My Voyage of Submission Ch. 03


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"Belle, initially you'll be denied orgasms. Each time you get close to cumming, you'll beg Hannah for permission to cum. I want you really pleading to cum. Make us believe it. After about thirty minutes and two or three warnings, keep quiet. Beth will lick you in return for learning not to beg."

"That won't be difficult, Master. I will be desperate."

He smiled at her. "Beth, you'll be wearing another Lush which will be left on." He handed me a red one. "I want you to remain stoic to begin, the complete opposite of Oliva, and ignore your orgasms except for slight moans of pleasure. Hannah will praise you for being quieter than Oliva is, but as the meeting goes on, you'll become more vocal and wriggle more. Eventually, Hannah will make you lick Belle for finally shutting up. You have permission to cum without asking, because you've earned it as the better slave.

"As I said earlier, it was Beth's idea to serve as a distraction in my business meetings. She and Miranda were the first two to do it, wearing masks so I could protect Miranda's identity. It worked well, so we've been doing it since with positive results. Does anyone have any questions?"

"I'll need to be shown how to operate the Lush," the Professor said. "I've never used one before."

"Hannah will show you how to work the app and we'll give you a minute or so to practice before our guests arrive. Beth show Oliva the modified display position so she knows how to stand when she's not serving drinks."

"Yes, Master."

"Our guests should be arriving in roughly ten to fifteen minutes," Master said. "Go over by the bar and remove your clothes, Oliva, and push the Lush inside you with about two or three inches of the tail sticking outside and turn it on, then come over here and Beth will show you how to stand. Francesca, put a Slave Trainer on Belle, turn it on and let it run. You'll control Beth's Lush since Herman will have Hannah's phone. Get ready everyone."

I pushed my Lush inside my cunt while Oliva went over to the bar and removed her clothes, more than she'd had on at lunch. I could see her squatting and bending over to push her Lush inside, Jake looking on with interest. Oliva was still a good looking woman. Hannah was showing Herman how to operate the app which would control his wife's public orgasms. Francesca left to get the Slave Trainer for her slave. Oliva came back to me and I showed her how to display. She already showed signs of dampness and her Lush hadn't even been turned on yet.

"I'm so excited," she whispered. "I can't believe how aroused I am right now."

"How much more did Herman fight you about doing this?"

"Another five to ten minutes. It was like pulling a tooth."

"You really need to tell him what you want. These games will drive him nuts."

"He's not ready yet. I need to approach this carefully."

"Three minutes," Master said. "Herman try controlling Oliva's Lush for a minute or so. Stop when you think you have the hang of it."

Oliva jumped when it went off. "Madre de Dios!" she exclaimed. "That feels incredible."

She squirmed some more as Herman went through some of the functions.

"I'm going to cum," she said, then moaned when Herman turned if off. "So close," she whispered. "Another five seconds would have done it."

"You do realize if you become a submissive, your Dominant will use your orgasms or lack thereof to control you. You will beg to cum and it won't be a joke. You'll be desperate. If you don't believe me, talk to Belle. She's wearing the device to do it."

"I can hardly wait."

"You'll have to, wait that is. Stand here in the display position while we greet our guests."

Herman and Francesca had seats next to each other about thirty feet away from the table set up for the business meeting. Belle and I joined Master and Hannah when the boat carrying the four people for this afternoon's meeting pulled up, Ethan at the controls. The two businessman were male, late forties or early fifties, both looking pudgy and prosperous, unlike Master who worked out at least a half hour every day. Both men had female assistants, or it appeared they had. Given the ages of the men, they looked too young to be real Personal Assistants, either late teens or early twenties.

The meeting went pretty much as planned for the first forty minutes. Oliva served drinks and one of the men did indeed stroke her naked ass, but stopped when Hannah told him to stop. Hannah said Oliva wasn't fully trained as identified by the bush on her cunt. They were less shy about petting us despite the warnings, though they always stopped when told to. Oliva was undergoing multiple orgasms, moaning and shaking spectacularly through each one, getting Hannah's permission each time. Herman seemed to be having fun with the controls. She soon had her liquid cum running down her legs. Hannah would keep telling her to control herself and not to disturb the meeting with her moaning.

"Like I said, she still needs training," Hannah said in apology. "She'll learn to control them better."

Of course, according to the plan, Oliva didn't learn to control them. Finally Hannah said, "My God, slave. I'm sick of your caterwauling. Take that thing out of your cunt and clean it off."

Oliva removed it, but instead of washing it, she put it in her mouth and licked and sucked it clean, then held it in her hand. Herman looked like he'd seen a three headed cat.

Belle would beg for relief and Hannah denied her, over and over. Every time she'd beg to cum, Hannah would tell her to shut up or the Slave Trainer would stay on her all night. Around the third time she was told, Belle quit asking. She had fluids running down her legs as well. All three of us did.

I was cumming as frequently as Oliva, but making less of a ruckus about it. Francesca was having fun with my control. It would frequently change to different patterns and she seemed to be showing Herman how to use the manual control to constantly play with the patterns.

After fifteen minutes of Belle's silence, Hannah told me to give her an orgasm since she'd learned to quit begging. "Just one though," Hannah warned as I pulled the Slave Trainer down her legs and began licking her liquid folds.

I only gave her one, but it was a screamer, a Beth special supreme, which after the frustration of the Slave Trainer, caused Belle to lose it. She started squirting all over my face. I'd learned during the bukkake to close my eyes and let it happen, and I did this time. It flowed all over my face and ran down my chest and stomach. My hair was drenched. Belle was apologizing to me, saying she'd never squirted before. She got a towel and began wiping my face off.

One of the men started laughing, Rodrigo as I recall. "Edward told me you'd try to pull some distracting shit on us to make us lose concentration on our business. I came prepared for your mischief, Greenbriar. It's hard to get distracted if you can get relief."

He ordered his assistant in Portuguese and she replied, "Sim, Mestre," Before getting down on her knees to service her Master. The other one's assistant did the same thing, pulling out his cock and sucking him to completion. Neither of the women had underwear on. It was obvious they weren't assistants, but slaves the men had brought to the meeting to keep them from the distraction we'd provided. From my kneeling position, I was able to see their bottoms after my face was wiped, while they serviced their Masters. Rodrigo's slave had the same brand Fatima had. I couldn't tell Master. Hannah was pretending to be my Mistress.

"Mistress, may this slave be excused to wash her hair and face, and have a moment alone with you."

"Excuse me, Joshua, my slave would like to tidy up. I'll be back shortly."

We moved several feet away from where they performed their service. "Rodrigo's slave has the same brand Fatima had, Mistress. I saw it burned into her ass. I think she's a non-consensual slave."

Hannah glanced in their direction. She could see it too, though not as clearly as I had from a couple feet away.

"We can't know for sure she's illegal now, though she definitely was once," Hannah said. "If someone saw Fatima now, they might think she was Master's illegal slave. Perhaps she's voluntary now. We'll need to investigate further."

"See if you can take their picture, Mistress. Maybe Fatima will recognize them. Master needs to be told so the investigation can start."

"Go wash up. I'll warn Joshua and he'll figure something out."

I rushed over to the bar sink while Hannah told Francesca and Herman to stop. The men weren't taken in by our attempts to sidetrack them. The Lush in my twat quickly died. She went over to Master and whispered in his ear. Joshua nodded thoughtfully and looked at the two men. Jake let me use some dish soap to wash my hair. I did a quick and dirty job and rushed back to kneel at Hannah's feet.

Both men were cumming hard, their slaves extracting their cum. The slaves remained kneeling; no point in pretending they were assistants any longer.

"I can see my usual tactics won't work with you two," Master said. "I give up. What was your original offer, I'll take it."

The men started smiling and laughing at their business acumen in not being beguiled by Master's blatant tactics to take advantage of them. They were patting each other on the back. The business contracts were created and signed.

They were getting ready to leave and I thought they were going to get away with it. Master was better than that.

"Gentlemen, I can't believe I've met my equal when it comes to business negotiations. Would you mind if my assistant takes our picture so I can show my friends the two men who got the better of me."

"Not at all. If I could have a copy so I can boast to my friends Joshua Greenbriar finally met his match, I'd appreciate it," Rodrigo said.

"By all means," Master said. "Give your personal email addresses to Hannah and she'll see you get a copy of the picture. I'm sure you'll blow it up and hang it on your walls."

"Bet your ass."

Master got between the men and their slaves and Hannah took the picture. They chatted a bit more while Master called for Thomas to bring the boat. Thomas pulled up and they got ready to leave.

Before they stepped into the boat, Master said, "Gentlemen, I can't believe I'm saying this considering how badly you took advantage of me, but I'm thinking of another venture here in South America and I'm of the opinion having such clever opponents as partners in this venture might work to my advantage in the future. Any chance you could meet me in Buenos Aires in six days. I should have most of it put together by then."

"Be happy to," Rodrigo said. "Today has been quite profitable. If I can have another day like it, I'll have a great year."

Master and Hannah shook their hands and they left. They both washed their hands afterward, like they'd been touching filth. They probably had.

"What happened?" Herman asked. "I realize they figured it out, but you still had regular business negotiations to fall back on. You didn't have to give them everything they asked for. I have no business sense at all, but even I know that."

"I had to give them a reason to come back to my ship again," Master said. "It will be easier to arrest them on board than someplace else. And to be honest, I wanted them off as fast as possible. Beth thinks the women were illegal slaves."

"Rodrigo's slave had the same brand Fatima has," I offered.

"Why'd you let them off?" Herman demanded. "You had them."

"Perhaps not," Master said. "She might have been illegal at some point and a legal submissive now. If someone arrested me because I have Fatima on board my ship, I'd be damned pissed. Plus this is their country and I have no legal right to hold them. We've got all their pictures. We can sic Miranda and Interpol on them and let them investigate. They might be able to find missing or kidnapped women matching their descriptions and I'll have my people start their own investigation, see if there's any evidence they have legal submissives. Hannah, please send the photo and other information to Miranda's office and those Interpol agents who are investigating Fatima. Let's see what they have to say before we see those two men again. We'll let Fatima look at it." She nodded and left. "Word is obviously spreading about what we've done in the past. I see no point in doing this again tomorrow morning or in São Paolo or Argentina. At the very least, the tactic is ruined in this hemisphere and I'm beginning to wonder if some of these assholes might figure out slave owners are being arrested on my ship. I may have lost a lot of credibility." He looked at Oliva. "As much as I enjoy looking at you, Oliva, you might want to consider getting dressed again."

Oliva blushed and went behind the bar to get dressed. It hid her from everyone but Jake, still standing there. She had to wipe her thighs thoroughly before she put her clothes on. I understood completely. If I were getting dressed, I'd need to do the same. She came out from behind the bar and kissed her husband.

"Take me to our room and fuck me, Herman," Oliva said.


"You heard me. Take me to our room and fuck me. I want to be fucked. I want to be fucked now."

"Oliva, what's gotten into you?"

"I want sex. You played with that damn toy in my cunt and I'm crazy fucking horny right now and I want sex. That's what's gotten into me. I'm dying for cock right now, so fuck me."

"I'm sorry, Beth, Joshua. I don't know what's wrong with Oliva. I need to talk to her."

"Of course, Professor," Master said. "She does sound upset. I suggest you talk to her right away. Talk is good."

They left and I said, "There will be very little talk in that room and a lot of moaning and groaning, sir." He chuckled, nodding, going upstairs to check on Hannah's progress.

Belle came up to me, Francesca standing behind her, a hand on her shoulder. "Beth, I'm so sorry. I've never done anything like that before."

I laughed. "It's okay, Belle, really. It gave me the chance to tell Hannah what was going on so Master would know. I had like fifty people cum on me in a bukkake. Your little squirt was a picnic in comparison. It's okay."

"Joshua invited us back to his bed tonight, said you'd be busy," Francesca said. "I hope you don't mind."

"I will never mind sharing my Master with you and Belle, Mistress, though unless Master wants me elsewhere, I may be in bed with you. This might be the first time for all four of us at once. Master had you once by yourself while Belle and I were in the cage, and you and me while Belle was elsewhere and Belle and I when you were occupied. Plus, I told Belle I owed her for licking Mickey's cum out of my cunt this morning."

"After the orgasm you just gave me," Belle said. "I think that debt is paid."

"It's nice to know you enjoyed it." I kissed them both and went to find Master. Since I was a naked slave again, Jake had to lead me. Since I was still aroused from the orgasms from the Lush, he had no problem making me cum in his minute. He licked his fingers as he left me at Master's cabin.

I took a quick shower to rinse Belle's orgasmic discharge off me. Master and Hannah were at his computer when I finished, having sent the photo to Miranda and Interpol.

Where's Angelique this afternoon?" I asked Hannah.

"Modeling job. She'll be busy tomorrow as well. It's why we're not leaving until 1600. She has another gig in Buenos Aires."

"I hope we have people protecting her, Master," I said. "She's too beautiful to be left alone."

"Art and Ethan are with her. Though tomorrow, I may send three with her. I wasn't happy about the two slaves today. That's not good. Far too many non-consenting slaves we've run across this trip. Means the supply is too high."

"If there are people willing to do what I do, why buy someone, sir," I asked.

"Primary reason would be limits. The owners don't want any and most sane subs do. Could be other things too, but I'm guessing that's the biggest one."

"Will you need company tonight, Hannah?"

"Angelique will be back by 2000. We won't even be back from the club by then. Joshua said you'd be joining Manuel?"

"Manuel won't be requiring my services tonight, Mistress. I've already taken care of him."

"When did you have time to fuck him for six hours?" Master asked.

"I fucked him for three and he's done. Lynn asked him if he'd prefer six hours with me or three with both Sherry and me. He chose three hours and two women. Master, I have a confession to make - two of them actually."

"Would one of them be you sucking Buck after he sucked Chaney?"

"Yes, Master. Who told you?"

"Hannah said you put on a great show. All the women loved it. What's the other thing?"

"I told him he might get some time with the two of us. Not the whole night, sir, but a couple hours perhaps."

"You're not expecting him to suck my cock or vice versa, are you?"

"No, sir. He said the reason he wanted to spend the night like the women had was to see me skewered on multiple dicks like Jake did when he participated in my triple. I don't think he's interested in cocks any more than you are. The reason I gave him his cock sucking when he was done is I felt sorry for him and appreciated he didn't try to wriggle out of his bet. Kind of why I offered him the couple hours with us too, though Roberta and Jìngyi might be fucking him together tonight for the same reason."

Master laughed. "What would you give me if I sucked a cock?"

"Whatever you wanted. Don't I always."

He stroked my cheek. "Always." He sighed. "Well, I'll have to give you a twenty swat spanking for sucking him without getting my permission first. It won't be forty because you told me what you'd done without my asking. I'll give you a pass on him coming to our bed because you at least asked me and I could refuse."

"I understand. It wasn't your bed, sir. I told him it would have to be someplace else. Your bed is reserved for you and whoever you want in it and I assumed that doesn't include other men."

"Thank you for that."

"Did anyone say when they could get back to us about the two slaves, sir?"

"They didn't know. Said they'd call us when they have anything. Fatima is coming down in a few minutes to look at the photos."

"She'll not be happy more slave owners were on the ship. Her greatest fear is her brand being seen by someone who knows what it means, leading to her being re-enslaved."

"I know. We may want to put her in clothes again anytime someone comes aboard."

"Yes, Master. I agree. Doctor Kline said she doesn't want to leave the ship for any reason, not even for treatment. She feels safe here. I'd like to do something to make her feel better, especially if she wants to stay at sea all the time."

"What do you have in mind?" Master asked.

"Would it be possible to teach her how to captain the ship, sir? Let her study under Captain Amundsen; learn everything there is to know about sailing. I know she'd have to pass a test or something to get licensed herself, but if she was, she could get a job at sea. If Master William really buys his own yacht, Fatima could be his captain, or at least like a first mate or something, where she was always on the ship."

Master hugged me, lifting me up in the air and swinging me around to the point I almost kicked Hannah. "I think that's a wonderful idea. I'll speak to the Captain about it and see if he'll take her on as an apprentice."

I felt so good about myself at that moment, I was nearly bursting.


They put the photo up on the big screen when Fatima came in and asked her if she recognized either of the two women in the picture. She looked at both photos for quite a while.

"I can't be sure, but I think I recognize the one on the right. It's hard to tell because she looks much older than I remember and her hairstyle is different, but the woman who was from Bolivia in the cage next to mine when I was sold, looked a little like her. It was so dark back there it was hard to see clearly."