My Teen Stud Nephew - Day 03

Story Info
Tom is determined to reassert himself as the man of the house.
5k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/03/2020
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l didn't sleep. As with the prior night, the bed, blankets and pillows were all terrible. But I was also plagued all night with thoughts of Ryan and the previous day.

Ryan had Tracy completely under his thumb. From the start of his stay, she had fawned over him and appeared to defer to him at every turn. Worse, they had kissed right in front of me the previous night, even knowing I was watching. Then he'd basically threatened me into giving him a massage myself. From there, things had turned...confusing. All night, I couldn't stop thinking about his rock hard calves, his huge quads, his dense abs, his impossibly large pecs...and his long, no no no.

Shaking my head, still lying in the guest bed that second morning in a row - stiff, sore and tired - I resolved to reign it the fuck in that day. I would be assertive, I would be aloof, I would not give in to his shit, and most of all, I would show Ryan who the man of this house really was.

I stood up slowly, stretching and forcing my aching body awake. I dressed and began the slow march down the stairs to drink my much needed coffee. As I turned towards the kitchen, I was surprised to see Ryan already up, and he was fucking reading my paper at the table! He wore the same muscle t shirt as last night and as I scanned downwards he appeared still to just be wearing the brie...I averted my eyes.

I walk to the fridge for my coffee and said briskly. "Morning. I'd like the business section please, Ryan."

I filled up a cup with iced coffee and turned around to see a paper section sliding towards me on the kitchen island. Satisfied, I picked it up.

Women's fashion.

"Ryan, this isn't the business s..." But when I raised my head he wasn't sitting at the table any more.

Two hands pressed reached around me from behind and pressed into the countertop, framing me. "Hmmm...good morning, Tammy." Ryan said softly. I felt his warm breath on my ears and shivers immediately ran up and down my spine.

A wall of muscle pressed into me from behind. Ryan's chest pushed against my shoulders and his biceps squeezed my arms into my own body.

I took a shuddering breath. "Ryan, have you heard about something called personal space?"

"Yep. And lately you seem to be in it a lot don't you?" Ryan pushed his hips forward and I felt his large bulge pressing into my ass. What the fuck was he doing? Jesus it was so fucking big how was that even possible...

"Ryan, this need to...I'm your..."

Ryan removed his hands from the island and moved them to my waist, sliding them down the outside of my body and coming to rest just below my hips. His long strong fingers gripped my hip bone and pulled me back. I gasped as I felt his bulge press deeper into my ass cheeks.

"You really do have a great ass, Tammy. Remarkably similar to Tracy's, just a bit more mature. You need to put on something a bit more feminine to suit it."

I looked up over my shoulder. My muscular nephew towered above, grinning handsomely down at me. I felt dizzy. Wasn't I going to show him something today?...that I...

Ryan's monster cock, still soft, ground into my ass, up and down. I found myself pressing back into him, lost in his striking blue eyes.

Suddenly he stepped back. Casually, he said. "Yep - not bad. Could definitely use a bit of toning. Want to join me for my run this morning?"

Flustered, I stuttered. "Wh...what? No. No I, I don't"

"Alright, In that case, I guess Trace will join again. But I look forward to my massage tonight, Tammy."

Regaining my equilibrium a bit, I replied more firmly. "It's Tom, Ryan. And there will be no more massages."

Ryan just smirked and walked out of the room. Automatically, I stared at his beautiful backside, taking in the way the briefs cupped his ass.

Still trembling, I finished making my coffee. I suddenly felt again my increasing exhaustion and confusion. I sat down on the couch and started reading the paper, barely conscious of the words. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps down the stairs again. Once again, Ryan and Tracy walk into the living room, suited up in jogging gear, ready for their run.

Dejectedly, I took in the view of my daughter. She stood with her back straight and chest out. Somehow more revealing than yesterday, she wore tight-fitting pink jogging shorts that revealed at least a third of her ass, the fold between her cheeks and legs apparent. She also wore a matching top that seemed to be no more than a sports bra. As usual these days, her eyes darted to Ryan constantly, alternating between seeking his approval and simply staring at him openly.

And, admittedly, there was a lot to stare at. Ryan wore an Under Armour outfit with a long sleeved shirt and full-length pants, but it left nothing to the imagination. The outfit appeared painted on and I found I could easily count his abs even through the shirt.

"Well, we're off. Would be great to have lunch waiting for us when we get back, Tammy. I'm going to work Trace hard today." He winked at me as I glowered back. Tracy didn't even react, not even to the use of "Tammy." She still stood, smiling faintly in her high-school aged cousin's direction.

"Keep up the reading, you could learn something." Ryan commented as they turned and left. My eyes followed their beautiful asses out the door. I looked at the paper and realized I had been absently reading women's fashion after all.


I stayed in my office for the next couple hours. After hearing them arrive back home, I waited. When I was sure that Tracy had gone up to her room alone, I stepped out of my office and knocked on her door.

The door opened. "Hey stud, I was hoping you would follow me...oh..." I goggled. Tracy stood in black lace lingerie, the bra basically see-through with strings running over the top of her perky tits as well, accentuating their roundness. Her flat stomach led to a sheer waistband, to which long black stockings were attached with a string. The tiny g-string below completed the outfit. Holy shit. I tried to work some moisture into my mouth.


My daughter sighed. "Yes? If you're just going to stand there ogling me like a creep, Tammy, you may as well go away."

I felt my face flush crimson. "What!? Why are you calling me that!? Watch what you say, young lady. And what the hell are you wearing?!"

Tracy rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about it."

"In fact I'm very worried about it. Tracy - you and I talked about this! Nothing can happen between you and Ryan! He's your cousin! He's a teenager and in high school! Your behaviour these last few days has been an absolute disgrace!"

"Yeah, there anything else?" My daughter looked annoyed and bored.

" aren't listening. I don't want you spending time with Ryan the rest of the week."

She rounded on me, her eyes blazing. "You can't tell me what to do, Dad! I'm a grown woman!"

"That's right, you are. And he's a teenage kid. As for telling you what to do, well who pays your tuition Tracy? Who pays your car lease? Who pays your phone bill?"

"So what, you're going to cut me off?"

"That's not what I'm saying, but I am your father, and I'm telling you not to spend any more time with Ryan this week. You need to step back and get a hold of yourself."

"I'm just trying to get to know him! We're cousins and we've barely spent any time around one another our whole lives, thanks to you!"

"That's neither here nor there. And you seem to have been doing more than just getting to know him...Tracy." I said sternly. She was acting like a spoiled teenage girl again. It'd been years since I'd seen her like this.

"This isn't fairrrr! You just want him to yourself, don't you TAMMY! I've seen the way you look at him."

I flushed again. "That's not...I don't..."

"What's wrong, Tammy. Worried you can't compete with this?" Tracy let a finger slide slowly down her body, between her cleavage-pressing her perky breasts down slightly at her fingertip, accentuating their softness-and down to her navel. My eyes remained locked on her body - her hand showing me the way.

Her voice became soft, breathy. "Is that it, Tammy? Are you jealous of me and Ryan?" She turned slowly around, revealing her spectacular backside, even less covered up than her front. Her slim arched back led down to the small triangle of black lace doing a poor job of covering her amazing a...

I came to my senses and abruptly turned to the side, bringing my hand up to shield my eyes. "Tracy! You're not making any sense. Stop this right now."

I took a deep breath, trying to slow my heart hammering in my chest. "I'll say it again. No more spending time with Ryan."

I looked and she was staring at me sullenly, her posture hunched in disappointment. But she wasn't objecting - progress.

"Now, the car's transmission has been acting up. I want you to take it to the shop. They're expecting you."

"Ugh! I don't want to!"

"Get ready now, and go."

Carly spun and slammed her door. But I heard her opening her drawers. She was getting dressed.

With a satisfied grin, I walked back to my office. My smile faltered though as I thought about my daughter running her finger down her supple body.


Later that afternoon, after Tracy had told me she was stuck at the mechanic until at least 8 while they fixed the car, I got a sick sense of satisfaction by ordering pizza delivery again. Fuck Ryan and his "home cooked meal" bullshit.

When the food arrived, I emerged to grab a few slices and yelled to the household generally "Pizza's Here!" before reentering, grinning, the shelter of my office. True, the day had gotten off to an uncertain start, but things were looking better. I had everything under control again.

I spent the next little while watching TV and enjoying my pizza in peace. Later that evening, I heard the front door open and close. I went to the top of the stairs and met Tracy there.

"So - how's the car?"

"It's fine. And all it took was me spending ALL DAY at the freaking mechanic."

"Yeah, well. It had to be done."

Tracy rolled her eyes and walked past me. As she neared Ryan's door, she visibly slowed. I cleared my throat loudly. Tracy shot me a look of pure acid over her shoulder but continued on to her room, shutting her door louder than necessary.

I grinned. I was getting my mojo back. In fact, I thought I'd give Ryan a piece of my mind while I was riding so high. I approached his door, grinning slightly thinking about the tongue lashing I would be giving him.

I didn't even bother knocking and just opened up. "Ryan!" I demanded.

I was greeted with a steamy room and fresh scent. The bathroom door opposite the bedroom door was open again and steam was billowing out. Thankfully, Ryan was not in the shower this time.

"uhh...Ryan?" Less confident this time.

"Can't hear you! Come over here!" came the reply from the bathroom.

"Uhhh...NO...uhhh...THAT'S OKAY...WE'LL TALK LATER" I shouted into the bathroom.

"Can't hear you! Come here!" he said again.

Sighing, I took a few steps forwards and poked my head into the bathroom. "We'll tal..."

Ryan was in the bathtub, facing towards me. He was naked and there wasn't a bubble to be found to obstruct the view through the water.

I darted my eyes away but not before a clear up-and-down appraisal of his beautiful body. His broad muscular chest and thick sinuous arms were glistening with water and he appeared to shine with masculinity. I could clearly make out his abs through the surface of the water but the tub refracted the light just enough so that I couldn't see below his waist, and I felt a weird pang of...regret?

I gulped and cleared my throat, looking at the wall. "I was just saying that we can talk later."

"Why later? Now's good. We can chat while you massage."

I stuttered "I don't think...That's not w"

Ryan interrupted "Something wrong, Tammy? C'mon over here. We'll talk it out while you work me out."

I felt my face redden. Fine, he wanted to do this here, so be it. "You're damned right something is wrong, Ryan. You've b"

He cut me off again. "No no no. That's not how this works Tammy. Get over here and lay those delicate hands on me."

"Listen, Ryan, you can't j"

"Tammy!" Ryan didn't raise his voice, but it took on a threatening quality that froze me in my tracks. "My massage is the first priority here, not your little troubles. We can talk about them once you've started." His eyes bore into me.

I threw up my hands in frustration. I couldn't get a word in. Fine, if it would shut him up long enough that I could say something.

I walked over to him, careful to keep my eyes averted from the tub.

"There you go, Tammy. On your knees."

I ground my teeth in frustration. I placed a towel down so my knees wouldn't be directly on the tile, and lowered myself behind him. Finally, looking up, I took in tn front of me. Ryan's shoulders were broad and round, his round bulging shoulder muscles pressing against his huge traps and defined triceps.

I gulped and brought up my hands. As they touched Ryan's hot and hard skin I let out a long sigh.

"Mmmm, sounds like that feels better for both of us, Tammy."

I barely registered Ryan's words. I ran my hands along both shoulders, squeezing the dense muscles pressing up against his skin and into my fingers. My hands slid over the tip of the bone in his shoulders and down the outside of the shoulder, sloping in until they bulged back out as I reached his tricep and bicep. I squeezed those experimentally too, amazed that my small hands barely reached a quarter of the way around them.

I continued massaging my nephew's arms, first the front then the back, squeezing his biceps and triceps and pushing them up and down. He smelled clean, fresh, and somehow masculine.

"You like those Tammy?" Ryan asked as he flexed his biceps.

I gasped as they expanded another third in size in my hands, hardening to steel. I continued caressing them as he held the muscle for me. "" I uttered faintly.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Ryan asked.

My mind floated as my hands flowed back to Ryan's shoulders, rubbing hard. "Talk...about?"

"Yeah, you came storming in here. Seemed like you had something on your mind."

His words finally reached my brain. I shook my head without taking my hands off him. "Right. you should think about...I mean...could you consider...not taking Tracy on those runs, maybe?" Hearing myself, my words sounded a whole lot less forceful than I had planned?

"Hmmm...why not?"

"It''s just"

Ryan cut me off again. "Don't forget my traps."

"Right, right." I moved my hands to his traps. What on my body were thin lines, practically just skin, connecting my shoulders to my neck, on Ryan were thick rounded shelves of muscle framing his body beautifully. I ran my hands up and down them, gripping the wet granite. I had forgotten what I was saying.

"Nice, how about the front of my shoulders now, Tammy."

Obediently, I slid my hands over his body, shifting forward so that my head was just behind his, my nose almost pressing into his back. The masculine scent invaded my senses even further. I closed my eyes, my fingertips trailing along the defined ridge that ran along the top of Ryan's gigantic sloping chest until I reached his shoulders.

I couldn't quite get a grip and so moved my head to look at what I was doing. As I opened my eyes I found myself perched over Ryan's shoulder, looking down his perfect body. Somehow he seemed bigger than ever from this angle - maybe because I was so used to seeing my own tiny body from this vantage. His mountainous pecs gave way to the bulging and shredded wonder of his core. And there, at the bottom of it, Ryan's flaccid cock drifted lazily in the water beneath.

Oh my god...Could...Could it really be that big, or was it a trick of the light?

Almost of their own accord, my hands drifted further down Ryan's pecs and I moaned at the feel of them, my eyes locked on to his glorious cock.

"Mmmm, nice Tammy..." Ryan sighed.

Encouraged, I allowed my hands to roam Ryan's incredible chest. I tore my eyes away from Ryan's anaconda and focused them on following my hands around the vast plain of Ryan's muscles. As I pressed my fingers experimentally against the smooth hard pressure of Ryan's pecs, I began to notice the trace of muscle tendons concentrating at the ridges of his pecs. These dense bumps only accentuated the power of my nephew. I spread my hands wide, feeling his muscles fill my hand as I stared down his perfect body.

Reaching further now, I slid my hands past his chest, falling to his powerful and defined abs. "Oh my god..." I moaned softly out loud again.

" seem to be enjoying my body, Tammy."

I nodded absently, dumbstruck. "It's...amazing..." I barely whispered.

I felt Ryan's hand on my chin, turning my head, and suddenly I was staring at Ryan's handsome face. I was lost in his penetrating blue eyes, looking at me seriously. He brought his hand to the back of my head, his fingers parting my hair. I felt light headed and my eyes fluttered, but I didn't want to lose sight of my nephew's beautiful and commanding face as I was pulled, slowly, closer and closer to his full lips...My hands caressed Ryan's perfect core.

"Rye?" came a hard whisper from outside Ryan's room?

I blinked, staring at Ryan still, just centimeters away.

Ryan grinned. "Yes, Trace? Come on in."

My eyes flew wide and I threw myself down so that the tub was between me and the bathroom door. I barely heard Tracy step in over the hammering of my heart in my chest.

"I...uhh...just wanted to come see what you were up to. My Dad was being sooo annoying tod...ohhh" Tracy abruptly cut off. Then, softer, I heard her. "Wow..."

"Now, Trace. What have I told you. We're calling her Tammy now."

What? Her? And he was getting Tracy in on this.

"Right...Tammy..." Tracy said as if in a trance. Her voice seemed to take on some self awareness in her next words. "Mmmm...Ryan...your body is soooo amazing."

"Yeah..." Ryan chuckled. "People have been telling me that lately." My face flushed a deeper shade of crimson.

"Can I...? Do you want a massage, Rye?" She sounded almost pleading.

"Hmmm...I don't know Tracy. Tammy didn't want us to spend time together right?"

"Oh forget him."


"Yeah forget her, let me make you feel good, Rye." She shifted her voice to a breathy sexy one. My mind flashed to her in the lingerie earlier today.

"Hmmm...and how would you do that?" Ryan asked.

"Mmmm...I can work wonders with these hands, Rye...and this mouth." Tracy's voice drifted closer. She was walking towards the tub. Fuck fuck fuck. I was helpless to stop this without revealing myself. How would I explain to Tracy why I was hiding behind the tub in Ryan's bathroom!?

"Oh yeah?"

Tracy's voice took on a desperate tone. "Yesss. Please let me make you feel good."

Ryan chuckled. He turned his head to the side and peered down at me, still hidden from Tracy's view. He was smirking.

"I'll think about it, Tracy." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, Ryeee. Cmon...are you sure you...oh godddd..." Tracy's voice now seemed only inches away and I was sure she had reached the tub. I heard a soft splash.

"Oh fuck you're so fucking big, Ryan. Oh god..." I heard kissing noises but Ryan hadn't moved his head. Fuck was she kissing his body?

"Okay, okay, Tracy. That's enough." Ryan's form moved and it sounded from Tracy's disappointed whimpers that he was prying her off.

"Go on now, maybe I'll text you later."

"Okay..." Tracy sounded miserable. I heard her pad out of the room.

After a moment, I shifted off the floor, trembling from nerves.

" can't let have to..."