My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 16

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In May Our Violet Blossoms with a ten man gangbang.
8.2k words

Part 16 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 12/14/2019
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In May Our Violet Blossoms

Wandering out of the bedroom the next morning Violet found Pat at the kitchen table sipping coffee. "Good morning Violet" Pat said. "You look perky this morning."

The smell of fresh brewed coffee and something baking in the oven assailed her senses as she entered the kitchen. "I'm feeling pretty good even if I am just a little sore" Violet laughed. "My asshole may never be the same again."

Tactfully changing the subject Violet continued, "That coffee smells delightful. Where do you keep the cups so I can get myself some? I'd probably kill for a cup of coffee right now and what is that luscious smell?"

"I've got blueberry muffins in the oven. They'll be out shortly. The cups are in the cupboard over there and the cream and sugar is on the table."

As they both settled into chairs at the table Violet began "Pat, about last night."

Before she could continue Pat interrupted. "Violet I am terribly sorry about what happened last night. I didn't know that Officer Smith was coming over and I'm pretty upset by the way that he took advantage of you. That was terribly unfair after the afternoon that we had with Alonzo. He's going to get a piece of my mind the next time that I talk to him."

"Why would you feel that way? I never expected what happened yesterday afternoon or last night for that matter. I certainly would never have considered extramarital sex with strangers much less blacks. Still, I've got to tell you that the experience was liberating. Even though I may have occasionally thought about it I never would have dared to have sex with a black man before yesterday but today I feel like a totally different woman. I never realized how much fun it could be to let your inhibitions free and behave like a slut."

"Yesterday I sucked black cocks for the first time and I had my first facial when they came on my face. I am totally unable to explain the feeling that came over me when that hot cum splattered all over my face. Up until then the most erotic thing that I had ever done had been to go skinny dipping when we were teenagers."

"And when Alonzo leaned me against that table and told me to spread my legs so that he could take pictures I willingly complied. There I was with cum on my face, three black men with limp cocks standing behind me, and I splayed my legs wide apart willingly for his camera. I guessed that those pictures would eventually find their way onto the internet and I simply did not care. I actually welcomed the idea of strange men looking between my legs. I guess I must have hidden slut tendencies that I was never aware of."

"I not sure how I accepted this situation so willingly. What was I becoming? The more I thought about it the more I realized that I hardly recognized myself. How could I behave like this? I'm a happily married woman with a husband that I love. I was shocked at my own behavior. I've got more questions than answers."

"Then Officer Smith showed up last night and taught me that in addition to being a slut I have submissive tendencies. When he told me to strip, I did it and I enjoyed it. I took my clothes off in front of yet another stranger without hesitation. And because he told me to I let your husband fondle me."

"The icing on the cake was when Officer Smith and your husband introduced me to the joy of having two cocks in me at once. I was amazed that I was capable of pleasing two men at the same time. I was so overcome by the feelings and the experience that it wasn't until this morning that it dawned on me that two men other than my husband fucked me last night and I did nothing to stop it. I welcomed the experience like the slut it seems I want to become."

"There are or soon will be pictures and possibly video of me naked with my legs spread and cum all over my face and the black men that put that cum there standing behind me with limp cocks. Officer Smith even has a video of me taking two cocks at once which you recorded for him. Adam could stumble across the pictures or video at any time on the internet. He visits internet sites where that stuff is available. He likes web sites where white wives are used by black men. That's why I think that it may be possible to convince him to let me explore this further."

"So you see Pat, that's why I can assure you that I most certainly am not the same woman that I was twenty-four hours ago. I can hardly wait to see what happens during the rest of our visit."

"I'm so relieved that you aren't upset with me. The afternoon with Alonzo was an accident and a total, if welcome, surprise to me. It bothers me that you were used by them because of me and the things that I've done with my life. Thankfully you don't have to tell Adam. He'd probably be appalled by the goings on yesterday."

At that moment Steve walked in. "What's this I hear about Adam? Have you told him already?"

"No I haven't told him and I'm not quite sure how to go about it either. If this is handled right I actually think that he might like the idea. We are still very much in love but our sex life has been a little stagnant lately. He's been visiting web sites that cater to white wives with black men."

Pat said "I'm so glad that isn't my problem. Steve and I got into this as a couple and all of the decisions were mutual."

Like a typical man Steve suggested attacking the problem head on. "You should just sit down with him and tell him that something happened on the way here that he needs to know about. Then show him the pictures that Alonzo took. While he may be upset at first it won't last for long. What happened wasn't your fault and I bet that when he sees you sucking black cock and then displaying your pussy for all to see that he will have a huge hard on. You can use that against him."

"Then depending on his response you can go on to explain our relationship with Officer Smith and even show him the video that we took last night. I'm sure that he'll be outraged at first watching other men fuck his wife but he'll get over it. Then you should fuck his brains out to reassure him of his position in your life."

Pat said "There's something else that you should think about."

"What's that?"

"You need to go see a doctor and get on the pill."

Violet chuckled. "Thankfully that's not a problem. I've been taking the pill for some time now. Adam and I aren't ready for children just yet."

"I think I'm just going to keep things to myself for now. I really need to do some serious thinking about how to tell Adam. If I play things right I think that it's possible he will come on board after the shock wears off."

For the next few days Pat and Violet spent time shopping and just enjoying each other's company. In the evenings Steve and the two ladies had opportunities to discuss a number of subjects but refrained from any further sexual activity.

Three days later Pat was walking down the hall when she heard the phone ringing in the living room. When she answered the phone she heard the voice of Officer Smith. "Hi Pat. May I speak to Violet please?"

Confused that he would be asking for Violet she replied "Well I guess so. Wait just a minute while I find her. I'll let her know that you're on the phone."

A few moments later Violet picked up the phone saying "He . . hello."

"Violet this is Officer Smith. I want to talk to you about tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? What about tomorrow night?"

"I'm having a retirement party at my house and I want you to be here to provide the entertainment. I'm expecting about ten guests. I want you to go out and get yourself a short skirt and a tight low cut top. I'll need you here around eight PM. You need to make arrangements for Steve and Pat to drive you over here. They know where I live and they're welcome to stay if they want."

"Wait a minute. What do you mean I'm the entertainment? I'm not sure that I understand."

"Violet I'm a reasonable type of man but I guess I need to remind you that we have already established our relationship. I tell you what I want and you do it. I always prefer to have a friendly arrangement but I can make it very uncomfortable for you if necessary. You just make sure to be here at eight. Goodnight."

Violet slowly hung up the phone. Her mind was completely in turmoil trying to decide if she really wanted to do this. Hell, she didn't even know what "this" was but she was pretty sure that it would involve more sex with the men at the party?

Still deeply in thought Violet was startled when Pat returned to the room asking "What did Officer Smith want?"

"I'm not sure exactly what is going on but he is expecting you and Steve to drive me over to his place tomorrow night at eight PM. He said something about guests and a retirement party. I'm supposed to be the entertainment. Oh and I have to go out and buy a new outfit for the party. A short skirt and tight low cut top."

"I don't know. I'm not sure that I'm ready for this. I haven't really digested all that has happened to me in the past few days. What does he think I am, some kind of whore?"

"I don't believe he thinks that you are a whore but I do think that both of you have discovered that you are a bit of a submissive with sluttish tendencies. You know yourself that you have enjoyed everything that has happened. Allowing Officer Smith to dictate what you do absolves you of the responsibility for your actions. It allows you to be a prim and proper married woman and still be a slut at other times. It sounds to me like the best of all worlds."

Violet nodded her head thoughtfully. "That's all true but it's all moving so fast. There's no doubt that I enjoyed being treated like a slut by Alonzo and his friends. I bet a lot of women would like to suck black cock but don't have the guts to just do it. Having it forced on me allowed me to remain comfortable in my own safe space while letting my sexual half free to do as it wished."

"I'm still feeling bad about what Adam will think when he finds out that your husband and Officer Smith have both fucked me. Not only that but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that when Officer Smith says that I am to be the entertainment and there are ten men present . . . well, you know."

Pat smiled. "Violet you might want to consider how Officer Smith will react if you don't show up. Steve and I will go even if you decide not to. They can use me for the entertainment. I'll try to cover for you. Maybe Officer Smith won't mind but he can become pretty intimidating when he's crossed. If you decide not to go it might be a good idea if you went home tomorrow morning. The only thing that I would be concerned about is the pictures and video that he and Alonzo already have of you. It would not surprise me if he decided to use them to get back at you."

"You're telling me that I have no choice."

"You have a choice just as Steve and I've always had a choice. It might mean that we would have to leave the area but we have a choice and so do you. Here's the thing. Why would you deny yourself the personal pleasure and enjoyment that you would derive by being a slut for Officer Smith? The only real problem that you have is Adam. How will he respond to the knowledge that his wife has suddenly become a sex toy for other men?"

Thinking furiously trying to figure out what would be the best way to handle things Violet suddenly had an inspiration. "Pat, what if I call Adam tonight and have him come here? We can all sit down and explain everything to him. I can either stay and attend Officer Smith's party and provide the entertainment or my husband and I can go home and try to deal with what has happened."

"How the hell can you do that? Didn't you tell me that Adam was overseas?"

"Oh I haven't told you. I just got an email from him and he's coming back home tomorrow. His battalion never left. The President has decided not to send any more troops overseas so his deployment has been cancelled. I was just finishing up with him when Officer Smith called. I was going to tell you that I'd be leaving tomorrow. What do you think? If I ask him to come over here would you and Steve be willing to help me explain?"

"Of course we would. Maybe that would be the best way to go. If your husband is here and the two of you decide not to attend Officer Smith's party it might be easier to convince Officer Smith to just forget about you and to leave you alone. Letting him know that your husband is in the military might help too."

A few hours later Violet found Pat in the back yard watering her plants. She looked comfortable in a halter top and shorts. Violet knew that Pat was seldom able to wear things like that because of the "Black Owned" tattooed on her breasts which was visible above the halter top. She just stood there for a while watching her. So much had happened in just a few days.

Moments later Pat looked up and saw her there in the doorway. "Violet, you look so pensive. What's on your mind?"

"I got in touch with Adam. He was already on the way home when I finally reached him. Since he was driving he just decided to come directly here. He'll be here about dinner time. I hope that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay. We can just call out for some pizza or Chinese. Fortunately there is a double bed in your room so it won't be necessary to move anyone around. What are you planning to tell him?"

"I don't know. Pat I'm so frightened. What if I'm wrong and he doesn't understand or decides to leave me? I love him so much but I can't deny how excited it makes me feel to be used by these strangers. Is something wrong with me?"

"Violet if something is wrong with you what does that say about me? I've lost count of how many strange dicks I've entertained. There have probably been a hundred or more different men between my legs and I have enjoyed every minute of it. There are pictures and video of me being used all over the internet. I've had enough black cock to be labeled a Queen of Spades and there is a tattoo on my pussy that proclaims my status to anyone that sees it. And despite it all I have never felt so alive in my life. Despite it all I know with all my heart that my husband loves and cherishes me. We just have to make Adam understand."

"I suppose I don't have to tell him but that scares me even more. If I don't tell him then I'll have to worry about the possibility that he'll see my pictures or the video every day for the rest of my life. I don't think that I can stand that Pat."

"Well then I think that you have your answer. Steve and I will stand by you and even be there if you think that it would help."

"Oh Pat I do. Adam is not violent but I know he'll be very angry at first. With you and Steve there he'll be forced to go slow and listen to us. He'll have to take time to think. I very much want him to understand. I really think that we can do this and that our marriage can grow stronger because of it."

The tension in the house continued to build all day. By late afternoon it was almost palpable enough to cut it with a knife. Finally, around five-thirty the doorbell rang and Violet rushed to answer it. She hugged Adam and dragged him into the house where she found Steve and Pat in the living room.

After the introductions were complete Steve got drinks for all of them and they sat around companionably talking for about half an hour just passing the time of day. After some discussion everyone agreed that pizza sounded good so Pat ordered a pepperoni and a sausage pizza while Steve refreshed their drinks.

When the food arrived Pat and Violet excused themselves to get napkins and plates which they brought into the living room. It seemed more comfortable to just eat there so that's what they did. When everyone had finished Violet took Adam up to their room while Steve and Pat cleaned up the trash and put away the two remaining pieces of pizza.

Half an hour later Steve looked up as he heard Violet and Adam coming back down the stairs. It was clear at a glance that Adam was angry as they came into the room and sat down. It looked as if Violet had been crying too.

As soon as they sat down, Adam, no longer able to contain himself burst out, "What in the hell has been going on here? My wife tells me that since she has been here she has been involved in more than one sexual escapade. Furthermore she tells me that she has had sex with more than one black man and even with you Steve. I demand an explanation and I want it right now before someone gets hurt."

Steve stood and began pacing around the living room. "It's complicated but let me try to help make some sense of this. Some months ago Pat was placed in an awkward position and had to make a decision about posing for some photographs. One of the girls at her school was being forced to pose for nude pictures by some black gang members. Pat interrupted them and tried to get them to release the young girl. They agreed but only if Pat would take her place. If she did not agree they were going to resume taking the pictures of the young girl while Pat was forced to watch. So she agreed."

"She brought copies home and showed me. At first I was angry just like you are but Pat was quick to point out that my hardened dick seemed to be saying something else. We decided to just leave things alone and she fucked my brains out that night."

"But that wasn't the end. A few days later we were contacted by the Boss of the gang. I'm sure that you can figure out the rest. Either we posed for more photos and videos as a team or he would spread the pictures around town and where I worked. Pat and I discussed the options and decided that we could either go along with what the Boss had in mind or we could pack up and leave town. We finally decided to go along with what the Boss wanted but the reason might surprise you."

"We liked it. We found ourselves doing things that we had previously thought about but would never have done without the fear of exposure. Finally even the fear of exposure became inconsequential. You see the Boss was selling everything on the internet. We no longer had any secrets."

"Then the Boss was arrested and returned to prison for breaking his parole. At first we were happy because he would no longer be able to make us participate in his plans. But then reality set in and we had to admit that we missed the variety."

"You see Pat likes to behave like a slut. She likes the thrill of having sex with strange black men alone or in groups. As for me I find that I like sharing my lovely wife with others. It is incredibly erotic to see your wife sucking a black cock or being fucked by another man or a group of men. Our sex life is fantastic. It's never been better."

"One night they even made me help them to tattoo my wife.'

"What do you mean?

"I held Pat while they tattooed "Black Owned" on her breasts and they inked a Queen of Spades tattoo over the crack of her pussy."

"You must be kidding. I find that hard to believe."

Steve turned to his wife. "Pat I need you to show Adam that we are not kidding."

At her husband's request Pat stood up in front of Adam and slowly lifted her skirt. As usual she was not wearing any underwear. A look of utter astonishment came over Adam's face as the skirt slowly rose until it was held up near Pat's waist. There before his very eyes was a beautiful pussy with the promised Queen of Spades tattoo in black ink on that smooth milk white skin.

"Now do you believe me?"

"It's hard not to. You said that you have videos too. I want to see them."

For the next hour Steve played a selection of videos that showed his wife entertaining a variety of different black men. During the videos she sucked and fucked them one at a time and in groups of two or three where all of her holes were filled simultaneously.

Finally Adam said that he was ready to see the pictures of his wife with her legs spread and cum on her face. He also wanted to watch the video of his wife when she had been fucked by Steve and Officer Smith.