My Very First Girlfriend


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Dawn and I had already decided I would follow Reginald and she would follow Alice. It was fortunate, maybe, when we got out of the lift, they both looked at numbers and turned different ways. At least they were not sharing a room and there was a distance between their rooms. Both Dawn and I had a mobile phone recording, mine was peeking out of the top of my jacket pocket and Dawn had somehow managed to clip hers to her wrist. Again, there was nothing to do until it was time for dinner. I did manage to slip one of the cameras onto a small shelf that was looking down the corridor so should either go to the other's rooms we would see it.

On passing reception one of the receptionists caught my eye and told me a room had become available if I wanted it. I took it.

There's a lot of waiting around in this detective business isn't there? We sat in our hotel room watching the corridor from the spy camera, then just as we were about to leave for our dinner, we saw Reginald walk down and knock on Alice's door. We sat forward waiting for something to happen. Well, it did, Alice came out and they walked down the corridor, it looked like they were going to dinner. So, we went to dinner as well. Being conscious of the costs we didn't have the most expensive meals on the menu. I felt it strange for a high class hotel like this that fish finger sandwiches with Heinz tomato ketchup were on the main course list. I didn't have that.

We weren't sitting in the best place to see them, but we tried to do the best we could with our cameras on our phones. But Alice kept on looking across at Dawn and myself and she had a quizzical look on her face.

She had known me for years, but I thought our disguises were pretty good. They finished their meal and headed to the bar, we did likewise and sat in the corner. I did have the odd beer now as we weren't going to be driving home. It was about 10:00 o'clock when we saw Alice and Reginald leave and head towards the lift. Dawn wanted to follow but I pointed out to her that we had the cameras. The camera setup I checked was still working. And we were recording on the laptop. When they got to their floor, they both went into Reginald's room. It could be just an innocent nightcap. I had known Alice for many years. I'm certain there was reluctance in what she was doing. Well, that was it for us. We went to our room which is on a completely different floor. We decided to take turns watching to see what time Alice went to her room, if she did. We didn't realise that we could have recorded it and watched it in the morning. Dawn and I could have had some fun that night. Actually, I think we were both too knackered: this detective business can be hard work.

It was 4:00 o'clock in the morning when Alice left his room. She looked distraught. I was on shift, which was useful because I was taking time to download all of our footage from our phones onto the laptop and edited several hours into a 10 minute segment, all of them had date time stamps on the bottom. I did manage to zoom in on her face as she left his room showing how bad she looked.

We'd had several text messages from Carol asking what was happening, I just told her we will still watching. Alan's warnings were still rattling around my head.

I did manage a few hours kip before we were up early in the morning, had breakfast and headed home. I worried all the way about how I was going to break the news to Carol, this did not look good for her wife spending 6 hours in the room with a man.

Alice wasn't due until about half 10 ish, Carol was amazed when she opened the door to us. She did a double take until she realised it was us, and not Jehovah's Witnesses. I wasn't wearing the glasses, the fake tan had been washed off and the cheek packing had gone. But the suit and the blonde hair threw her a little bit.

Dawn made tea whilst I got the laptop out and set it up, I was not looking forward to this and from the look on Carol's face, I don't think she was either.

"Sorry, Carol, this is not going to be good." Her face fell, Dawn was sitting beside her and she grabbed hold of her hand.

I thought I would try some damage limitation before we started. "She doesn't look well in this, I think she's under some sort of pressure. I don't think she's happy with what she's doing, and I've known her since before primary school."

I pressed play and let it run every now and then I would comment. But when I got to the clip of her leaving his room of her face that I had enlarged, I did say to Carol. "That does not look like the face of a happy woman." I was going to add leaving her lover's room. If I said that I would imply they were lovers. and we didn't know the full story.

Carol was crying, she let me hug her whilst Dawn went and got some fresh tea. When Carol calmed down, we discussed what she wanted to do next. Was she going to confront Alice or was she just going to walk out and did she want us there?

With Alan's warnings going round in my head I tried to get Carol to listen, we needed to find out the reason for the whole thing before she made decisions, I think I got through to her. There had to be a reason why Alice would risk her marriage to the woman she loved.

Carol said she didn't think she was strong enough to deal with this on her own and would we mind being there. I think Dawn and I would rather not have been, however we did offer, and now I was wishing we hadn't.

Carol went for a shower and made herself look semi-presentable, but she couldn't get rid of the bags under her eyes. We sat and waited, wrapped up in our own thoughts. It was nearly eleven when we heard the key in the front door, the door opened, and we heard Alice call. "Sweetheart I'm home, I need a cuddle quickly please." With that she walked into the living room and saw Dawn and me in our disguises, she instantly recognised us. All we heard was, "Oh Fu..." and then she collapsed.

We rushed towards her and picked her up and put her on the sofa, Carol couldn't help it she went and held her. We just sat there like lemons wishing we were almost anywhere else but here. Dawn held onto my hand. Eventually, Alice came around. and we couldn't stop her from talking. She told us everything. there was no need to show the video we had.

Just after she got her promotion, which Reginald thought should be his. She had made a mistake; it was in the hassle of trying to learn the new job and people being bitchy. A lot of people, including Reginald thought she only got the job because she was lesbian. Not because she was the best person for the job, this was reinforced when she made the mistake. And she admitted it, she did make a mistake. Unfortunately, Reginald found it before anybody else and he corrected it.

But he'd recorded what he'd done. He now threatened he would make it known to management she had made a mistake unless she slept with him. They both knew the course was coming up and he wanted to spend the weekend with her. He even said he could fuck her so good he would turn her straight. Carol and Alice were hanging onto each other at this stage of the game.

Then Carol started to ask questions, "And why the showers when you got in most nights? Were you trying to wash away the sex?"

"No, I just wanted to wash the feeling of him away, I felt dirty."

"But you didn't leave his room until 4:00 o'clock in the morning, what did you do?"

"He wanted sex, he would give me his recordings of my mistake and I had to trust he wouldn't hold it over me again. So, I recorded him saying this was a once off and he would give it to me, the evidence." She got her phone out and laid it on the table but carried on talking. "I couldn't, it was the wrong time of the month, I think the stress brought it on early." She looked down into her lap still crying. "I did leave him a happy man, but he's not been inside me." And with that, she completely collapsed into a blob of sobbing woman. Carol held her and cried with her.

Dawn and I slipped away; Dawn was in tears. Dawn and I didn't make love that night, we were too shattered. I was getting angry at Reginald and wanted to go and buy a baseball bat in the morning, but Dawn reminded me of some of the things Alan and Julia had said.

In the morning we got a phone call from Carol asking us to go round, she would cook breakfast for us and they would like to discuss something.

Alice and Carol both looked like shit, but at least they were smiling. They wanted to know if there was any way we could trap Reginald into repeating the threats he had made to Alice?

We mulled it over for the rest of the morning and it was quite a simple plan in the end. Dawn and I went home in the afternoon still completely shattered, we both wanted to return to our natural hair colour, so that was the next job. I didn't want the piss taken out of me when I went back to work on Monday. I did pop round to Alice and Carol in the afternoon with a bag of goodies and a screwdriver. I'm sure neither of them would have had a screwdriver in the house.

We got the phone call on Monday evening telling us it was all set up for Wednesday. It went according to plan. Reginald had approached Alice telling her that as they hadn't done the nasty deed, she still owed him one. Alice told him that Carol was away for the week and they could do it in their flat. But he had to bring the evidence with him. He instantly agreed, probably the thought of doing it in the lesbian's bed turned him on even more.

Yes, the cameras are all set up, the whole flat was covered. Carol, Dawn and I were ensconced in the spare room with the laptop recording everything.

Reginald got there all smug and smarmy, Alice asked for the evidence, she took the memory stick which she plugged into her laptop, and looked up what came on the screen, she turned to him and said: "How did you get this?"

"Oh, it was easy once I saw the mistake, all I had to do was tweak it a little bit to make it look like it was your mistake, I even used your laptop to do it, you really should lock it when you go to the loo."

"So, there was no mistake."

"Oh yes there was, Gary did it he came and saw me because he didn't want to go to you, he didn't want to show himself up in front of the new boss. And it wasn't difficult to shift stuff around."

Alice looked at him, "So you fabricated this just to fuck me."

He smiled, "I told you I'm gonna fuck you so hard I'm gonna make you straight, and I love a tight pussy, so yes I did."

I was all for rushing out and beating the shit out of him, but Dawn hung on to me.

Alice carried on, holding up the memory stick. "And I bet this is not the only copy despite what you said?"

He just smiled and said, "Of course not you silly bitch, who's got the most to lose if this gets out. You making a mistake which could have cost the company millions if I hadn't found it. Or me promising something to you which I renege on."

That was it. Dawn let go of my arm, I burst through the door and the look on his face was amazing. Carol and Dawn were behind me.

This wouldn't take long. He stood there, just dumbfounded. Carol went round to Alice, I saw her whispering to her, I saw Alice smile.

Carol said. 2We have recorded every single word you just said. You tried to blackmail Alice into having sex with you, over an error which you created. If this goes to a tribunal you are going to lose. Alice will get a smacked hand, but you could end up doing gaol time for blackmail." I had absolutely no idea if that was true, we were making up as we were going along. But It sounded confident like she knew what she was talking about.

"I think it might be prudent if you hand in your notice tomorrow when you get to work, family problems or something."

He blustered around a bit and left. I looked across at Carol and Alice. They were in each other's arms. We left them to it.

Friday, I got a phone call from Alice inviting us round for dinner on Saturday night. We accepted, I have other plans, but I could save them for a week or maybe incorporate them.

We got there on Saturday, the place was nicely set up with candles, wine and the smell of what was probably a good stew on the hob. Alice does know my favourites. They were happy, they couldn't thank us enough for what we'd done to help them solve their problem. Some of it was a bit tenuous, I agree. But they were happy. Carol was a little miffed with Alice, why couldn't she go to her. They got over that and Alice promised she would in future. We finished dinner and it was all quite mellow. Everybody was happy. I decided now was the time, not next week. So in front of my first girlfriend and her wife I pulled out the little box I had in my pocket, opened it, and said to Dawn," I love you, will you do me the honour I'll becoming my wife?" She screamed "Yes." And threw herself at me. It was bloody pandemonium in that flat with three crying women all hugging each other. I got a hug as well and lots of kisses.


Alan got me in the office for a chat on the Thursday after it all finished, Julia was there as well. I told them the whole story from start to finish, no names, well Dawns of course. Alan didn't say much but when I finished, he stood up, clapped me on the shoulder and said. "Well done lad."

Julia got up as I did to follow Alan out, she kissed me on the cheek and said. "Congratulations, to you and Dawn."

It appeared Reginald fell down the stairs as he was leaving work. He had a couple of broken bones. For some reason, the lift had stopped working. But it was fine when the maintenance people got there.

About a month later we were asked round to Alice and Carol's again for a meal. We had seen quite a lot of each other recently, in fact, I think Dawn was round there planning the wedding, which we set for the end of the year. Then they hit me with it. They would like me to be a sperm donor, I looked across at Dawn. It was plainly obvious that she was in on this. They laid out all the bits and pieces, all three of them and their responsibilities and how everything would be arranged. And then uncharacteristically for them, they left me alone. I sat there thinking for the next couple of hours and actually couldn't see a problem. Alice was going to carry the baby, which was apt as she was my first love. The baby being part of both of us may heal the rift between her and her mum and dad. Especially if it was mine. I agreed. Bloody hell more crying women.

And no, we didn't do it the traditional way. Dawn did come with me to the clinic and gave me a hand if you know what I mean. Alice was four months pregnant as chief bridesmaid at our wedding. Her Mum and Dad were all over me. Mine were pretty pleased too.

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NitpicNitpic4 months ago

Well,did Reginald hand in his notice?.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Umm how is Carol supposed to believe there was no sex at any time with all the late Wednesday nights for a couple of months? They had dinner, got into a car and disappeared on the one Wednesday. So what handjobs, blowjobs, fingering? That is all just papered over. Even if one can believe the night at the conference. No doubt she was being blackmailed. But the buildup had a lot more that just the conference. Heck first night he saw her, she lied about an open marriage (isn't that kind of a big deal) and Reginald paid the bar tab via his hotel room. Doesn't that imply she went back to the hotel with him while Carol was away? What did they do in that room? Play cribbage?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wait how can any reader think Dawn was cheating on him? Wth? The IQ of some readers on this site has really deteriorated over the years. Anyways good story with a unique perspective.

lAnatomistelAnatomiste8 months ago

Not the usual tropes, and happy endings for everyone!


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I get it, but it was boring, really, really boring

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