My Voyage of Submission Ch. 09


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He saw how eager I was for sex when I climaxed as soon as he started to put his prick in me. I spasmed before he was a quarter of the way in, and it was a good one. I was a live wire for the next three minutes."

"Five fucking hours of being right on the edge of orgasm without being able to cum," I gasped. "God, I needed that."

"That's the easiest time I've ever had helping a woman cum," he admitted.

"You're not done yet, believe me. I'm so on edge right now."

I wasn't kidding. I had three more in the next ten minutes, though none as good as that first one. The first few out of the way, I could slow down a little and enjoy him. When he climaxed, he was kind enough to clean up after himself. We had sex for about an hour and then took a break so he could recharge a little.

"Henry," I said, fondling his sack, "are you still at all interested in the freed slaves?"

"Well, kind of. I'm sort of worried about what you said, though. They've had it pretty tough and we don't know how it affected them."

"That's still true. We don't know how it's affected them, but they have iPads with a translation app. You now have the ability to speak to them, get to know them, find out what's important to them. You still can't ask them for sex, but find out what makes them tick. These women were all raised as Muslim and their belief system will be substantially different from yours. They may have been badly damaged by what happened to them, and the only way to find out is to communicate with them; find out if there's common ground.

"They started out pretty beaten down, but first Fatima, and now Sahar, have surprised me with their resiliency. It appears Sahar has no more interest in men, but she's still interested in sex and she's tough as nails. She was willing to kill us or die if we attempted to enslave her again. She wasn't going to take it anymore. That's two people who weren't going to obey any order they received in a relatively short time. The others may also be stronger than I gave them credit for. They all got rid of their slave jewelry. They don't want to be slaves anymore. Farah may still be working out she's not a slave any longer, but the other three seem to be coming along.

"They'll be working on firearms until we reach Freetown. Edgar wants them armed in their rooms just in case things go wrong. As a former Marine and a sniper, you can help them with learning to protect themselves. On breaks, help them with their English, so they can learn the language. Talk to them about their values and beliefs, what they wanted when they grew up, the kind of person they were attracted to, the life they wanted to live. Perhaps you find out about them and they're not so different as you might think."

"You think so?"

"I hope they're tougher than I think because they've still got a rough road ahead of them, but they have surprised me, and it's been a pleasant surprise. Looks like you're stiffening up there, Henry. Cunt, ass or mouth next?"

"Could you just suck it a little longer, then may I please fuck your ass?"

"Absolutely. You're so polite and I really like that in a man who's about to fuck my ass. He won't tear it up in his eagerness, but he'll let me have a little time to get used to the feeling of a nice big bat up my bum before banging me hard."

I lowered my mouth over his cock, which was halfway to said bat already. I gave him another ten minutes of primo sucking before aiming my ass at him to claim. He took his time and was gentle. I let him know how much I enjoyed it by cumming several times. He finished off and I got a towel from the bar to clean him off.

"What do you think about Pierre becoming Fatima's submissive?" Henry asked.

"What's to think about it? It is what it is."

"But he's a man."

"And men can't be submissive? I'm unsure of your question. Manuel is submissive. Mistress Layton's slave was an Army Ranger and is a firefighter. Submissives come from every conceivable age range, income, race, gender, sexual orientation, just like any other person. It isn't only women who are submissive, it's just more common."

"Doesn't it make both of them kind of sissies?"

"Yeah, tell Ranger that, see what kind of a sissy he is. I haven't got it all figured out yet, but it's not a question of a degree of masculinity or toughness. Sam's wife is a deputy sheriff detective. They told me they know of an FBI agent who is. I mean there could be a wide number of reasons for a person to be submissive. I think part of it is a desire to serve.

"I think that's one of Manuel's reasons. He wants to help people. He was a Navy Corpsman. They went everywhere the Marines went. He'd brave enemy fire to rescue injured sailors and marines. Every time I have sex with someone, I want them to have the best sex I can give them. I put everything I have into it. When I suck your cock, it's the most important job in the world at that moment. I don't even think about my own pleasure. It's not as if I won't orgasm anyway by concentrating on you. I cum easily, but it's not what I'm thinking about. I don't think I'm a sex expert who knows more about sex than anyone else. I think people enjoy sex with me because I'm devoted to pleasing them above all other things. That may not be the reason other people do it, but it's part of what I enjoy about it.

"That's why when I give lessons to people, I tell them to forget about sex for themselves. If they concentrate totally on what they're doing, to the exclusion of anything else, they'll be better lovers. Don't worry about getting sex. Give of yourself and if you're sufficiently pleasing, people will want to have sex with you because you've made them the center of your universe.

"That's why Chaney will never be a really great lover, no matter how technically proficient he is or how many panties he gets himself into. He's concerned more with his own pleasure than his partners. Women are another notch on his bedpost and not the focus of his efforts to be pleasing to them."

"Can I get a lesson from you now?"

"What kind of lesson?"

"A pussy licking lesson."

"It's easier if I have a pussy to work on."

"Talk me through it with you."

"Oh you sweet boy. I'll do my best."

Before he started, I told him everything I knew about pleasing a woman. To remember there was more than one erogenous zone to concentrate on, to pay attention to visual and auditory cues given by their partner about what they were enjoying, and not to think one thing was the secret to every woman all the time. To take his time and make sure they were his entire world.

"Think about what you've really enjoyed about oral sex with me and apply it in the opposite direction. Take your time and ignore the erection you're sure to get as you're loving me. Your one and only concern is making me feel good. Take at least ten minutes to get to the good stuff. Just explore my body and see what makes it tick."

To make it easy for him, I didn't try to be subtle. When he did the right things, I made sure he could read my cues, moaning loudly or squirming in unmistakable ways. He took twenty minutes to send me over the top.

"Oh, fuck, Henry. That's incredible. Keep it going. You've got my motor revving now. You don't need to delay the next one or the one after that. I'm going off like a string of firecrackers now."

I wasn't just saying it either. He was doing a spectacular job, about as well as I might expect from someone with his level of expertise. I popped off three more times in rapid succession. When he pulled his face out of my crotch, it was coated in orgasmic juices.

I pulled him up and kissed him, licking my cum off his face.

"Henry, are you sure you're not a lesbian in disguise? That was great. You're a fast learner. If you do that to any woman, you will have her eating out of your hand."

He laughed. I reached down and found his cock was nice and stiff again. "Men like you should be rewarded, Henry. Do you mind if I ride you? Let me do all the work this time. Just lay back and enjoy it. I want to fuck your brains out."

He laughed again and got on his back. I slowly lowered myself over his cock. The fuck Tito got last night was the fuck Henderson got tonight, nice and slow, and I squeezed down with my Kegel muscles every time I rose up on the upstroke, to suck the cum out of his balls. He'd cum often enough and I went slow enough to keep him on a high plateau for a long time. Doing enough to keep him very hard and very interested, but not enough to make him pop his cork. I kept him moaning for over forty minutes, until I recognized he was getting desperate to cum.

I sped up, jacking him faster with my wet, warm, tight cunt until he gasped and bucked up into me, filling me to overflowing with his cum. I licked up every drop that overflowed my pussy.

"That's the kind of fucking a good boy deserves, Henry. You were outstanding tonight. I've seldom had better and you know how much sex I get."

"Really? You're not shining me on?"

"Hell no. My Master has thrown me some righteous fucks, but unless more than one person was involved, I don't think anyone else on the ship has done better than you. Totally amazing. Your oral skills are substantially improved. You keep it up, the women won't be able to keep their hands off you."

"Thanks, Beth."

"Don't thank me. I'm the one who needs to thank you. You were an oasis in the desert. I'm about to go on the Slave Trainer again and I think you gave me enough sex to get me through the night."

Okay, that was a minor lie, but only a minor one, because I was feeling pretty sated at the moment. It wouldn't last long once the damn thing went back on me.

"I had a wonderful time, but it's up and I have to replace my Slave Trainer with a charged one before I go back to Master. Did you have a good time?"

"The best."

"I'm glad. Let's straighten up a little before we go."

He threw the cushions back on the chairs and I wiped everything down and threw the towel in the laundry hamper under the bar. I gave him another quick kiss, squeezing his cock slightly as he left. I dressed and made my way up to the playroom.

I got a charged Slave Trainer, donned it, and grabbed the charger and brought everything to Master's cabin. He was fucking both Belle and Francesca, but every time they were close to cumming, he switched to the other one. After using the head, showering, and brushing my teeth, I put what I needed in the cage under the bed, including the charger for the Slave Trainer and pulled the door shut behind me. They continued to fuck for about ten minutes until Master climaxed.

"Clean up your Mistress, Belle."

"Yes, Master." So Francesca was the one to receive his load.

"Did Henry enjoy himself, Beth?"

"Yes, Master. He had a wonderful time."

"Good night, Beth."

"Good night, sir."

I heard him kiss the others good night. I did my best to try and sleep, without much success.


They started fucking around 0600, neither Francesca nor Belle allowed to cum again. As soon as one gasped for permission, Master stopped fucking her and fucked the other instead. I was on my third charged Slave Trainer since I'd shut myself off in the cage. This time it was Belle who became the depository for Master's seed. While Francesca cleaned up after him, Master opened my door and allowed me out.

"How was your night, Beth?"

I smiled at him. "About as you'd expect, sir. Not very restful."

"It's a hard lesson to learn, isn't it Beth."

"Yes, sir. One I should have learned previously."

"Was it because I wasn't going to be there?"

"No, sir. I guess just the uniqueness of the evening and the body painting. It just slipped my mind. I'll endeavor to do better."

He hugged me and stroked my face. "Say goodbye to your sister slaves. They're leaving in a few minutes. You can give each of them a quick orgasm, no more than five minutes for either of them."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

He left and I got in bed with both of them. I hugged and kissed both of them, then started in on Francesca. They were both quite desperate, They had been left in a state by Master's fucking so it took less than four minutes to get her off. It took half the time with Belle, Master had pulled out of her last and Francesca had cleaned her after Master's load.

Their luggage had already been taken to the helicopter and they promised me Master told them they'd be fed plenty on the private jet so we went straight to the helicopter as soon as we dressed. On the helicopter deck, Master made them both kneel and he removed his collars and exchanged them for less obvious gold necklaces which were like a cross between a collar and jewelry. Belle still had her Mistress' collar on though.

I hugged them both desperately before they climbed aboard. It was like saying goodbye to Miranda all over again.

"I'm so happy you both came, and even more so you're now my sister slaves. It makes me feel even closer to you than I was before. We're like family now. I love you both and shall miss you horribly."

"Master's bed will start getting crowded once all of us join you again in Europe," Francesca laughed.

"It's a good thing we like to snuggle close," I said.

"You mean buried in each other's cunts," Belle laughed.

"Exactly what I mean, Belle; yours being so tasty and all, sweet like the honey which drips from it."

We all had a chuckles from that, one last hug and they were gone, the engine winding up and Leo taking them away, Rafael riding shotgun.

"They'll be back before you know it," Master said. "You have me all to yourself again."

"Yes, sir. That will be nice once I can cum again."

He smiled. "That will be awhile."

I counted in my head. The Slave Trainer went on at 1300 yesterday, plus twenty-seven was 1600, plus the six hours fucking Henderson was 2200, ten tonight.

"2200, right sir?"

"That's when the Slave Trainer comes off, not when you'll be allowed to cum. That won't be for awhile longer. Except for rewarding Francesca's car delivery person, which I'm giving them because you got six hours with Henderson, they're only be allowed to masturbate once each night for a week. You didn't think you'd be getting off with a little more than a day, did you?"

I sighed. "Yes, Master. I suppose that's only fair. I'm still allowed to give others pleasure, won't I?"

"You are a sex slave and people still need to be rewarded. The weekly drawing tomorrow might be a little tricky, but I'm quite sure you can give someone two hours worth of satisfactory orgasms orally." He kissed me and we went to breakfast.

I was fed, but not fondled. People were rushing to get through breakfast as we were getting ready to depart. I wanted so much to speak to Fatima about how things were going with Pierre, but she said, "We'll talk later, but it's anchors up in fifteen minutes. Got to run." She grabbed some fruit and two cups of coffee.

"Aren't we waiting for Leo to return, Master?" which I guessed would be an hour or so, as Rafael and Leo be would making sure they safely made it onto the private jet.

"Leo can make up an hours steaming time in about three minutes. We lost a day I didn't plan on by staying in Buenos Aires an extra day. We have a schedule to keep, so we'll be cruising faster than I planned, so we have to push off now. Additionally, we're not usually so pressed to get everyone ready for piracy and the like until we reach Eastern Africa, but I want to be prepared for anything coming into Freetown. We're not even taking the most direct route there. I'm still concerned about what's happened thus far. I feel watched, and I don't like the feeling."

We had muster after we'd started steaming, and there were people missing, but they were all on duty. We had plenty of lookouts while in the Rio de la Plata due to the boat traffic. Only one drawing this morning as we'd lost two slaves, Rafael winning, and he was missing for the moment. Master sent me to the gym to brush up on things. All of the ducklings were there.

They were doing two at a time on the range, each of the freed slaves getting a half hour of range time, then getting with their instructors to discuss what they'd done right or wrong, which took time due to the translation app. When their turn came up again, they'd shoot for another half hour, and repeat. Sahar looked fierce and determined, and seemed to be scoring better than the others. She'd occasionally berate one of them in Portuguese or Arabic, telling them they must love being slaves as they didn't want to work hard enough to keep themselves from being taken captive again. Edgar occasionally looked as if he'd intercede, but they seemed to respond to her, buckling down and doing better.

When it was my turn, Edgar had me do Hogan's Alley with the handgun the first time. I went through it perfectly. It was the first time the ducklings saw Hogan's Alley and they watched as I went through it, not even Sahar berating them for not working on their own skills as she watched.

"Good shooting, Tex," Edgar said. "Isn't that thing you're wearing keeping you on the edge of an orgasm?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Then I take it back. It wasn't good shooting, it was damn fine shooting. You'll be issued a 9 MM at a minimum in Freetown. We'll see how you do on the rifle on your next turn."

"You really know how to suck up to a girl, don't you."

Edgar laughed. Sahar asked through her translator, "When can I shoot on this target?" She pushed the answer button.

"When you can get every shot from two magazines in the bulls eye or first circle."

She nodded when she heard the answer. "Soon, today, I will do," no translator.

We took a break for lunch. Fatima was still busy on the bridge, so I still didn't get to talk to her. Leo had arrived back on board around 1000. He was down working on his self defense skills with the others. Everyone on the ship filtered through at least once during the day. I even saw the weapons the ex-special forces types would be using for the first time. When they went through the Hogan's Alley scenario, they rarely went behind cover, seemingly able to shoot someone before they were even seen. I was impressed. It was a steady progression down the length of the ship, either aft to prow or the opposite, an enemy appeared, bang, bang, two shots and they were dead, half of them head shots.

I suddenly realized the difference between a good amateur such as myself and a professional soldier. I was so glad to have them on my side. Henderson and Roberta fired their mock weapons at a projected range of 800 yards. The target looked like not much more than a dot at that range without looking through their optics. Still, most of their shots were bulls eyes.

I asked Roberta if there were any differences between shooting at the target or something real.

"For sure. For one thing, the target and I are both moving up and down the waves the same time, it's essentially a stationary target. In real life, if I'm shooting at something off the ship, they're moving differently than I am. Plus the target is very seldom still. If they're moving across my scope, I have to anticipate where they're going to be after the flight path of the bullet, which even if it's 2000 ft/sec when it leaves the barrel, will be a little over a second later at 800 yards. This is a cake walk in comparison. Henry and I will have to get some practice at moving targets sometime before we get to Freetown."

"How do you shoot at moving targets at sea?"

"Someone tows one with one of the jet skis."

"Aren't they afraid of getting shot?"

"It's twenty yards behind the jet ski. If they're worried about getting shot, I shouldn't be on this ship."

"Can anyone else shoot the Creedmoor sniper rifles?"

"All the special ops types are pretty good shots. They just don't practice as much as Henderson or I do. It was SEALs that took the shot saving that ship's Captain, Richard Phillips, off Somalia. They have some excellent marksmen. I'd trust them with almost any shot which would save my life."
