My Teen Stud Nephew - Day 06

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Tammy completes her transformation.
15k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/03/2020
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I lay cuddled against Ryan's warm body as the beginnings of morning light streamed in through the blinds. The light fell across my nephew's broad hard chest and I was able to appreciate with my eyes what I had appreciated with my hands and lips all night.

Laying against Ryan after we'd fucked (well..not quite) last night, I had fallen into a deep restful sleep that had lasted most of the night. But I'd woken up an hour before sunrise and stayed in bed, pressing myself against him. I lay there thinking. I couldn't remember any time prior in my life where I'd felt so safe, so warm. The feeling of security conflicted with my unrelenting insecurity about myself. Who was I? What was I? What had happened last night? I'd felt something break inside me. I felt like a different person today than I had yesterday, or at least like a mask had been taken off. But was I really this person Ryan wanted me to be? Was I really...not a man?

Ryan's muscled chest slowly rose and fell with the breaths of deep sleep. That was a man. I gazed at his handsome face and realized he looked amazing even while sleeping. Who the hell looks good while sleeping!? God he was perfect. Without thinking, I kissed the nearest pec, then ran a few more kisses down his abs. My hands ran over his hard body and I felt the blood rush to my head. I could even feel my pupils dilate. Jesus.

With gargantuan effort, I stopped myself from proceeding further down. I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake him.

I'd thought about it all morning, and decided that I had to let Ryan know that I needed time to process all of this. It was just too much all at once. Maybe if my relationship with Tracy wasn't getting so rocky, or even if she wasn't as attracted to him as I was. Maybe if he weren't only 18. Or maybe if he wasn't my own nephew! In any case, no matter how difficult, I needed to step back, some time to think. Things had seemed so clear last night, with Ryan. Now, in the light of day, I was full of doubts.

It meant that I had to let him down easy. With grace but with a clear message. Knowing Ryan, that would be better done with a home cooked meal. At least I could make him happy in one way, if not in others...

I pulled on my thin white robe and went bounding down the stairs. I needed to work quickly. I spent 30 minutes putting together eggs, waffles, sausages, shredded hashbrowns and of course fresh-squeezed orange juice. I dug out a serving tray from the long-unused display cabinet, grabbed the morning paper, and carried it all upstairs carefully, still steaming hot.

Nervously looking towards Tracy's room I quickened my step towards Ryan's door and opened it softly with my elbow, going in.

He was so large in the bed, his wide frame covering more than half the mattress. I sighed, looking at him. The rounded muscles of his shoulders and arms looked soft and inviting, and I felt my body tingling, imagining laying down against him. More importantly, Ryan had pitched a fucking enormous tent with his morning wood. More like a morning two-by-four...Fuck it was so huge, maybe I'd just slide quickly under the cov...

I shook my head and cleared my throat. "Good...good morning, Ryan." I said. I hadn't meant to but in my nervousness my voice had come out high-pitched and raspy.

Ryan's eyes drifted open and, groggily, he said "Good morning, Sweetie" back. Slowly, he sat up, pulling his upper body up and out from under the cover. His traps and shoulders flared slightly from the effort. My gaze took in his beautiful pecs and what I could see of his abs.

After yawning, Ryan took notice of the tray in my hand. He grinned broadly. "Well what do we have here?" I smiled back, my face flush. "Just a little something" I said..

"Well, Tammy. That looks amazing."

Still smiling, I brought the tray over, laying it in front of him. "So this is how the man of the house gets treated." Ryan said. "I could get used to this."

I faltered, almost missing a step. The man of the 18 year old nephew...I sat down heavily. Ryan seemed not to have noticed my daze. He stood up out of bed and I found myself facing his incredible ass. His wide muscled back sloped in to meet two perfect globes of muscular perfection. I stared in stunned silence as he stretched, his back muscles flaring while his hamstrings and ass grew taught and hard right in front of me. I realized suddenly I was drooling and shut my mouth - it wouldn't be attractive if he turned around and saw me....But he walked off towards the bathroom without saying a word, as I stared at his beautiful naked form disappearing around the corner.

I didn't quite know what to do. Did I wait for him? I mean...I guess I should stay. I had to tell him what I had decided, after all.

I heard the faucet running and Ryan brushing his teeth. I needed to get this over with quickly. Like a band-aid.

The door opened and Ryan stepped out. Jesus how was it that every time I saw this stud it was like I was seeing him for the first time? His musculature practically glowed in the morning light. I scanned him up and down. There wasn't one inch of him I didn't want to touch, to caress, to ki...Stop it!

"Ryan!" I blurted out, turning red with embarrassment at the accidental volume of my voice. I cleared my throat. He stood looking at me inquiringly. His huge cock hung low and heavy between his wide muscular legs. My eyes trailed it's length before I looked back up to his face. I flushed further.

"Uhh..Ryan." I took a deep breath. "So here's the thing. Our time...together...has been, well....interesting of course. I mean good. I mean you know." Dammit why was this so hard? "I know that we talked about how things...were...last night. But the thing is..."

Ryan had cocked an eyebrow at me, and even grinned slightly. Fuck he was so hot.

"The thing is that...that I'm your uncle for christ's sake. I mean. You're half my age! And I'm straight! Or...or I was until...I mean. That's not really the point..."

As I babbled on Ryan was taking slow steps towards me.

"It's just that, you know. This can't go on...It..."

Ryan took another slow step, his huge perfect body coming closer and closer. His massive cock swayed slowly and heavily with his strides.

" can't, Ryan. And...and you need to start calling me by my real name. It's T..."

Another step. Ryan now stood right in front of me. His scent filled my nostrils. It was overpowering. A man's scent. I gazed up at his perfect body and handsome face.

"My name...We...we really shouldn't..."

As I looked up at him, Ryan brought up his hand and slid it through my hair. Once. Twice. I stared up at him.

"Ryan...we c....c..."

He angled my head downward and my gaze swept down his perfect upper body, down past his huge pecs and washboard abs.

" name we...Ryan..."

Ryan had stopped moving my head and I stared at his massive soft cock. Could it be bigger than my face....even while soft!? A thick vein ran down the top. Even soft it was symmetrical, uniform in incredible thickness from dark base to light tip. The spongy head drooped invitingly.

"Ryan...I don't kno..." Further words were cut off as Ryan's cock slipped into my mouth. Ryan hadn't moved...and only once I was sucking did I realize I had both my hands around the thick soft shaft, pointing the delicious mushroom head to my lips. It was so heavy and thick. Just the head filled my mouth, stretching my lips. MMMmmmm...I moaned, running my tongue along the slit of his cock head, needing to taste him.

"There you go Tammy." Ryan said soothingly. "No more of that, now." He stroked my head as I continued sucking on his soft cock enthusiastically, my moans muffled by his thick shaft.

My hands left his still-soft shaft and gripped his ass. Fuck it was so firm. So strong. I sucked hard on his cock, trying to slide my tongue back and forth along the underside.

Ryan chuckled and started to move. I tried moving with him but the cock slipped out of my mouth. I whimpered.

Ryan settled down into bed and grabbed the tray. He set into breakfast enthusiastically. Watching him eat, my sudden sense of satisfaction was surprising, and Ryan's murmured happiness with the meal only increased my excitement.

My eyes strayed down his exposed muscular chest to his impossibly defined abs. I glanced up at Ryan's face again and caught him looking at me. We both grinned - me with embarrassment - him with a predatory gleam in his eye.

Ryan raised his eyebrows at me. I glanced from his cock to his face, to his huge cock, to his handsome face, to his glorious perfect cock to his beautiful commanding irresistible face. I would tell him again that we needed to stop things....after....I could do this one more time....

I left the side of the bed and walked to the bottom. I watched Ryan watching me. I climbed on and moved between Ryan's powerful legs. Lowering my head, I kissed Ryan's thick muscular calves, trailing upwards. It felt so good to be there. In bed, relaxed, between my stud's legs. I felt Ryan's massive member press against the top of my head. Moving my head up, I let Ryan's cock slide down my face deliciously until it reached my lips and tongue. I licked the thick shaft slowly from base to tip, savoring how long it took to get there, never wanting that initial lick to end. FUCKK this felt good.

Lifting my head away, I stared down again at the most glorious cock I'd ever seen. Glancing up, I saw Ryan grinning at me. I gave a dazed, almost euphoric smile back. He turned back to his food, and I turned back to his cock.

I pulled it away from his body. God how was it so fucking heavy. I slipped the thick spongy head into my mouth.

One hand holding his long monster in place--pointing into my mouth--the other was free to explore his body. I ran my hands up and down Ryan's quads. Relaxed as they were, I felt the depth of their latent power--soft but ready to turn rock hard if called on. MMmmm, that was just like every inch of my stud nephew...

I explored the soft ridges around the perimeter of Ryan's huge cockhead with my tongue, feeling along the line that divided beautiful head from incredible shaft. I pushed my face deeper into Ryan's lap, forcing his soft but huge cock further into my mouth. As one hand continued to explore the teenager's huge legs, my cock-hand began stroking up and down, base to tip. I licked along the shaft in my mouth and began sucking greedily. Suck and release, suck and release, to mix it up for this stud's pleasure. Just this one last time, just this time...I told myself over and over in my head.

I kept up my assault but soon realized something. He wasn't getting hard. Without removing Ryan's god piece from my mouth, I looked up at him. Fuck his body was so perfect - rising up like a statue of pure sex and power. Ryan was finishing up the meal, seemingly enjoying the last piece of toast.

Still soft. Fuckkk what was I doing wrong? Didn't he enjoy this? I began sucking harder, stroking faster - determined to get him excited, to bring him to full and glorious mast. It didn't change at all.

I began fondling his heavy balls with my free hand and humming on his cock, swirling my tongue frantically, desperate now. Still nothing. I began whimpering, needing him to get hard, needing to prove I still made him hard.

My ass. He liked my ass.

Scooting further onto the bed, I brought my knees under me and pushed up my ass, pulling my white robe up so my thick buns were revealed, still clad in the purple panties.

Not seeing any immediate results, I struggled to figure out what to do next. So I began talking, pulling Ryan's monster out of my mouth and replacing my sucking with licking and kissing. "Fuck I love your cock so much, Papi." ...Papi? What was I saying? But I felt Ryan's cock twitch. YES.

"Mmmm Papi, you're so fucking big." I raised my ass. "Slap my ass, Papi. Slap your little slutty housewife's ass." His cock twitched again. Oh god YES.

SLAP. Ryan's huge hand came down on my left ass cheek. SLAP SLAP. I squealed but didn't relent on my assault. Ryan's hand gripped my right ass cheek now and I moaned around his cock.

"Yes, Papi. This ass is yours. Yours to do whatever you want with." I had started using it without thinking, but "Papi" was a nickname Diane had called her ex prior to me. He was a huge guy that had always intimidated me. Not nearly as big as my Papi though...nowhere fucking near.

I licked Ryan's monster again, base to tip. It was growing steadily now. I was filled with pure joy. I was making him hard! It grew and grew as Ryan fondled my ass and I sucked and licked deliciously. I was in pure heaven.

I pulled my head away to look at it, now at full mast. It stretched from below my chin to above the crown of my head. I moaned in lust. God I loved this cock. How could any sane person not?

"Keep going, sweetie." Ryan said huskily. His normal tone had changed and he was looking at me intensely - his blue eyes burning in to me. One of his fingers snaked beneath my panties and began fingering the edges of my pussy.

"Oh godddd." I moaned. "Yessss Papi."

I pointed the throbbing teen member towards me and impaled myself on it, pushing it as deep as it would go and fighting my gag reflex.

God it was hard. I felt it slide down my throat. Ohhh fuckkkk. Ryan's finger pressed against my pussy, pushing. I pushed further. Fucckkk YESSS. I moaned. It entered me, thick and strong.

"OH fuckkkkk...." I muttered, almost panicked. The words, however, were muffled completely by the monster snaking down my throat.

I bobbed fast on Ryan's huge cock as he began sliding his thick long finger in and out of me. God I'd never felt anything like it. I popped Ryan's cock out of my mouth, gagging as it slid out of my throat.

I kissed Ryan's cock head and pressed my ass higher into the air for him.

"Yess....fuck yess..." I kissed Ryan's beautiful cock head. Licked it up and down. I'd never felt this turned on in my life. I'd never loved anything more than this cockkkk. I wanted nothing else in the world beside Ryan's finger inside me and his cock down my throat.

I pushed my face onto his cock again and I felt Ryan's finger pop out of me. I moaned in disappointment. It soon became apparent why though. Ryan locked his hands on either side of my head, holding it in place.

Slowly, with my lips around the shaft of his cock and the head down my throat, Ryan slid off the bed and stood up. I followed, crawling, with my body, my head locked in place. I ended up lying down, my head facing out to where Ryan stood beside the bed.

"Okay Tammy. You've been doing great. Let Papi take it from here." He grinned at the name, then he began thrusting.

Ryan's huge cock slid in and out of my mouth--slowly at first, then more rapidly, his abs smashing into my forehead as he thrust deeper and deeper. Oh fuck oh fuck.

I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. Ryan's cock. Cock. Cock. Cock. Deeper and deeper.

I was in pain. It didn't feel so nice now. But Ryan loved it. God he was getting bigger, thrusting harder. Fuck Ryan wanted this. God it hurt but Ryan wanted it. Fuck he was such a stud. God fuck yes. Fuck my face you stud. Fuck my face Papi. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

As my mental worship of Ryan went on, Ryan was talking. "Tammy, you have such a warm mouth and throat. You were made for taking cock, can't you see? My cock fits in you so nicely, Sweetie. Raise that ass up for me I want to see it. Yes, that's it."


"You like that, sweetie? You like waving your sexy little ass for me? take my cock like a pro."

I moaned and moaned onto Ryan, loving every second, even in intense pain and starving for air. He liked my ass! And my mouth! YES fuck me you stud.

Ryan stopped talking but his thrusts grew faster. I began to see stars. I didn't care. Fuck me. Fuck my face. Fuck me.

Everything was going black. It occured to me in a distant thought - I was going to die on Ryan's cock. That sounded...nice..

I felt one last huge thrust then Ryan's cum was emptying down my throat. With my last moment of consciousness I sucked and sucked, needing it all.

Then Ryan's cock was sliding out of my mouth fast and oxygen was allowed in. I heaved in breaths. But Ryan wasn't done. His cock kept cumming and cumming, all over my face, everywhere. Even as I sucked in air I tried to catch as much of the precious nectar as I could.

Finally, the torrent stopped. I heard Ryan chuckling and tried to look up at him. I found my vision was impaired by cum though. Still, what I could see looked glorious. I stayed there, panting, waiting for...I wasn't sure.

"That was great sweetie. But why don't you go freshen yourself up a bit."

I got to my feet, dizzy from the lack then sudden burst of oxygen, and stumbled to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I was shocked by the amount of Ryan's cum on me. I had swallowed a large amount but still my entire face was covered, and part of my chest. I grabbed a few tissues and began wiping.

As I wiped, Ryan's cum gathered on the tissue. I glanced towards the door, then licked it off. Fuckkk.

Not a drop was wasted.

After I was done, I washed my face and applied a new layer of lipstick. As I looked at myself in the mirror I wondered...was lipstick enough? Was that enough to be the Tammy Ryan really wanted....

I shook my head clear of the thought and walked out, nervous and excited with Ryan waiting out there.

But when I got out, Ryan wore his running clothes and was just walking out the door.

"Thanks for breakfast sweetie. I'm going for a run!" And he was gone.

I was jolted and strangely crestfallen. After what we just did he left just like that? With barely a word?

...Did I need to give him more pleasure? Was that the only way to have Ryan spend more time with me?

I stepped out of Ryan's bedroom. As I clicked the door shut I turned around and found Tracy standing in the hallway, her arms crossed, with a furious look on her face. Not good.

I stood facing her, Diane's short bathrobe wrapped tightly around me and a fresh layer of lipstick on.

"What. the. FUCK! Dad!"

"Tracy, I..." She cut me off though.

"I can't fucking believe you. Ryan said all of those things he was going to do with you. But I didn't actually think you'd go for it. Jesus christ what are you, TAMMY?"

"Tracy, please don't..." But she cut me off again.

"Jesus look at you. You're wearing lipstick! You really aren't a man, just like he says. You're not my dad! So what? You think you're my mom now? Like you can........." Tracy's tirade went on and on and I let the words wash over me. I knew she was disappointed in me, but I also knew that wasn't the whole of it, not by a long shot. Anger flared in me.

It was my turn to cut her off, my voice soft and cold. "What's wrong, Tracy? Are you jealous?"

She stopped in mid sentence, staring at me incredulously.

I continued. "Jealous that Ryan clearly favors me?"

"He...he doesn't...he'd of course prefer me if he just..." Tracy stammered.

I took a step closer, anger and pride fueling me. "You parade your slutty little outfits all over the house, desperate for just a little of Ryan's attention." I smirked, tracing my fingernail slowly over her exposed cleavage - she wore a low-cut tank top and booty shorts. "But meanwhile, all he wants is to squeeze my perfect ass."

Tracy gaped, taken completely aback from my sudden attitude.

I brought my face right to hers, speaking in a quiet menacing voice. "That's definitely it. You're angry because he won't let you worship his incredible body. He won't let you stroke and suck his huge, beautiful cock." I paused before continuing. "You just have to sit in your room and imagine it." I licked my lips, teasing her. "While I get the real thing."

Tracy stared at me, eyes bulging - her face a mask of utter shock.