Nancy's Inferno Ch. 02

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Inhibited woman gets an eyeful.
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/04/2010
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It couldn't have been more than five minutes after she heard Shawn leave the house that Nancy felt a desperate urge to do the same. The last thing she wanted to do was be home to confront Lacy after what she'd just seen. Instead, after pulling herself out of bed, Nancy grabbed her purse and was out the door before her Daughter had even stirred from her orgasm induced nap upstairs.

Normally someone who slowed down for yellow lights, Nancy found herself speeding through two on the way to the church, praying the entire time Pastor Grady would be there.


By the grace of God, Nancy's new Pastor had been at the church and thankfully he had the time to sit there allowing her to pour her soul out to him.

Calvin Grady had sensed immediately there was something amiss when Nancy appeared at the door of his cramped excuse for an office. Seeing the way the gaunt woman's keys jingled incessantly in her hands as she stood there staring sheepishly at him with her distant blue eyes, Calvin quickly rose from his chair to give Nancy a place to sit.

Taking a seat beside her on a huge pile of papers that needed to be filed, Pastor Grady proceeded to sit there for over an hour, patiently listening to the weeping woman relay some of the horrible goings on at her house.

Unable to share some of the more graphic details of what she'd witnessed between Lacy and her friend, Nancy was still able to communicate enough of what happened that Calvin understood.

Once again, Nancy's blood pressure began to drop after she'd spilled her guts to Pastor Grady, and it wasn't long before a calmness come over her when she stared deep into his comforting eyes. By the time he put his huge but gentle hand down on her right knee, the world once again seemed to be back on its axis.

"Kids do that...always have..always will," was the gist of what he told her, it didn't mean Nancy was a bad parent, and maybe if Nancy could push the issue, getting Lacy to church on occasion might help.

During the course of their conversation, Nancy almost let it slip that the boy having sex with Lacy was black but she caught herself just in time, not wanting to make it any sort of racial issue with her black pastor. Instead, she simply told him that she had heard the two having sex upstairs when she walked into the house then quickly walked out and came down to the church. Re-living any more of the sordid details than that would have been too much to bear.

By the time Calvin had toughened Nancy back up and sent her on her way, the 40-something divorcee felt like she could handle anything. Not wanting to test that feeling quite yet however, Nancy was extremely relieved when she arrived back home that Lacy was gone.

The time alone provided Nancy with an opportunity to settle her nerves and build her moral reservoir back up. When Lacy finally did come back home that night, Nancy had already gone to bed. Stirred awake by the sound of the front door opening, Nancy was able to lay her head back down comfortably on the pillow when she heard only one set of footsteps walking through the house. While nothing would make her forget what she'd witnessed earlier that day, for the first time in a long time Nancy slept soundly that night, safe in the foundation she'd found in Pastor Grady.

Like most quickly poured foundations however, there were cracks deep down the naked eye unfortunately wouldn't see until it was too late.


Three weeks had passed since Nancy had stumbled home sick from work that day, only to catch Lacy having sex in her bedroom. Nancy still found herself having to turn her head away from her Daughter each time the two would interact, haunted by the visceral memories of what she'd seen that day. She also knew there was no way she'd ever be able to broach what she'd witnessed between Lacy and her friend.

For her part, Lacy continued to come and go as she pleased. Even though Nancy fought hard to stay optimistic that what she'd seen that day was only a one time thing, deep down she knew it wasn't. The fact was Lacy was good at knowing her Mother's schedule and wouldn't have invited the boy home with her that fateful afternoon if she knew her Mom was coming home early from work.

The only thing that seemed to take Nancy's mind off everything was immersing herself into her various jobs. Between her dayshifts at the packaging company and the financial stuff she was doing at the church, Nancy kept herself on the go pretty much seven days a week. There were even a few days when she'd get off her day job at 5 or 6 then head straight over to the church to work on the books when she knew the place would be quiet.

The first thing Nancy noticed that was out of the ordinary was the preacher's car was in the parking lot when she pulled in. Thinking it was curious she couldn't see any lights on inside the front window, Nancy tapped her hand several times on her right thigh pondering her next move, before deciding to walk inside. Being late January, it was already dark at a quarter after 6 and with a cold wind blowing across the lot, she didn't want to stand outside too long wondering what might be up. The church had been such a sanctuary for Nancy even in the limited time she'd lived in Canton, she honestly didn't think anything bad could ever happen there.

Walking around the back of the building to let herself in the employee door next to the loading dock, Nancy gently turned the knob and let herself in.

"Pastor Grady always said to keep that door locked," Nancy thought with mild trepidation as a pall of spooky silence settled around her.

By the time she stepped inside the rear entrance and started easing up the long corridor however, Nancy would have given anything to maintain that eerie but comforting silence. Unfortunately, for the second time in less than a month, Nancy had stumbled into a situation she wasn't prepared for.

For a fraction of a second, Nancy thought Calvin may be choking from the sporadic echo of grunts billowing from a couple of rooms up the hall. Before she could gather herself to go running towards him however, another sound caused Nancy to stop dead in her tracks.

Standing still a few steps away from the small cubbyhole where she often worked on the church's books, Nancy felt an overwhelming sense of deja-vu sweep through her when she heard the vague but haunting voice of a woman mingled with Pastor Grady's. Suddenly transported back a few weeks when she'd walked into her own home only to hear those same unmistakable noises coming from her Daughter's upstairs bedroom, Nancy collapsed against the wall to her right as the primal chorus of sound trickled down the hallway.

"This would probably be a good time to leave," a dreadfully sick and fatigued voice groaned in her head.

"It...can'," Nancy's last vestige of decency tried convincing. "His Son...he drives Calvin's car has to be him inside that room with some girl..."

The longer she listened though, the harder it became to deny who's booming voice it was inside that room.

"Just turn around and go Nancy..this is none of your business," a voice of reason begged but like a young steer with a lasso around it's neck, something deep inside seemed to drag her in the direction of the noise.

Pastor Grady had been such a beacon of hope for Nancy in the short time she'd known him. Part of her understood no one is ever all we hold them up to be, but freshly minted heroes seem to fall the hardest. Cautiously putting one foot in front of the other, even though she wouldn't ever consciously admit it, laying her eyes on the act to make it real in her mind wasn't the main draw, it was that intrinsic bit of jealousy embedded in all humans to actually see who Pastor Grady was committing the act with.

Discovering the identity of the girl with Pastor Grady would only further Nancy's disgust. Expecting the woman to either be someone fom the congregation or some random woman he'd met elsewhere, Nancy's heart sunk when she finally saw who it was. Granted, it took several more minutes of intense fucking before Nancy finally caught a glimpse of the girl's face.

Having poked her head ever so slightly around the corner of the door to the make-shift lounge where some of the members had set up a tv and a few couches, Nancy immediately stiffened when she saw Calvin standing in front of one of those sofas with his back towards her.

Towering over the girl below, looking like a pre-historic mastodon as he engulfed the barely visible mass of humanity writhing on the couch, Calvin had no idea he suddenly had an audience of one behind him.

Her head growing dizzy as she rested it against the white tile on the wall to her right, Nancy's pupils narrowed, fixating on the way the girl's feet jerked back and forth each time Pastor Grady slammed his ample weight forward. For several minutes Nancy stood there trying to place the girl's muffled screams but just couldn't.

Calvin hadn't even bothered to pull his pants down to do the deed. Nancy could hear the loosened strap and buckle of his belt flap and jingle each time he plowed forward but other than that he was fully clothed. Just like he did when he gave an intense sermon however, Nancy could see the first stains of perspiration beginning to dot the back of his blue dress shirt.

The girl's clothing was in slightly more disarray. Nancy could see her jeans were basically rolled all the way down to her ankles as she knelt on the sofa in front of the preacher. Her shoes were strewn several feet apart on the carpet and Nancy could also see what looked like her shirt cast aside on the far armrest of the couch.

Concentrating her gaze on the skin tone of the girl's exposed calves, Nancy racked her brain trying to think of a woman in the congregation had that same light, mocha colored flesh.

Still drawing a blank on the unseen woman's identity, what was vividly clear to Nancy was the urgency and force Calvin exhibited as he fucked the kneeling girl like a dog in heat. Seeing the way his tree-trunk sized legs flexed inside his snug, tailored slacks, Nancy could hear his bellowing grunts of approval as he slammed with groin into the girl's rear end.

The similarities of what she saw several weeks earlier with her Daughter were haunting, yet there were several subtle differences. As devastated as she was about what Lacy had done, Nancy somehow found this more difficult to swallow. Having built Pastor Grady up to such mythic proportions in her mind, Nancy felt her own soul shattering as the facade of his persona crumbled in front of her.

Lacy at least had the excuse of teenage angst and raging hormones. Pastor Grady was supposed to be a Man of God, and selfishly Nancy had grown to see him as her Rock of Gibraltar. Now she was having to watch from her hidden perch as he viciously fucked some faceless girl on a well worn church sofa.

Despite her moral disgust, when Nancy went to shift her legs into a more comfortable position, she made a horrible realization. Her entire crotch, and now a good chunk of both inner thighs were soaking wet.

Anger and shock had boiled at such a level inside Nancy the day she caught her Daughter having sex that most of what they were actually doing in bed had been a blur. Unable to peel her eyes away from the coupling now in front of her, an electric haze of lucid fascination began to bloom around the stunned divorcee.

For a woman who'd literally never watched a second of porn, or even liked having sex with the lights on for that matter, to be that close to two other human beings making love was something Nancy struggled to get her head around. Her breathing growing more and more shallow as she crouched from her vantage point just outside the room, Nancy found herself leaning forward, as if studying the carnal physics involved in Calvin body pressing down on the kneeling girl's behind.

Nearly lost in a hypnotic trance, Nancy's lower lip quivered seeing the way the girl's toes began to curl as she writhed on the couch. She could also hear the way the sofa strained under the pair's thrashing weight, seemingly shifting a few centimeters backwards each time Pastor Grady plowed forward.

It wasn't long until Nancy was jarred back to her senses when the ear-splitting shriek of the girl screaming "I'MMMMM....CUMMMIINNGGGGG" bristled through every nook and cranny of the otherwise empty building.

Scrunching her right hand over the top of her thigh as she leaned her against the wall, Nancy literally felt an invisible wave of energy rush from the room and wash over her entire body as the pair inside reached climax.

Even though Nancy could barely see the girl, hearing her was another matter. Seeing the girl's hand clench and punch at the cushion to her right, the seemingly never ending stream of groans and cries leaving her throat rattled like empty cans inside Nancy's head. Showing no signs of letting up, Calvin continued to brutally fuck the girl as her orgasmic release splashed all over his pistoning crotch.

"OOHHHHHSHIT... OOHHHSHIT... OHHHSHHITTTTTTTTTT," was about all Nancy could make out as the ferocity to the girl's release imprinted itself inside the her brain.

"GGRRRRR.... GRRRRRRRR.. GGRRRAAAHHHHHHH," Pastor Grady's voice boomed with each successive thrust until he was shooting his rich frothy seed deep into the woman's welcoming cunt.

Startled by how such a large man could make his gigantic body work with such speed and precision, Nancy clasped her free hand across her belly and watched as Calvin leaned down and enveloped the wailing girl below.

"GGGGRRRRR..... YEAH.....AWWWWWFUCK SIMONE...THAT'S IT SIMONE.... FUCK YES!!!" Pastor Grady's gravely voice belted through the church, sounding horribly surreal to Nancy given the kind and wonderful things he'd said to her over the previous handful of months.

Her pulse pounding in her ears, Nancy's knees began to melt as she rested her spent frame against the wall. Her lips parting into a small oval as Pastor Grady steadily slowed his pace before finally pulling all the way back, a quaking tremor freight-trained down Nancy's spine when she saw the girl careen face fist into the rear sofa cushions once Calvin had dismounted her.

Not even realizing she was tweaking her erect left nipple through her shirt as she listened to the two gasp and cringe for breath mere feet away, Nancy's eyes were struck by the sight of Pastor Grady's penis swinging visibly between his still outstretched legs as she stared pensively from behind.

"Oh....My....God," she mouthed when she saw several globs of his freshly made semen drip from the head of it down to the floor.

As if those cascading pearls of seminal fluid drove home the fact that what she was witnessing was very real, something Calvin had said moments earlier reverberated into a chant inside Nancy's head.

"He called her Simone?" she told herself.

"Simone......Simone...," Nancy's mental rolodex flipped by.

"....There's no Simone in the...." she tried to place the name, but before she could, she saw the girl's face for herself and the magnitude of it caused Nancy to twist backwards away from the door.

From the instant Calvin stepped aside and gave Nancy her first unfettered view of the girl on the couch, a second's worth of recognition was all it took. Simone Dobbins was the Daughter of one of the women in the congregation. A few years older than Lacy, from the brief snippets of conversation she'd had with Simone's Mother, Nancy thought the girl was sent home from her Sophomore year at college on some sort of academic probation, at least that's what was insinuated.

If memory served, Simone's Mom had encouraged her to spend some extra time at church, getting to know Pastor Grady in hopes it would instill some discipline and accountability in her life. Having surveyed the sexual carnage in that room before she'd turned away, Nancy didn't think that was what Ms. Dobbins had in mind.

Numb from head to toe, Nancy took the one sliver of a chance she might have had and scurried towards her office a few doors down. She couldn't even feel her feet beneath her as she slipped into the room and closed the door until only a crack remained.

Still able to hear the echo of Calvin and Simone's voice, she was too far away to hear exactly what they were saying over the pounding in her ears. Crouched behind the safety of the door, it dawned on Nancy she might be stuck there for awhile.

"If they leave..they're gonna see you car in the parking lot," a crippling grimace of dread mushroomed across Nancy's face in the dark. "You've got to take the chance and get the Hell out of here!!"

"But what if they have sex again..?" another voice impishly wondered. "Could you just walk away?"

Thankfully she didn't have to wait long for her opportunity. Peeking through the crack in the door, Nancy watched the now fully clothed pair leave the lounge where they'd had sex and walk side by side up the far end of the hall towards the church's kitchen. Taking that as her cue, Nancy tiptoed like a frightened rat the opposite way and let herself out the same rear entrance she came.


A light mixture of sleet and freezing rain had started to fall while Nancy was inside, and she nearly slipped and fell when her shoes hit the asphalt as she hurried to her car. Other than the poor gentleman she nearly toppled as he walked from Little Caesar's with two boxes of pizzas in his hand, Nancy made it back to her car unscathed.

Once she was in the relative safety of her driver's seat, Nancy stared through the quickly hazing windshield and saw the faint light of the church's kitchen was still visible through the front window.

"They're still inside," she sighed with relief before dropping her forehead down on the top of the steering wheel in exhaustion.

Allowing the pitter-pat of sleet dinging the roof to settle her racing heart, the feeling gradually began seeping back into her body. It didn't take long before she realized her crotch was a lit torch as she huddled in the freezing car.

"Time to get out of here," Nancy mumbled to herself before sticking the key into the ignition with one hand and quelling the incessant burn in her crotch with the other.

Taking one last look at the church before she pulled away, Nancy thought that it somehow looked different than it had when she'd pulled up just a half hour earlier, just as everything else in her life seemingly had over the previous few months.

"You're the only one in this world you can count on," a defiant voice in Nancy's head tried re-assuring, but all she really wanted to do as she wheeled out of the parking lot was to go home and crawl beneath the covers.

Part 3 to come...

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BooomerBooomeralmost 14 years ago
Man - The Plot Thickens and Churns

You know that you aren't reading a run of the mill stroke story when you get such keen insights as - "freshly minted heroes seem to fall the hardest" Stardog Champion - you are one of the best writers on this site. You are really one of the best writers I've encountered period, the fact that your genre is porn has given me a whole new appreciation of what good writing can look like in any genre.

Can't wait for the ensuing chapters to come!

cheryl_4funcheryl_4funabout 14 years ago
where r we goin

i like it somewhat, waiting on nancy to get her big black cock

and scream for it

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