My Voyeur Addiction


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On returning, she continued drying her hair, naked, providing memorable view of her well sorted sexually and beatific body. On finishing hair drying duties, she playfully gave her damp forest of pubes a bit of wafting with her travelling device and I hoped she might have a little private play with her minge. She put on some matching clean panties, the same pink minimal brassiere, the same denims and a white shirt and went for breakfast.

During that meal, Rona was extremely bubbly I remember, that's what become a well fucked soldier I mused. At the time of course I had no knowledge of their sex actions whilst our visitors and on viewing the video, kicked myself for not checking the bed when retrieving the hidden cameras.

A huge contrast and the last voyeuristic opportunity in the guest bedroom was a 49 year old, divorced friend of ours called Hayley. Initially she was going to share the room and our hospitality with her charming, youngest yet troubled daughter Jasmine who was 18. Being good friends it was a leaving party for Hayley at our house and I had jumped in early heh heh with the offer of the room. She was leaving the area for a job in Manchester and would vacate her house Sunday to her rental tenants for a year and possibly longer.

Hayley had stripped all of her belongings and sent the close personal ones in a truck up North earlier that day, hence the room that night. During the afternoon leading up to our party, we had invited 20 others, she had received an anguished phone call from Jaz. Hayley called us to tell us Jaz would not be staying overnight...WHAT? but would come to the party then get a late train back to Exeter where she was at university. Jasmine's boyfriend Jake would travel both ways with her, he knew Hayley very well and wanted to say his farewells too and as it was one of our renowned super parties...

Jake had an important something to do on Sunday and absolutely needed Jaz to be with him - what - for fucks sake?

Fuck! I would have liked to capture mother and daughter together in the same bedroom, it was a dream come true, as they both had their attractions...but not in the way I found out. I would get one of them, not knowing the surprise and titillation I would receive and what could I do? - fuck all.

Jasmine was studying archaeology plus English Lit and other stuff and had suffered from acute depression and various bad relations with boys and girls. She was extremely introvert, but in conversation, a delight with her knowledge and enthusiasm for whoever was talking to her. She had told me her grand father was a high court judge and her great grand father was too.Very short fair hair, a cute snub nose and pale pale eyes topped a trim figure but with big boobs, that seemed out of proportion. Her legs were a bit thick and samey all the way down with little shape to ankles.

Hayley on the other hand, an apparently highly thought of psychiatrist and counsellor who advised prisons and care establishments, was very slender as her four daughters but with tiny tits. I had seen her on the beach and in fancy dress when she took part in an amateur spoof cabaret. Her curly fair hair was neat, except when she got it wet and had no chance to dry it properly, then it was chaotic and she had blessed all her offspring with the same tone eyes.

Her room was set-up, the party was a raging success, everyone present sad to be losing her as she was a very organised (more than most) and capable. We retired and again I had those expectant moments of her going to bed and getting up routines. These were always the moment when I wished I could have splashed more expenditure on the tiny cameras and getting her in the bathroom too, but it meant an awful lots more thought and care.

The next day, we all had breakfast and went off to another farewell send off and then home. I knew I would have to delay viewing the videos till the Monday but at least I did get up and recover my two secret accomplices.

For a quiet, professional lady Hayley was remarkably untidy and cast her day clothes to the floor

in haste, donning a tee-shirt then listened at the door to check if Carol and I had bagged the bathroom. She was so swift in her movements I barely caught sight of her pale torso and legs and none of her breast. My wife takes an age to do her teeth, where I am impetuously swift, always have been, she gives me hell for it, but finally Hayley felt the opportunity had arrived and she left the room. In the wait she had rummaged in her case for something in a bag which she tossed onto the bed and I noted a bottle of Johnson baby lotion put on to the bedside cabinet. I was puzzled.

Back she came and Hayley checked her face and applied some face cream, checked her wrist watch, yawned then sat on the bed. I knew she wouldn't be pissed, she never is and she grabbed the bag on the bed and unveiled a stonkingly big black dildo - for Fucks sake - wonderful. Full frontal view showed the pleasure on her face as she caressed the gleaming, thick false cock and as if in an after thought Hayley threw off the tee-shirt and she was bare-arse naked in all her slim, tidy almost ageless beauty.

I gulped taking in her firm tiny, no not even tiny, flat chested tittiness. There was barely any breast tissue, yes - a slight rise from her slender frame, but surely she hadn't breast fed four girls with those nonentitties. Maybe she hadn't, but her pale, pink nipples were stiffly proud and up standing and long as many I have captured on video with bigger mammaries than Hayley's on the upper slope of her bosoms. She had little droop or sag but no wobble or tremor. Hayley played the dildo over her chest, the vibrate buzz could be heard, her free hand caressing which ever tits wasn't being buzzed, her head tipping back as she gasped and then the prize - suddenly casting her legs wide and revealing a completely shaven cunt.

I was stunned by that vision, never thinking that she was a smoothie. The baby oil was smeared loosely on her crotch and she laid partly back propped on an elbow, bringing the dildo against the outer curves of her vagina and again she took me by surprise by the beefy curtains round her gash.

Why is it that in all my viewings of porno, this wasn't porno, but considering the variation in female bodies I have seen, a slim, mature, professional, intelligent, mature woman would never have figured as a bald fannied, big pussied, stout nippled, arse tickling, dildo loving bitch as Hayley.

Her labia was lush, her clitty hood capacious and when she laid back completely, bent her knees and legs high, her arse hole was deep and nuggety judging by the view of her sphincter I had. Her loose hand crept down her side and onto her bum and she gently fingered it and then penetrated the slickly oiled hole. It would have great to have seen her face as she pleasured herself.

Somehow I couldn't perceive how an intellectual, well brought up, delicate lady related to crude, basic and obviously satisfactory slaggy pleasures.

The sex toy was gradually inserted up her obviously rampant mott and it near disappeared with her fast growing thrusts and then she withdrew it, played the huge, wet piece of negroid plastic with both hands on her clit and she came with a shuddering ripple of her slender frame. I could hear her grunts, gasps and catching of air and knew Carol and I hadn't in our bedroom - thankfully. Not sure what my wife would have said if she she had heard, maybe she did, but the state of our sex life and familiarity these days, not like fifty odd years back, would rule any comments out.

Hayley raised after about fifteen minutes, had a cursory wipe through her crotch, wiped the didlo and disappeared beneath the sheets.


Away from the house, one of my outstanding up skirt captures on video was in a huge supermarket and I chanced on this Oriental (Jap, Chinese, Korean) lady perusing the open veg display and picking them to put in her bags. It was really busy in there which I reckoned gave me great cover knowing where the CCTV cams were.

She was not very attractive facially. There was a big wide face, round on top sort of square on bottom, small flat up tilted eyes, small nose and cute although serious little mouth but the total package wasn't pretty. I find it difficult to age these ethnic ladies; loose shoulder length, straggly hair, wearing a pale green patterned lightweight dress, flat black pumps on her feet, the dress had a loose knee length skirt, bare slender legs and that regardless of her looks was the attraction.

She was bending, reaching and studying a lot of produce I guess being very careful about quality and weight. Whatever she chose went into the free bags. A perfect target and I moved in knowing I had got her face and torso. I dropped the shoulder bag and with my experience manoeuvred it between her oft splayed legs in various positions. She was totally oblivious to my close presence, being careful myself in picking and examining the same stuff as her.

At home I excitedly viewed the video and got the nearly ultimate shot which would be no knickers.

Her undies were loose round her legs and her very visible pubes were black, straggly, thick and long poking out each side of her panties. It was one of my classics.


I only captured one knickerless up skirt video of a lovely quim and this was a cathedral city open market in the ancient, popular and crowded square. Always busy on one day in the week, which was logged in my up skirt brain.

She was a brunette pin-up type stunner, super shapely figure, about mid 30s and on this very hot day wore a shoulder less tight white dress with black trim, very visible white bra straps, the straps over her bare shoulders too tight really and the skirt of her dress splayed beautifully from her hips - perfect! She was with a pal, equally stunning, but she was in cheap tight jeans through which revealed a pair of black panties. Both girls were very tanned and from being close as I wandered round in their wake and at a snack bar I got, over the piped music over the market, the shouts of the traders and the often lewd chat of the burger man, smatterings of conversation which told me they had just been to Spain on holiday - as I had.

I sauntered up to them at a snack bar where they ordered burgers, through a lot of cheerful banter from the chap serving who knew them. The bag went between her quite animated legs, not easy and needing a lot of concentration to prevent it being kicked and alerting my target.

If that did happen sometimes, I just apologised and moved back a bit.

I captured a long time and when home I viewed the results and wanked to a sexy scene of tanned, firm, round, active buttocks and the merest glimpse of a bare naked smooth cunt. There was no hair and she had cute protruding lips but I came quickly and repeated a wank later that day.


In an upmarket supermarket, during high summer, school holidays I spotted a yummy mummy and her son who was about 12. She was about mid 40s, blonde bob hair, a lot of jewellery and make-up, tight white tee shirt with nice tits, a slight suggestion of nipple bulge through a thin brassiere and wearing an above the knee, loose, dark blue denim skirt. Her legs were bare and well toned. On her feet were cute, peep toe, high heeled sandals.

They were at the freezer cabinets and searching the ice cream selection. I moved to the opposite side of the units to see if her nipples would rise in the cooler air but they didn't. The boy was engrossed in his tablet, I think it was some game as I moved back behind and nearer them.

Mummy stretched and I swooped and got some brief moments up her skirt and then again in a different produce area and much longer. She sauntered on and reached the fruit shelves and bent over to the lower produce, picking and choosing stuff and this was another opportunity to capture the crotch secrets of a reasonably wealthy lady as the whole shop is not cheap and what she was putting in her very crammed basket were pricey and exceptional quality items.

In went my bag and seconds later her son surfaced from his video games and looked at me, the bag and then muttered to her something which sounded like camera. She of course straightened and looked around but luckily I was alert and bustled out of the shop - expecting to hear a shout from management. There was none and I drove away. Wow! close one. That was the closest escapade in about 3 years up skirting...Whoops!

At home I had the pleasure of viewing what well-to-do yummy mummies wear when shopping with their sons. Simple plain black knickers, no lace, no trimming and covered her whole arse, but it was well worth it just to see nothing but with good lighting I captured her tan, her toned limbs and her knickers.


I accepted an invitation to demonstrate a craft I was good at to the local Women's Institute group. I knew them to be middle age to very old, but I took along my cameras on the off chance as a gamble I'm not fussy - to a point. When they were shuffling slowly into the very smart village hall I was setting up my gear, cams in my holdall, I had nearly discarded the idea of up skirts then spotted several ladies who I reckoned to be in their early 50s and as usual in these meetings, they all wear smart clothing, so while there there were no short skirts and tight tee shirts, I could see that a lot of the throng were wearing tights or as I hoped stockings.

Who knows these days?

Females of all ages apart from minors were a target for my escapades and this - could be another.

<<<< The local top girl Pamela, widowed, is the local "squire" in the big house and she is very bubbly, 70 years old and a very distant cousin to the Queen. The locals call her Lady Pam. There were no aristocratic features in her looks, just a pleasant outgoing, always smiling countenance under a very tinted light auburn sensible hairstyle. She wore her usual green grey tweed skirt. I guessed the jacket she wore was similar to hunting apparel over a checked pink and red collared shirt. She had quite stout legs, no ankles. She's often seen in the area on the back of one of her several thoroughbred horses.

I asked about a particular lady with her and found out it was Pam's cook, Nancy. I guessed her at about 50 with a butch, auburn haircut, solemn face and big bosom smothered behind a plain shirt, then a light fleece, then a maroon coloured Gilet above a dark grey, knee length, jersey skirt. Flat black court shoes. I guessed total dyke.

Two targets already.

I got through the first half of my programme, interval time, noticing several of the old dears had nodded off, but that's usual not just me apparently. Lovely cakes with jam of course accompanied the tea and several questions, then I took time out to drift, chat and having set up my trusty shoulder bag to pounce, not forgetting the cam on my shirt front.

Nancy the cook was easiest to get at, seemingly shy and withdrawn and engrossed in a book at the bring and buy stall. In went the bag and I got a good time under her firmly spread legs in sensible brown brogues, but tights or stockings? Glancing around I moved on to Lady Pam who stood alone manning a desk for membership. She was very chatty, pleased with how I was presenting and being accepted until three very old ladies approached her and cut across our chat to ask inane questions.

I stood to one side and dropped the bag and aimed it under the head honcho of the afternoon. Pamela was helpful and active for the old gals and shifted around giving my concentration a hard time, but I got some good time under her, between what must have been the highest heels in the room - all of inch and a half.

Gladys the chairman of the group beckoned me over to my desk and gear. She wasn't on my target list being ugly, obese ( if I got a view up her skirt it would be all flesh, sort of fart and give me a clue territory). She was wearing a brightly coloured, abstract patterned, flowing, sleeved blouse over a heavily pleated, deep mauve skirt down to her ankles. She wore sensible black court shoes.

During the early group business discussions where all present had plenty to say - and then some, well they are all women - I was invited to sit next to Gladys, for her to introduce me later. She was charm personified, smelt flowery and forceful without being unpleasant to the members. I observed the dark purple paint on her fingernails, the two heavy gold rings on her left hand and the two very large ornamental rings on her right. She was eccentric to a point.

My official mission today was to go through my slick presentation and unofficially where possible capture some sneaky interesting up-skirts of the doyens of the area. I had already drawn up my targets mentally and Gladys wasn't on the list but I needed something to let my mind wander for about half an hour, Lady Pam, head of our table was in full flow and the initial accidental contact of my knee against the chairman's thigh as we sorted the chairs, furthered my imagination.

Porn stuff being freely available and covering every perversion and kink possible, and when I am online I flit around and you can get horribly sidetracked by the myriad of contacts, websites all on the same search pages. I did go from a search for big pussies which then offered fat pussies and there were several videos of immensely fat women getting shagged by young blokes. They were grotesque but I viewed the vids - as you do - in my all pervading inherent curiosity.

Gladys is quite tall and I snatched sideways searches of her as she stood to announce various things. She wasn't big titted and I reckon what she had would slide sideways off her expansive frontal. Her jowls hung heavy and low enveloping what would have been a neck. She was already undressed in my eyes, big beefy shoulders and upper arms with what they call bingo wings flapping against the flab of her torso, which rippled, creasing to what would have been a waist, but now a huge belt of flesh, double layered at sides and over her belly. I reckoned I could have grasped fistfuls of her stomach flesh. Gladys' navel would be lost in a deep dark slit, low down and once found needing an inserted finger length to finding the knot of her birth survival kit.

Her big fat butt would be overshadowed by it's own attendant, all round, folds from her "waist" and then her arse cheeks, littered with fatty dimples and cellulite. Finding her cunt would be a exhausting search exercise, trying to hold back the fleshy spillage from inner thighs and once Gladys opened her legs as far as she could, it would take further parting of redundant belly to seek out a slit. Bulbous arcs of flesh would need to be parted and held back to determine how far in you would have to probe to find some evidence of labia and finally her dry old quim.

It would be literally as said above fart and give me a clue as in the time I had musing on her body I never envisaged what her shit hole would take to seek and penetrate. It was an entertaining mind blowing half hour of speeches, discussions and some arguments that passed swiftly.

Pleasantly she quizzed me about the following part of my talk and demo and moved away having introduced me to her successor in 3 months, a very plain academic looking lady. This was Camilla, known in the club as Cammy. This very alert ageing beauty was 47 I found out later, looking her up on Wikipedia as she was well known in literary circles nationally, this was added by Pamela as she sauntered away. Cammy had long, past the shoulder prematurely greying hair, part of which was fastened in a sort of top notch bun, the rest hung loosely but carefully over her shoulders. Her clothes sense was very kooky, not fashionable, not trendy, quite ugly in fact and completely her. Cammy was wearing a checked shirt, buttoned completely up to her neck, then a Paisley patterned waistcoat above a flowing purple cotton skirt.