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"Now, Wewak is pretty much at the limit of our combat range: we fly ninety minutes in, ninety minutes back and we fight fifteen to twenty minutes in between; so there's not much time for on-the-spot introspection. But I would have given anything to speak to you after landing on that first day... I needed you to comfort me, to tell me that you still see the man you love and not a soulless killer. Then again, I didn't expect such enthusiasm..."

Lehuanani was touched and even a little shamed, but not much. "Darling, as I see you right now, you are even more beautiful than ever. But I will not apologize for my lack of remorse, Ziki. All you Americans talk about, when discussing the war, is avenging Pearl Harbor. And you were THERE! Yet, for all your country's righteous indignation, Pearl Harbor was a military attack... there was no population displacement or any of the many atrocities that marked the invasion by the Japanese here!!!" That had been said with bile and spite.

Ezekiel gently chuckled; he was obviously exhausted. "I get it... and we still have sooo, so much to talk about, my love... It's a good thing we plan to be together forever... but you're wrong about the displacement thing though... and it wasn't the Japs who did it to us..."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I never told you that my best friend from childhood is Japanese-American, did I? His name is Kenichi Tanaka... he liked being called Ken. His folks are charming people. There are many immigrants in the sugar plantations and the fruit fields: Puerto-Ricans, Philippinos, Japanese, Chinese and what not. Anyway, it all happened during my basic training: thousands of Japanese-born and their descendants were interned on the Hawaiian Islands. I shouldn't have been surprised: Hawaii is now under martial law, after all..."

"Do you have any news?" Her compassion had already swept away her hatred.

"About Ken? Last time he wrote, he was trying to enlist... from what I can infer from the bits not redacted by mail censors. And I guess his parents are just waiting for the war to end."

There was a moment of deep silence. Ezekiel, moved by her sympathy, chose to finish his confession.

"Right! So, on the 18th, we cover B-24s at high altitude. No action for us, this time. We could watch at our leisure the impact of fragmentation bombs on the runways and the remaining parked aircrafts. And we repeated this on the 20th."

"By the fifth day, on the 21st, the Japs were finally on early alert and, while we covered B-25s at low-level, we met every possible fighter in the air! That wasn't a dogfight, it was a free-for-all! The main threat was not enemy fire, it was mid-air collisions! I'll probably never fly again in such a target-rich sky; so I zig, I zag, I evade and planes just keep popping up in my gunsights! That fight felt like a hunt after a beat... you know, when you stir all the animals out of hiding. Anyway, after viewing my gun camera footage, I was awarded two kills, two Oscars, and was told I damaged several more... they were probably all shot down by other Headhunters."

"We must have destroyed more than a hundred planes, Lehuanani... I don't think the Japs can recover from this... not with the shipping strikes we carry out regularly. I'm sure we'll keep on sweeping Wewak to keep it suppressed, but I bet we'll soon set our sights on Rabaul... it's another major Japanese base, in New Britain."

"And then what?"

"Since we serve under General MacArthur, moving North towards the Philippines is the logical assumption. In fact, Porky once told me that we'll just keep on suppressing the skies and the enemy supply lines until we reach Japan... that was on my first day here, just before I met you."

Lehuanani had never envisioned Ezekiel leaving the island without her and she was suddenly both sad and resentful. "Why always you?"

"Because it's our P-38s that have the range to bring the fight to the enemy, not just defend our own airspace..."

"Is that why your plane is so large? Compared to the other fighter crafts I see here..."

"Yes. To gain speed, you need power; to obtain power and range, you need gas; to store gas, you need weight; to move weight, you need power; it's a vicious circle. To solve the problem, you need to design a large plane."

She was understanding, but still a little depressed, and she wished to change the subject. "How is he, your new wingman?"

"He's pretty useless so far... but I say that knowing full well that I was just the same on my first missions. In person, he couldn't be any more different from Lt. Russell: friendly, affable. He's going to be an architect. He tells me up front that he's under orders to shut up and follow my lead while he learns, he offers a handshake and asks me to call him Dick..."

"Dick?" That woke something up in Lehuanani.

"It's usually a diminutive of Richard... but I didn't ask..." Ezekiel's heart really was blind; he did not notice Lehuanani tense up and survey their surroundings.

"I seee... but I believe dick is also the vernacular for something else entirely. Why don't we find out, mmm?" The transformation in Lehuanani was instantaneous and uncanny: she looked like a prowling crocodile, crouched and slowly inching herself towards Ezekiel's crotch. Her voice was lewd and velvety, full of lust.

Ezekiel was a paralyzed prey and was practically stuttering. "You... you're... you're sure?"

"Mmm mmm..." she was already unbuckling his pants and reaching through the slot of his brief. But the accomplishment of her mission came with a surprise.

"Zikiii!!! This... is BIG!" Ezekiel's shaft was indeed a long and thick pillar, crowned by a pink and mushroom-shaped prepuce that was already wet from seeping fluids. The rest of Ezekiel was embarrassed, immensely excited and completely incoherent.

Lehuanani slowly, almost like petting a wild animal, placed her hand on top of his shimmering erection. She was playful and, at the same time, a little awed and apprehensive. "Zikiii! I'm not the only one who has inherited a lot of virility! You're going to give me seven children with that... cannon of yours!"

"Huuuh?" His breathing was quickening and his testicles were visibly pulsing.

Lehuanani was now taming the beast. She fondled his large balls and then began caressing his shaft all along the base vein, which was gorged and blue. Her free hand was for her beloved, who nervously took it as soon as she began.

Ezekiel then let go an uncontrolled squeal, announcing an orgasm; then the cannon opened fire. In no time, there were spurts of semen all over his shirt and his opened pants, followed by a steady spill of his seed. Lehuanani was captivated by his plentiful ejaculation. "Sooo much!"

Poor befuddled Ezekiel was trying to catch his breath while Lehuanani did her best to wipe away her erotic mess with Kunai grass strands and her own sarong. However, the fiendish tone in her voice warned him that she was nowhere near done. "That was for kill number one..."

"I... it was?"

"Yesss... do you want to know something, Ziki? Ever since our first date, my dreams are troubled by vivid, lewd impulses... I often have to touch myself to ease them! And you, my darling, tell me: do you touch yourself too?" Lehuanani had left her hand on his softened penis. Her soft skin and her spellbinding voice were causing it to visibly stiffen.

"Y... yesss... I do... is it bad?" There was such guilt in his voice that she could not tell whether Ezekiel was answering to his girlfriend or to the healer's helper.

"Nooo... of course not... now show me... show me how you do it! I want to reaaally please you for your second kill!"

Her voice was so soothing and so enticing that she was seemingly enrolling him for a misdeed. Ezekiel mimed with his hand his stroking and she reproduced the desired hand action on the spot. She also lewdly asked for guidance with a husky whisper. "Like that, mmh? Quicker? Harder?" When he confirmed the exact pumping action he preferred, she thanked him with a "Goood!" She then added a kiss of scorching hot passion to her handjob and kept on pleasuring her hero.

When Ezekiel's breathing quickened, Lehuanani instinctively matched the cadence of her pumping to it. She was shocked in bliss to feel in her hand the powerful throbbing of his shaft that heralded his second climax. In the end, both his breathing and her pumping were almost a constant blur.

Then Lehuanani felt the spurts of semen pulse in the inside of her hand. She could not afford to look: she had to keep her tongue and kiss at her most intense to muffle his incoming screams of pleasure, lest they lose their outdoor privacy.

She marveled at her handiwork once she felt his rock-hard shaft seemingly melt in her hand. Ezekiel's face was flushed red, his breathing was still erratic and his chest was covered in huge puddles of semen, which Lehuanani was now spreading all over him. "Did you enjoy this sweetheart? Did I do good, mmh?" She knew the answer, but some erotic vanity made her want to hear it from him.

"Yes... yes... ohmyGod yes! You... really-are-a-witch... I love you... love-you-so-much..." he was still panting, but his sated smile told all, even before Lehuanani heard the actual words.

"Reaaalllyyy? Well, then... we still have to reward you for kill number three, don't we?" She resumed the gentle pumping of his softened, and now slightly sticky, shaft; she was also cupping the top of his glans inside her other hand.

His reaction was not as she expected. "Haa... haHAAA!!!" That was not a shout of enjoyment.

"Chhht! What's wrong, dear?" Both her hands stopped dead in their tracks.

"So... sorry... too... too soon... sore..."

"Sore? We both know I have a remedy for that!" Lehuanani's smile was devilish. Neither knew where her sensual creativity were emerging from but, at that moment, neither cared. She had smothered his shaft with the softness of her mounds and, this time, the recovery was miraculous. His huge penis was growing, hardening and nesting itself inside her cleavage.

Both were overcome with pleasure and sheer joy from their voyage of carnal discovery. Lehuanani began pumping Ezekiel's steel-hard shaft with her breasts. He was clamoring and moaning loudly his excitement.

"Chhht... do try to enjoy this quietly, darling!" She was happy for their moment, but also for realizing that she had his whole heart wrapped around her little finger. Ezekiel was truly hers, even if it was not official in the eyes of the law and God yet. On a more clinical level, she also noticed his third orgasm would be longer in the making, so she began, timidly at first, to kiss his glans on some of its upward thrusts towards her lips.

Ezekiel was miming and strongly inhaling his moans of bliss to stay quiet. His struggle made her giggle, but the ecstasy from her kisses was quite evident, so she kissed his glans with more boldness, and she now did it at every thrust. Eventually, she gobbled up his entire glans in her mouth and his hiss of pleasure from that stunned them both. Lehuanani was now pumping his throbbing shaft and kept his glans warmly coated inside her mouth. Her tongue was now even caressing it.

That did it. Almost without warning, his penis erupted inside her mouth. Surprised, Lehuanani gasped for air and halted her breast massage, so it was now her chin and cheeks that were being stained by his eruption of semen.

This time, the orgasm was quicker in its resolution and, when Ezekiel regained his bearings; the sight of Lehuanani awed him silly: she had semen dripping from her mouth and several white and translucent rivulets that were trickling down from her face all along her bosoms; her nipples were so hard they were seemingly trembling. Both had to catch their breath.

"Lehua... that... was... unbelievable... how?"

"I don't know, love... but it was... indeed... quite... unbelievable... except..."

"Except what?" Back was the fear of having done something wrong.

"I'm terribly excited too, darling; do you think that now I could also have... a small reward, please?" Back was her lewd and hypnotic voice. She was not worried a bit about his answer.

"What can I do?"

"Like last time... but try with your mouth... please."

For the first time, Ezekiel did not ask for confirmation. He lifted Lehuanani's sarong, she spread her legs and he admired her vaginal lips for the first time. Her musk was intoxicating and he was savoring it. Lehuanani was simultaneously impatient and grateful for his care for her, truly all of her.

And now Ezekiel was ready. He kissed her small lips, a chaste kiss with only lips in it at first. It was as if Lehuanani's breath ran away from her. Ezekiel was hoping for some coaching but he quickly learned how to make do with the tone of her gasps and the intensity of her breaths. He tried all he could dare: he kissed her clitoris, licked her vulva from lips to clit, gently ushered his tongue in between her lips, smothered her clit inside his mouth, even going so far as playfully biting it between his teeth.

It came to a point where Lehuanani was genuinely scared of herself, so much she wanted to take this where it could not yet go.

"Haaa! Hahaa! Stop! Stopit! Please stop! My love... STOP!" She was shouting and whispering at the same time.

Ezekiel finally heeded her call, with a deep runaway breathing. He did not need to be explained why. But he was so excited that he began sucking her nipples, first one at a time and then, both of them pressed together. Lehuanani was shocked still and briefly unable to stop her lover, for his greatest enjoyment.

"I said stop, you fool! You adorable fool! We... have... to... stop!" In desperation, she placed her hands on his cheeks: there was no resistance from Ezekiel, as usual. She then carried his lips to hers to adequately conclude this tryst of many discoveries.

"Thank you... thank you, my adorable sweetheart... for making me feel so good... and so loving and so loved. I don't want to... but you really should return to your post... Please be safe, my Ziki! I long for you every day now!!!"

"Thank YOU, milady... for making me feel like... a man... and so ALIVE! I will stay safe. I love you, Lehuanani Angara, with every fiber of me... heart and soul!"


As a matter of fact, Ezekiel had lost track of time and had to sneak back to avoid being declared AWOL. Yet, he did not sneak to bed right away. He first went to inspect Nalani under the moonlight.

She was both a sorry and a proud sight. On one hand, she was already branded by several combat patches; Ezekiel knew that her lines could never again be clean as new and he felt a strange spiritual kinship with her metal scar tissue. On the other hand, his P-38 now displayed its first kill marks and, to Ezekiel, the three Japanese flags pictured a balm of honor; for both pilot and plane: they had been in battle, they had prevailed, they had returned, they had endured ill-treatment and had nurtured each other.

Without a word, Ezekiel tapped Nalani's nose with affection and walked away. Now, he could sleep.

7.- Indecent Proposal

Ezekiel, after making his essential act of presence, briskly and discreetly walked over to the infirmary.

"Hi, Ziki! Long time no see, I'm happy to say... what's with all the ruckus?"

"Hi, doc. Captain Robbins shot down four Japs today."

"Four? In a single mission? Are they all confirmed?"

"Yup... the whole squadron was waiting for him outside the briefing room. Porky reviewed his gun camera last, on purpose. Say doc, can I borrow your jeep? One hour, tops?"

"Do you need to retrieve a downed pilot again?"

Ezekiel twisted around in guilt: he knew he could not lie convincingly. "Well... huh... I do need to go to the Angaras... but... huh..."

The base physician gave a fatherly smile of benediction. "Let's call it a medical emergency, OK? Drive carefully..."

"Thanks doc! I owe you one!"

Ezekiel drove towards Port Moresby, leaving the airfield at a snail's pace in the hope of keeping the engine noise below the one of the airmen's celebration.


"Lehuanani, are you there?"

She came out of her hut almost running. "Ziki!!! I'm so glad to see you! And I'm so surprised! I saw your planes returning in ones and twos, so I knew the combat had been fierce and, given the late hour, I figured..."

"As a matter of fact, I cannot stay here long at all, sweetie... I left without permission; but I just HAD to see you today!"

Lehuanani was torn between gratefulness and concern for her beloved. "Come in, then... quickly!"

They both sat at the table and Ezekiel noticed her solitude. "Your mother is not here?"

"She is away to assist in a delivery, I do not really expect her back until first light tomorrow..."

"Ho... that's a shame..."

"Why, Ziki... did you want to see her?" Lehuanani was perplexed.

"No, no... I'm here to see you, of course... but it means that you were alone for... huh... wait a second, please." Ezekiel suddenly rose and dashed outside to the jeep. Lehuanani then heard wrapping noises and metal clanking and, before figuring out what her boyfriend was up to, he was inside the hut, holding a small cake and a Raleigh roadster bicycle. "Happy birthday!"

Lehuanani rose and remained speechless for a good long time. Her wide-open mouth bore witness to the intensity of her rush of emotions. She was already feeling the bicycle's frame and caressing the handlebars when she managed to ask. "For me?"

"Of course! You're a natural at cycling now... I just need to show you how to change gears and then you'll be the fastest healer in New Guinea!"

She was caressing his cheek and admiring his poise under the setting sun filtering in the hut. In fact, Ezekiel Molina was a lean, dashing young man, forged by years of fruit picking and cycling, on top of the frugal lifestyle of his pauper family and his discipline at school and work. Yet only his rough hands betrayed his roots. He had piercing eyes, his crewcut black hair suited well his tanned complexion and his smile beamed nothing but generosity and tenderness. Lehuanani particularly enjoyed running her fingers under his nose, feeling the soft stubble of the remains of a failed mustache that Ezekiel had given up on.

She then looked at his second offering. "And this?"

Ezekiel was disbelieving. "You've never had birthday cake?"

"Not for years... did you bake it yourself?"

"Hooo No! I would not trust my cooking and you shouldn't either! I bribed a cook at our NCO's mess."

"And you knew it was today..."

"Of course... with the help of some arcane inspiration, hi hi!" He had obviously asked her mother while she had been sent on an errand.

"Oh, thank you, Ziki! I love you so much! Quickly, let's share this before you go!" Ezekiel did as asked and they shared a piece of cake. It was nothing but a golden pound cake with no frosting, but it was quite delicious and the lovebirds felt they were partaking in a king's feast.

Before leaving, Ezekiel produced a candle, placed it on the remaining half-eaten cake, lit it and then sang Happy Birthday.

Lehuanani was both deeply moved and obviously unaware of what to do next.

Ezekiel pitched in. "You're supposed to make a wish and then blow the candle, honey..."

"Ho!" She did both. "Now what?"

"If you told your wish to no one, it's supposed to come true... that's according to my own spell book."

"You lovable fool!" She kissed him hard, but she could feel that Ezekiel was distracted: obviously he was thinking about leaving. "You really have to go, don't you?"

Ezekiel's smile waned in guilt. "I'm sorry... it's a big offensive and we fly at dawn." She knew better than to ask where or how for now.

However, as he was beginning to make his way towards the jeep, Lehuanani had a flash of insight. "I understand, Ziki darling, but... should we be celebrating something else than my birthday, today?"
