My Week with Elvira


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'Please sit in that armchair, Greta, where you can watch,' was her surprise greeting, 'and come here Dita!' She waved imperiously towards an armchair set close to the bed.

As Dita climbed onto the bed beside her, Elvira spoke quietly to me, 'As you know by now, darling, I am intending to train you. I imagine you will not wish to return to your husband.' It wasn't a question. She went on, 'As a small part of your training, I now require you to watch me with my lovely Dita. I expect you may wish to masturbate.'

So saying, she flipped open her negligee, exposing her slim body, as Dita slid beside her, the contrast between her dusky, black-haired, exotic beauty and the cool, pale magnificence of my mistress very exciting. Elvira took a grip on the long mane of Dita's hair, and propelled her head between her mistress's legs, which she opened wide, then she somehow contrived to compel the maid to turn turtle, so that she was straddling Elvira's face – effectively a '69' position. From my vantage point I now saw that Dita's prominent clitoris was pierced, and wore a heavy-looking silver ring, which Elvira took between her teeth, drawing a long, shuddering moan from the Asian girl. When I saw my mistress's tongue dart in between Dita's dark labia, into the startling pinkness of her pussy, thrusting deep into her glistening wet cunt, I was consumed by jealousy, but my hand, as if it had a life of its own, was massaging my own growing, hardening clit, and my juices were rising faster than I could believe. My mistress was panting now, as Dita was penetrating her arsehole with two long fingers, and flicking at her clitoris with her tongue, but then I suddenly realised that Dita was about to cum, and she emitted a sharp scream, then squirted her fluid copiously across the bed, some of it even reaching me in my chair. She knew her role, though, and continued until a long, deep moan that I now knew announced that Elvira had also climaxed, then they lay together, and I realised that I, too, had had an orgasm, just watching them.

When my mistress sat up, a little later, she looked at me, a strange smile playing on her lips. 'She made a mess on the bed, didn't she?' she said, 'I guess she'll have to be punished for that.'

Later, over dinner, as I sat opposite Elvira, both of us wearing, for some unspoken reason, white gowns, she waited until Dita, now attired in her uniform, was serving our sweet.

'When we've finished, Greta, you will go to your room – and you, Dita, will come to mine.' My mouth must have fallen open. I was speechless at the cruel way in which my mistress was treating me – and after she had said that Dita would be punished!

'Do you have a problem with that?' she snapped, her eyes blazing at me.

', Mistress Elvira,' I managed, and silence reigned until the meal was over, whereupon Elvira swept from the room in a rustle of silk, and I was left alone with my thoughts. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Next morning, I was awoken gently by a smiling Dita.

'You may well look happy,' I remarked cattily.

She chose to ignore my comment. 'The mistress has sent me to fetch you,' she said, 'you can come as you are.'

I followed her down the corridor to Elvira's vast bedchamber, clad in just my silk nightgown. Dita was also wearing what she had slept in, I noticed, a short, blue silk slip.

Elvira was waiting for us, clad in a luxurious frilled negligee, a delicate shade of powder blue.

'I'd like you to cane Dita, my dear,' she told me, as soon as I was in the room, 'would you like that?'

' not really!' I blurted out, 'I don't want to hurt her.'

'Come now, she'll enjoy it, won't you, Dita?'

The Asian girl looked close to tears as she nodded, but smiled wanly at me, and said 'Yes,' in a small voice.

'Right then,' said Elvira, briskly, 'kneel up on the sofa, knees wide apart!'

Dita obeyed, and I couldn't help thinking what a lovely picture she presented, the slip having ridden up to her waist, her long, brown, slender legs far enough apart to give an enticing view of her shaven pussy and what appeared to be a well-used anus, between neat, rounded buttocks.

I wasn't at all sure if I could administer the cane to such a vision of beauty, however, but Elvira wouldn't take no for an answer, I knew that, and she handed me a long, flexible, thin switch.

'I'd like her to have twenty strokes, no more,' she said, 'I need her to work!' She smiled as she said that, but then added, 'I want to see the fruits of your labour, darling. I think she will mark prettily.'

I stood back, took aim, and brought the cane down across Dita's brown behind. She didn't even flinch.

'Come now,' said Elvira, 'that one didn't count. The idea is to hurt her!'

This time I let fly with more vigour, and the pretty Asian flinched, letting out a tiny gasp. 'One!' said Elvira, 'but not hard enough.'

I drew my arm back and lashed her with more force, raising an instant deep red welt across both buttocks, and causing a moan to issue from Dita's lips. 'Two! That was more like it.'

I warmed to the task, almost revelling in the skill I needed to produce a pattern of red lines from her upper thighs to the very top of her buttocks. I noticed, too, when the maid squirmed, shuddered and groaned - I thought she may well have cum. So engrossed did I become, that my mistress had to come and relieve me of the cane when I had given my twenty strokes, and I fell upon the sofa, taking Dita in my arms, and begging forgiveness. We kissed for a long time, and when I looked up, my mistress was no longer in the room.

Dita held me more tightly, then we finger-fucked each other to slow, building, satisfying orgasms as I talked quietly to her about my sensations as I had caned her. I felt a kinship with the Indian girl I had never felt with anyone before, something which I knew would last.

When we were about to part – it was time for Dita to start preparing dinner – she said, 'The Mistress told me she is going to whip you after dinner – did you know?'

'No, Dita, but thank you for telling me.' It gave me time to prepare myself – a process which involved a strange mixture of fear and excitement. I had an afterthought, 'You can put my hair up for me if you would, darling.'

When I walked in to dinner, having taken more care than usual over my appearance, I was glad, because, sat at the table were Elvira's olive-skinned friend Mila, and her girl – what was her name? – Sarah, that was it. The Korean maid Li was helping Dita serve the meal.

'You look wonderful, darling,' said Elvira, as I took enforced small steps in my long, tight, gold satin skirt, with which I wore a translucent black blouse, offering tantalising views of my uncovered breasts. Elvira was again clad in black – a tight knee-length dress laced up the back from hem to neckline, no underclothes evident in the gap closed by the lacing.

Mila was dressed in a silver lamé gown which must have cost the earth, and Sarah, beside her, wore a simple white cotton button-through dress - the contrast was perhaps deliberate, I thought.

Demurely, I took my place at the table.

'I have invited Mila tonight, as she was eager to see you whipped,' explained Elvira, 'we'll all have a nice dinner first, though, I think.' I thought it sounded rather as if she'd suggested a game of charades. Apart from the fact that Sarah sought my hand under the table, the meal went off quite normally, the two prettily-dressed maids giggling as they served, making me think they were enjoying each others' company in between times.

But as soon as the meal was over – I ate very little, in my nervousness – Elvira summoned Dita, and whispered a long instruction to her. After coffee, she again called the maid over, and this time said, 'Take Greta and prepare her, please.'

Dita took my hand and led me to the dressing room beside the big bathroom.

'You are to undress,' she said, and helped me by unzipping my ultra-tight skirt. All I had to do was shrug off my blouse, step out of my heels, and I was naked, save for my waist-chain. Dita helped me remove the tiny growth of hairs that was starting to appear around my pussy, kissing my slit tenderly when the task was completed. 'You are lovely, Dita,' I told her.

Then she 'prepared' me, as Elvira had instructed. I had to have leather cuffs at my wrists and ankles, each with a dull metal ring set into it, and, to my surprise, Dita then shackled my ankles by means of clipping then to a foot and a half of heavy chain, and my wrists with a much shorter one. Another leather band went around my neck, and a silver lead was clipped to it. Then she slipped a long transparent white gown over my head, covering my body and arms completely and tied it by means of a couple of bows on my shoulders.

'Now you are ready!' she announced, and led me down, by my leash, to where I was awaited in the lounge. Immediately I noticed a heavy steel chain hanging from a ceiling beam, with a snap-link at its end. I knew then what fate was in store for me, and began to tremble, even though I longed for my mistress's whip more than anything in the world.

'You look magnificent, darling, doesn't she, Mila?' said Elvira, and stroked my breasts through the diaphanous gown, then gently raised my arms and clipped the chain between my wrists into the snap-link. I was only just able to stand, and when Dita unclipped the chain between my ankles I thought it would be more comfortable, but she was soon clipping my ankle-cuffs to rings I hadn't spotted, set into the parquet floor. I was on tip-toe, when Elvira reached up and flipped open the bows on my gown, so that it whispered to the floor around my feet.

'There,' she said, 'are you ready, my love?'

'Yes, Mistress Elvira,' I said.

She put an elegant long-fingered hand into my crack. 'You're really very wet, darling,' she said, 'you do so want to be whipped, don't you?'

'Yes, Mistress Elvira, I do.'

'Hand me the flogger, I think, Dita, the long one, please.'

She showed me the many-stranded leather flogger, with its ornate handle. 'This will hurt, darling, but not too much. It will do for a start.'

I glanced at Mila, who had her hand up Sarah's dress, and wore an expectant smile on her face. But before I could take in any more of the scene, Elvira's first vicious stroke landed with a loud 'thwack' on my upper back. It stung, and as more blows rained upon me, I went to that special place where pain and pleasure co-exist, and moaned and writhed in my bonds, especially when my mistress changed her tactics and stepped around in front of me, lashing my poor belly with the cruel flogger. I could see the damage now, and my belly was a livid red where she had concentrated her aim. When she switched to my tender breasts, though, I cried out, as an unbidden and unexpected orgasm rushed up on me – my legs felt so weak I would have fallen but for my chains.

Through mists, I hear Elvira offering her friend the chance to whip me as well, and I wasn't surprised when she elected to take her turn – this time with a long, thin coach whip, which whistled through the air and stung most terribly. She stood behind me, but when the tip of the thong snaked around my waist or at the sides of my breasts, it left bright red marks, from which tiny droplets of blood fell. I moaned and squirmed as her repeated lashes scoured me, and was not displeased when Elvira took the whip from her and they asked Dita to unhook me. Mila was a crueller mistress than Elvira, but she came up and kissed me on the lips, feeling the marks she had left around my body as she did so. Then she said quietly, 'You love pain, don't you, my dear? I'm sure Elvira has ways of giving you more – much more.'

When our guests had gone, and I was sitting alone with Elvira, while Dita was clearing up, she suddenly said to me, 'You've been with me almost a week, Greta. Would you like to stay with me?'

'Would that it were possible, Mistress Elvira,' I replied wistfully.

'Oh, but it is, darling, it is!' she said, smiling. I waited patiently for an explanation of this stunning revelation.

'I have arranged for your husband to be offered a permanent position in the States – he has done rather well there. And I should like you to hand in your immediate resignation at the hotel tomorrow – I happen to know there will be no problem. Then perhaps you will accept the role of my personal assistant?'

I looked at her in mute astonishment.

'Don't gape, darling,' she said, 'it's most unbecoming.'

'Bu...but...what will I have to do? I'm just a hotel receptionist.'

'Don't worry, darling, your duties won't be at all onerous. I'll expect you to travel with me, come to receptions, run errands, perhaps type a few letters, that sort of thing.'

I couldn't believe my luck. A week ago.....but I didn't even want to think back to that time – it seemed like a lifetime ago.

It wasn't until we were snuggling up in Elvira's huge bed, under the satin sheets, that I tentatively asked, 'Mila said that that you had more things....well, you know.'

She chuckled beside me. 'Did she now?' After a while she went on, 'I can be quite inventive, yes, darling. I should like to put you in very tight corsets again, and have you wear one all day, for instance, and I have a few more ideas about whips and so forth, and some more piercing, but the main thing I have in mind, after a while, is to have you branded.'

'Branded! Like a steer?'

'Yes, darling, with a hot iron. It would look so much prettier than a tattoo, I think, and remind you always of me – I shall have you marked with my initials.'

Elvira was silent for a while, then said, 'Of course, you will have to consent.'

'Oh, Mistress Elvira, you can do anything you want with me. I love you more than life itself.'

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A bit too much pain for me

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

I think there will be some heavy duty compromising. TK U MLJ LV NV

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