My Three Daughters Pt. 02

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My sister show up for a surprise visit...
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/20/2020
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"Ohhhh--that's good, Dad," Eva purred as she rode me up and down deliciously, indulgent and slow. She was riding me reverse-cow girl and looked back over her shoulder to smile down at me. Her eyes were so terribly sexy, gazing at me with such sensuality.

I smiled back at her, loving the feel of her tight, wet pussy as she slid up and down on my cock. "I'm glad you enjoy it," I replied, nearly growling. All three of my daughters, similar as they are, had such different rhythms and tempos, likes and dislikes--I was still learning about each of them, even after months of being both father and lover.

Eva closed her eyes and concentrated, putting her hands to her hair and squirming down on me as she took me as deeply into her as she could. "Ohhhh, fu--u-u-ck..." she moaned, finally climaxing. I savored the sensation of her pussy as it quivered on me. "Ohhhh, Dad..." my daughter sighed as she lay back on top of me. My cock slipped free and I longed to re-enter her warmth and wetness.

She turned to kiss me. "That was wonderful, Dad," she murmured warmly, and rolled to lay face to face on me.

I kissed her again, deeply and lovingly. "For me, too," I said. I shifted so she slid off to one side and we lay facing each other, caressing and basking. "I have to admit, I am surprised how much you've come around to enjoying cock."

My daughter laughed. "Yeah, well," she replied, "first of all, it's YOU, and you're just so--different--than any guy I've ever met."

"That's good, right?" I laughed.

Eva nodded. "You're so much more--I don't know--aware? Sensitive, but strong." She reached down and gently grasped my sticky, still firm member. "And your cock is--beautiful!" She smiled and shook her head. "I can't explain it. I just really love your cock! It is long, and not too thick, and with this slight upward curve..." She slid down and swirled the head with her tongue before returning face to face with me. "I think it's because I know you love me," she said. "You take your time, and you sense what I want."

"I care about you," I told her. "I want you to enjoy what I'm doing."

My daughter smiled at that and kissed me again, sweetly. "I can see why Mom loved you, and had three children with you. I can imagine all the fucking..." she murmured with amusement.

I rolled her back and got on top of her, parting her thighs and sliding into her. "It wasn't anything like this," I mused as I started slowly to fuck her. "What we do, what your sisters and I do--your mom would be--".

Eva cut in. "Jealous?" she laughed.

"Pleased," I murmured and quickened my pace. "She would be pleased for us to share this, I think."

I focused on my pleasure this time, and came inside her shortly. I rolled off her and lay recovering, and Eva cuddled up behind me, putting her arm over me and kissing my shoulders and neck.

"Why did you say Mom would be pleased?" she asked. "Was there something you and Mom ever discussed that makes you believe that?"

I hesitated. "What I share with you stays private, do you understand? Not between your sisters and me, but outside of us--okay?"

Eva nodded.

"Do you remember much about your Uncle Jack?"

My daughter shook her head.

"No--I don't imagine you do. You were still pretty young when he died."

"Car accident, wasn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah. He was young--younger than your mom, and she took it hard when he passed. Anyhow, shortly after I met your mom and we had started dating, she shared with me something that had happened when she was a teen."

"Between Uncle Jack and her?" Eva asked.

"Yes. And when she spoke about it, it was clear she wasn't angry or upset by it, but had found it something beautiful and special."

"Whoa," Eva mumbled. "So Mom and Uncle Jack...?"

I nodded. "A few times, when they were young. Your mom remembered it fondly, and once asked me if I had ever had sexual thoughts about my sister."

Eva hummed mischievously. "Mmmm--Aunt Katherine!"

I laughed. "You like your aunt?"

My daughter nodded. "Oh, yeah. She's got big tits, and a killer face. She's like porn star hot, Dad!"

I chuckled. "Well, she did catch me masturbating one time...".


I waved my hands. "Nothing happened. Well, nothing like this," I said and caressed her nakedness and wetness. "I mean, not exactly."

"Oh?" Eva enquired with amused interest.

"My sister, your aunt, was--curious. She wanted to see me finish, and so I did. I came for her, and she--uh, returned the favor. She let me watch her, only once. But it was pretty special."

Eva snuggled in close and closed her eyes. "I bet it was," she murmured as she drifted off.

I smiled. "It was," I said as I let myself fall asleep.

I learned a great deal about my three daughters in the months we spent in lockdown. Things I never learned when I had been just their father--their different rhythms and temperaments, and yet their similarities and likes and dislikes. All the things one learns when you become lovers versus friends--or, in this case, family. I tell you, watching my daughters sixty-nine is something special. Watching them swap cum is spectacular. And watching them scissor is sublime.

Hayli--my sweet and naughty little Hayli--is far more sexual than I had ever realized. She is a little cum-slut! She loves to suck me off and lap up every drop. She'll lick her sisters' pussies to lick my cum from them, and will roll onto her back and put her legs over her head to let my jizz fall from her pussy into her own mouth! Things I would have found shocking just a few months ago. But now? Now, this is something we all look forward to!

And Lexi--my God, Lexi is an incredibly sensual and imaginative woman! Always seeking variety. Always seeking to enhance pleasure--mine, hers, her sisters'. Lexi ordered sex toys and lingerie online, and we started to explore them together. She got a strap on, and a double-headed dildo, and anal plugs for them to try. She fucked her sister, Hayli, while Hayli was sucking me. That was incredible!

And then there is Eva--sweet, sweet Eva. Eva was the least likely to join me in bed for anything but oral sex. As time went on, though, she started to come around to my fucking her. "I saw how much Alexis and Hayli enjoyed it," she told me. "And they both really get off on it. So I thought I'd give it a try!" It took some time--her tempo is so much slower and more indulgent than her sisters--but I demonstrated that I was willing to learn, to be patient and allow her to find what worked best for her.

Hayli loves cum. Lexi loves fucking. And Eva loves making love. Thankfully, one of them is always available and willing when I am too exhausted or spent! Trying to fulfill the sexual desires of three women is more than most people can handle. Fulfilling their emotional needs as well is quite a feat!

After months together, we fell into our own rhythm, making love and fucking, taking care of the house, doing chores, entertainment. "Movie night" is especially enjoyable as it always leads to a family orgy. This had become our new norm.

And then "the real world" knocked on our door. My sister, Katherine, came by unexpectedly.

Hayli answered the door wearing just a cut-off T-shirt and some very skimpy panties. I was lounging in my boxers, watching golf, while Lexi was finishing up some laundry and Eva was napping in her room, probably nude.

"Dad?" I heard Hayli say as she lead my sister into the den.

"Michael?" my sister, Kathy, said, giving me an odd, slightly puzzled look.

I bolted up from the sofa, looking around for a shirt and something perhaps to cover me from the waist down in case my cock fell out of my boxers.

"Kathy?!" I said, surprised and befuddled. "What--when did you get in?"

My sister hadn't called or texted beforehand, so this was a complete surprise. Thankfully, we had just cleaned the house, and I hoped it didn't smell like sex everywhere.

"This afternoon. Barry and I, we--we're getting a divorce, and I flew in to talk to my lawyer. I thought I'd surprise my little brother and his lovely daughters, but..." she looked around and glanced at my youngest with frowning curiosity. "Have I caught you at a bad time?"

I crossed the room and gave her an awkward hug, and lead her toward the kitchen. "No, no!" I said, flustering. "Not at all!" I pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit. "I--just wasn't expecting anyone, that's all."

Kathy eyed me and looked uncomfortable. "I suppose I could have called beforehand, but..." she glanced at my attire, or lack thereof. "You've really let things go, haven't you? Because of the pandemic?"

I grimaced shyly. "A little," I replied. "Sleeping in, taking naps whenever--there's no real schedule any more."

"Well, you look--fit." She gave me another once-over and then looked away as if she were embarrassed. "You've been working out?"

I looked down at myself and felt a blush of pride. "The girls," I replied. "They have me exercising. Eating right." I glanced at Hayli who hovered near the kitchen. The sight of her in her little T and panties sent a small surge through my body, and I felt the air slip into my boxers from the slit in front. I covered myself and sidled toward the hall. "I'll be right back, sis," I said. "Just let me go get some clothes on."

I hurried to my room and threw on some pants and a T-shirt. I checked myself over and took a few breaths. "Keep calm. She's just here for a quick visit. Nothing to worry about."

I checked on Eva and found her just getting up from a nap. She smiled warmly, if groggily, up at me and went to kiss me when I pulled back.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Your aunt--Aunt Kathy--is here," I told her in a hushed voice. I tossed some clothes at her. "Get dressed, and act casual."

Eva nodded and started dressing.

I caught Lexi on the way back with the laundry basket. "Your aunt--".

"Is here. I know," she responded and shifted the basket on her hip. "What's going on?"

I shrugged. "She and Uncle Barry are getting divorced," I told her.

"But why is she here?" Lexi asked and handed me the basket. All that was left were my clothes, so I took it from her.

"She came to see her lawyer," I said. "And since she was in town, she thought she'd surprise us."

"Well, she did," Lexi replied with a grin. "But not as much as we might have surprised her...".

I stopped her. "Be good," I whispered, making sure my sister was nowhere around.

My daughter reached for the waist of my pants.

"Be good!" I choked, stopping her from touching them. "She'll visit, we'll have lunch, and she'll leave." My body was already stirring from the Lexi's indication that she wanted sex--Pavlovian conditioning.

"I'll try," Lexi murmured and ducked in and gave me a quick kiss. She stayed close, looking at me. "But I can't promise anything...".

Great! I thought. My daughters have become sex fiends, and it's all my fault.

I dropped the basket off in my room and headed for the kitchen. I did my best to act calm and casual as I stepped in. My sister turned to look at me and seemed relieved to find me dressed.

"Michael." She stared at me casually, waiting for something.

"Kath," I replied. I shrugged. "Something I'm forgetting?"

My sister quirked a grin. "Well, a welcome would be nice!"

I puzzled at that. "But, I hugged you... Oh, never mind." I crossed over and she stood so we could hug. She held me tight, though, and didn't break after what I would consider a normal interval.

"Kath? Everything alright?"

My sister nodded, but started to sob. "Oh, Michael," she cried. "Barry cheated on me!" She sat back down at the kitchen table and cried into her hands.

"Awwww, sis," I said and drew a chair next to her. I sat and put my arm over her shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that."

She nodded and took a moment. I got up and got a box of tissues (we kept plenty around for all the sex and clean up afterward) and handed it to her.

"How did you find out?"

My sister took a moment. She was a strong person--stronger than me, I thought--and responded, "I came home from the spa, feeling relaxed and wonderful, and there he was, on top of her--fucking her...!" Her anger and pain fought for a moment, and I waited. "It was Denice, our neighbor! Her husband is a trucker, and away from home for weeks at a time." She fiddled with a tissue, wringing it nearly to shreds. " 'It's only sex!' he said to me. Only sex?!"

I nodded in support, and spied Lexi as she waited in the den close by. I waved for her to come in.

"Lex, remember Aunt Kathy?"

My daughter did a semi-curtsy, unsure of how to treat her aunt, who was clearly upset. "Aunt Kathy," she said warmly, and sympathetically. "I--I'm glad to see you. But..." Lexi made a futile gesture, unsure what to say.

My sister acknowledged her attempt, at least. "Oh, I'm sorry, my dear," she said and wafted at her face. "I--I'm sorry to interrupt you all with this, but--but I--...". She broke down again.

I looked at my daughter, and saw both Eva and Hayli now waiting outside in the den as well. They all looked at me like: "What do we do?"

"Girls, your Aunt Kathy is having some really personal problems. Give us some time. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you later."

My girls--God bless them!--made themselves scarce, leaving me to deal with my sister.

"I'm sorry, Michael," Kathy said. "I really am. And I can--go away. I--I'll visit another time when I'm not so...".

I stopped her and gave her a hug. "Shush. No need to apologize, sis! Shit happens."

I winced inwardly. I hate platitudes. But they work, you know? My sister responded to my intention, if not the words.

"Thank you," she said at last. She sounded tired.

"Can I-- Would you like something to drink?" I asked, and went to the counter.

"Scotch would be nice," my sister responded. "Unless you have something stronger?"

I looked at her.

"Well, you do work in Hollywood," she said and managed a small laugh. "Whisky? Marijuana? Cocaine?"

I laughed. "You know I've never done hard drugs, sis." I poured her two fingers of Scotch.

"What about your girls?" she asked, half-jokingly. "They must have some drugs, don't they? Certainly the college ones?"

I grinned and sat down. "Nope. Pot, maybe, but, no--they're all clean, like me."

My sister smiled weakly and sipped her drink.

I gave her time. "I know that you had--suspicions," I said. "This hasn't been the first time."

My sister nodded. "I know. But it was the shock--walking in like that and SEEING it right there, in my face...". She took a long swig and handed me back the glass.

"I can imagine," I said as I got her another.

"Thanks," she said as I gave her the glass She downed it all in one go. "But--" and then she laughed. "But?" She laughed again. "His butt was right there, going up and down. His big, hairy, beautiful--!" She started to cry.

I took the glass and set it aside, and waited. She calmed down, quicker this time.

My sister looked at me as she wiped her eyes. "Ugh! I must be a mess!" she mumbled and groped in her purse for a compact.

I put my hand on hers, stopping her. "You look fine," I said. "Don't worry. I'm your brother, and I'm here for you."

My sister looked me in the eyes and saw how sincere I was. Her face screwed up as tears of gratitude started streaming from her eyes.

"Thank you!" she said and clung to me tightly. "Thank you!"

I held her. Being the father of three girls, I've had my share of learning how to comfort someone experiencing heartbreak. I've learned to simply hold for them and let the pain come as it will, and get cried out.

I kissed my sister's forehead. "It's okay, sis. We'll get you through this."

My sister sat back and dried her snot and tears with more tissues. "Thank you." She sat and gazed at me and got a very strange look. "You've changed," she said.

"Oh? How so?"

Kathy considered a moment. "You're more--peaceful--than I remember you. More at ease with yourself. More comfortable."

I smiled, warmed by the compliment. "The girls," I told her, inwardly reflecting on our deeper, if highly taboo and questionable, relationship. "They've really helped me learn and grow."

"I can see," my sister replied and smiled softly. "It's--nice! I'm so happy to see you like this! Pleased and content. Happy!"

"Thanks," I said.

"Dad? Can we come in now?" Hayli asked as she stepped in from the hall.

I checked with my sister, who nodded. "Yes, you can come in."

Hayli had put on some shorts, but still wore her cropped T (and no bra). The sight of her nipples poking through her shirt made my cock stir.

"We're so sorry for you, Aunt Kathy!" she said as she gave her aunt a hug.

My sister returned it shyly, awkwardly, not getting up, and--I am sure--partly ashamed because of her running mascara and make up.

"Thank you, Hayli, sweetie," Kathy replied. She was surprised by Hayli giving her a quick peck on the lips, and glanced at me. "Oh! I wasn't expecting that much of a welcome. But, thank you!"

Hayli came and sat on my lap, and squirmed her fit, little ass on my growing erection. My pulse quickened, and I am sure I blushed, as my body responded the way it had been conditioned to respond over the past few months.

Thankfully, Kathy was too caught up in her own issues to be aware of anything untoward.

Lexi and Eva also came in and gave their aunt a kiss and a hug, and joined us at the kitchen table. Hayli gave them a superior smirk and wriggled her ass on my lap again. She could feel my hard cock under her, and was lording it over her sisters. The covert nature of it was making her hot, I am sure, just as it was adding fuel to my fire.

"So, Aunt Kathy, will you be staying long?" asked Hayli.

My sister glanced at me uncertainly. "Uh...".

I sensed Kathy had something more she wanted to say, but was holding back.

"Sis, it's alright. The girls are all adults, and we're all here for you."

My sister took that in, working it out within herself, before she said: "I was kind if hoping I could stay here with you--just for a couple of days!--because I--I don't want to be alone."

The need in her voice and her eyes was palpable, and it made my heart reach out for her.

"Of course," I said before I thought about it. I realized what a damper that would be on how things had been between my girls and me, and saw Eva and Lexi both raise an eyebrow at my response. "You can sleep in Lexi's room," I offered, and tried to convey "be patient" to my daughters with my eyes. "She can sleep with her sisters." I knew they'd be fine with that arrangement, and it made my cock pulse in my pants. Hayli felt it, and wriggled slightly on it, letting me know she felt it.

"Dad," Lexi said, "what about movie night?"

Oh, right. That was three days away, and was a special treat for all of us to be together.

"I don't want to be any bother," Kathy said.

"Nonsense," I replied and smiled sympathetically at her. "You always want to be a bother. It's how you know we love you because we accommodate you."

She quirked a faint smile, which told me that she was, deep down, going to be alright. "You know me so well," she murmured appreciatively.

Hayli turned and looked at me with wide, curious eyes. "But, Dad...".

I shushed her, and squeezed her thigh. "It will be fine. I mean 'fun'! It will be fun. We'll just make sure we--uh, watch something your Aunt Kathy wants to enjoy."

My daughters all glanced at each other, and I could see wheels turning, plans being made on how to turn this into something more erotic and intriguing.

"So, Lex--help your aunt get settled in your room, and we'll all have a nice lunch and order dinner. Alright?"

My daughter nodded and held her hand out to my sister. "Come on, Aunt Kathy. I'll show you my room and help you out."

Once they were gone, Eva and Hayli were on me.