My Wife Doesn't Seem To Care


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When I say that the Tuesday night ritual continued I also mean me giving Sarah a massage and fucking her in the concubine position. After every massage and fuck Sarah cuddled me and expressed her deepest love for me.

I felt guilt for fucking Cindy but I rationalized it by telling myself that Sarah must know about it -- in fact she might have initiated it -- but she was never willing to talk about it. I came to think that it was her way of showing me how much she loved me and how guilty she felt in not being a full participant in our love making.

Things changed dramatically over a period of ten days.


The first event that changed things was when Sarah announced that on a Friday afternoon she was taking the kids away until Sunday late afternoon. I protested because Blake would miss a baseball game for the team that I coached, but Sarah had made up her mind about it and there was no reasoning with her. I did get her to agree to have Nancy back by four o'clock Sunday so that she could play in the soccer game I was coaching.

Just before Sarah left she planted a scorching kiss on my lips and said ""By the way, Cindy is coming over tonight to make you dinner, and you should have her make you dinner Saturday night too."

I raised my eyebrows and started to make a comment about it but Sarah quickly kissed me again, shouted out some orders to the kids as they were getting in her car, and took off.

Cindy and Lucy came over about an hour after Sarah left, along with the fixings for lasagna. Cindy is probably no better a cook than I am, but she tries hard and loves compliments about anything that doesn't have to do with her brain power, so I acted very appreciative.

About nine o'clock -- I'd like to say that I was surprised, but I wasn't -- Cindy announced to Lucy that they were having a slumber party at our house. Lucy was going to get to sleep in Nancy's bed -- she absolutely loved Nancy -- while she, Cindy, would sleep elsewhere, giving me a wink as she said it.

I got the distinct impression that I was being put out to stud; I tried to build up an attitude or mean about it, but once Cindy pushed her naked tits into my chest I knew that resistance or anger were fruitless. I decided that I was going to see to it that come Sunday afternoon Cindy would be walking bowlegged and talking in tongues for the rest of the week.

I fucked Cindy with alacrity three times Friday night going into Saturday morning. When I went out to coach Blake's baseball team Lucy and Cindy did other things but I had arranged with a pharmacist father of one of my players to score me a few little blue pills.

When I got home from coaching I ran Lucy over to the house of one of the teenage girls on our block to sit for her and fucked Cindy doggy with the passion of a thousand suns, turning her into an incoherent blob of protoplasm. After dinner that night I took her to bed, and occasionally into the shower, and except for a few times when we passed out from fatigue I either had my cock in her pussy or mouth, or I was eating her pussy, or sucking on her nipples. Only the little blue pills allowed me to essentially fuck her into zombiehood.

I was even able to fuck her one last time Sunday afternoon before Sarah and the kids arrived home.

Cindy and Lucy departed about an hour before Sarah and the kids got back; despite the fact that she was wiped out, walking bowlegged, and her tits and lips burned, Cindy gave me a goodbye kiss and said "That was the highlight of my life!"

My evil reply was "You are one prime piece of ass Ms. Cushman, prime piece!"

That got me a playful punch before she waddled off.

I was almost a zombie myself when coaching Nancy's soccer team I was so wiped out, but I got through it. When I got home Nancy was met in our driveway by a couple of her friends and went to play with them, so I quietly walked into the house by myself.

Sarah was used to lots of noise when Nancy and I returned from a soccer game so apparently she didn't know that I was there as she was talking on the phone. I just heard her end of the conversation but it was clear from that who she was talking to and what about.

"From what you tell me, Connor really did the job this weekend," Sarah laughed. Then a pause and "I'm sure that since you're in the middle of your fertile period you're definitely pregnant." Pause..."You've gone out on some dates that Connor knows about so while he might be suspicious that he's the dad there's no way that he will be sure, so he won't cause any waves." Pause... "No, I think that you will be able to find a spouse even with two kids -- you're a sexy woman and your social skills have improved dramatically since you've been regularly fucking Connor."

I'd heard enough. I went back out the door and slammed it. Sarah was off the phone by the time that I was in the kitchen.

I was still deciding what to do about my situation -- I did NOT go over to Cindy's that Tuesday -- when Sarah and I went to a party the next Friday night. I was surprised to see Steve Carleton, an old fraternity brother of mine, there; he was now a doctor and was just visiting with his sister-in-law's family. I was still bouncing my problems back and forth in my mind and drinking more than I had since college -- as was he -- when I brought up to Steve Sarah's low libido and the problems that it was causing. I didn't tell him that I was fucking Cindy.

After asking some probative questions Steve asked the critical one "Has Sarah ever been tested for hyperprolactinemia?

"Say what?" was my response.

Steve then proceeded to tell me in words that I only half understood what that condition is, how it could be responsible for Sarah's low libido, and even more importantly he gave me the name of a local endocrinologist who specialized in that and related conditions. I had him write it all down and put it in my pocket and thanked him profusely.

After the set up weekend with Cindy I decided that I wasn't taking any excuses from Sarah any more about why she couldn't see a doctor. While Cindy was fun -- and I was obsessed with her tits -- Sarah was the love of my life and I wanted my sexual relationship with her back to the way that it was.

I got Sarah's schedule and made an appointment for her with Dr. Lydia Gaines -- the endocrinologist that Steve recommended -- for the next Wednesday. I figuratively dragged Sarah kicking and screaming to the appointment. The only way that I was able to get her to go in was to reveal what I knew.

"Sarah you're the love of my life. While the surrogate that you set me up with and to impregnate is fun I want my life with my wife back. You're the only one I want sex with; I went along with the surrogacy only because I'm so horny, but now I want you back. You're going to see Dr. Gaines now or I can't guarantee that I'll be around long term. I want you, not a surrogate!"

Sarah was stunned. After a long pause, with a tear in one eye, she responded "OK," and she and I exited the car.

Sarah insisted that I go into the examination room with her to see Dr. Gaines, who was a short, pleasant but direct, women in her fifties. After I told her what Steve had said (she knew him from medical conferences) Dr.Gaines immediately performed a prolactin (PRL) blood test and expedited it in her in-house laboratory.

We cooled our heels in the waiting room for thirty minutes and then Dr. Gaines saw us again. "Your prolactin level is 198 nanograms per milliliter," she said to Sarah, "meaning that you do have hyperprolactinemia. That is the cause of your low libido and several other issues that you probably have but haven't reported. We'll do an MRI right now -- there's an MRI facility on the third floor of this building -- and if as I expect you have a benign (noncancerous) prolactin-releasing tumor we'll treat it accordingly."

We immediately went upstairs for the MRI and an hour later we were back with Dr. Gaines.

"You definitely have a prolactin-releasing benign tumor," she announced pointing to it on a screen. "It's as large as I've seen and I'm surprised that you never noticed it, maybe because you have good musculature that contained it. Anyway I'll give you one week of a dopamine agonist and schedule you for surgery eight-ten days from now. Are you available?"

"We'll make ourselves available," I authoritatively announced.

Sarah took the first dose of her dopamine agonist in the pharmacy right next to the doctor's office, and off we went, with surgery scheduled for nine days in the future.

Sarah was tearful on the way back. "I'm sorry that I didn't go earlier," she sobbed. "Are you as optimistic as Dr. Gaines that I'll make a quick recovery?"

"I sure am," I smiled. "You'll be the old Sarah -- my love for you will be no different but our physical manifestations of it sure will be -- a month from now," I grinned.

When we got home I gave Sarah a full body massage, and then made dinner shortly after the kids got home from school. I told the kids that Mom had nonthreatening surgery a week from Friday and that I'd get their maternal grandmother to come and stay with them. They were a little concerned but Sarah and I together told them that the surgery was routine and they calmed down.

After dinner I told Sarah that I was going to talk to Cindy to tell her that she would no longer be my surrogate. Sarah sighed and replied "You know I really like Cindy; she's my best female friend ever; I don't mind you seeing her until I completely recover."

"Sorry, Sarah, not going to happen," I snarled.

"Be kind, Connor," were Sarah's last words as I exited our house.

When I got to Cindy's house she seemed happy to see me -- but she was on the phone; from the big words that she used in her phone conversation it obviously was about business. I played with Lucy -- who considered me her father figure -- for twenty minutes while Cindy finished her call. I told Cindy that we needed to talk so she gave Lucy her iPad with a number of puzzles on it that Sarah had specifically designed for her, and told her to go to her room and solve them while Cindy and I talked.

'Cindy, I have good news. Sarah and I went to the doctor today and her low libido problem was successfully diagnosed. She's having an operation nine days from now and should be as good as new in a month."

"That's great," Cindy said with a genuine smile. "She is my best friend ever, you know."

"I do know that," I smiled. "I also know the game that you and Sarah have been playing and that you're likely pregnant with my baby..." I started to say when it appeared that a flushed Cindy was about to protest; but I held up my hand and said "Let me finish."

She nodded her head "yes," so I went on.

"I've really enjoyed my one-on-one time with you. You're a spectacular woman in every way and sexy as hell; plus you have the best tits in the world for my taste," I honestly said, causing her blush to get more crimson. "However, now that I'm getting Sarah back in the saddle I will not be having any more one-on-one rendezvous with you anymore. I still want to be your friend, and I love being a father figure for Lucy and if you are carrying my child for him or her; but no more sex, period."

I saw tears forming in Cindy's eyes. After a pause she looked straight into my soul. "Thank you for being so kind to me, Connor; while I would love to have a sexual relationship with you for the rest of my life, I know that Sarah is the love or your life and she deserves exclusivity with you if her present condition is overcome. I wish you only the best."

We both smiled at each other and our lips met for a quick kiss. Then I turned red at the thought of asking her for something that was on my mind; "Uh...there is one thing I would like...if possible...I know that it's rude but..."

Cindy cut me off. "Stop sputtering you Bozo," she laughed. "Just say it."

"Could I have a couple of photos of your bare chest?"

Cindy smiled widely, removed her blouse and bra, and with my iPhone I took four photos of her chest, one head on, one from each side, and one from the top. She giggled throughout. Then I totally embarrassed myself by kissing each nipple. I would definitely miss playing with those exquisite mammaries.

She put her blouse back on, sans bra, I gave Lucy a hug goodbye, and Cindy a passionate kiss with her chest squished into mine.



Sarah's operation and recovery went off without a hitch. The only problem is that it seems Sarah is trying to make up for her three years of low libido and she's wearing me out! I've started taking vitamins and working out more regularly to increase my stamina. Actually, I'm being facetious in calling it a problem because I love it! A month after her complete recovery we took a week long second honeymoon to Aruba and we came back bowlegged but with permanent smiles on our faces. Cindy watched the kids in a tag team with Sarah's parents while we were gone.

Almost nine months to the day since my weekend with Cindy she delivered Lucas, a healthy large bouncing baby boy. There is no need for a DNA test -- he looks exactly like my baby pictures, even closer than Blake. Nancy and Blake don't know that he's their half-brother but we'll tell them when the time is right.

The photos that I took of Cindy's boobs the last time that I saw them naked provide the screen saver for my computer -- but I've never touched them since I took the photos.

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oldtwitoldtwit26 days ago

Nice story, written well, people seem to forget that it's just a story on an adult story site when they write comments,

deependerdeependerabout 1 month ago

Habitual promiscuity is neurosis.

Self imposed promiscuity is a series of psychotic episodes.

AllNigherAllNigher4 months ago

What inka and Yossaian said covers it.

Additionally, I'd say it twas like a 15 year old talking about his fantasy not an adult married for a decade with kids.

Really .. bazookas, tatas, etc? Sigh....

I still enjoyed it a bit but so many posts had me rolling my eyes... And in the end, loved the story idea but didn't like the execution.

deependerdeepender9 months ago

He needed to retaliate the exact moment after she called him "doofus".

nestorb30nestorb3011 months ago


thanks for writing

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