My Wife's New Profession Ch. 01


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Putting on her sun-glasses, Nancy asked me what pose I wanted. Did I want her to take anything off?

"For now, I want you sitting on the blanket dressed just as you are. Ignore me as best you can." Saying this, I circled the blanket taking several shots of my wife leaning back on her arms and sitting with her legs stretched out in front of looking out to sea. The shots were rather demure except that the top three buttons of her blouse were undone and most of her right breast was visible.

Eddie, standing a few feet away from the blanket, cleared his throat and asked me what he should do.

"Nothing for now," I answered. "Just keep half an eye on that guy down the beach and let me know if he gets too close."

I noticed that Eddie was standing on the opposite side of the blanket where, because of the way she was sitting, he had a clear view of Nancy's right breast. Her blouse had fallen open far enough that he could probably even see her nipple. Be patient, kid, I said to myself. It's going to get a whole lot better.

Every few seconds, I noticed, Eddie turned to check out the guy way down the beach. I guess he wanted to do at least the minimum asked of him.

Nancy was pretty pale and I knew she didn't want to get a burn, so I was glad to see the sun suddenly dim behind a new thin layer of fog. It seemed fairly warm, though, and there wasn't a glare, so it wasn't bad weather for this kind of photography.

"Undo your blouse all the way, Nancy," I said. She smiled up at me, went up to both knees, and did as asked. Unbuttoned, the blouse hung loosely in front of her.

"Now lie back on the blanket with both breasts exposed. Maybe you can remove your sun-glasses, too. I need to see your eyes."

She did as asked. Seconds later, as she lay flat on her back, her blouse fell to either side of her upper body and her small natural breasts flattened slightly. On each breast an erect nipple, reddish-pink atop a lighter pink areola the size of a half-dollar piece, pointed up to the sky. I leaned over her body and took several waist-up shots of her. Once, making sure Eddie saw me do it, I reached forward and tweaked one of her nipples.

Nancy laughed and chastised me. "Cal! You're not supposed to molest the model."

I acted hurt, as though my professionalism were being questioned. "I'm just helping with the pose. I wanted your nipples to stand up a little more."

"Well, I think it worked," said Nancy, caressing her breasts and giving each nipple a little pinch. I took several shots of her doing this and noticed that Eddie, standing about fifteen feet away, was taking it all in. Had he ever been this close to a beautiful woman playing with her own breasts? I figured that he was too young to get into a strip club, so probably not.

As she lay on her back holding her breasts, Nancy raised her knees and spread her legs slightly. I started circling the blanket again and when I got to the bottom of it I was treated to a great view of my wife's crotch. I knelt on one knee and took several "upskirt" shots. I felt my cock twitch in my pants as I noticed that the thin white panel of her g-string panties had narrowed and become wedged between her cunt lips.

Eddie, whom I'd been keeping an eye on as I shot photos, walked over behind me, obviously to get a better view of what I was shooting. He was rewarded with an excellent view of my wife's lightly haired cunt lips with a white strip of material trapped between them. Nancy held this crotch-revealing pose for at least a minute before I instructed her to do something different.

Specifically, I asked her to keep her blouse on loosely but to remove her skirt. Eddie and I watched her turn her back to us, stand up, and drop her skirt to the blanket. From the back, she looked basically nude from the waist down and I caught Eddie staring unblinkingly at her naked ass cheeks. Before turning around to face us, Nancy buttoned her blouse near the bottom so it wouldn't slide over and off her shoulders

As she faced us, I noticed that she'd loosened the panel of her g-string panties so that it was very loose on her. It no longer wedged between her cunt lips. She'd also managed to pull the crotch panel slightly askew so that about half of her blondish-red pubic hair and one cunt lip were visible.

I asked her to sit down on the blanket again and to improvise some stretching positions. She spent the next five minutes striking a number of wonderful poses, most of them exposing at least one breast or part of her cunt. I concentrated on the crotch shots. In one of the positions, she lay on her right side with her left leg pointed to the sky. This caused her now loose crotch panel to drop away from and briefly expose both cunt lips.

I asked Nancy to hold this pose for as long as she could (about twenty seconds) while I took some close-ups of her pussy. Eddie, who seemed to have forgotten his job as "spotter," stood a few feet behind me looking down between her legs. Knowing that this just-out-high-school kid was seeing what only a husband was supposed to see was quickly giving me an erection.

I then had her get on both knees and lean forward on her elbows. I knelt down behind her and began shooting. I decided to get a little crude with her: "That's right, Nancy" I said. "Let's see that pretty little ass of yours."

With her butt in the air and leaning on her elbows, I had an interesting shooting view between her legs to her dangling breasts, which were visible because the bottom of her blouse hung so loosely from her body. But I was mainly interested in her rear end, so I did something else rather crude.

I set down the camera, reached forward with both hands, and slightly rearranged her g-string panties. Pulling the waist band about an inch lower to loosen the crotch panel even more, I put a finger under the string (my knuckle making brief contact with her anus) and pulled it about two inches to one side of her ass-crack.

There at last were her cunt and asshole were fully on display! Without being prompted, my beautiful wife spread her legs even wider and pressed her chest into the blanket. This caused her cunt to fall open slightly.

Saying "gorgeous" and "you're beautiful" (the sort of crap I imagined a sleezy photographer might say to his model), I asked her to hold this ass-in-the-air position for a while as I took maybe ten shots. Eddie stood a few feet behind me taking it all in. I noticed once that he quickly removed his glasses to clean them on his shirt. He obviously didn't want to miss a second of what there was to see.

As she held the pose, Nancy's moist cunt was fully visible but her clitoris was hidden. And her perfect little asshole, tiny lines radiating out from it in all directions, looked like a tiny pink target. Eddie was really getting an eyeful! And I think he was getting a hard-on. He had his hands crossed in front of his crotch, so I couldn't be sure.

Nancy eventually tired of holding her butt up in the air and relaxed, belly-down, on to the blanket. She then pulled her blouse down as far as it would go in the back. But it didn't cover an inch of that lovely rear end of hers. The string of her panties lay near but not in the crack of her ass. She then rolled over on one elbow and, smiling fetchingly, asked me what I wanted her to do next.

I thought to myself: I want you, darling wife, to crawl over here and suck my cock. Then I want to shove it in that tight little asshole of yours.

What I actually said, though, was, "I need to go back up to the car for a while. I have to get a filter, but it might take me a while to find it, so just relax awhile." Saying this, I quickly walked toward the path back up to the parking area. As I walked, I adjusted my erection so it wasn't quite so uncomfortable.

I had no intention of climbing all the way back up to the parking area, however. Instead, I wanted to leave Nancy alone with Eddie for a while. I had a feeling that, given Nancy's evil genius, something interesting might develop in this little game we were playing.

So I climbed about twenty feet up the trail, turned left, and walked stealthily out on an overhang above the place where we'd set up our photo shoot. Not wanting to be seen from below, I crawled on my hands and knees as I neared the edge of the overhang and looked down.

I immediately saw them about twenty-five feet directly below me. Nancy was sitting on the blanket facing the ocean with her legs folded in front of her. Eddie was crouching on the sand just next to the blanket. Her blouse was still mostly unbuttoned, so I knew from his angle he had a good view of at least her right breast.

A few seconds later, Nancy patted the blanket in front of her, an obvious invitation to Eddie to join her. He immediately sprawled sideways in front of her leaning on his left elbow. From my angle I could easily see his face (he seemed to be blushing) but only the top of my wife's head.

I could hear their voices but not what they were talking about. Nancy seemed to be asking him questions. His answers seemed to be brief. And he seemed to be having trouble looking her in the eye. Then I noticed something else over the next minute or so. His eyes were mainly downcast, riveted on an imaginary spot on the blanket. But occasionally he let them drift slightly upward to, well, what else? Nancy's mostly uncovered crotch.

Sitting with her ankles crossed in a sort of relaxed lotus position, Nancy was offering the kid a prolonged, and apparently accidental, view of her crotch. The tiny panel of her g-string panties, even if she'd centered it so it somewhat covered her vagina, would still give anyone with Eddie's vantage point an only slightly obstructed view of that wonderful pussy.

As they continued talking, I looked around to make sure no one was watching me watching them. I got my camera out just in case. Lying on my belly at the edge of a little cliff overlooking the beach was not an impossible position for a nature photographer to find himself in.

I noticed, looking up at the head of the path, an old couple and a small child standing there. But they didn't seem to be interested in walking down the path. When I looked for them again a few seconds later, they were gone.

So I put the camera down and leaned further over the edge of the overhang. I don't know what they were about, but suddenly Nancy reached forward with her right hand and patted Eddie on the shoulder. It was almost as though she were consoling him. He then surprised me by rolling over on his back and looking straight up at the sky. Why would he relinquish such a view?

Then, as she lay on his back, Eddie began talking quite a lot. He seemed to be telling Nancy a story. Watching this became pretty boring, but I kept at it hoping something else would develop. Finally, after almost fifteen minutes, Eddie rolled on his side again so that his face was once more directly in front of my wife's crotch. His eyes now went more boldly there. Keeping his right hand in front of his crotch, he was obviously trying to hide an erection.

Deciding I had to get a closer view of this, I got to my feet and walked back to the path. Just as I reached it, though, a whole family appeared above me and began walking down the path. There were three kids between the ages of about five and ten, a mother, and a father. I quickly took off down the path to beat them to the beach.

I jogged over to Nancy and Eddie, who hadn't changed positions. As I neared the blanket, she saw me coming first and I heard her say to him, "Well, I'm pretty sure I can help you with your problem."

I told them it was time to go. I had enough photos for the day and, besides, it was time for me to take them to lunch. So, as the three kids ran screaming past us down to the waves, the three of us gathered up our stuff. The father of the children arrived on the beach just in time to see Nancy pulling up her skirt. Her back was to him, but he got at least a brief glimpse of her gorgeous naked ass. He continued staring at Nancy as he waited for his slightly overweight wife to join him.

We climbed up the path back to the car. As she walked ahead of Eddie and me Nancy had to go virtually on all fours as she clambered over some of the steeper places. As she did this, she gave us several great upskirt views. Her naked ass and half-covered cunt came into view several times. Devilishly, she held some of the more revealing poses longer than necessary. She was obviously having great fun "accidentally" exposing herself to the kid.

In a minor concession to modesty, as we headed back up the coast, Nancy rebuttoned her blouse up to the level of her breasts. It now took more than a casual motion for her to show her tits. Turning in her seat, she resumed the beach-blanket conversation with Eddie that I'd interrupted.

She was trying to give the impression that I wasn't to know what they'd been talking about -- it was their secret. So her remarks were quite veiled and, if fact, I really didn't know what she meant by them. I knew I'd find out soon enough.

Just as we were pulling into a restaurant-bar called Cameron's in Half Moon Bay she handed Eddie a piece of paper with something she'd written on it. It appeared to be her cell phone number. My curiosity was by now quite aroused, and as we walked into the restaurant a few paces behind the kid I asked her, "What's up?"

"I'll tell you in a little bit," she whispered to me. "But I think you're going to like it."

Cameron's turned out to be a garish, over-decorated place, and for the first few minutes I just checked out the odd assortment of items cluttering the walls. Finally, we were seated. After we ordered and while we were waiting to be served, Eddie excused himself to go to the toilet. Finally, my chance to get Nancy's secret out of her!

"I let him have my cell number," she said, "and he's supposed to call me at about 4:00 o'clock. This is that idea we discussed awhile ago, the one about me being a sexual surrogate."

I was surprised. We'd discussed this as a possible sexual game but had rejected it because we were concerned about damaging psychologically vulnerable men. Also, Nancy thought men with real sexual problems might not be much fun to be with.

"So you think you can help this kid sexually?" I asked.

Nancy looked at me with a very serious expression on her face. "I don't think he needs heavy-duty psycho-sexual help. If he did, I sure wouldn't be the one to offer it. While we were on the beach, though, he admitted to me that he's a virgin. This shouldn't be a problem, but it's really bothering him. He's painfully shy around girls. He's not sure, when he goes away to college, what he would do if a girl got interested in him."

"So, what exactly can you do for him?"

"I can show him what it's like to be with a woman," she said. "I'll try to do this in a non-threatening way. But if, for some reason, he can't deal with it, I'll pull the plug right away."

"Where would you do this? At the house?"

She smiled at me wickedly. "Sort of. But not inside the house. I'm thinking, if you're OK with it, that I could use the studio cabin in the back yard. I could tell him I'm renting the place from the owner for my, you know, my practice."

Just then Eddie returned from the toilet, so we changed the subject to something else. Nancy sat opposite me at the table while Eddie sat to my right and Nancy's left. Waiting to be served, we talked about Eddie's academic interests. When our food was delivered to our table we ate in relative silence.

After eating, we headed farther north to drop Eddie off at his house in Pacifica. Nancy's last words to him affirmed their cell-phone appointment at 4:00 o'clock. Then we headed back up the Coastal Highway and into San Francisco.

On the way we talked about sexual surrogacy, what little we knew about it, and what needed to be done to get the studio cabin ready for Nancy's "practice." The one indispensable element of the plan, we agreed, was that I be allowed to watch whatever transpired during her session.

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Just_WordsJust_Words3 months ago

You lost me in the fifth paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I Love Stories Like This

Loving wives having regular sex with young (college-aged) boys from the neighborhood are the very best stories on Literotica. What we shared would be our little secret. I would not tell my husband and he would not tell his friends. I would tell my three sisters and mother however. It wouldn't affect them and they all could keep my secret.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Why teenager would get the beating of his life, and dear whore wife would get the door.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
why can wife fuck around and you don't.

You are either bi or story is total bullshit.

ErotonautErotonautalmost 14 years ago
Might have worked better if you'd moved straight on to Ch.02

As it is, there's a lot of build-up, but no climax. She didn't even get to get herself off during the photoshoot.

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