Naturist Starters

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Remembering others starting out as naturists.
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My wife, Elizabeth but known as Eli (her spelling but think Ellie), and myself, Alisdair, known as Al (because most of our acquaintances cannot get to grips with Scottish Gaelic), are not just committed naturists for over 30 years of being together, but committed people watchers, and amateur students of body language and other outward signs of what people are truly saying. In addition we have enjoyed some fun times with other couples, while on the surface we say naturism is not about sex, well it certainly is not completely unrelated, Eli and I believe naturists enjoy a much better sex life, even though only a few do so with others outside their primary relationship.

Now people watching and figuring out personality types can be a little tougher in the naturist world as we have no clothes that make statements about who we are, however we all give things away about how we feel or are reacting to a situation, by some mannerism or tone of speech. We have often discussed these things amongst ourselves and sometimes with close friends, at length after some interesting encounters, usually but not always with alcohol and nudity involved.

From a holiday at a resort in Jamaica some time ago we can relate with amusement some episodes of nervous new comers to naturism, and how they looked into this unusual lifestyle we enjoy. We relate this only so those wishing to take the plunge can hopefully do so without having to endure the same mild embarrassment, or at least suffer it with the same endurance and good humour these people did.

Mostly if you think you might like naturism or more and feel brave then give it a try and take things from there. I am sure you will meet any kind of fun folks you might want to become friends with. You have nothing to hide and I doubt that you have anything most of us have not seen before. The only caution is be brave but only do it if you are comfortable of your relationships and the consequences.

First, let me mention a couple we came across, the adventurous, comfortably off, thirty-something's enjoying a week away from the kids and looking to try something they, as we later found out, had read about and researched but were unsure of. Ten out of ten to them for being bold enough to admit they wanted to come and see what it was about.

So on our first day of this vacation, the weather is warm but a little breezy and to get to the naturist area we all had to cross a bay on a flat bottomed boat to an island, however the boat was not running due to the breeze. My wife and I had taken a morning pitch on two loungers, on the pier on the mainland adjacent to the beach and normal sunbathing area by the hotel, to start our sunbathing. Eli enquired, of those nearby, if the two chosen loungers were free and so we lay down by a nice couple, which we found out were from New York State, and happened to be a bit younger than us. The lady was topless as were two other ladies nearby, so my wife duly joined in, boobs out. The rest of the people sunning on the main part of the beach were remaining fully textile.

At various suitable intervals, us guys from the pier area went for refreshments from the all-inclusive drinks at the bar and carried them back until it was lunchtime. During our refreshment forays, each of us drinks mules had witnessed a growing sense of revelry at the pool bar and joined in some banter while waiting to be served. Separately my wife and I, then the younger couple headed for a mid day snack at one of the restaurants, then later we independently returned, to the same loungers, roughly about the same time as the other couple at around 1:30 in the afternoon.

Ten minutes after our return the launch attendant came down the pier and started to prepare the boat, a crowd of about five or six couples from the bar duly followed him. Sensing the boat service to the island was about to resume all the sunbathers on the pier began to pack up books and towels, and the ladies strapped their tops on. The obvious conclusion: most of the pier folks were also naturists in waiting and hence, the entire pier group had camped out on the pier for two reasons. The ladies could get away with being topless and we could all wait for the boat service should it resume. This would be a regular occurrence, as we found out during the rest of the stay, if it were a day when the boat service may not start early due to the weather.

On this day we discovered that the boat attendant was still reluctant to start the ferry service but had been pressured into it by the crowd at the bar. They were threatening for the men to skinny-dip in the main pool or for the ladies take their tops off. How real the threat was, was highly dubious but it had the desired impact.

So after the first two runs about ten to twelve people had crossed over to the island, some more people had joined the queue and we are idly chatting with our new acquaintances from up state New York. We were discussing favourite cocktails, when we also engaged in a new conversation with another queuing couple in their thirties, who are obviously a little nervous and had earlier been seen sampling a lot of cocktails at the bar with the group of revellers, most of whom had been on the first two trips across to the naturist island.

Just as we were waiting for the launch to come alongside the pier the lady of the nervous couple, rather too loudly, asked a question. "What is it like over there?" then she adds, "This is our first time going naked in public."

Well the general hubbub from the rest of the waiting crowd suddenly silenced and my wife and I are looking at our recently acquainted friends from this morning, all of us thinking who is going to answer.

Just then a voice from behind called out, "We have some virgins here".

Fortunately the would be newbie nudies took it in good humour and my wife and the lady of new acquaintances from this morning were able to calmly reassure the couple that it was nothing to worry about and to ignore the teasing.

On the rocky boat we all boarded, and began to fill the young couple in on what they wanted to know. In turns we suggested they just go find a suitable set of loungers and strip off in their own time. This was no time to be nervous or suffer from seasickness, but it was only a two to three minute journey.

As we crossed the bay there were lots of jibes and baiting, which was meant to be in good humour, but maybe too many cocktails fuelled it. Jibes like; all new comers had to strip on the pier, or as a virgin you had to serve all the regulars with drinks, or if you chicken out you have to swim back to the mainland. It was meant in good jest but may have had the young couple thinking about just going back to the clothed beach.

When we landed at the other pier the newcomers sensibly headed off to a quieter slightly more remote area, if there truly was one, as the island was indeed very small. Like most of the people we settled in nearer the island pool and swim up bar, then had a siesta or something to quieten down a bit.

After we had spent about three to four hours in the island sunning, everyone was by now a bit restless, you could hardly go for a long walk but some of us did watch the staff feed a shoal of fish off the rocks nearby. Then Eli and I gathered around with the remains of the revellers and our new acquaintances at the island bar.

The New York couple, you should know. Well he was very bronzed but had only a slight tan around his ass and shaved swinging meat and two veg, showing he obviously worked outside a lot despite it being early in the year. He was in the tourist industry back home and travelled a lot, he still kept fit and kept his dark head of hair well shorn, shaped and styled as well. She claimed to pick up various pieces work here and there and had a light even all over tan that denoted most of her time in the sun was au-natural. I already liked her, a lot, as did my wife and Eli also flirted with him.

The New York lady also made no secret about casually but not intently taking in our bodies when she moved around and she also posed like a model when she stood drink in hand whenever her husband and I we returned with refills for the group. One foot out slightly to the side and pushing out her modest boobs and flashing her bald puss to the best advantage of any guy willing to look. She occasionally shifted her shoulder length dark hair to the other side, which was just enough to get attention of any guy around.

The 'revellers', standing nearby, were a foursome of long-term friends and another couple they had met at the resort. The foursome was made up of two self-employed couples from the southern states of the USA, one guy was at least 300lb and not all fat at 6' 4", but no longer athletic as they were all in their early fifties. He had a beer belly that hid a dark thatch of hair round his pubis, which hid his small shrunken cock, which he himself made more jokes about than anyone else.

His wife was quite the southern lady with an accent and looks to match, blonde, always with a sunbonnet on when outside and remained fair despite lounging in the sun all day. She clearly used quality high factor sunscreen, you could tell by the sheen on her delicate skin. She was slim and attractive with shoulder length hair on her head and none anywhere else, except the light eyebrow lines she sported on her wonderfully made up face. The boobs were delicate and firm for her age with moderate sized nipples still pointing up and out. The said nipples seemed to be in constant change in size depending on the conversation and mood around her.

Their friends were almost the opposite, she was curvy but not fat and maybe 2" taller than the petite and slim blonde. She had brown hair but highlighted with a lot of blonde streaks, larger flatter pink nipples capping off what were a decently sized set of nicely rounded tits. Not huge but more than a handful each. She had a nice square of brown clipped hair adorning her well-coiffured pudenda with her nether lips clearly visible pouting out most of the time.

Hubby was obviously a great friend of the other guy, as he had to bare the brunt of much of his buddy's jokes about having an enormous and dark brown weapon. Indeed his whole body was well bronzed from a lot of sunning and time to be out in it. Indeed he always seemed to be permanently chubby and a good bit longer than could be contained in anyone's hand, should they try to get to grips with it. He looked like he still worked out and his wife made no secret of the fact she worked him out several times a week.

The last couple in the revelling group was a tall blonde guy maybe 6' 5" but thin and nothing outstanding about him. He was very quiet and reserved but enjoyed the company he was in, despite his grey demeanour and pale complexion. His wife on the other hand was not bashful, she loved to be the centre of the trouble and was always looking to get some fun started. They were late forties by the look of them and admitted they had left their kids to fend for themselves as the youngest was college age. She was a rounded but fit looking red head with a pendulous pair of breasts of moderate dimensions and loved to stick them out and flash them. She loved to sway her hips as she walked around with a drink in her hand and facing away she had an attractive and plump ass that drew attention. Facing her any admirer would see her trimmed red narrow landing strip of long bushy hair and puffy smooth pussy as it swayed as she sashayed about the island paths.

Both groups were all chatting about other resorts and beaches, as naturists do, when at this point the new to naturism couple wandered across to our group or to the bar to get a drink, I am still not sure which. So of course somebody from the crowd asked how they were getting on and if they were enjoying it. Now I would have thought as they had stayed over three hours they were either stubbornly braving it out or really enjoying it. As it happened it was the latter case, but of course they had a lot of questions.

So like any good cocktail party, Eli and I, champagne in hand, (it was now after 3:00pm so it was called for), are standing talking again with the couple from New York and the new couple, from Iowa apparently. Very soon in the conversation that had sprung up, the more experienced of us, were offering advice and tips to the newcomers. Now there are some regional variations on what is good etiquette at beaches and the like but it was almost all universal.

By this time the lady who had obviously now sobered a little and her nerves had subsided a little stated, "It has been great here, we were scared that everybody would be swingers and it was all a big orgy."

So to let you all know, she was a brunette with a bob type hairstyle and swimmers body, despite her confessing to having two young kids she was very fit, but maybe her hips graciously showed that she was the very yummy mummy type. Shaved smooth, maybe for the holiday as her puss looked to have a two to three day old stubble, showing on the pink freshly sun drenched skin, but clearly she liked her new freedom as her brown inner lips were poking out and her dark brown nipples looked like they were going to break out and make a run for freedom on their own and escape the C-cup sized pointy nicely browned breasts.

Her man was a similar height and equally well toned with square shoulders, short styled hair, and an obviously with chest and pubes shaved the same time as his lovely wife. His decent sized cock sat atop his equally stubbly balls and pointed forward most of the time, not hard but always pointing forward, anyone could tell this was their first foray as he clearly had the same pink ass and crotch his wife did yet a brown body from sunbathing in swimwear.

So after the four of us more experienced naturists had finished choking over the swinger and orgy statement. I said "That is generally a huge misconception, if it does happen, it would not be likely to happen on the island in front of everyone."

I went on, "If you want to look for that it would be your choice, Eli and myself will not judge you but probably here out in the open on the island, at the bar, might be the least likely place." My wife also pointed out that in polite naturists circles we did not talk openly about that kind of thing, though we all knew it went on behind the scenes at some places.

"Oh. Thank God" was the simultaneous reply of the couple.

The husband then firmly affirmed their position, "Oh we were not looking for anything like that, but wanted to find out what it would be feel like to just be naked in the sunshine."

At this point I went to the bar to get two more cocktails for my wife and I. The brunette with the blonde streaks joined me there; she was also getting a re-charge on her and her husbands cocktails. As we stood side by side chatting she moved close to me and while close to my side made sure to rub up against my thigh with her hip, she turned to face me and discreetly blew me a kiss, then brazenly rubbed her hand over my bare ass.

"Yep", I thought, "Al, you might not find any swinging here, but maybe back at the hotel, Eli and I could find some action later".

I looked at my bar companion and she smiled a deep infectious inviting smile at me and raised her cocktail in salute, then she looked down at my cock which decided to swell up a little at that point. I swiftly headed back with Eli's cocktail as the cheeky lady returned with their cocktails to her husband with the large dick and their group of friends.

Soon we all relaxed and the six of us in our clique carried on chatting like old friends and at least four of us more experienced naturists related some of our past experiences, to the avid listening Iowa couple, on all kinds of subjects like; where to find beaches, how we all learned about the etiquette and some of the do's and don'ts of public naturism. Unlike the Iowa couple the experienced New Yorkers were like us and through work and leisure had travelled extensively around the world and enjoyed naturism in a few different locations and countries, as well as our home area beaches.

We carried on chatting for another drink or two, and the newbie couple remarked that they found the current scenario a little surreal, one day earlier they would not have believed, that they would ever enjoy standing chatting and sipping a cocktail with other people and feel so completely relaxed and casual, especially while we were all completely naked, and even more there would be other groups of naked people doing exactly the same thing around them and nobody there seemed to find the situation unusual.

Shortly after re-joining the group another question was raised by our now enthusiastic Iowa lady. "I am still not sure where we should look when we are so close to other naked people, especially of the opposite gender".

That did make our little group giggle slightly again. I said, half in jest half in serious reply, "Where have you been looking for the past ten minutes when you have been here?"

She replied, "Mainly at your face, like I would probably do at any gathering at home, where folks wear clothes."

"So why should it be different here?" commented the guy from New York.

After a pause the lady's husband asks "Well I was not sure if I could look at somebody else at all without being rude or something..."

Mrs New York did the hair flick and shifted to the other leg and pushed her boobs out again as Eli commented, "Oh everybody looks, but be discreet and make sure you never stare, then you will be just fine." She went on," We are all human after all. Just remember your manners as my mother used to say".

That raised another giggle in agreement all round. After that, we guys changed the subject to boats, that none of us had but we all yearned for trying out, and the ladies all started to converse about cheap beach sandals and sarongs on sale in the shop at the front of the resort. Even on a naturist holiday, my Eli and the other women still got involved in shopping for clothes even if it was only a sarong or sandals to wear on the way to the beach.

All too soon we all had to dress and go back to the main resort for dinner, but we were a regular group sunbathing and hanging out for the next three days until the new couple had to go home. By then all of us had learned not to drink too many free cocktails so early in the day. We enjoyed each others company and hung out chatting and getting to know each other generally in our little temporary clique.

My wife and I never did seem to get a chance to hook up with anyone for any back in the room fun. Most afternoons most of us au naturel sun worshippers seemed to need a snooze or nap. Eli loved to get back to our higher-level room and watch any weddings that were going on in front of our lodgings that day, as most took place early evening before sunset. She would watch by leaning over the four-foot balcony wall, which was nice as at our level we did not need to be dressed in our room but we could still look out or lean on the wall and watch the proceedings. It may have been on a couple of occasions while Eli leaned over the wall, I enjoyed conjugal rights with her as she was finely positioned and suitably aroused by that point in the day, what with all our naked time enjoying the cocktails and all on the naturist island.

Each afternoon on the island there seemed to be the same cocktail party atmosphere with most groups standing around enjoying the late afternoon sunshine before heading back for dinner. The now more experienced young couple did say that they thought they would look for a resort near their home and take their two kids, who for this trip they had left with one or other set of grandparents, as they were only five and seven. The couple had enjoyed the resort but living in Iowa, where they were, they were a long way from any beach and they had no idea where a nudist beach would be. However they thought, after some advice from our other acquaintances that they could find out about a resort or group through the AANR, and said they would look into that, for the coming summer, when they got home.