I stared, something huge brushed past my right shoulder, bumping me hard and causing me to stumble forward. When I straightened up I faced the muscular back of a huge guy walking by me. He wore a tshirt, tight on the top revealing the shape of massive shoulders, with triceps on full display. I swallowed my angry comment.

The man continued over to the baggage carousel and grabbed a small bag. I could see the attractive flight attendants eyeing him, chatting to one another and giggling. Jeez. What it would be like to be fawned over like that...I thought.

I followed their gaze. The large man had turned around. In fact, he was looking at me and walking my way, bag in hand.


No way.

His eyes fell upon me and his face lit up in a broad smile. "Hey Sadie!"


What the fuck. This was Ryan? What the hell had happened to him. He was huge! I looked him up and down. He towered over me at well over 6 feet and he had the jacked body of a guy who had spent 10 years in the gym.

He jogged over, looming bigger and bigger in my vision. Below a tshirt pulled tight around the arms he wore well-fit light grey sweatpants.

"That...that you Ryan?" I asked uncertainly. Then I tried to recover from my surprise and put on a more confident tone. "Welcome little cuz - looks like you grew up a bit!"

I held out my hand for a high five.

"Ha, you look good Sadie" he replied. He scanned me up and down then went on, grinning. "You'll see how much I grew." Instead of high-fiving, he shook my hand instead, his grip like steel. His face had matured too, now with a strong jawline, intense piercing eyes, and a five o'clock shadow. No wonder he caught the attention of the flight attendants, I thought.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nevermind. Shall we go?"

"Sure - by the way, only Tracy calls me Sadie as a joke. You can call me Sam." It bothered me but didn't want to make it a big deal. So I played it off casually.

"Hmm...we'll see."

"Ha." I said, but I was annoyed. We left the airport and got into my car, making small talk.

As we drove, chatting about his college options, I couldn't help stealing furtive glances his way. I couldn't believe this was the same Ryan as those few years ago. Glancing back and forth between Ryan and the road, I took in his strong chin, to his thick shoulders, to his defined marble biceps and triceps, to his absolutely massive quads, dominating the seat of the car with their size.

A car honked loudly and I looked back at the road. I had drifted over the center line and was headed straight towards an oncoming car, which was itself swerving out of the way to avoid me. Panicking, my arms shook as I realized it was too late to swerve to avoid. But even as I gripped the wheel to begin the turn, I found it was already turning.

Ryan had reached over, grabbing the wheel and turning us away from oncoming traffic. I jostled in my seat, sliding towards the door and knocking into it pretty hard.

The oncoming van blasted its horn as we swerved out of the way, back in our lane.

I put my hands back on the wheel but they were shaking from the fright and adrenaline. Ryan noticed. "Why don't I take over?" he asked.

I looked at him blankly, still shaken.

"I'll take over now, pull over." He said this with command, and, still disoriented, I simply pulled over without objection.

As we got back in I was embarrassed but Ryan didn't dwell on it, simply asking me directions.

As we started off, I finally started talking.

"I'm really sorry about that, Ryan. Are you okay? Did you knock anything around?" I asked.

"My legs banged into the dash pretty hard, and my side crashed into the gearshift, but I'll be fine." He answered.

"Shoot, I'm really sorry. Thanks for..." I began.

"It was nothing, Sadie. Don't worry about it."

I bristled at the nickname but didn't object. I could hardly get angry with him at this moment.

The car was silent for a moment.

"So you're studying massage?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah that's right." I answered. I didn't really want to focus on that while Ryan was here. He would probably make it out to not be a "manly" profession.

"That's really cool. I bet it's super fulfilling to help folks feel better. Talk about instant gratification."

"That's...that's exactly right actually." I was somewhat shocked at his perceptiveness. "It's satisfying to know I can really make a difference to my clients' days."

"Yeah that makes perfect sense. Then again, I've only ever known girls to pursue that field. But hey, maybe that's part of the reason you're doing it."

That stopped my appreciation of Ryan cold.

I took a deep breath. "That's a common misconception, Ryan. In fact, spa's employ almost as many male masseuses as female." I retorted.

"Sure, sure. I've just never known any of them. Anyways, real male masseuses are usually big and powerful. You fit the 'female masseuse' role a lot better..." he paused before finishing "....Sadie."

I seethed. Same old fucking ass hole cousin Ryan.

"You know..." he began, then stopped.

"What?" I asked, grinding my teeth. I was recalling once again that this kid was, and always had been, full of shit.

"No...nevermind. It would be too weird." he said.

"C'mon, baby cousin. Out with it." I said impatiently, including the petty dig as well. I was sure he was going to call in a favor for my driving mistake and his rescue. And I was sure I knew what. But I hoped I was wrong.

He grinned at the name calling. "Well, after that jostling around, I definitely wouldn't mind a good massage."

And there it was. I silently considered the request. I really didn't want to do it. In fact, I could think of few people on the face of the earth I'd like to massage less than this cocky dipshit, particularly after that little misogynistic speech of his. But whether I liked it or not he had just saved my ass, possibly my life. Hard, really, to object.

"Fine. I guess I can do that."

"Awesome! Do you have a massage table at your place?"

" man..." I replied.

"Oh...where do you practice?"

"The school has a massage studio I use."

"Oh okay...let's go there then."

"Now?" I asked, exasperated

"Why not, Sadie?" he replied, grinning over at me.

I sighed.


Twenty minutes later I was showing Ryan around my school. Ryan was catching furtive (and not so furtive) glances from pretty much the entire student and teaching body. I tried rushing him through, I didn't want to field any questions about him.

Ryan looked around with an amused expression on his face, and I took it personally.

"This place is no Harvard, Ryan. But it has one of the best massage therapy programs in the country." I said pointedly as I opened the door to the studio.

"Of that I have no doubt, Sadie. I can't wait to sample the wares." He looked around the entry room with his eyebrows raised.

A number of my fellow students were milling about, chatting and in some cases greeting clients.

At the front desk, Katheryn's eyes passed over me, disinterested as always. But she did a visible double take when she saw Ryan. Katheryn was one of the hottest girls in the school, and was my year in the massage program. Though I had fantasized about her for years, she'd barely ever noticed me. But since she was manning the front desk at the moment, I wandered over with Ryan.

As we approached, Katheryn had eyes for only Ryan. She visibly straightened, pressing out her chest, and her face changed to polite interest, a slight flirtatious grin on her lips.

"How can I help you today?" She asked Ryan. Ryan answered with a dazzling smile and she seemed to lean towards him, waiting for an answer.

I cleared my throat. "Hi...uhh...Kat..." I pushed away the nerves I got when I talked to her. "Is a room available?"

She looked at me and her face seemed to sour. But she made a few keystrokes on her laptop. "It seems like rooms 6 and 14 are open for a while."

"Let's use 14, Ryan." I said to my cousin. "It's a bit bigger."

"Ryan, is it?" Katheryn piped in. "Do you need a masseuse for your visit?" She asked as she twirled a finger through her glossy black hair.

"Oh that's okay" Ryan answered. "I already have a date." he winked at her and lipped a hand around my waist.

Her eyes widened as she glanced from me to him and back.

"It's not...I'm not!" I protested, trying to escape from Ryan's grip. But he held me tight. "He's my cousin! I'm just giving him a quick massage....I...uh..." Ryan was pulling me down the hall now. "I owe him a favor!" I yelled over my shoulder.

A lot of people were staring now and my face turned beet red. But Ryan pulled me around the corner and we were out of sight.

We passed Andrew, who was walking the opposite direction from deeper in the hallway and had missed the scene. But he still glanced back and forth between us, evidently confused. Andrew was a big guy as well. He didn't compare to Ryan but he was tall and muscular, like the male masseuses Ryan had described, I realized bitterly.. He was also in my cohort and, while we were friendly in our early years, we had fallen out of touch in the last couple years as he became more integrated in the cooler, more attractive groups in the school. Nowadays he barely talked to me (and I was pretty sure he and Kat were hooking up).

"Ryan!" I whispered harshly. "What the fuck!? These are my friends and colleagues!" I was still trying to escape his grip, to no avail. His arm and fingers were like granite.

"Ha...well it's true. I've got you. I don't need that girl."

That prompted a...strange...feeling in me. He preferred me to Katherine? Sure I was a better masseuse, but he didn't know that. And she was....I mean she was Katherine.

My struggle was ebbing when we reached 14. I pulled out my fob and Ryan finally released me. We entered the room, the clock over the door read 2:30 p.m.

A quick tour of the room took a bare 30 seconds. There was a large massage table in the middle, a small couch on the side, and an adjoining private changing room. Room 14 was one of the better set-ups. Eyeing the massage table, Ryan asked me if we could get started, wincing as he rubbed his "injured" side, as he called it.

Drama queen...

Trying my best to recover and be nice, I agreed and told him to lie down.

"Wait wait...shouldn't I get undressed?" He asked.

"This isn't a serious massage Ryan..." I replied impatiently.

"Why not?" He asked seriously.

I audibly huffed. "Fine, Ryan. Take your shirt off and lie down, but keep your boxers on for god's sake!"

I stepped into the change room as Ryan got undressed to give him privacy. I had never been able to rid myself of the feeling that a client's getting undressed before a massage was somehow sexual. No matter how much I pushed it down, I could never quite get past it. Weirdly, even though I was straight, it didn't matter whether the client was a man or woman. It always felt to me like the room was suddenly injected with sexual tension. Too much porn, I guessed.

But Ryan was my cousin and that was weird. So I occupied myself elsewhere while I heard him rustling behind me. In spite of myself I had to strain not to peak. This kid had seemingly turned into a gym rat and I couldn't shake my curiosity at what he looked like. I knew I'd probably be jealous, ugh... What I wouldn't give for some muscle mass to attract some more ladies...

I heard him sigh as he lay down. "All ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, get over here."

I turned, annoyed.

Then I saw him.

Ryan was a slab of tanned, powerful, dense muscle laying on my massage table. A thin towel (though I wasn't sure where it came from) covered his waist, but every visible part of Ryan's massive body bulged with developed, shredded muscle

I paused, my mouth falling open in surprise.

"Let's get moving, Sadie."

My face reddened and I approached, trying to shake myself out of my reverie. "I..uhh..I'll..." I cleared my throat. I was weirdly confused, disoriented.

"Why don't you start with my shoulders, Sadie." Ryan said.

My annoyance broke through my shock. I shook myself. "Yeah...okay.." I replied, a faintly annoyed tone to my voice.

Ryan chuckled. His low chuckle made him sound large, powerful, and somehow older.

I zero in on two shelves of muscular power next to Ryan's head as I strapped on the belt that held my massage oils. Ryan's back was huge. I'd been doing this for years. I had massaged hundreds of people - including fighters, athletes, bodybuilders. I'd massaged every type of person. But...I didn't think I had ever seen shoulders so broad & defined, Arms so thick and obviously powerful, even just resting on a table. His chest was probably over 54 inches around.

Ryan's body seemed to radiate heat and I found myself perspiring lightly. I reached out, holding my breath.

My palms connected with his shoulders and my fingers pressed into him. His trap muscles were dense and thick, and his skin smooth, tanned, perfect.

"mhh" a soft grunt escaped me.

I paused, embarrassed, but Ryan didn't say anything.

...what the fuck was that? I thought.

I continued - my hands moved around, feeling the deep substance of his muscles, reaching down his back towards his spine along his traps. Pressing my thumbs inward, I felt along the bumps of his spine. I then moved my hands outward, my fingers passing through the slight ridges between his large back muscles, which were loose and relaxed, dormant in their power.

I reached his shoulders and squeezed them experimentally, shocked at how large they felt in my hands. Neither hand was anywhere close to spanning from the front to the back of these turrets.

"Sadie, not to question the mastery of your studies, but don't you usually use massage oil?" Ryan asked.

I paused, disoriented. He was right, I hadn't applied any oil. My face reddening, I pulled back. But my hands trembled as I dispensed some oil into them.

"Sorry, Ryan."

"Master." Ryan interjected.


"Or 'Daddy.' Oh, nevermind, you'll see soon. I don't think this will take long" I could hear the grin on his voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"In fact..." he said, as if to himself, "I think it'll be record time..."

I stared down at him, confused. Then he flexed the muscles in his back.

My eyes were drawn immediately down. It was like his muscles expanded and contracted at the same time. Suddenly, he seemed to have twice as many muscles as before.

"Oil" he commanded, and I stumbled to get the oil. Disoriented and confused again, I squirted more onto my hands and brought them towards this expanse of power. But right before my hands made contact, Ryan relaxed his back.