My Voyage of Submission Ch. 13


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Sahar said, "James seem like good man. Make Ateefah happy."

"He is a good man, Sahar, but let me ask you this? Before you were a slave, if you were engaged, would you be having sex with your fiancé?"

"No sex until married."

"That's what I thought. But Ateefah wanted to fuck almost more than she wanted to talk. That didn't sound good to me. I hope everything works out. We still don't know how Ateefah was affected by her slavery and she's sending out mixed messages. Not wanting sex if not for marriage, but wanting sex almost more than she wants the marriage. It was like the proposal gave her permission to have sex. I'm not sure that's a good thing."

We all looked at the table where a mini celebration was going on.

"Maybe you right, Beth," Sahar said.

"I hope I'm wrong, for both their sakes."


I was in Master's cabin, alone around 1315; Master being busy elsewhere when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Ateefah outside and I invited her in.

After we sat down, I asked what she wanted.

"I want you teach suck James cock. He much big, need learn. Never suck cock so big as his."


"So he never need another woman. I do all for him."

"He already said he would give up other women for you. Don't you trust him?"

She thought a moment. "He have sex with other woman before. Plus, baby now, belly get big, me fat. Hard to fuck with big belly. Let him fuck mouth."

"Let's say I agree to teach you to suck cock. Do you want me to suck his cock to show you?"

"No. You not suck James cock no more."

"I see. Whose cock should I suck to show you?"

"Any cock. Suck Master's cock. I watch."

"Would you then practice on Master's cock?"

That threw her off a few moments. "I practice James cock."

"James has the largest cock on the ship. If you don't know if you can suck smaller ones, you won't know if you can suck James."

"Fine, I practice smaller cock."

"Do you think James wants you practicing on smaller cocks any more than you want me showing you to suck cock on his? You do see the problem, don't you?"

"You just want James cock again. You trick Ateefah."

"No, I don't, and I don't think he wants me to teach you how to suck his cock. Not once he asked to marry you. I think James speaks truth when he says no other women for him. The problem is, you know very little about him and he knows very little about you. You come from completely different cultures, and religions. You have been traumatized by your slavery. I don't know how it has affected you and the other women. Typically, there are problems when women are sexually abused the way you were.

"You've proven stronger than I thought you'd be, but it's been less than a month since you were freed. I'm concerned your eagerness to fuck James does not reflect who you are, but is a sign of what your slavery did to you. Would you be fucking James if he offered marriage before your slavery?"

"No, but I not pure any more. Have child. What difference I fuck now?"

"Maybe no difference, if it's not a sign of a bigger problem. I don't think you should fuck at all, before you marry. It's what you would normally do. Things different than what you would do before, may point to problems."

"If I not fuck James, won't he fuck someone else?"

"Not if he says he won't. I want to talk to both of you. Please come back with James at 4:30 after his work. I will speak to both of you."

"You not want Ateefah be happy?"

I took her hands and stared into her beautiful brown eyes. "I want you to be happy for the rest of your life, Ateefah. That's why I want to talk to both of you so I know you both understand all the things which might go wrong. If you know, you can prepare. I don't even know all the things which might go wrong because I don't know enough about your culture and faith to comprehend it all, but I can help you and James talk about all the things you need to know about each other."

"I come back, with James. We talk."

"Thank you. I wish you the very best, Ateefah. I'll see you then."

After she left, I got ready for my visit to Fatima and Pierre, showering to add a little freshness.


Pierre opened the door when I knocked. He was naked, as a good slave should be. Fatima was wearing a robe, anticipating my arrival.

"Good afternoon, Mistress, Pierre. Are you ready for two hours of fun?"

"I'm always ready for you," Fatima said. "Joshua said he didn't mind if you had sex with Pierre. I'm feeling sorry for him. I haven't let him do anything but masturbate since he submitted. It's why I let him fuck Marian this morning. I was hoping you might have sex with him again."

"I could do that," I said, "whatever you want since you have me for two hours, but I'd like to make another suggestion if I may, Mistress?"

"What would that be?"

"Both Hibbah and Johanna were also reluctant to have sex with men again after their experiences, much like you are, Mistress. They hadn't quite overcome the trauma of their experiences, but both were interested if they could get back on the horse. What we did, is Johanna and I began by having sixty-nine together. After she'd climaxed a number of times and was relaxed and feeling comfortable, Master introduced himself into the equation, while I continued licking her. With the combination of activities, it wasn't just having sex with a man again all by herself. It merely added one to what she was already doing. Much less traumatic and new that way. Then she and Hibbah did the same thing and Master partook of their pleasure after a certain time, letting Hibbah experience sex again. It worked out well for both of them. It's why Hibbah could have sex with Jake last night, all by herself."

"Your Master had sex with both of them?"

"Yes, Mistress, we were sneaking around so Johanna's parents wouldn't find out. Now, it doesn't make any difference."

"What did you think about what happened this morning?"

"It wouldn't be for me, Mistress, but you saw how excited Ben was to be treated like that. Different strokes."

"Would you like being treated like that, Pierre?"

"It would be my preference not to be so treated, Mistress."

"It reminded me of how I was treated as a slave. I had flashbacks, and they weren't pleasant."

"I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Let's give your plan a try, Beth. I guess I trust Pierre enough to stop if I can't continue, especially if he has you to fuck if I can't."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Give me a couple minutes with Pierre in private, Mistress, so I can discuss the details with him beforehand."

"Use the head."

"Yes, Mistress."

I spent three to four minutes discussing the order of events and how he needed to proceed. He quickly agreed it sounded great. We returned and Fatima had removed her robe. I started off on a high note by giving her one of my seductions, (patent pending). She stuffed her robe into her mouth to keep from screaming. After I quickly gave her a second, I moved around so we could sixty-nine and after a third, I rolled over so she was on the top. Pierre stroked her legs, back and bottom through her fourth and fifth orgasms, lightly getting her used to his touch.

After the fifth one, he got behind her and began rubbing his cock on various and sundry parts, letting her feel it, without any penetration. After the sixth, he placed it at her entrance, knowing it was right there, ready to fill her. When she didn't flinch from that, he slowly pushed into her during her seventh orgasm. By the eighth, he started to move and the frequency of her orgasms increased. She stopped licking me back and quickly went through nine, ten and eleven. By the twelfth, I'd stopped licking her and held on for dear life as Pierre fucked her harder, smacking into her with lots of wet squishing sounds, their flesh smacking together. The thirteenth was all his and then he climaxed, squirting deep inside her with satisfied grunts, pulsing madly, which I had a close up view of. I had some orgasms as well, not as many as Mistress did, but I enjoyed myself.

As soon as he plopped out of her, I was licking up their cum, giving her a fourteenth in the process because thirteen was unlucky. She rolled off me, panting hard.

"Dios mío. That was incredible."

"I'm happy you liked it, Mistress."

I began cleaning Pierre off. I kept on going until he was hard again.

"Now, to be sure you might be able to do it again, and without my help, I suggest you mount Pierre and fuck him that way. He will hold still and let his Mistress control the speed and depth of your fucking. I will ride his face and keep my eye on you, kiss you and play with your breasts."

She smiled. "Do you think I have the energy for more?"

"Only one way to find out, Mistress. This time, when he cums, he can clean up after himself."

Turns out, she had plenty of energy. Pierre thanked me privately before I left.

"You can't believe how much I enjoyed that?"

"Yes, I can. I have a Master and I'd slowly die if I didn't fuck him."

I took a quick shower, more of a rinse really. I wasn't all that messy this time. No one had cum in me. Master was back in his work corner and I was waiting for James and Ateefah when they arrived.

"Ateefah said you wanted to talk to us," James said.

"I did. Please come in and have a seat."

"What's this all about?" James asked, after they sat down. I saw he was holding Ateefah's hand and I liked that.

"Just a chat to talk about potential problems in your relationship that you and Ateefah might need to work out."

"Like what?"

"What religion are you, James?"

"Southern Baptist."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a tenet of the Southern Baptist faith that until you're baptized in the love and grace of Jesus Christ, you're doomed to go to hell?"

"Well, I suppose, but I don't practice it all that closely."

"Ateefah go to hell?" she asked.

"No, I don't think you'd ever go to hell, Ateefah?

"What do you know about the Islamic faith, James?"

"Not much, really. About all I know is that we've been fighting terrorists who claim to be Muslim. I don't know much about the faith itself."

"Are you ready to convert to Islam?"

"Do I have to? Weren't Fatima's parents Christian and Muslim?"

"They were, but Fatima's mother was more westernized than Ateefah's. Let's ask Ateefah. What happened to a Muslim woman who married outside her faith in your village, Ateefah?"

"Only Muslim in village."

"How about nearby villages, or larger cities?"

"Woman be beaten, maybe killed," Ateefah admitted.

"Is that what would happen to you if you returned to your village?"


"But we don't have to go back to her village. Ateefah would live with me, right?"

"I don't know. Have you asked her?"

"Well, no, but I just assumed she would."

"What about her child? Would the child be raised Baptist or Muslim?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

"Ateefah, when you were a slave, did you enjoy sex?"

"Some of it. Not much. But I like fucking James. He nice, gentle with me."

"I know. I asked him to be especially careful with you because you almost backed out."

"He not always gentle?"

"I believe he would be as gentle as you need him to be, generally, though perhaps not as gentle as last night. Would you be having sex with him if you were engaged in Pakistan?"

"No. No sex with man before marriage."

"But you want sex with him now. You said during the proposal James made at lunch, 'we talk after work, then fuck'. Why fuck him now if you normally wouldn't?"

"I not virgin, have child, make no difference if we fuck now. Want him like me, not turn to other woman."

"But not if you were home. It would make a difference if you were home, wouldn't it?"


"James, do you need to fuck Ateefah now, or could you wait?"

"I could wait. I'd be faithful to her."

"You wouldn't be upset if she was afraid to do some things because of what happened to her or because of her religion?"

"What kind of things?"

"I don't know. Have you talked it over with her, what kinds of things she might do or not do?"


"Fatima told me earlier, she had flashbacks of her own slavery when Ben and Marian accepted their collars. It was frightening to her. Was it frightening to you too, Ateefah?"

"Some, yes."

"If Ateefah suffered from PTSD as a result of her slavery, James, would you be willing to send her to treatment or forgive her for things she might do out of compulsion based upon what happened to her?"

"I'd help her as much as I could."

"One of the possible behaviors associated with sexual abuse is the victim can become promiscuous, they become sex addicts and need to have sex frequently, and may seek it from others if they don't get enough at home. Could you forgive her if she had sex with someone else?"

"That wouldn't happen to Ateefah, would it? It would be against her religion?"

"I don't know if it would or not, but fucking you before marriage is also against her religion, and she seemed very anxious to fuck you as fast as possible. She says it's because she doesn't want you turning to another woman for sex, and I'm sure that's part of her motivation, but is it all of her motivation, or is she responding to her slave conditioning, that she must be sexually pleasing to her owner, or in this case, her fiancé?"

He looked at Ateefah. "Don't look at Ateefah. She may not even realize what her underlying motivations are, which is why counseling is needed and recommended. I told you this when you first expressed an interest in her. I think Ateefah is a wonderful woman and would be an excellent and devoted wife and mother, but you have to know things may happen, and they may not be anyone's fault. I recommended to her that you not have sex before marriage, partly because it's the way she was raised, and partly to see if it's compulsive on her part or if she can wait like you can.

"I think it would be as devastating to her in the long run, for you to get married and then end up divorced because of an unforeseen problem, as it would be for her not to be married at all and a single mother. I know you care for her. You wouldn't have cared about how she reacted last night unless you cared. Nor am I saying you shouldn't get married, but you both have a lot of potential problems to discuss beforehand. Does one of you convert, where do you live, how do you raise your children? You are light years apart in your belief systems and you have to find common ground upon which to walk. Instead of having sex, which might hide a lot of problems, you should be spending all your spare time finding out about one another and where your value systems meet.

"Normally, social rituals like dating is where you discover these things, but you haven't dated. You've been thrown together by unusual circumstances and you need to make up for the lack of those rituals. You need a crash course in communication. Talk, talk and talk some more. If you need assistance talking, I'll be happy to help. I do wish the very best for both of you. James, you're one of the nicest young men I've ever met and Ateefah is so sweet, it makes my heart bleed because of what happened to her, but I suggest you both stay away from sex for now and learn a lot more about each other than you know now, if you want a marriage to work."

"You not fuck other woman if I no fuck you?" Ateefah asked.

"Not even Beth if I win Employee of the Day, Week or Month," James said. "I will wait for you and the right time. I really do care for you, Ateefah." He kissed her hand.

"Me like you, James. Like you lot."

"By the way, the no sex proviso doesn't mean you can't kiss once in awhile. Just don't get carried away. That's all I wanted to say."

"Thanks, Beth."

"Me thank Beth also."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Go have some long conversations."

I let them out.

"It's absolutely amazing to me," Master said.

"What is, Master?"

"How you managed to weasel out of another punishment. I had such delightful plans for you tonight."

"Don't change them on my account, sir. I usually enjoy your plans in some fashion or other."

He laughed. "We'll see. They're subject to change."


Johanna and both her parents arrived at 1745. Marian had a slave trainer on, along with a ball gag. Ben had a penis gag, cock cage and an anal hook which had a chain going up to his collar keeping his head bent back or drove the hook deeper into his rectum. Both of their hands were confined behind their backs with wrist cuffs. She had them kneel on the floor in front of the couch.

"Lynn has been showing me a lot of the wonderful toys you keep in your playroom, Joshua. Such a wide variety. I've had a lot of fun trying some of the things out. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all."

"What are we having for supper tonight?"

"I'll let you order for you and your slaves. I was getting two of the grilled pork chops with vegetables and salad. Beth said she hasn't exercised much today, so she's only having one chop, vegetables and a salad."

"I'll have the same. My parents will have salad and vegetables and forgo the chops. They're going on a training regimen to lose weight. Lots of exercise and light foods. They're far too pudgy for my taste. If they're going to be naked around me, they need to lose some flab."

Master smiled and made the order.

"When do you call your wife?"

"She'll call me when her gift arrives."

They started a conversation on the handling of slaves. I was familiar with most of it through personal participation. Our food was delivered in relatively short order. Johanna put her parents plates down on the floor in front of them. She removed their gags and told them to eat and when they were done, to tell her so she could replace their gags. She didn't release their hands, so they had to bend over and eat their food like a dog.

Master fed me as he usually did, with lots of caresses and a few orgasms thrown in.

"I can't really feed my parents the same way," Johanna said, "hence the way they're eating now."

Miranda called at 1837, while three of us were still eating. The Hoffler parents were done and gagged again. Master threw the call up on the big screen and warned Miranda and Francesca that Johanna and her parents were present.

"Why were the Hofflers eating off the floor, sir?" Miranda asked. They were still crouched over their empty plates.

"It turns out they are submissive and that's where their Dominant wanted them to eat."

"Who's their Dominant, sir?"

"That would be me," Johanna said.

"They aren't...she isn't...?"

"No, we aren't committing incest," Johanna said. "That's a bit too wonky, even for their twisted daughter, although they might soon be sucking off your Master and sister slave."

"Uh..Who would be sucking off who, Mistress Hoffler?"

"I'd love for Daddy dearest to suck off Joshua and Mommy to do Beth, because that is twisted enough for me, but unfortunately, I have no control over Joshua and his slave, so I guess we let the chips fall where they may. I'm interested in your slave jewelry. Can you show me what you have so far?"

Miranda picked up her phone and gave us a good shot of her always damp pussy. The small hoop on the outer labia was clearly visible.

"Ooh, nice. I love it. I think Mother should get one, though I think it should be a clit piercing to make her even more horny than she is, and something for Daddy too, perhaps a scrotum or frenum piercing or three, like a ladder up his dick. Let's see what you're adding today."

"Master ordered a few things for me from Briana's Baubles," Miranda said. She held up a little badge or plaque. "This one say's Joshua's Wife. He said I can wear that to work, just in case someone should accidentally see it. It would be weird, but not totally career ending. I imagine I will feel it between my legs. It's somewhat discreet, but I'll know it's there. I have this larger one." She held that up to show us. "It say's Master's Slave Slut. It's larger and heavier, and I will definitely feel it hanging between my legs, reminding me I'm Master's slave. But it's not just the bangle badge. It comes with a body chain that goes around my waist, with another chain that clips to the my hood piercing, and the additional chain runs right beside my clitoris, so it stimulates me as I move."