My Wife Celebrates Nude Day


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I felt her hand stroke my cock, she lowered herself. Her eyes opened fully and while kissing me she seemed to be smiling at me, enjoying herself, as she slid my cock up and down her slippery pussy lips. She pulled her head back, ending the kiss. Then she positioned my erection and eased down onto my lap. I filled her up as she enveloped me in her soft warm wetness. I shivered.

Her eyes bored into me, yet seemed unfocused. Her internal muscles lightly clenched and released. I wanted to look down and see if I could spot any difference in her tummy or mons when she did that. But her eyes held mine.

"I love you," she said.

Then she started to move upward, then down, then up. Very small movements. I tried to touch her breasts, to caress them, cup them, but her hands captured mine and held them away from her. She kept staring into me. Her movements got bigger. I tried to move my hips up when she came down, down when she came up, but she dropped my hands and pushed against my hips.

"No, let me," she said.

I let her, she moved, maddeningly slow. Then suddenly she drove up and down in a burst of speed, then slow. Then fast. Then slow for a long long time. The feeling was exquisite. Warm, damp, tight, moving up and down and sending signals to my pleasure centers that couldn't be ignored.

I couldn't hold out much longer, and was trying to think of each and every bowl game my alma mater had been in, winners and losers, in order. Then her fingers started getting rough with her nipples, grabbing, pinching, pulling and rolling them. I saw that the pads of her fingers were showing red, I guess she used lipstick on her nipples and it was rubbing off.

Her head tilted back and her hips started moving faster and faster.

"Uhhnnn. Uhhnnn. Uhhnnn," she gasped out.

Her pussy was spasming on my cock, clamping and then releasing.

My come was sudden and hard, I seemed to pump into her for long minutes as I felt each distinct spurt, while she held herself rigid as she pressed down onto me.

She slumped toward me, her head nestled onto my shoulder and she gave a long soft sigh. I put my arms around her, holding her. I nuzzled behind her ear and kissed.

She let out a soft moan.

We stayed like that for a while. The thin sheen of moisture on her back had evaporated by the time the air conditioner cycled.

Suddenly she stood up, my softened cock flopped out and she looked lost, embarrassed, and turned toward the staircase, dropped the heels onto the floor and practically fled up the stairs. I picked up her panties and couldn't help but sniff her excitement from the gusset. I felt a stirring again. I got my clothes and pulled my briefs on. Then walked around the downstairs making sure all the doors were locked, turned the light over the garage door off, and sort of picked up things in the living room before shutting all the lights off and made my way upstairs carrying the rest of my clothing. And her panties.

I didn't know what caused my wife to suddenly parade herself outside wearing only her panties, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask her about it. I guess I worried that if we talked about it she might go back to the unresponsiveness of the last few years. I did wonder about the panties she had worn. I'd given her many sets of sexy lingerie in the past and she rarely if even wore them. These weren't anything I had gotten her.

When I got to our bedroom, I could hear the shower in our bathroom going. Darn, I wanted to take one too. What the heck, I peeled down my briefs, tossed them in the general direction of the laundry hamper in my closet and opened the door to the bathroom.

"You took long enough," Lisa said.

"Sorry, I was locking up downstairs."

"Did you switch off the garage light?" she said.

"Yup, did that too."

"Well get in here, the water's fine."

I did. I felt blood flowing back into my cock, I felt like I was twenty again.

"When we're done in here I'd like to see how our little video came out," she said.

"We can always make more," I ventured.

"You always had a dirty mind."

"I think maybe we should start getting the newspaper delivered again," I said.

The looked at me like I was crazy, but reached down with a soapy hand and slithered her hand over my cock and balls, bringing me to full erection again.

"That way I could get to see you go out to get the paper off the driveway every morning," I continued.

"Shut up and suck my nipples."

We only left that shower, exhausted and drained, when the hot water was gone.


A week later I was sitting at home, fiddling with the camera, had once again gone over the scene we took that night when she strolled down to the mailbox. I'd watched it on the big TV in the living room and wished that it wasn't so dark. A few bits were clear, on the porch under the light, under the garage light, and for a few feet on the street in the glow from the street lamp and half moon.

But the other shots, especially when she went further down the street and when in the shadow of the tree by the driveway were just dark blurs. Lisa was home from work late, very late considering it was Friday. She had come home and went straight up to the bathroom saying she needed a shower. She been putting in more hours lately but didn't put in any more explanation that it was 'work'. I heard her come down the stairs and called out to her.

"Honey, how are you? Did you get supper before you got home?"

"Yeah, Dan and Roy took me out after we finished the report, then I left and came here."

No mention of what I might have had for dinner. She came into the living room and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I've been looking at the movie we made last week, it isn't very good, I might get a few seconds here and there, and maybe take some stills from it, once I figure out how," I said.

"So what are you saying?"

"Maybe we could make another, or take some pictures?" I said.

She sighed.

"Don't you want to anymore?" I asked.

"No, well not necessarily. It just has to be the right time, when I'm in the mood. I don't know what happened that night, I was horny, but not just for sex, for more, for excitement," she said.

"I wonder what caused it? I know you were were watching something, or listening to something on your laptop, was that what caused it?"

Lisa was silent for a while. She had a slight smile and seemed to be looking straight into my eyes but somehow he felt like she wasn't really looking at me, more through me.

"I'd like to talk to you about it, but it's difficult for me. I hope you understand," she said.

"That's OK honey, but I have to say that the other night was surprising and wonderful, I can't help but be turned on every time I think about it."

Next to me on the couch, she snuggled up to me, her head resting on my shoulder and her arm snaking around my chest. I put an arm around her. She felt good. Sexy and comfortable and beautiful all at the same time. I was lucky to be married to her.

"I know, me too." she said.

"I was wondering if whatever you were watching or listening to on line had something to do with it," I said.

"Yes, well partly, but it's embarrassing," she said.

"I love you honey, there's nothing you can say that would make me think less of you. Well almost nothing."

"Almost? What could I say that would make you think less of me!" she fired back at me.

I took a breath.

"You know, that you wanted to split up, or you've been with someone else, that sort of thing."

"That's what it would take to make you think less of me?" she said.

"Well, yes, and really really angry, upset, pissed off."

She was quiet, for a while. I almost thought she was asleep because of the steady soft breathing she was doing.

"I was watching porn," she whispered.

"And you thought I would object?"

"Well no, but I felt bad for enjoying it so much."

"What kind did you watch, that got you worked up?" I asked.

Quiet again for a long while. I knew my wife, she had to think things through, but she usually got to a good place. And she made sense most of the time after she thought things through. It made arguments difficult because I usually calmed down in the time she took to answer me back. So she usually won. No contest anyway 'cause she was way smarter than I was, and would win any argument even if she didn't take time to think it through.

"You'll think I'm sick," she said.

"Better than hate you," I said.

"I was watching a video made by a couple, the wife was running around outside naked, the husband seemed to be the one filming. They were in a hotel room. At first she did a strip tease, then it cut to where she was walking up and down the hallways, getting pop from the machine, and stuff like that. In a hotel, naked," she said.

"And you want to do that?"

"No, well, I wanted to feel sexy and wanted, not just by you, but by everyone. But then the video changed, they were back in the hotel room and the wife was naked, but there was another man, and he was touching her, feeling her breasts, and her ... down there, even her bottom, and she was laughing and squealing like it was fun. I stopped watching when she went to her knees and started blowing him."

"And you want to do that?" I said again.

"Not the other guy, but it was sexy, and her being free in public naked. I don't know why, it just turned me on. That's why I did it."

"Maybe we can do it again, maybe somewhere else. We planned on going over to the Quad cities to see your sister in a few weeks, maybe we can stay in a hotel instead of their place and you can check out the hallways, naked, late at night," I said.

"Mmmm, that would be fun, as long as we didn't get caught. But what if I'm not in the mood."

"How about we do it anyway, even if you aren't in the mood, I bet that you would be very turned on and enjoying things long before it was over," I said.

"Maybe, but it'd be hard to do get me to do it if I didn't want to," she said.

"Look, you know I enjoy seeing your sis and her hubby, but I always hate sleeping over at their house. Why don't I make reservations for a hotel now. And you make a solemn promise to strip down and step out the door and take fifteen steps down the hallway late at night, assuming no-one is there."

"Promise now? But ...."

"Yes, solemn promise now, so you will keep your word, and you know that you'll enjoy it once you start, and if you don't, fifteen steps won't be far and you can run back. But if you are enjoying it by the time you've got up and back, then we can go further with it," I said.

She thought for a long time, her head tilted at an angle, staring at me.



So a few weeks later, just in time for Nude Day, we were back in our hotel room on the fifth floor, about mid way between the elevators on one side, and the stairs at the far end. On the other side of the elevators was a small area with a snack machine, an ice machine, and a canned drink machine.

We had been over at her sister's place most of the afternoon and evening, eaten out at Mexican restaurant for supper, and more time with sis and family, and now were out of the shower we just had together. Lisa had just finished drying her hair. It was a few minutes after midnight. I was in a t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, no underwear.

The hair dryer shut off, and Lisa came out of the bathroom. She was completely naked. Her bush was still in the closely trimmed landing strip that she first adopted for her mail box walk. Her nails, natural, not fake, were bright red, as were her toe nails. Her nipples were their natural pinkish brown.

She went to her suitcase and rummaged around in it, then turned and looked at me. I loved seeing her naked in a brightly lit room. It was something that took several years for her to do, and was still a fairly rare occurrence.

"Mike, I'm feeling a little worried. What if someone comes out of a room, or an elevator, while I'm out there?" she said.

"You cover yourself with your hands, either your boobs and pussy, or your face, turn and run back to me. Remember, you promised."

"I'm scared," she said.

"Are you turned on at all?"

"Just a little, you know that when I'm naked, in a room like this, and you're not, well I get a little turned on, it feels naughty, but sexy," she said.

I thought a while.

"OK, here is a compromise, you have that sundress, the square neck and thin straps? Put it on, nothing under. Then you walk down the hall a little way, not far, and drop the top and flash your boobs, or pull up the bottom and flash your pussy."

I thought that it would be better if she dropped the whole dress. She stared at me. I knew she would do something, she always felt obligated to a promise, and it was a challenge. But I also knew she would bargain with me.

"I'll do it, but you have to do something for me. Something you've never done, and then I'll flash you, how's that."

"Hmmm, you did promise to be naked. I'll do your thing, even though you aren't saying what it is, but you have to do more. Wear the dress, then you can flash me, but you also have to drop the dress and walk back naked. Bare. Nude. And, next week sometime, you have to go to work without panties, all day. And be in the backyard naked for an hour. Plus I may have someone over," I said.

I knew it was a hard bargain, but I was ready to give up having someone over, or even the whole back yard naked thing. Heck, I couldn't think of anyone I wanted to have over. She surprised the heck out of me.

"OK, but the thing I want you to do just doubled. You do it twice."

"Done." I never even thought about what she wanted me to do. Probably walk down the same hallway naked. Oh well. I started thinking about what I would say if someone caught me. A naked woman in a hallway, no problem, just high spirits. A man, well that was just a pervert, call the cops. Maybe I could claim an argument with wife and she kicked me out? Or I could say I stepped out to get a paper, got locked out without a key?

I was ready. I had new batteries in the camera. I had taken a blue pill a half hour before, because I knew or at least highly suspected that she would be horny as hell when we were done, maybe even more horny if someone saw her. I never thought about being out in the hallway with a hard on poking out of my cargo shorts. Didn't occur to me until long after. But it was poking out.

I decided to film the whole thing and take stills out of it later. I had practiced with the mail box walk film. And had that down pat.

I could see she was nervous, but also turned on, her nipples were erect, I could see her pussy was ready, I got a peek at her labia and they were full and darker, and her upper chest was starting to blush. I made sure I had the key card in my pocket and opened the door. Lisa's eyes were wide open in a stare and she licked her lips as she followed me into the hallway.

I looked down and I already had a wet spot where my cock was pushing out the front of my cargo shorts. Lisa stepped past me, the dress was sexy even without her taking it off. It had spaghetti straps over her shoulders and the large square neck showed a lot of her upper breasts and cleavage. Her nipples poked out of the thin material.

She was wearing the same high heeled sandals as before, with her red toenails peeking out. I could see her bottom moving through the dress as she walked away from me. I was counting the steps, she got to fifteen and kept going. At twenty she stopped and turned around. I was using the zoom to make sure she was filling the frame. Then I started walking toward her.

She stared at me, I stopped. Then Lisa bent and grabbed the hem, then pulled it up quickly. I saw her pussy, I zoomed in, and then the hem dropped. I got her in frame as my cock throbbed in excitement. She turned and walked some more. Even with the elevator lobby she stopped again. I was part way there myself, having followed her.

That was where it got interesting. She stared straight ahead, then pulled the straps down her arms, let go, and the sun dress dropped. Her breasts stopped it for a second then jiggled as it slid past her nipples. It fell to the floor. She stepped back then turned and continued walking. I walked past the dress as I followed her. She kept going.

I was nearly ready to come just from watching her plus the friction from my shorts rubbing against the erect head of my cock as I walked. She got all the way to the end of the hallway, opened the door to the stairs at that end and stepped into it, letting the door close behind her. I jogged down to where the door was. Then it opened and she came into the hallway again. She suddenly grinned, she wasn't looking worried any more, just turned on. Very turned on.

She walked past me and I stayed there, looking at the screen on the back of the camera as she got farther and farther away from me. That's when it hit me. As I had gotten to the end of the hallway and she came out of the stairwell, I had heard something, what was it. NO! The elevator.

She was near the elevator lobby when a man came around the corner. I zoomed in on her, then opened it up so I could see him.

He was older, maybe mid fifties, close cropped dark hair that was grey at his temples, a tanned face, wearing a blue blazer and dark slacks. A white shirt and striped tie completed the look.

He stopped, smiled, I couldn't hear him, but it looked like he said 'hello' and something else. I could see her say something to him. He stepped back and obviously took in all of her charms. Then he stepped up beside her. She turned her head. I could see she was smiling. He said something else and she grinned and nodded. She turned side on to me, facing him.

Then I nearly shot my load, or fainted. Or screamed. I'm not sure what I nearly did. But I was as hard as a teen-ager seeing his first naked woman.

He reached out a hand and cupped her left breast, then he used his other hand to cup her other breast. She smiled and said something. Both of his hands went to her nipples, rubbing them, twisting them, pulling on them. Her mouth was open in a perfect circle and her eyes half closed. I saw her knees bend slightly as her thighs spread apart.

One of his hands slid down her chest, past her tummy, through her landing strip and curved over her pussy. Fingers slid between her lips and into her. She leaned back and both hands went to his shoulders to brace herself as she moved her feet further apart. Suddenly she shook and collapsed toward him, completely leaning against his chest for a long minute.

He stroked her back, his hand going down to cup her naked bottom. She stirred, stood up, stepped back. He nodded and turned away. He only came toward me a few steps then slid his key card into a door. He opened it and turned to look at her. He may have said something to my wife. She shook her head and turned away. He stepped into his door and it closed.

She continued walking. She got opposite the elevator lobby and stopped, but didn't look at me. I stopped recording and walked forward. I was nearly up to her when she started walking again, back towards our room. I stopped and recorded her all the way back to our room. She stopped and waited, turning toward me and leaning against the door. I turned off the camera.

I picked up her dress when I came to it and continued walking toward her. I stopped when I got near her and lifted my camera to take a still. She smiled and I took a few pics and then went to video. She smiled again, a tired smile. She stepped toward the middle of the hallway and crouched down, then sat on the floor.

She lay back and spread her legs, and bent her knees. Her right hand went to her pussy and she began to gently rub her clit, while her left hand began to play with a nipple. She kept this up and moved her fingers faster and faster. Then plunged three fingers into her pussy. I could hear the squelch of her juices from ten feet away. Her thumb moving beside her clit and her fingers moving and squelching in her pussy she began to get rough with her nipples. Suddenly all movement stopped except for the thumb twitching beside her clit, then her hips lifted off the floor and strained as she came again, this time hard.