My Wife has a Secret

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Loving Wife has a Big Secret from Husband.
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Warning for Tender Flowers - Cuck Shit/BTB/RAAC/ or whatever!

I write for myself, if other folks like it, Great. If not, oh well. Everyone having sex in my stories is over 18 and of legal age. No publication on websites other than Literotica is allowed without permission. Thanks, Buster2U


My Wife has a Secret

By Buster2U

My name is Jim Rogers, my buddies sometimes call me Roy, after the old cowboy hero from the '50s and '60s. This is my story about how my life turned to crap after a wonderful 5 years married to the love of my life, my beautiful wife Sue. We are both in our late 20s now and have 2 beautiful children together.

We originally grew up together, then lost touch when Susie left for college. But somehow we reunited once again to resume our true love story with each other.

I thought it was wonderful that we were always together through all of high school. We never dated anyone else and were always loyal and faithful to each other. We knew that someday we would be married and would live happily ever after.

It was after we turned 18 when we went to the Senior Ball and afterward gave each other our virginities.

Susie and I had grown up together, she was always the short skinny blonde tomboy who was part of our neighborhood group that hung out together. Susie would wrestle, and win against either a boy or a girl. Susie having 4 older brothers had lots of experience wrestling with her brothers.

After high school, I guess I wasn't paying attention when Susie mentioned that she was getting a full ride at a college down in Southern California. Myself being not so smart, I just went to the Local City College to learn a little about business and H-Vac before joining my father's plumbing company.

So after Susie left for Southern Cal. to go to school, she never even bothered to send me a single letter or call even once. So it wasn't a surprise when she never bothered to return either. For me, I got to learn all about how much heartache I could endure and still not kill me. In reality, I still just wanted to die without her in my life.

I was so devastated that I couldn't even speak to another young woman for years after Susie left me. My buddies kept trying to 'fix me up' with their wife's girlfriends, sisters, cousins, or any female that they knew, but nothing ever worked out. I just couldn't make the effort to talk with them, I suppose.

It must have just been a twist of fate that I would run into Sue again, after a 5 year separation when we reunited in one of the local watering holes downtown. A few of my single male coworkers just wanted to meet up for a few brews Friday night after work, to chat after a long week of hard work.

I could not have been more surprised when Sue approached me and said "Hello Stranger", I would never have recognized her. Susie had 'filled out'! Our whole time in High School, Susie had NO tits, not even an ass. Before, she was just a short skinny blonde girl with short hair and a cute crooked smile.

However, Susie was always completely mine, and I NEVER had any reason to doubt that.

Now, Susie had a big rack, with beautiful long straight blonde hair, and a very attractive smile. Later that night, I found out that her pussy was still sweet and juicy like I remembered it from so long ago. We immediately began to rekindle our relationship after so many lonely years apart.

I tried to be cautious, but Sue seemed so very enthusiastic and sincere. She said she was just in town to visit her folks. We once again spent all our time together, until she agreed to stay and move in with me.

It was so good to see my Sue again, her body was amazing, so filled out. I was so happy to see my lost love again. We spent almost every waking moment together making love. Life is wonderful again, now that we are back together.

Susie was the one to bring up marriage and children first, but I readily agreed and after a brief engagement, we were married, in the very same church that we went to growing up. We quickly began to make up for all of our lost time apart.

My folks remembered Susie and quickly welcomed her back into the family where we all knew she belonged all along. Mom even trained Susie to help answer phones, set up appointments, and even help with simple bookkeeping at my Dad's plumbing company.

Life was good, and I realized life couldn't be much better. We soon had a family, a girl, a boy, and even a dog named Rex. We filled out our starter home perfectly. We were both so fulfilled, happy, and satisfied with our life together. Now, our lives are complete in every way.

It was almost like those years apart didn't happen, we never even asked each other about them, and we never bothered to talk about them either. I didn't have the slightest inclination that those years could ever affect our life together now.

Until they did...

It just so happened, that one day, I had a messy job under a house with a broken sewage line. It was pretty simple really. The plastic pipe coming straight down from a toilet had separated from the elbow where it joined into the horizontal line that quickly joined into the main line going outside to the sewer.

The homeowners noticed a smell coming out from under the house, and an unusual number of flies in the house, so they called our plumbing company out to check it out. Being the owner's son, I had my truck and just happened to be by myself that day, and close by, when I got the call.

I couldn't avoid getting messy, and knew I wasn't that far from home. Confident that I could pop home for an easy clean-up afterward, I dove in and quickly repaired the plastic pipe with a little cement. Unfortunately, I had to lay in the big pool of crap that had been previously flushed.

"Mr. Jones, it was a simple glue joint that failed under the main bathroom toilet. So your cost is just the minimum for a service call of $125. Will that be a check, credit card, or cash?" I reported to the owner, standing at the back door.

"I am sorry, that you had to deal with all that crap from the broken toilet, Jim. I will have my wife, write you a check in just a moment. Whew, how do you guys take the smell?" Mr Jones asked.

"It is all part of the job Sir, you get used to it after a while," I said with a smile.

I threw some newspaper on my truck seat. I started up my truck went down a couple blocks and pulled into my driveway.

Susie was still at work as she didn't usually get home till after 4 pm. I quickly stripped in the laundry room and threw my work clothes in the washer but didn't turn it on yet, holding off until after took my shower.

I noticed the answering machine was blinking and thought I better check it before taking my shower, standing there in my underwear, thinking that it might be important. It was, it ended my happy married life...

"Susie Q call me right away. l just heard from a new producer, who has seen your work and wants you to work for him to do another movie, starring you in another big black gang bang flick. He promised $25K for one week's work to do this. Call me, you have my number. Your ex Jamal."


I never even knew that Susie had ever been with a black man before. We never discussed who she was with before. Now, it sounds like she has done BBC Gang Bang porn, before. Who did I marry?

What happened to the sweet innocent young woman that I grew up with and that I went steady with all through high school?

We are going to have to have a talk! How can I stay married to a porn star or basically just a plain BBC whore? What kind of life did she live in Southern Cal? How could she hide this side of her from me? Can I stay married to a whore? Have a family with a whore? Are the kids even mine?

What will I do? What can I do? I need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Then I remembered that Sue had gone back to Southern Cal. several times since we'd been married. Something dealing with some issues with her old Boss. Hmmmm; She was probably making porn then also!

Now it all makes sense! How she would always deny me sex, for several days, when she returned from Southern Cal. Probably to give her pussy a chance to shrink back somewhat. Why? Why would she do this to me and to us? How could she ever expect me to permit this disrespect of our vows and our marriage?

I set the answering machine back to having an unread message causing it to blink. Then took my shower. It was just after noon, still early enough to see if I could get into a lawyer today. Set the washer to run and then called a divorce lawyer and left to go see him.

I am going to wait to see what Sue says about this message on the answering machine. I suspect Sue won't say anything about it and will eventually come up with some phony excuse to fly back to Southern Cal. If she does, our marriage is over.


I got in to see the lawyer who advertises on our local talk radio station all the time. He was not enthusiastic about my chances. He said that unless I could provide a copy of one of my wife's porn films to prove she was a whore, my chance of avoiding paying a lot in alimony was slim.

I arrived home at the usual time. Attempting to smile and hug everyone like usual. I felt completely empty inside and I noticed the answering machine wasn't blinking anymore. Sue had listened to the message. Now what is she going to do? Come up with a phony excuse to take a trip back down South?

Now, it suddenly has become very clear, why she has had to return to Southern Cal. so often. I just never bothered to keep track of it, but now that I think about it, Sue has returned several times a year since we have been back together. Now that is a laugh! I realized that she never returned to me, she just was taking a break!

Sue has been going back to Southern California every few months. She must have been doing BBC gang bang porn, making money on the side, fucking other men, and betraying me all along! She couldn't really be doing this, could she? How could she do this? How can I live with this, if she has?

I can't believe how naive I have been. All this time we have been reunited I have been nothing more than a cuckold, while my loyal and faithful wife went to go make porn in Southern California. I can't believe this, I just can't believe her. I thought that she had really loved me. My life is over, there is nothing to live for now.

It hurts so bad, I just want to get my Kimber and eat a bullet to end my heartache. I just can't take this pain in my heart again. Sue has betrayed me again and again, more than any other person ever has in my life. Our wonderful married life has just been a complete lie and a total sham.

Sue never said anything for several days about needing to take a trip. But Friday night, after dinner, Sue and I were watching TV after the kids went to bed. Sue brought me another beer and cuddled up with me on the sofa.

"Jim, I sure love you. Do you love me?" Sue purred.

"Of course, I love you, Sue. I have loved you with all my heart and soul since we were 15. I can hardly stand for us to be apart. I need you in my life more than the air I breathe. I am so glad that we have reunited together again. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Well, it looks like one of my friends from college, "Janice Cooper" who was in the 'Theta Pi' sorority with me, is getting married in a few weeks. She has asked me to come down to be at her wedding, in Southern Cal. You don't mind do you?" Sue asks sweetly.

My heart broke...I started crying... realizing my wonderful marriage was over.

"Jim, Jim, Sweetheart, what's wrong? What is the matter? Why are you crying? Please, tell me, Sweetheart, I love you with all my heart. Why are you crying, Honey? I love you, please don't cry, Honey." Susie exclaimed.

"Sue, I have to tell you, that I was so heartbroken when you went away to college and left me behind. Without you, I was a broken man. I never dated any other gals, more than once, that whole time. I had no confidence. After losing you, I just couldn't even speak to other young ladies to even ask them out." I began.

"I am so sorry Jim, I didn't realize that you loved me that much. I won't ever leave you again, I won't even go to this wedding if you want. I will just stay home with you and the kids if you want." Sue promised.

"Sue, Sweetheart, I am glad to hear that. But you also promised me to be faithful when we said our wedding vows. Remember Honey?" I cried.

"Yes, of course, it hasn't been that long ago, Jim," Sue said.

"So when I was home the other day to change my clothes, and I heard the message from your ex, Jamal about wanting you to come back to do another Black Cock Gang Bang Porno, it destroyed me. How long have you been doing porn? Did you even stop when we got married?" I cried.

Susie collapses in tears, crying so powerfully as if her heart is as broken as badly as mine was. Susie breaks down, crying and sobbing completely. Finally, after five or ten minutes, she starts to recover enough to speak again between sobs.

"Sweetheart, it isn't like that at all. I would never do that to you, please Jim, please believe me." Sue begged.

"Sue, I just couldn't imagine that my loyal and faithful wife, and Sweetheart of all my life, has been doing porn since before we were married and is still doing it. Care to explain?" I cried and sobbed, trying to be strong and vindictive, yet continuing to ball my eyes out.

"Jim, I am so, so, so, sorry Honey. I am so sorry. I never wanted you to know. I didn't want you to ever find out that I had done those things after college. It started out that I just partied too much that my grades went down and I flunked out of school in my first year." Susie explained, sniffling.

"I didn't want my folks to know my shame, so instead of coming back home to you. I started out dancing topless in a strip club, to make money to live on, down there." Sue started confessing.

"Uh-huh. Go on." I whispered trying to listen to her between our sobs.

"It wasn't long before I tried a few drugs. I met Jamal when he stopped by to sell meth to some of the other dancers. The other dancers all used it, so I tried it also. I ended up having sex with him to pay for it that night, and the sex with him was so amazing." Susie confessed through tears.

"It wasn't long before I was living with Jamal and then he encouraged me to have sex with all his black friends, and I really enjoyed that, as well. He seemed to start getting serious and we spent all our time together." Sue confessed.

"Then he encouraged me to start turning tricks to make more money, heck I was already doing nude lap dances, and getting close to penetrative sex, for money, anyway," Susie divulged through tears, both hers and mine.

"So after several months of being a whore, Jamal suggested I do some porn where there is more money. By the time I decided to change my life and return from Southern Cal. to come back home and clean up, I had done at least a dozen porn movies." Sue whispered in shame.

"But I realized that I had to 'clean up' from the drugs that were starting to tear me up, speed, MDMA, cocaine, heroin, and pot. It was all so good. I loved it all. It helped me to forget who I was so I could do all those horrible slutty things." Sue continued after another sniffle.

"I had an epiphany and realized I didn't want to live the rest of my life, like that, as a whore and doing porn as a druggie." Sue cried.

"That is the real reason that I came home. I was hoping that I could find you and maybe, we could reconnect again, and start over. I couldn't believe it when my first night out, that Friday night, you were right there in the same bar as me. I found you without even having to search! I was so glad to see you again." Sue whispers with a smile.

"You took me away from that life. You rescued me from the life of being a POS whore, slut prostitute, and a BBC porn actress. I should never have let Jamal know my phone number here. But he kept calling me back to him with all these offers and his threats of betraying my secrets to you." Sue sniffles and her eyes water.

"Honestly, Jimmy, I am sorry, but truthfully, I also missed his big black cock too. As hard as you try to satisfy me, you have never been able to really fill me like a Big Black Cock. I am so so sorry Jim. I guess that my pussy was ruined for you by all the big black cock that I have had." Sue begins to cry.

"What do you want to do now? Are you going to divorce me? I don't deserve you. I have hidden that part of my life from you. The part where I turned into a Black Cock Whore, a low-life prostitute, a stripper and a porn actress. I have probably had sex with several thousand black men by now." Sue cries.

"I've even had plastic surgery for my boobs, my face, my stretch marks, my ass, and dental work for my smile. I am all plastic and phony. I am so, so sorry Jim. Can you ever forgive me for my betrayal?" Susie begged.

"If it makes any difference, I never loved any of those men that I fucked. Even Jamal, I never even loved him. I only just loved what his big black cock would do to me." Sue cries so pitifully.

"First, are our kids even mine?" I asked first, between sobs.

"Of course, they are yours, Jim. How could you ever ask such a thing? I am sorry, I guess, I did betray you and I deserve that. But, I only ever had sex with black men when I was away in Southern Cal. since we've been together. Can you ever forgive me, Jim?" Susie cries.

"Jim, I am so sorry. Please, believe me, I love and desire only you. I will NEVER have sex with another man if you will forgive me. I will do ANYTHING to show how sorry that I fully regret my betrayal of you Jimmy," Sue pleads.

"It is a little late for that, Susie. To tell you the truth, I've already seen a lawyer. I just don't see any possible pathway forward with our marriage. How could you ever expect me to be 'OK' with you being a prostitute and a porn actress, and pulling gang bangs with black men every time you fly back to Southern Cal?" I sobbed powerfully.

"I am so so very sorry Jimmy. I NEVER wanted to hurt you or wanted you to know what a sleaze I became. I have loved you and only you, all my life. Doing the porn was just a way that I could make some money AND get a little relief from being so horny all the time." Sue explained.

"That is the most awful thing that I can imagine. Do you have black children down there?" I asked.

"Actually, yes, I do. Jamal has other young women take care of his children that I gave birth to." Sue whispers as she breaks into heart-rendering sobs of shame.

"Anything else that I should know about you?" I asked.

"Well, I smoked, I did heroin, and turned tricks as a streetwalker in the Hollywood slums to pay for my habit, isn't that bad enough? I only ever fuck Black Men and I have had 3 black babies. Isn't that enough to make you hate me and divorce me?" Susie cried.

"I am just glad that when I was so strung out on heroin and would give blowjobs for $5 or $10 to get some cash for a heroin fix, I didn't catch AIDS. When I couldn't find a regular trick on the street, I would even give my pussy away for $5 or less, to homeless men, filthy scummy, stinky homeless men." Sue cried and sobbed in shame.

I was stunned at that revelation! My wife's treasured pussy wasn't really a treasure at all, it was nothing more than trash. Low-life stinking trash. What am I going to do? Boil my dick to disinfect it now? I felt like throwing up!

"I was so desperate for my fix sometimes. I would be so drunk, just laying on a stinking piss-stained mattress with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth holding out my hand for whatever cash they would pay me." Susie confessed.