Myrtle Beach Magic

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Finding a sexual smorgasborad at his friend's house.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/09/2019
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I was on the road for my job once again, which can sometimes be a real drag - but not this time. Oh, no, not this time at all.

Little did I know I was about to kick off an incredible stretch of my life, one I'll never come close to duplicating again. But at least I'll have the memories, and I'd like to share them with you. That way I can get them down on paper so I never forget a single moment, and you might like to read about how it all went down.


My name is Jared. I'm 40 years old, a salesman of orthopedic supplies, and I'm used to the boredom of traveling, but I was looking forward to this trip. I was planning to see several clients in the Myrtle Beach area, which meant I'd be staying at the house of my friend Tom Daniels, a fraternity brother of mine.

I had called Tom the first time I had visited the area and we met for a few beers. After catching up, Tom suggested that the next time I was in the area, I should stay at his house. Tom had a wife, Shannon - who was a knockout - and two teenage kids, and his place had more than enough room for a guest.

So about six months later, I let Tom know I'd be there in two weeks and hoped to be able to stay for a couple of days. When I arrived, I was impressed ... with a lot of things.

First, the house. It was at the end of a cul-de-sac, with only one other house nearby. It was two stories, and a nice wide deck ran around three sides of the building on the upper level. My guest room was on the lower level, with a door into the family room, and another door that led outside, to a set of stairs that went up to the deck. The son, Adam, had his room above the guest room; the daughter, Lindy, was opposite that; and Tom and Shannon's room was in the back.

Second, the wife. Shannon was a dark-haired beauty who lived up to what I had heard about her. She was a teaching golf professional at a nearby country club and was in high demand. She kept in great shape by running long distance races and looked about 10 years younger than her age of 41.

Third, the kids. Lindy was not quite 18 the first time I met her, and you could see she had taken after her mom. She was really cute and had the same kind of long, lithe, athletic body as Shannon, except she had dirty-blond hair to the middle of her back. She played volleyball and was a jumper on the track & field team.

Adam was a year younger, but was a little taller than his dad, about 6-1, and was working hard to develop his body. He played football and was getting into weight training. Both Lindy and Adam seemed to be popular in school, good students and were very down-to-earth for teenagers.

Perhaps because I was a friend of their dad's - and could tell some funny stories about him in college - I got along very well with both kids. I'm sure Tom had told them about my wife passing away a couple of years ago from a rare disease, and although they never mentioned it, they treated me very kindly - almost like another member of the family.

When I returned for my next visit, it was a comfortable feeling staying with the family. I was able to develop some good contacts in the area, which made it profitable for me to drive to Myrtle Beach. Tom, a magazine editor, and Shannon were both spending a lot of time in their jobs, but Lindy and Adam were fine with it and both seemed fairly independent.

What was interesting to me on that trip was that first Adam, and then Lindy, came to me privately to get my opinion about something bothering them at school. Adam was having trouble getting along with several of the "bullies" on the football team and Lindy was worried because she felt shy around boys, especially on first dates. I gave them some advice and was happy I could help them.

The third visit is when things started to become a lot more interesting.

By this time, Lindy was 19, a freshman at a nearby college and was still living at home, and Adam, 18, was a senior in high school. I must say that Lindy had become a lot more developed since I'd last seen her - those long legs and tight butt were still nearly perfect, but now her breasts had grown and it was impossible to keep my eyes off her when she was around. It didn't help that she had started to wear skimpier outfits in my presence, and it was becoming harder not to let my mind wonder to some inevitable sexual thoughts that I had to tamp down.

Adam had also grown - by hitting the weights he had put on about 20 solid pounds - and looked like a kid the girls would be hitting on all the time.

The second day I was there, I got done with my last client about 2 o'clock, and when I got back to Tom's place, I was looking for something to do. Fortunately, Lindy was just leaving on her way to the next-door neighbor's house for a swim and invited me to come along. How could I refuse?

It turns out the invite was definitely worth it. The neighbor, Darby, turned out to be a 24-year-old nurse, who was house-sitting for an uncle of hers who had been moved into a nursing home. And she was stacked. Long auburn hair, a very curvy figure and breasts that threatened to burst from her fairly conservative white one-piece swim suit. Needless to say, I was impressed.

Of course, I now had choices for my greedy eyes. Because after we sat down on lounge chairs, Lindy took off her T-shirt and showed off her perky tits under a skimpy green bikini top. Between Darby's full, lush figure and Lindy's nearly perfect teen body, I had quite a visual feast. It was a good reason to keep my sunglasses on so I could ogle their bodies. The only problem was that my man down below took notice, too, and began to react.

After about 15 minutes of chatter and the ladies doing some giggling between themselves, I figured I'd better get in the pool to calm down the near hard-on I was now sporting. It worked ... for a while. But when I returned to my chair, I noticed that the ladies had changed positions a little and I was now looking right up the legs of Darby, and she didn't seem to be trying to hide anything. I had a clear shot of that thin strip of white material that was covering her pussy and I could clearly see the folds. It was all I could do to not simply stare.

But I pulled my eyes away because Lindy had moved so that I had a wonderful side view of her right tit, and it was proudly jutting out from her chest. If you like young breasts - and who doesn't? - it was a sight to behold. The only problem was, my cock was now fully back to life and my suit was wet, so it was even more obvious than before. I figured if I did anything to draw attention to it, like put my towel there, it'd be worse, so I just rode it out.

"How was the water?" Darby asked.

"It was just about right - I needed to cool off."

Lindy said, "Yeah, we noticed," followed by some giggles.

My face flushed red and all I could do was smile - they had caught me dead to rights.

I tried to recover.

"Well, let's just say that a man in my position, in the presence of two beautiful ladies like yourselves, doesn't have much of a chance. I think I'll cut my losses and go take a cold shower. Thanks for your hospitality."

That produced some more giggles, allowing me to head back to Tom's place. What I really wanted to do was get to my room and relieve myself, which I hadn't done for a while. I stripped off my suit, hopped on the bed and grabbed my dick.

All I had to do was put the images of Darby and Lindy back in my mind's eye, and it didn't take many strokes to begin blasting out a good quantity of jism. I was groaning a little at the end, which is probably why I didn't recognize a muted thump that came from outside my window.

After my shower, I got dressed and left via the outside door and went up the steps to the deck. But I didn't get all the way up before I saw something totally unexpected. Adam had apparently come home while I was next door and he was kneeling on the deck with his back to me and appeared to be jerking off. He was looking just over the railing into Darby's yard.

I was able to quietly move to my left and go up onto the deck so I could see what he was watching. And what I saw was Darby and Lindy sitting side-by-side on towels in the yard and each of them had a hand between the other's legs. Every couple of seconds, Darby would lean closer and whisper something to Lindy, who then moved her hand in a different way. I could tell they were both getting closer to orgasm and I was transfixed.

But then I looked over toward Adam again and because of the different angle, I could see him stroking away on his dick. And, having never seen anybody do that other than myself, I zeroed in on the action. About the time the thought entered my head that, "Geez, Adam has a pretty nice cock," I started to get a rise again. Shortly after that, Adam grunted and released a shot of sperm that hit the railing, followed by several others, and I was mesmerized - and seriously excited, which was a bit confusing to me. Then couple of moans from next door made for a dramatic ending to the unexpected session.

Except, it didn't quite end there. The next thing I knew, Adam turned his head and saw me watching, which caused him to jump up, stuff his dick back in his shorts and run around the other corner of the deck. I followed, hoping I could explain what happened, but he had left the deck, come around the other side and gone into his room.

I felt I needed to talk to him, so I knocked on his door. He didn't answer at first, so I said, "Adam, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just give me a minute, OK?"

It took a couple of minutes, but he opened his door and let me in. We both sat on his bed and I could tell he was nervous. Hell, I was, too.

"Adam, don't worry about this - what you did is perfectly natural. Every guy has times when he gets excited and has to get off. And I didn't mean to catch you doing it, it just happened."

"Yeah, but I feel stupid."

"You shouldn't. I don't think any less of you. In fact, let me be honest - I was over at Darby's pool earlier today with those two and they got me heated up, too. I had to come back and take care of business myself just a little while ago. So you're not alone."

He gave me an interesting smile that didn't seem to fit the moment, but I didn't think much of it.

I said, "So, we're good? Don't worry, I won't tell your parents or Lindy - it's just between you and me, OK?"

"All right. And, thanks. I'm glad you talked to me, too, because I didn't know what to think."

It wasn't until the next visit that I found out what he was really thinking.

That night, the story developed a little more.

Tom, Shannon and Adam were at a function for the football team and weren't expected back until about 10. After dinner I told Lindy I was headed out to a bar one of my golf buddies had told me about, and should be back about 10, too. It turned out the place sucked - the music was all loud hip-hop and the crowd was way too young for me - so I ended up coming back a couple of hours earlier than planned. Because Tom, Shannon and the kids each had a car, there was no room in the driveway, so I'd been parking up the street about half a block and walking back.

As I strolled up the driveway and started to turn left to go to my room, I stopped because I heard someone talking softly. It was a male voice I didn't recognize, and then I heard Lindy's voice. They weren't whispering, but it was close, and my ears picked up on the sexual vibe they were transmitting.

After going through the scene I'd had that afternoon, I was a lot more curious than I would have been normally. I figured out that Lindy and this guy were probably on her side of the deck, so I quietly went up the stairs on my side, walked around the back and peeked around the corner.

There was a lot for my greedy eyes to digest. About 20 feet away were Lindy and a boy sitting on the deck with their backs against the outside railing. The boy was closer to me and they were locked in a feverish kiss. I figured they must have been over at Darby's swimming because he was wearing only a pair of shorts and she had on only her green bikini. I felt safe watching because the angle of a pole light in Darby's yard put some light on them but none on me.

As the kissing got more intense, their hands got busier. His hands were rubbing her breasts and I watched as her hand stretched down to his crotch and traveled up and down the obvious bulge in his shorts. Before he could go any further, Lindy snaked her hand into his shorts for a few seconds, then came out, undid his drawstring and - with a little help from him - was able to free his dick.

In my position, I couldn't really see what he was doing with his hands, but his cock was right out in the open and Lindy was having fun with it. She used a light touch to pull the skin back and rubbed the tip with her thumb, and I could tell it was working because the more she rubbed it, the wetter his dick became with precum.

For the second time in the same day, I was watching somebody else's package get worked over, and for the second time, I found myself strangely excited by it. I could hardly see any of Lindy, but I could see all of the guy's cock and her small hand pumping it slowly. I heard him groan, and I stared as he blasted a load up in the air that landed mostly on his leg.

Lindy said, "Aw, Randy, not again!" but kept pumping as he leaked more cum into his lap. He looked kind of sheepish and a little embarrassed as Lindy wiped her hand on the side of his shorts.

For some reason, she seemed to be ticked off at him, and I understood why when she said, "C'mon, that's the third time now. We can't ever get any farther than this because you keep coming too fast."

"Well, you're just too damn hot. Don't worry, I can get it up again soon. And I can take care of you now."

Lindy picked her head up, and looked in my direction and her eyes got a little wide for just a second as she appeared to think over his request for a few seconds, then said, "Nah, not tonight. I'm very disappointed, and I think you need to leave before my parents get back."

That was my cue to depart, too, so I quietly made my way back to my room before Randy left. Nothing else happened that night, but I had a lot to think about. There was a real sexual tension in the atmosphere of this house, possibly caused by the fact that Lindy and Adam were clearly exploring their feelings in the sex arena. It didn't help that they had a gorgeous neighbor, and that I hadn't had a real relationship since my wife had died and I was constantly horny.

I was also curious about my response to watching as two other guys got off. Of course, I'd seen that a million times looking at porn, but this was different because it was live, and because I seemed to get a thrill from seeing those dicks.

I woke up the next day around 9, got some breakfast and decided since I didn't have any appointments, I could afford to take it easy. Adam had left to lift weights with his football team, Lindy was shopping with friends for the day, and, of course, the Daniels were at work.

Since it was a nice, sunny morning, I went out onto the deck, took my shirt off and stretched out on a chaise with the latest John Sandford novel, figuring to take it easy. But my mind kept going back to the night before, when Lindy and her boyfriend had been making out. That brought back some great memories of high school, and I could feel some stirring down below.

Not to mention, Lindy's actions of the previous night were pretty hard to put out of my mind. She just seemed to have a sexual aura around her that I hadn't noticed before. She was gorgeous, sure, but it was more than that. She was not a little mouse being taken advantage of; instead she kind of dictated the action. I remembered how rock hard that kid's dick had been - mine was that way now and I was only reliving what I'd seen.

Then my eye caught some movement next door. Although I was below the top of the deck railing, I could see through the gaps into the neighbor's yard, and what I saw brought a smile to my face and another jolt to my cock.

Darby had walked out to her pool deck and was removing her shirt, and, wow, what a sight it was. Her long, red hair was accentuated by a tiny yellow bikini that was barely holding in her wonderful breasts. Having seen her in a swim suit before, I knew she was plenty big up top, but this bikini made her assets even more pronounced.

She took her time arranging a towel on her chaise, and by bending over several times, she gave me a view of all that marvelous cleavage, in addition to her curvy butt, which wasn't covered very much by the suit's bottom.

Darby had positioned her chair so that she was facing me straight on, and I wasn't more than 20 yards away, so I had a perfect sightline. She had already put on some suntan lotion, because she was glistening, and she picked up a magazine to read.

I'm not sure what was in that magazine, but whatever it was got her a little hot, too. After a short time, while her right hand held the magazine, her left hand started caressing her left breast. When she switched to her right breast, I could plainly see that her left nipple was standing at attention. This was too much for me, and my hand went to my straining dick for some rubbing.

Then, I thought, "What the hell?" and pushed my shorts down out of the way. Since nobody else was home, I grabbed my cock and started a nice, slow jerk session while watching the sexy babe next door. And she helped me out by pulling her straps aside and freeing up those nice tits.

I really liked how this was playing out, but it turned out to not last very long. When she dropped her right hand to her lap, moved her thin strip of suit aside and put a finger in her very wet pussy, I couldn't help myself. I started to turn up the speed and it didn't take long to produce a rippling orgasm.

I tried very hard to not make any noise, but when I starting shooting I may have let a gasp or two slip out. My hand was flying up and down and I had three or four heavy bursts of semen shoot up onto my stomach. Eventually, as I caught my breath and jerked out the final small gobs of cum, I had a pool of sticky juice around my belly button.

As I recovered, and tried to figure out what to do with my mess, I heard a low groan from next door. I had momentarily forgotten about Darby, but now I looked over and saw her plunging her finger in and out of her vagina and she was clearly in the throes of an orgasm. As I watched her I was surprised to feel some life returning to my dick.

Darby got her breathing back to normal and put her suit back in place. Then to my amazement, as she stood up, she looked straight at me, smiled, ran her tongue ever so slightly over her lips, and slowly walked back inside her house, giving me a great view of that ass.

I was stunned. Did she set this whole thing up? How did she know I was out there? The only thing I could figure out was that maybe she'd seen me when I first walked out onto the deck.

Well, now I felt a little embarrassed, but I was still so shocked at the way it happened that I decided it wasn't something to worry about. I cleaned myself up in the shower, threw on a pair of shorts and then had lunch. While I was putting the dishes away, I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the peephole and saw that it was Darby. Uh, oh. This might be trouble, I thought, but I opened the door anyway.

"Hey, Jared, I saw nobody else was home, and I wondered if you'd like to come over for lunch," she said.

"Well, unfortunately, I just finished eating mine."

"OK, well ... how about some dessert? I made some brownies this morning and I'd love to have some company."

How could I refuse? I thought it might be interesting to see where this was going.

"Just give me a minute to throw some clothes and ..."