My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 10


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"Someone will be here, Miss Beth."

I nodded, already trying to imagine anything else which might need to be done before tonight. Pierre was responsible for the cooking but had plenty of help. The flowers were arranged. The clothes were done. Roberta would take care of the hair, perhaps with Angelique's help. Hannah was working on the guests. At the ship, the helicopter was gone and chairs were being set up and lights were festooning a large part of the yacht.

"Where did the lights come from?" I asked.

Edgar said, "Christmas lights, although only the white ones. Left the colored ones in storage. Joshua has a fireworks display planned for after the reception tomorrow. There goes you Yank's Independence Day show, but we're only a few days early anyway. I heard we were having a luau tonight for supper, a full porker and baked fish."

For the first time, I suddenly realized how long I'd be gone. The Fourth, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, my birthday, Easter. When thinking about my voyage, I'd only thought of the places I'd be going and how I'd be spending the time, not all the time which would pass. I needed to look up Master's and Miranda's birthdays so I had something to give them. There were others whose birthdays I should recognize as well. I'd already developed friends on the ship, many of them closer than most of the friends I'd had at school. Of course, I hadn't fucked as many people at school either.

We all got off the tender except Ethan and Jake, who'd see it put away. The rest of us went up to the main deck where Angelique and I removed our clothing and put it in the clothing locker. Evelyn waited to go to her cabin to remove hers. The Captain and Hannah were directing activities on the sundeck. Angelique went to her Mistress and hugged her. I took all of our packages and headed for the cabin to put them away. Master was there, on the phone, making changes to his schedule. Miranda was on her knees sucking Master's cock. I knelt beside her and waited for Master's offering to be shared with me.

After he'd cum, I hung up our dresses in the closet and put Master's jewelry on his desk, to examine or put away. I took my own and put it in my room. It was time to discuss our plans for the next couple days. We'd been flying, often in two different directions, though with the same goal, marry Master off to Miranda.

"Master, might I discuss with you your plans for the next couple days. I know how I'd like things to go for us, but I'm certain you have your own plans."

"What would you like to happen, Beth?"

"For the true marriage to take place tonight, Master, so we can be your naked slaves as you claim Miranda as your wife, though it would have to be a minute after midnight so the date of marriage will match what others will witness. I wish Miranda to be alone with you tonight, to have only you on her marriage bed. I will go with Lynn or Hannah or anyone you wish me to be with instead of you; even alone in my room, or in the cage under your bed. Let her have her Master and husband to herself on your first night together as husband and wife.

"Tomorrow, we will put on the show the press will require, the one the world will clamor to see, but it would only be the exhibition. You would have already claimed your naked slave to yourself and on tomorrow's night, I will join you and serve both of you to the best of my abilities. To show with all my heart how much I love and care for you both."

"You know I wouldn't be marrying our Master if you hadn't stepped aside, Beth," Miranda said. "It's you he loves more than me. Not having you with us tonight would negate the sacrifice you made for me."

I hugged my sister slave, kissing her.

"It was all well and good talking about how you could remain Master's slave in Washington and we could occasionally sneak you aboard to serve him, but we all know the smoke and mirrors would eventually dissipate and break, and your submission would become known. You'd either have to remain apart from Master most of the time or give up your career eventually, likely in disgrace.

"You're reaching an age where you couldn't have children unless you married someone, which would never work if you remained Master's slave. You'd either need to find another Master willing to marry you and have children with you, or give up your submission." Miranda looked at Master, slowly nodding. "As his wife, he may freely bring you to him whenever he wishes without anyone the wiser. You're free to serve him as often as your duties allow, to bear him children before you're too old to have them. While you'll get to be his wife, I'm the lucky one who gets to remain with him all the time. It wasn't a sacrifice to me. It was the only thing that made sense."

"There is something else to be considered here," Master said "which may not matter in the overall scheme of things, but as a husband to a Congresswoman, we could never have another day like Sunday at the restaurant or marching naked through town, nor Monday frolicking on the beach. I can't walk the streets with even one naked slave, even one who's masked, let alone two. As Miranda's husband, being seen with Beth, would be devastating to her. As long as she's in politics, your submission to me can never, ever be known outside a few select circles."

He was right. Whether Miranda was away or with us, Master couldn't be seen to be fucking me or enjoying me in any way. Just as Miranda had been trapped in a sexless existence by her singleness, we would be similarly trapped by her marriage. We could get away with anything behind closed doors, but never again acknowledge our unique relationship to the world. I might be a collared and leashed naked slave girl, but Master could never hold the leash himself. He could never publicly claim his ownership over me.

As much pleasure as it had given me to suck his cock on Grande Saline beach yesterday when he proclaimed his love, it could never happen again. Miranda was coming to the same realization I was.

"We can't get married, Master. This was all for nothing."

"No, it's not, Miranda," I said, "not for nothing. Granted, Master can't openly claim me as his slave anymore. He might never be able to lead me on his leash, but we have a workaround; Lynn. Lynn has two slaves and can have another in public. She can do all the things Master can't. Take me where Master wants me to go. Order me to do the things Master can't order. It's not as though he normally fucks me in public anyway. The blow job on the beach yesterday was an aberration which we couldn't repeat, but he can enjoy my submission from a safe distance. The question is can you and will you, sir?"

We both looked at him, waiting for a decision.

"I think, if Beth had only been with me for the year originally agreed to, I would have had a hard time accepting any arrangement which tempered my use of her for her brief time with me. As she's agreed to permanent submission and I have all the time in the world to enjoy her, I think what Beth suggested is doable.

"Nothing really changes on the ship; it's only in port where it becomes an issue at all. Once the voyage has ended, we can find someway for us to all be together. Perhaps Miranda hires her to be a personal assistant as Hannah is to me, or some type of consultant. I'm willing to go ahead. I doubt Lynn would have an issue with it. As for the rest of it, the ceremony itself, I tend to like her idea of marrying you first as my naked slave, and save the foofaraw for the cameras."

"Are you sure, Beth?" Miranda asked. "I know how proud you are of your submission. How much you enjoy showing the world what you are."

"I will still be Master's slave, Miranda, and still showing the world I'm a slave. Lynn was brought on board to learn Dominance and help train me to become Master's perfect slave, my co-Dominant, as it were. Her role will take on more significance to protect you, but I will always be Master's slave. I couldn't be more his if he branded his name over my heart."

Master stroked my face, lifting it to look at him. "You never needed training to become the perfect slave, Beth. You came to me that way, whole and complete, the ideal submissive. Whether you were inherently that way or Mistress Layton was the perfect teacher for you, I knew I could not find anyone better than you. Your application leaped out of all the others, begging for me to notice you. You are so special, everyone recognizes it. I've had other sex slaves on my ship before and no one has ever made the impact you did. No one else caused closet submissives and Dominants to sprout up. Your submission is beguiling to those with a shred of either trait in them.

"Sherry has gone on two previous cruises without any sign of submission cropping up, yet is so ready now, she risked her marriage to Manuel to become one. Angelique has been married to Hannah for three years and not a speck of submission. Miranda might have had submissive traits, but hid them so well I thought she was a Dominant. You were responsible for her submission flowering to the point she's kneeling naked before me now. I've never before wanted to keep another slave, nor loved one the way I love you. Everyone before you, even Hannah, was a sex toy to play with and then cast aside before I became bored. Not you.

"You're the perfect blend of qualities to make me crave you night and day. Your example makes Miranda a better slave. I understand the reasons for us to wed if she's to remain my slave. I do desire to keep her as she has learned well from you, and having two remarkable, intelligent, beautiful women to enjoy stirs my blood."

"Master is right, Beth. Your example makes me a better slave to him. Without you, I'd never have discovered what I was and what I wanted. Having you beside me makes serving Master even more desirable."

I kissed her again. "Then it's settled. We have our plan."


That night, under the Caribbean stars, Master wed my fellow slave, Miranda.

We had a wonderful luau for supper. Master announced an all hands evolution to take place at 2330. Though the helicopter was gone, parked at the airport, Leo was aboard, returning by boat. In addition to the lights, tiki torches had been placed all over to give it a real Hawaiian feel.

We now had seven naked slaves aboard, plus Darla and Jìngyi who both removed their clothes as well. After everyone had eaten, Chantelle said she'd been working on learning to hula. No grass skirts were involved, nor breast coverings, so it was erotic as hell watching her dance. Soon, she had twenty other people standing up trying to learn. Master's cock swelled to the point he had to extinguish it in my cunt. I'd offered it to Miranda but she told me she had Master after the ceremony, I should have him now. Have him I did, shuddering in orgasm several times as I rode his staff.

I had the feeling a lot of men were going to get lucky tonight. The women looked as randy as the men. Poor Cunt and Cock still weren't allowed to have sex, though Cock's dick was hard and looked ready to pop. Lynn was sitting with the Captain and I imagined he'd be one of the lucky ones.

At a quarter after eleven, I got the rings I'd purchased from my room and quietly asked Captain Amundsen for a few minutes time before he performed the ceremony, handing him the rings to give me when he did. He nodded and smiled to me.

The party continued unrestrained until it was time for the ceremony to begin. For tonight, I was the Maid of Honor, Hannah and Angelique as bridesmaids. Only Hannah had anything on, though it was only a super brief bikini as Miranda was naked as well. William was Master's Best Man with Edgar and Leo as the two groomsmen. They all had shorts on, but no shirts. Only Master and the Captain were wearing shirts, though they were both barefoot.

"Before we get started on the ceremony tonight, Beth Wilson asked to have a few minutes to speak," Björn announced.

He handed me the rings and I knelt at Master's and Miranda's feet.

"When I saw Master's newspaper ad asking for a submissive, I decided I wanted submission to be the topic for my thesis. I knew nothing about submission other than the most superficial things. In applying for the position, I hoped my eventual Master would be handsome and kind. As I learned more about submission, I realized how much more was involved in submission than I had ever imagined. The more I learned, the more I knew it wasn't just a topic for study, but a lifestyle choice I wanted to make for myself. Eventually, I realized it wasn't enough for a Master to be handsome and kind, but to be firm and demanding, to take me in his hand and make me his.

"Before I ever knew who my Master would be, I met him and learned to appreciate his sense of humor, his intelligence and his beauty. I wanted to fuck him before I knew who he was. When I knew who he was, when he identified himself in the hotel restaurant, he had me strip off my clothes, collared me and had me suck his cock, buying the restaurant for the afternoon to do so. I felt myself completely his. I could not imagine being owned by anyone else other than my Master.

"I had some rough spots at the beginning. I didn't realize how much Master struggled to control himself, his passions for me. Believing he wished he'd chosen another for this trip, I told him I'd willingly step aside if he wanted to make a change, not knowing how much he loved me.

"Then, Miranda joined us, initially, solely to get away from Washington and allow herself the sex she had to deny herself as a single woman. It was I who discovered Miranda's secret wish; her desire for someone who would Master her as Master had me. I helped Master allow her to discover who and what she is. She became my sister slave, as dedicated to pleasing Master as I was and as dear to me.

"When Master told me on Monday how much he loved me and wanted me to remain a part of his life forever, I could not envision this life without my sister slave. I convinced them both the only way to make our trinity work was for Master to marry her, so her subservience to Master wouldn't be so obvious and so I feel I'm a huge reason why we're having this ceremony.

"For being the man and Master I'd been dreaming of in my secret heart, and in honor of Miranda joining this relationship which means so much to me, I got these rings to signify my love and respect for both of you. It is yellow, white, and rose gold, three colors, signifying the three of us, twisting and turning on itself like the three of us entwined on Master's bed. I want all three of us to wear these rings, reminding us we are and always will be, a bond of three, united as one heart, obedient to one man, whose will is and will always remain, my will, the source of my pleasure, my pain, my desire, my love, my heart. Please accept these with all my love."

Miranda was crying and instantly took hers and placed it on her right hand. Master looked a little teary himself, but managed to restrain himself as he caressed my face, whispering "I love you." He took his ring and placed in on his right ring finger and I in turn placed my ring on my hand and held both of theirs for a few seconds.

"Thank you, Captain. You may proceed with the ceremony," I said, rising to stand beside the bride.

He smiled at me and said, "The Captain of the ship is recognized in maritime law to be able to perform weddings at sea recognized as legal throughout the world. In modern society, the common wedding ceremony has frequently changed the wording to reflect that wives are not vassals to their husbands anymore. Instead of to love, honor and obey their husbands, it's been changed to love, honor and cherish their husbands. I think we can dispense with that change for today's ceremony. For I know a certain slave will certainly feel her Master's hand on her naked ass if she fails to obey in the slightest. So let us begin."

"If I may interrupt for a moment, Captain," Master said. "I feel Beth's words require a response."

"As you wish, Joshua."

"I stand before you all as the happiest man alive. What man wouldn't be overjoyed sharing his bed with not one, but two, magnificent women who are as devoted to him as these two. Beth is right. She is part and parcel to why we're having this marriage today. Not just for suggesting I marry Miranda, but for wanting to wed at all.

"I'd never seriously considered marrying anyone before. Sorry Hannah, but you just weren't the one for me. A lucky thing for both of us, considering who you're married to now." Some laughter greeted his words. "Nor were any of the other submissives who've participated in one of my cruises before. I wasn't content, but I went on, trading one for another, looking for I don't even know what, until I met you. You opened my heart to the possibility of love, which is how this will now work out for all of us. I cannot marry you and Miranda both, which is a damn shame, but you make this possible for the first time in my life. We, Miranda and I, want you to have this ring, which we picked out for you because you bring so much joy in our lives."

William handed him a ring and Master placed it on my left ring finger. I doubted any other ring would ever take its place there. I could not imagine marrying any other man but the man in front of me now, and he would soon be taken. It was white gold or platinum, with three large diamonds channel set in it. He understood the significance of three as well. I started crying and hugged and kissed both of them again, lingering on their lips.

The Captain cleared his throat.

"Sorry, Björn, please continue," Master said.

I wiped my tears and held my sister slave's hand as the ceremony continued. At seven minutes after midnight, Captain Amundsen pronounced them Husband and Wife. I was the first to kiss both husband and wife, sharing a moment with both of them, before Master placed my hand in Leo's.

"This slave owes you two hours of pleasure, Leo. I give her to you for the rest of the night. Make sure she's showered and fed before 0800 tomorrow. She needs to start preparing for the sham ceremony. Beth, you're to be dressed by 0830. I'll have some clothes laid out on your bed. LuAnn will be here at 1000, coming out at the same time as the flowers arrive. I'll expect you to see to her. Show her around the ship, introduce her to the other guests or crew members. Change into your bridesmaid dress at 1430. We'll be taking photos starting then. The ceremony will be at 1700, reception to follow. If anyone asks about your collar, you may tell them you are Lynn's slave. She'll confirm it. Do I need to repeat anything?"

"Are you certain, Master?" glancing at Leo beside me, wanting him to know I didn't expect it, to be fucking another man.

"Are you mine, Beth?"

"With all my heart, Master."

"I'm certain."

"May I have permission to cum, sir?"

He laughed. "All you want." He left for his cabin with Miranda.

Leo led me to his cabin. He got more than his two hours use of me.


Leo woke me at seven, "Wake up sleepyhead. Time to get up or your Master will be angry."

"You're awfully chipper this morning," I said drowsily, stretching.

"Why wouldn't I be chipper. I spent half the night fucking one of the most beautiful women on the ship."

"Are you sure it wasn't the entire night?"

He smacked my ass. "Pretty sure. I don't think I could have lasted all night. You were great by the way."

"You weren't half bad yourself, for someone who only lasted half a night."

Leo laughed. He took me to the communal shower the crew used, the men's shower, not the ladies. I had to shower in front of any others using the shower, cleaning off the dried cum around my cunt and ass. The nice thing about sister slaves, is there was never dried cum to clean off. Clean, he took me to the crew mess, though he allowed me to feed myself, feeling he'd imposed on Master's generosity enough.