My Wife Cheated


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I saw Carol smile. She was starting to get into this. "You are?"

"Fuck yes. I'm gonna fuck you so good."

"Do you have to keep saying that word?"

"What word?"

"The 'f' word."

"Fuck? You bet your ass, I do. And you will too. You'll be begging me to fuck you."

"Never. I hate that word."

"Before I'm finished with you, you'll love it." He said as he pushed her down on the bed.

And so it started. He started kissing her all over and when he kissed her neck, I saw her nipples get hard. They always did. She loved to have her pussy eaten and he did it well. He had her bouncing off the bed and thrusting her hips up to meet his mouth. Then he crawled up her body and, on his knees, rubbed the head of his dick against her pussy.

"Do you want it?" he asked.


"Then tell me."

"I want it."

"Why do you want it?"

"I need it."

"Need it to do what?"

"Go in me."

He rubbed it harder against her.

"Go in you and what?"

"Do it to me."

"Do what to you?"

"Make love to me."

"No. Tell me you want me to fuck you."

"I ... I can't"

He started to get up and she held him. "Don't go."

"Then say it."

"I can't."

He got up and walked out of camera range.

"This bitch doesn't want to get even with her asshole husband. He can fuck whoever he wants and she won't do anything about it. He's a lucky motherfucker. His wife will let him get by with anything."

Then another voice. I assumed it was the one running the camera.

"Yeah. She doesn't care. Look at her."

At this point, Carol's "social finger" was rubbing her puss and she was moaning. Whatever she had been given to drink was really starting to take effect. As she rubbed, she moaned. As she moaned, she rubbed harder and her finger went deeper. Then I watched as two fingers went inside her.

In all the years we were married, I had only convinced her to touch herself twice. And I loved watching her do it both times.

Then she spoke. "Come back, Jimmy. I'm sorry. Come back and put it in me."

"Put what in where?"

Jimmy must have been standing beside the camera man because Carol was looking right at the camera.

"Don't make me say it."

"Fuck you. If you want my dick, tell me. Here it is. See it?"

And her eyes moved down from looking directly at the camera.

"Watch me. I'm stroking it just for you. See it get bigger? It wants to fuck you, but you have to ask for it."

Her fingers moved faster.

"Oh, god bring it to me. Put it in me and I'll say it."

"Say it now, or you'll never get it and your dickhead husband will keep fucking anyone he wants and you won't be able to stop him."

"All right. All right. FUCK ME! Put it in me and FUCK ME!"

Jimmy got back on the bed and knelt over her. Her fingers left her pussy and reached for his dick.

"Now what do you want?"

"I want it in me." As she moved her hips up trying to meet his dick and get it in her.

"What do you want and where do you want it?"

"Oh, God. I've already said it."

"No you haven't. Now tell me."

"I want your dick in my pussy." She almost yelled.


"So it can fuck me."

At that point he rammed it home and she screamed.

Then they both got their wishes. They fucked hard for several minutes before slamming together and lay exhausted side by side.

"Well," said the voice behind the camera, "that should serve him right." And my screen went black.

Both Grace and I just sat there. Carol certainly didn't have trouble saying fuck anymore.

"They drugged her, Sam. The sons of bitches drugged her," said Grace so softly I could barely understand her.

"Yeah." I stood and walked to look out the window at Contraband Bayou flowing by. I felt Grace standing beside me. "But she put herself in that situation," I said.

"She still didn't deserve to be drugged." There was a long pause. "What happens now?"

"I'm not sure, but I think we're going to California and then to the police."

Both of us took some additional time off from work. Three days later, I, again, rang Carol's doorbell. It was mid-afternoon. Cheryl, once again, opened the door.

"Oh. It's you."

"Yes, it's me and you and I are going to talk."

"Fuck you. You can't tell me what to do."

"In the first place, clean up your mouth. In the second place, you are my daughter and a minor. I have every right to take you out of here and if you don't sit down and talk to me, I will do exactly that. Now sit down." She did. "Where's your mother?"


"Don't get smart with me. Now, where's your mother?"

"Jimmy is picking her up from work."

"When will they be back?"

"Pretty soon if they don't stop for drinks."

"Do they do that often?"

"Almost every night."

"And leave you alone?"

"Yeah. No big deal."

"Why aren't you in school?"

"I didn't go."


"I fuck ... I don't like it."

I paused and looked at her before I asked my next question. "How long were you in the youth facility?"

"Wha? How did you know about that?"

"Answer the question and don't try to lie."

"Which time?"

"The one for shoplifting." Her eyes opened wide.

"Fuck." She said under her breath.

"I told you to clean up your mouth."

"I was there for two months."

"What did you steal?"


"Booze? Why?"

"Jimmy was out and we didn't have any money."

"What did your mother say?"

"She was pissed."

"Why? Because you stole? Or because you got caught?"

"Both, I guess. But mostly at him for telling me to do it."

"Has he lived with you the whole time since you left me?"

"No. After all our money was gone, he disappeared and was gone for a couple of years years. He came back last year."

"Why did your mother take him back?"

"I don't know. Feeling sorry for herself, I guess. Or lonely. When he left, she started drinking. A lot. She still does. Several times she told me she was going to call you, but every time she started to, she started drinking some more and never did. She had a couple of boyfriends, but they never lasted long."

"Okay. First, let me tell you something," I said. "I love you. I always have. I always will. Jimmy Wilson never worked in my office. Never. His cousin, David Jacobson; I know you've met him and his wife." Her eyes went wide in surprise again before she nodded. It was obvious to her that I knew a lot about them. "Well, one time at a party, I saw him put drugs in a girl's drink so I reported him and he went to jail. When he got out, he promised to get even with me so he and Jimmy Wilson showed your mother some pictures of two people doing what they weren't supposed to be doing. One of the pictures showed my face, but it was photoshopped. Do you know what photoshopping is?"

"Of course I do. I'm not stupid, but how do we know it wasn't you?"

"Because it's the truth and I've never lied to you."

"But, if it's the truth, why didn't Mom talk to you?"

"That one of the questions I would like to have asked her but she never gave me the chance."

"I don't know, Dad. I'm all mixed up."

"I know. I've just recently discovered all of this and am trying to work it all out myself."

Just then the door opened and they walked in. Carol and Jimmy Wilson. I jumped up and we just looked at each other.

"Carol." I said quietly.

"I told you to leave us alone, you asshole. Now get your cheating ass out of my house."

"I'm not the one who cheated. You are." Then I looked at Wilson. "Isn't that right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Now get your ass out of here before I break your fucking neck."

"Mom," said Cheryl as she rushed to her mother. "I think you might want to listen to Dad."

"He's got nothing to say I want to hear."

"Goddamn it, Mom. Listen to him." Then softer. "Please?"

A long pause as Carol glared at me.

"You have three minutes. Then I'm calling the police," Carol said to me as she threw her purse on the sofa, crossed her arms, and continued glaring at me.

"Well, I don't have to listen to his shit. I'm leaving," said Wilson.

I moved between him and the door. "No, you're not. You're going to stay and listen."

He moved to the window and stood.

I started. "Carol, what proof did he," indicating Wilson, "give you that I was cheating?"

"I told you before. Pictures."

"These pictures?" I tossed four photos that David's wife had given me.

"Yes. These," she said as she looked quickly through them. "Where did you get them? Take them out of your collection?"

"They aren't from my collection. They're from David Jacobson's collection. Remember him? They are part of this set." And I tossed the rest of the pictures to her. The ones showing the faces of the lovers."

"In case you might still be in doubt," I said, "look at these four together." I took all of them, and picked out two they claimed was me and the same two of the originals. "Notice anything different?"

"No. Should I?"

"Notice the tattoo?" The mistake he had made was to erase, or whatever you do to a photograph, the panther in the photo he put my face on in the ones he had shown Carol, but he forgot to erase it in one of the others. When I showed both copies of the same two photos to Carol, it was immediately apparent she had been lied to.

She went pale and Cheryl ran over to look at them and saw most of them before Carol could jerk them away. Then she looked at Wilson.

"He's lying," said Wilson, "he changed them." She looked back and forth between Wilson and me not knowing who to trust or believe.

I looked at him. "Who said anything about changing anything? The only way you would know anything was changed was if you knew about it." I continued talking. "They showed you the doctored photos and convinced you I cheated. Then the two of them drugged you so Wilson could take advantage of you. I have proof of that." I waved the video at her. "It's all right here for your viewing pleasure. And I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't one of both of them taking advantage of you after they drugged you again."

At that point her eyes went wide and she shot a murderous look at Jimmy. Then she charged at him. "You son of a bitch. You motherfucking son of a bitch." She was flailing at him. Some punches landing and some not, but she kept throwing them. "You lowlife goat fucking pig, I'll kill you."

As she was beating on him, Cheryl had backed up and stood against the wall while Wilson was backing toward the door. "He's lying. He's lying." He almost screamed as he tried to fend off her blows. He made it to the door and quickly escaped.

Carol, exhausted, plopped on the sofa and cried. Cheryl slowly made her way to me and hesitantly touched my arm. I looked at her and she was crying. "I'm so sorry, daddy." She hadn't called me daddy since she was five. I took her in my arms.

Cheryl and I stood like that and watched her mother cry. Finally, Cheryl moved out of my hug, patted me on the arm, sat beside her mother, and hugged her. I went to the kitchen, got a glass of water and gave it to Carol. Then I sat opposite the sofa and watched them.

I had my daughter back and that was all that mattered. The fact that Carol now knew I never cheated was a plus, but I no longer cared what she thought.

She sipped her water and looked at me. "What happens now?" She asked.

"My recommendation to you is to find an attorney and see if you can prosecute Wilson and Jacobson. You have the pictures and one video and if your reaction to my comment about both of them taking advantage of you is any indication, you know that at least one more video exists. And you probably know where it is.

She nodded. Then said, "What about us?"

"There is no us, Carol. 'Us' died when you believed those two and never gave me a chance to defend myself."

"Oh, Sam, I am so sorry."

"Me, too, Carol. Not only did you betray me, but you stole my daughter and kept her from me for over five years. We can't get those years back and I'll never forgive you for that."

Cheryl came and sat on the arm of the chair I was sitting in and put her arm around me. Carol got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at my daughter. That was a nice thought: My daughter. Anyway, I looked at my daughter. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," she said. "There are all kinds of things going around in my head."

"Would you like to have dinner with me and we can talk about them?"

"I don't know if I should leave Mom."

"I understand. How about tomorrow?"

She smiled and nodded.

Carol came out. I stood. "I should be going. Cheryl and I are going to dinner tomorrow evening."

Carol nodded. I looked at Cheryl. "I'll pick you up here at six."


We hugged and I left. As soon as I was on the street, I called Grace and brought her up to date.

The trip back to the hotel was interesting emotionally. I was beyond happy that my daughter might be back in my life and happy that Carol now knew the truth; but both sad and disappointed that she had been taken in by Wilson and Jacobson. Not once, but twice in the case of Wilson who, by all appearances, could come and go in her life as he pleased.

I decided to try to help her prosecute them if that's what she chose to do. I was also going to see if there was anything I could do to them.

Grace was waiting when I opened the door. She flew into my arms and we held each other in the doorway.

The next two evenings Cheryl and I had dinner alone. Then, on Saturday, we spent the morning together before meeting Grace. I had told her about Grace at our first dinner. Both of them were nervous about meeting.

When Cheryl first saw Grace, "Fuck, she's gorgeous," came out of her mouth followed immediately by, "Oops, sorry, Dad."

Grace's first words to Cheryl were, "How's your mother?"

"Better, but still in shock. Getting back to work will help her."

It was a good day. We took her home and Grace met Carol. It went as well as could have been expected. I told Carol and Cheryl that the next day, Sunday, Grace and I had made arrangements for a VIP tour of one of the studios and asked if Cheryl wanted to come with us. She was excited.

"Which studio?" asked Carol. We told her. "That's where I work. VIP Tours are rare. Sunday tours are even rarer. I'll be working because they're behind on shooting. Maybe I'll see you."

The next morning the limo furnished by the studio picked Grace and me up then we stopped by to get Cheryl. She had never ridden in a limo. I liked experiencing her excitement.

We toured most of the studio with one of their VIP escorts before going to the set where Michael was shooting. They told him we were there and he came over to us and hugged and kissed his mother. She introduced him to Cheryl, who was too shocked and wide eyed to say anything. He put his arm around her and said, "Come with me." He led her off to introduce her to several other members of the cast. They were gone for about twenty minutes and when they came back, she was giggling like a little girl.

"I have to get back to work." He kissed his mother, shook my hand and then kissed Cheryl on the cheek. "Don't be strangers," he said.

"This guy is a Class Act," I thought as he walked away.

Cheryl was literally beside herself. "Holy fuck. Sorry Dad", she apologized, "but I am getting better. I can't believe he's your son," she said to Grace.

The next time we saw him he was being prepped by the makeup people, costumers, and, of course, the script girl, Carol. When she brought him the new dialogue, he started talking to her then pointed at us. Cheryl waved at her. She looked pained when she smiled and waved back.

I haven't seen much of Carol since that day. Cheryl now spends the school year with us, and her summers with her mother in California, but her California summers keep getting shorter because she prefers Houston and us. Whenever she comes home ... Houston is home to her now ... she tells us that Carol's drinking problem is getting better.

It took over a year, but both Wilson and Jacobson were prosecuted and jailed for drugging Carol and the two married friends Jacobson's wife told me about. She left her husband and testified against him.

Cheryl hasn't said the word "fuck" in front of me in two years.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Mediocre story and who the fuck is Gibson?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Talk about serendipity. Btw, parental kidnapping is a crime. Make your characters report it please.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

anonymous, Carol drove off in "An SUV I didn't remember seeing before, was backing out of my driveway as I turned into it. Carol, my wife was in the front passenger seat. The rear passenger window opened and the head of my ten-year-old daughter, Cheryl, appeared . I opened my window, smiled and waved at her. But instead of her returning the smile and wave, I heard "We hate you!" as the SUV headed down the street."

So he could sell Carol's car.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Totally pushing the boundaries of credibility. I have little to no idea what the MC did as a job, but I'm pretty sure that it was better and more secure than the low life's. Which makes me wonder why she'd even bother rather than confronting the MC. What did she gain from running away? It's almost certain that she'd have got the house, spousal support, child support and 50% of everything else.

She didn't just leave her husband but her whole support network and the grandparents, who would have provided financial support and childcare.

Perhaps it would have been better to go into the shame angle, that she was a dirty video slut, because being cheated on doesn't make people runaway, apart from some men in LW tales.

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