My Teen Stud Nephew - Day 04

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Ryan and Tom run into each other at the coffee shop.
6.2k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/03/2020
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It was barely light outside when I stumbled downstairs for my morning coffee from yet another night of sleeplessness. I was so out of it I could almost convince myself that last night didn't happen. That I didn't give Ryan a hand job. That I didn't swallow his cum...

I poured myself coffee and, as was increasingly my habit lately (in my own house), went into hiding upstairs again. What the hell was I going to do? For the life of me I didn't know what had gotten into me yesterday. I have been straight all my life and even in those relationships, always very by-the-books. Nothing kinky or taboo.

As I sat in the rock hard bed again, drinking my coffee, I admitted to myself that obviously it was at least partially to do with Ryan. I mean there was just no denying that the man...the BOY...was attractive, and confident, and sexy, and...well, more. But I'd been around attractive men before that had never had this effect on me. I realized that a big part of it, and I was guessing a larger part, was that it had been so long since I'd been with someone.

I had dated a woman - Diane - for 8 months or so up until just over two months ago. She left me and it was a difficult break up on me. Not least because she had really shaken my self confidence at the end. Something she told me over and over in the couple months leading to our breakup was that I wasn't man enough for her.

Anyways, at this point, I was just desperate for human contact. I would bet that's why I had acted so insane last night.

So I thought the best way to fix this - the best way to be sure that the same crazy actions wouldn't come over me again - was to be with a woman again. But that was easier said than done. I had never had wild success with women. I thought my face was nice, unblemished with a small button nose, green eyes, and pronounced cheekbones. But I had always been too slim - with legs awkwardly long for a man. I saw a lot of myself in Tracy, but my inherited features appeared to be better suited for a woman, and Tracy had always been widely sought after by boys and men in her life. In fact, I'd been told my whole life that I had a feminine quality, one that women gravitated towards as friends, but not as lovers. And today's dating environment was harder than ever. I just couldn't get a hang of all these dating apps.

I, not an easy fix. Maybe...maybe Diane would get together with me again?


The prospect scared me a bit, but I didn't have many options. I supposed a text couldn't hurt.

I pulled out my phone, scrolled through my contacts to "bitch," and typed a message. I'd have to change that back if this went anywhere.

"Hey, hope you're doing well. Any interest in catching up over a coffee this afternoon?"

My finger hung over the "send" key. Did I really want to do this?

I thought of my hands on Ryan's strong body, of my hands sliding up and down his long thick cock, of the taste of...I shuddered, feeling my body heat up instantly. I clicked send.

I began reading the news and before too long my phone dinged.

"Well, if it isn't Little Tommy. Coffee? Sure - why not."

Little Tommy was a name she teased me with. I didn't love it. But hey - she'd said yes to coffee!

"Great! That place on Main street? 2 p.m.?"


Well, I couldn't exactly say I was excited to see her. But I was looking forward to the distraction. A female distraction at that. And maybe it would last longer than just a cup of coffee. Who knows where coffee would lead to? I began thinking of possibilities in my head.

I made a few additional calls to Tracy's school which put me in an even better mood. Feeling decent again, I risked a trip to the kitchen.

Still early, the kitchen was empty when I arrived. I suppressed a feeling of relief. It was my own goddam kitchen for god's sake! I grabbed the eggs and some cheese and began to whisk up eggs, planning on scrambled eggs.

I was just about to pour the eggs into the frying pan when I heard footsteps behind me. "Finally, some home cooked food! Great. I'll have an omelette."

Ryan's words triggered anger instantly. I started a stern reply as I turned towards Ryan's voice: "Seriously?! Is that how you a..."

My words caught in my throat. Ryan was in a pair of thin training pants, and nothing else. His muscular chest and arms were on full display as he walked to sit at the bar. His abs expanded and contracted with each step and his skin seemed to slide over his obliques with every movement.

"How I what, Tammy?' Ryan asked innocently, sitting down on the stool across the counter from me.

I pulled my eyes from his chest. "Chest?"

"How I...chest?" Ryan cocked an eyebrow. A devilishly handsome look for him that didn't help me find my footing.

"How you...dress?" I asked, still somewhat dazed.

Ryan chuckled. "You really have a one-tracked mind, huh Tammy?"

"I...I meant to ask is that how you ask...?" It sounded confusing and pathetic even to my ears.

Ryan replied. "I mean, if it's too much trouble, Tammy..." He trailed off, raising his eyebrows.

I felt embarrassed. I mean I was making for myself anyways. I could add a few extra eggs.

"Umm...okay I can make extra I guess."

"Great, an omelette for me please." He smiled. Almost without meaning to, I grinned back. But as I turned I caught his eyes moving down my body and I knew he would be staring at my ass.

I tried to forget about it as I prepared his omelette. I was already whisking the eggs when I realized this was more than my simple plan of making extra scrambled eggs.

"Throw some sauteed vege's in there too, alright? And lots of eggs - 4 or 5."

It annoyed me but I was already in it at this point. "Sure..." I tried to sound reluctant but it may have simply come out petulant.

I bent over to grab the peppers from the bottom drawer in the fridge, and as I was fully bent over I felt a pinch on my ass.

I squealed and straightened up, spinning around. Ryan was grinning widely, and looked so amused that I found my anger dissipating and instead started giggling. "Stop that!" I replied, still giggling.

"I just can't help myself when I see something so perfect." Ryan grinned.

I felt my face flush red and I turned around again...ugh. What the hell was up with my reaction to this ass hole.

I finished Ryan's omelette and slid it in front of him. I watched as he ate it quickly, feeling a weird sense of pride. My eyes trailed down his broad shoulders and over his huge pecs as he ate.

Ryan wiped his mouth and fixed me with a stare. "Delicious."

I grinned back. "Thanks!" I said, cheerily. I was suddenly in a good mood.

"Let's make it an every-morning thing."

...and there went my mood.

"By the way, weren't you going to have some eggs yourself, Tammy?"

"It's Tom." I answered, sullen again. I got started, finally, on my own eggs. Ryan didn't leave though, and I felt his eyes on my backside.

I don't know what caused me to say it, but I felt like I needed to prove myself somehow. "I'm going on a date today." It was a bit of an overstatement...

"Are you now? What's his name?"

I shot him an angry glance over my shoulder around but Ryan had his hands up as if pretending to fend off blows. "Just joking, Tammy...Just joking."

I shook my head and turned back around. "Diane."

"'re ex. Tracy told me about her. I thought she was kind of...a bitch?"

"She's...she's not...she and Tracy didn't alway see eye-to-eye."

"Uh huh. Well, I'm gonna get ready for my run. You enjoy your 'date.'" He seemed to say the word mockingly.

I turned around and was surprised to find him leaning slightly over the counter. He brought a hand to my face and softly grazed his thumb along my cheekbone. My eyes both widened and fluttered at the same time.

"I'll see you later, Tammy." He said softly. He had a knowing, penetrating look. His face was so close to mine. So handsome...I swallowed.

Then he turned and walked out. I stood frozen, blinking in confusion.


I finished eating and was just finishing my dishes when I heard Tracy come down the stairs. As usual lately she was dressed in a revealing and suggestive outfit. My eyes took in her full cleavage and toned legs.

She glanced around quickly, barely noticing me.

"Good morning, dear." I said, half mockingly - knowing she was looking for Ryan.

She replied with a sullen "morning..."

"I received a call from the college today." She straightened and looked at me, her eyebrows raised. That got her attention.

"Really? Why?"

"It was the registrar. Apparently that class you couldn't get into until next year has an open spot for this semester."

"Really!? Journalism in the Digital Age? Oh man that class is taught by a writer for the Times! I thought" Finally, I saw a glimpse of the daughter I knew well. The one I respected.

"Yep. Only problem is that they need to fill the slot today but the professor won't add anyone to his class who he hasn't person"

"Umm..okay. Well I could go meet him today?"

"I was thinking the same thing. But it'll be a bit of a drive...he lives in Ottawa."

"Crap! That's 4 hours away!"

"Yep. You'd better get going."

She hesitated. Her eyes darted upwards. I tried to keep my fury under control. She was questioning whether to go because she'd have to give up a single day of fawning over Ryan. Of course that was the whole point - I had to pull a few strings to arrange this "emergency" with the school, after all.

"Tracy..." I said, a warning in my tone. "What's keeping you? Do you have something else to do today...?"

She looked at me, and the petulance was back. But she slumped her shoulders in resignation. "I guess not. Okay I'll go."

She turned and walked towards the stairs. I yelled after her "You're welcome!!"

About 15 minutes later she was out the door after I gave her the address to go to. Soon after, I heard Ryan heading out for his jog, alone.

I sipped my coffee with a grin on my face, and thought about my afternoon with Diane.


I arrived at the coffee shop at 1:45, not wanting to be late. I wore a blue sweater and jeans and thought I looked pretty good. I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, at around 2:20, Diane strolled in. She went to order coffee, appearing to be in no rush, then finally looked around and spotted me. She sauntered over. At around 5'6'', Diane was an inch shorter than me and yet due to her love of 3 inch or more heels, I had generally looked up to her. She had a pretty good body that she made appear even better with stylish and expensive clothing. But she had a rather severe face and aggressive manner that I think scared a lot of guys away. Notwithstanding that, I'd always been incredibly attracted to her.

She looked as good as ever approaching me today, but...for some strange reason...I found myself less attracted to her than normal.

"Hey, Diane!"

"Hi Tommy." Jeez, she already sounded bored.

We didn't hug or otherwise touch in any way..." are you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm fantastic. Work is great and I'm just feeling lately." She cocked her eyebrow at me. It was already apparent that she wasn't going to make this reunion easy. She continued, "how about you?"

"Oh I'm good, Tracy is home for the summer so it's great to have her around."


" what have you been up to lately?" I asked, struggling to keep conversation going.

She just smiled slightly, looking at me. "You know, I'm so glad I dumped you."

My heart dropped. God I'd forgotten how terrible she could be - she loved to make me feel like crap. My hopes for a nice distraction were going out the window.

"Cmon, Diane. I just wanted to catch up."

"You're just...not enough for me you know?"

"Do you want to get coffee just to insult me?" I wouldn't put it past her. She could be vindictive like that.

She acted like I hadn't said anything. "You're just not a man. That's what it is. I need a man, and you're not a man."

"Jesus, Diane. Just la..."

She cut me off looking past me. "Holy shit, now that's a man!" She almost whispered these last words.

I turned slightly following her gaze and my heart dropped even further. By a stroke of unbelievable bad luck, Ryan had walked into this same fucking coffee shop, and he was coming over.

"Hey!" Ryan said, looking from me to Diane.

"H...Hi." Diane said, surprised. She looked taken aback that Ryan had come over so assuredly. But she recovered. "Do you want to join me for a coffee?" She smiled broadly now, eyes locked on Ryan, scanning his body up and down. Ryan wore a V-neck t shirt that outlined his muscular form clearly.

"Sure, is that okay with you?" he asked, turning to me. I saw Diane's eyes widen in surprise and I felt a hint of satisfaction.

On a whim, I simply said "sure" without providing any further explanation.

"So what are you ladies up to today?" Ryan asked. I bristled at the collective "ladies" but Diane didn't seem to notice. Her focus had shifted completely to Ryan.

"I'm not busy." She put an accent on the "I" as if to exclude me. I noticed she had straightened her posture and was pushing her breasts out.

"Well, I was thinking about a couple spa treatments, but it's looking unlikely that that will happen at this point." I replied. For whatever reason, I had started going with Diane to the spa for facials, manicures and pedicures while we were going out. She was obsessed with them and had bullied me into doing it once and I found that I kind of liked it. I had thought we may have gotten this afternoon if things had gone well...which they obviously hadn't so far.

"Oh really?" Ryan replied, turning towards me and putting his back to Diane. I saw Diane's eyes widen in shock, followed by anger. "Why not?"

I played along. "Well, it turns out the person I'd plan on going with isn't interested."

Ryan grinned, understanding. I focused on him now. He really looked quite good in that t shirt... He said, "That's a shame. But you know, I'd be happy to take you to the spa!"

"Ummm...okay?" I replied. This was still an act...I was pretty sure.

Diane sputtered. "I..I...I was thinking about going to a spa too!"

Without turning to her, Ryan replied, "Okay, you enjoy that." Then he draped his heavy arm around me and turned me away from Diane as well. As we walked out, Ryan leading me, his hand ran down my back and came to a rest on my hip. I shot a look over my shoulder at Diane, who was staring at us with utter shock all over her face.

I turned back and giggled loudly. "That was awesome! Wow she was being such a bitch."

Ryan gave a low chuckle. "Yeah I heard a few words of it. You're better off without her, Tammy. I'll show you a good time."

I turned to look up at him. "No Ryan, that's okay. I mean, thank you, for what you did back there. But you don't need to take me out."

"Oh come on, lets give you a little treat!" He smiled at me, revealing his perfect white teeth, and I found I couldn't say no.

"So where's this spa?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, no no no. We don't need to do that. I don't know what I was saying back there. " I replied, embarrassed. "We can just grab a couple drinks or something and watch a game at the bar.

Ryan peered down at me, a half grin on his face. "Watch the game huh? Who's playing?"

I flushed, knowing nothing about sports. "Ummm...the Leafs?"

He laughed out loud. "Hockey season ended months ago, Tammy."

His laugh was so contagious, I couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit too.

He continued. "I think some R&R would be good for you. Where's the spa?"

I sighed. "Alright, it's just a few blocks away."

As we walked, Ryan told me about his impressions of the university and the city generally. I found that I actually liked this side of him. He was friendly, open and charming. Maybe I just needed to push back against him less.

We entered the spa and the woman behind the counter immediately gave Ryan her total attention, barely conscious of my presence. Ryan said that he'd just hit the sauna while I got a facial and mani-pedi. I flushed but the woman just nodded along eagerly.

Before I knew it, I was in a kimono with my feet in a warm tub, a warm mask on my face, and my nails being done. I could feel the pent-up tension of the day seeping out of me. Ahhhhh...

They were just finishing up when I heard Ryan's voice. "You look like you're enjoying yourself."

I opened my eyes and of course Ryan stood in front of me in all his barechested glory. He wore only a small towel wrapped tightly around his waist. His muscles glistened gloriously and the tight towel outline the shaft of his large cock clearly. And...holy crap I thought the tip of his cock was even revealed a bit at the bottom of the towel.

I found I was biting my lip looking at Ryan and forced myself to relax and sink back into my chair. I donned a contented smile. "Definitely, thanks for bringing me."

He grinned his handsome grin. "Anything for my Tammy." It was weird but I was growing used to the name. It didn't feel so objectionable any more.

"So are you sure you don't want one of these too? They're really not just for girls."

"Ha. yeah they are. I'm good, but I'm glad you're enjoying. How about this for the polish color?" Ryan asked, pointing at a very light shade of pink-almost, but not quite, skin toned.

"No way. Nail polish is DEFINITELY only for women."

"I think it would look good on you."

"I don't know..."

"It's my treat. In fact the whole spa is on me."

"Ryan you don't have to..."

"It's the least I can do, with you letting me crash at your place and all."


"Great! Pink it is, Ryan said - handing the polish to the attendant, who had been doing a poor job ever since Ryan arrived because she'd just been staring at him.

I sighed but accepted my fate.

Soon the spa session was over. Ryan had disappeared for a little while after the attendant had finished with my nails and so I just enjoyed the sauna and jacuzzi for a little before getting dressed again.

As I was walking out, I passed Ryan who was walking in.

"Hey, where you been?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just giving that attendant a couple pointers." he said as he passed me. "Be right out."

Pointers? Oh well. I waited in the lobby until he came out. I felt incredible. My body was tingling all over and my face, hands and feet all felt clean and rejuvenated.

As we walked outside Ryan asked, "So, you hungry?"

"I could eat." I replied cheerfully.

"Any good restaurants around here?"

"Hmmm..." I wondered out loud. "We could grab a few burgers from the grill place nearby?"

"Anything nicer? A sit down place?"

"Oh..yeah I guess there's a nice mediterranean place down the block. But it's pretty expen..."

"Sounds great, lets go!" Ryan cut me off and began walking in the direction I had indicated.

I walked quickly to catch up and Ryan put his arm around me when I did.

"Having a nice time?"

I looked at his deep blue eyes. "Uh...yeah, really nice."

"Good, I'm glad." Ryan's hand slid down my back and...into my back pocket! My eyes darted to him but he was looking ahead again. I was definitely not comfortable with this but he was also being so nice to me. And the hand did feel kind of a way...

"Mmmm...your ass feels so nice, Tammy." I squeaked as he gave it a hard squeeze.

"Shut up, Ryan" I replied, trying to put a slight edge in my voice while keeping a joking tone. I didn't remove his hand though. My shoulder brushed the side of his chest as we walked down the street close together, towards the restaurant.


Dinner was...honestly really greatl. Ryan ordered for us and I couldn't fault him because he simply knew what to get. Everything I ate was delicious and Ryan was super friendly the whole time. He asked more and more questions about me now - seemingly interested in my prior dating history (my history of failure, as I described it) and my general interests. I spoke about my passion for gardening as something I had taken up since Tracy's mother left all those years ago and even on that boring subject Ryan sat patiently and asked lots of good follow-up questions.