Naughty and Nice Ch. 03


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"I see. And how often did you give yourself this forbidden pleasure?"

Her face got red. "Almost every day, Mister Thompson. Sometimes more than once."

"Miss Daniels! That is scandalous! Are you still doing that?"


"We need to understand this 'more than once' comment. What is the most times in one day?"

She looked down, and the blush crept to her neck. This was more than the role play-she was struggling to tell me. Her voice got small. "Around ten. It's hard to count after a while."

"Ten!? Miss Daniels, I didn't even know that was possible. You are beyond anyone I've ever known."

"I know, Mister Thompson. I deserve to be punished for my wicked ways."

"I'm glad to see that you understand that. Let's continue."

I chose my words carefully for this next discussion. I didn't want to pry too deeply into Lauren's past this first time. Knowing her, she would give me a hint if and when she wanted to tell me.

"It's time to get to your boyfriend. What liberties have you given him with your naughty pussy?"

"Everything, Mister Thompson. He's touched it-it feels so much better than when I do it. He's kissed it, and that is out of this world. Then he's been inside with his cock, and I love how it opens up and tingles all my deep places. I've even played with myself while he fucked me, and I cum really hard every time."

"The way you tell that, Miss Daniels, you don't seem ashamed at all."

"Oh I'm not, Mister Thompson. Not with him. He is fantastic."

"Fantastically, uh, I mean if he is as wicked as you are."

A small smile played about Lauren's lips. "Oh, he is, Mister Thompson."

"No wonder, with a wicked girlfriend like yourself tempting him. That is why you must be punished. Now, let's see just how naughty this pussy is. Look into the mirror, Miss Daniels, and watch your reactions."

I brought my hands together between her legs. Lauren shuddered when I touched her soaking outer lips.

"See, Miss Daniels, your wicked body craves this. A man touches your pussy, and you moan and shudder through it, urging him on. Look at you twisting in your restraints, trying to get more. Your juices are running down your legs. Some serious punishment is warranted."

Lauren just moaned as I fingered her. I ran a finger inside, and she heaved forward, her breasts straining.

"Just as I expected. You're trying to hump my hand." I pulled out to a whimper and moved my hand behind her. "Have you let your boyfriend take you from behind, like an animal?"

"Yes, Mister Thompson."

"I'm afraid to ask how you liked it."

"It's out of this world, Mister Thompson. He pounds me hard in that position."

"And I suppose the slapping sounds from your rutting are bouncing off the walls?"

"Oh, yes. I cum really hard from a good, hard fuck."

I cupped her ass and let a finger massage her pussy.

"I suppose your boyfriend fingers you like this, where he can look at all your treasures?"

"Yes, Mister Thompson. He is an ass man."

"An ass man you say? Miss Daniels, I'm afraid to ask, but we must get everything out. Do you let him play with your ass?"

Lauren hesitated, and another blush crept down her neck. "Yes, Mister Thompson."

"Is this for his pleasure, or yours?"

"Both of us, Mister Thompson."

"I see. Does he play with anything beside his hands?"

"Yes, Mister Thompson," Lauren said in a low voice.

"Well, out with it, Miss Daniels. What else goes on back here that we need to discuss?"

"He kisses me back there sometimes."

"Miss Daniels! That is scandalous! And you enjoy that?"

"Immensely, Mister Thompson."

I traced my finger over her anus. Lauren shuddered.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, Mister Thompson. I...I put my fingers and toys back there sometimes."

"Why am I not surprised. This is when you masturbate?"

"Yes. I give myself powerful orgasms that way."

"Of course. Now, I usually never ask this question, because it would offend the sensibilities of even the most naughty of our girls. But in this case, I think it is warranted. Have you let your boyfriend take your final virginity back here?"

Lauren hung her head. "Yes, Mister Thompson. Many times."

"Miss Daniels. I don't even know what to say. I assumed I would have to fuck your pussy to understand the depths of your depravity, but now I'm sure you can tell me what I have to do."

"You'll have to spank me, Mister Thompson, then you'll have to fuck my ass while spanking me some more."

Holy shit! Did I just hear Lauren say that? My cock about ripped out of my pants at this admission. I fought to stay in role.

"And that's exactly what I'm doing to do, Miss Daniels. And it's high time to get started. If there's anything else to confess, we can save that for the next time. You've earned a very serious punishment. Let's lower these wrist restraints so your body will be in the proper position."

I lengthened the restraints and guided Lauren's shoulders down. She bent forward, her ass sticking out nicely.

"All right, young lady, I'm going to start out slowly so you have time to think about your misdeeds. I don't want you blubbering and bawling right off the bat."

"Yes, Mister Thompson. I won't bawl."

"Trying to be tough, Miss Daniels? No reason to boast until we're finished. Let's see how you do."

I pulled back and gave her a first swat. The slap of hand to ass reflected off the walls with a satisfying crack.

"Oh, fuck!" spilled out of Lauren's mouth. A shudder ran through her body.

"Such language, Miss Daniels." I gave her another swat. Lauren grunted again, and spread her legs as far as the chains would allow.

"Offering me all of your ass? I'm gratified to see that you understand the need for maximum punishment."

I swatted a few more times. Lauren was hanging from her wrists, bending over as far as possible. Her breasts were tight and pebbled, and her nipples jutted down harder than I had ever seen them. A deep flush encircled her neck, attesting to her arousal. Wow. Each time I thought I had seen Lauren at her most passionate, she surprised me by going even deeper.

I swatted a little harder.

"Oh, God, yes!" Lauren moaned.

"Miss Daniels, please stay focused on your misdeeds, not your wicked body."

"Yes, Mister Thompson. I think that a good stiff punishment will help."

Lauren was certainly egging me on. I marvelled at this new aspect of my girlfriend. I gave her some harder swats, and started alternating cheeks. Lauren moaned and hiked her ass up as far as she could in her restrained position. She was loving this.

I stepped behind her.

"Miss Daniels, look at yourself. You are wantonly bent over, thrusting your ass out to meet my hand. Your pussy is a soaking mess. I'm afraid that this punishment is not working to mend your ways. But I must reach you somehow. Fortunately, I have one more trick to try."

I stepped over and pulled the sawhorse with the vibrator over in front of Lauren. Her eyes got wide. I adjusted the height just a little too low and moved it so the vibrator touched her leg. I put my hands on her waist and maneuvered her, but there was no way to get her pussy on the vibrator. Lauren moaned her frustration.

"Now, Miss Daniels, your job is to convince me that you fully understand your wickedness and that you intend to do something about it. Then you can tell me how you want this vibrator adjusted."

I turned the vibrator on and gave her some medium swats that she could take for a while. Lauren twisted and bucked in her restraints, trying to see if she could find a way to prove me wrong. She could drop her knees and go lower, but that moved her hips away from the vibrator. She tried everything while I reddened her ass. Finally, she went limp and hung her head. I stopped.

"Mister Thompson?" she said in a small voice.

"Yes, Miss Daniels?"

"I know I'm a very naughty girl, and my body betrays me at every turn. I tried, I really tried to be proud and resist, but my body won't let me. So now I'm begging you, Mister Thompson. I will give you anything. Please, please move that vibrator and let me cum. You can keep spanking me. It's useless to claim I don't like it. I love it. But I desperately need to cum."

"Miss Daniels, I knew that we would eventually come to understand one another. This is my condition. Only you truly know the depths of your wickedness. So only you can know the depths of your shame. When you are feeling wicked, you must come find me and beg for release from your base desires. As you say, your body betrays you, and we will both know if you are shirking your responsibility. Do you accept this condition, and what it means?"

"Yes, Mister Thompson. Knowing me, I will be finding you often."

"Excellent, Miss Daniels. I'm glad you understand. Now where would you like this vibrator?"

"Right on my naughty little pussy, Mister Thompson. And please, keep spanking me until I cum."

"Of course, Miss Daniels." I adjusted the height of the vibrator and pushed it straight at her quivering snatch.

"Oh, God, finally!"

I started swatting her again. Lauren started humping the vibrator and making guttural moans deep in her throat. She was way beyond self-consciousness at this point, and had shut down everything but the animal pleasure centers in her brain.

After a few minutes, her body went rigid, and then she threw her head back and screamed. I jumped at the intensity of it, but keep spanking her ass while she worked through a whole-body, whole soul orgasm that twisted her into knots. I was thankful we were in the basement, because the neighbors would call the cops at the screams and hoarse cries that were filling the room. After a while, they transitioned to whimpers, and Lauren moved her hips back from the vibrator. I shut it off, and reached behind her to lightly stroke and soothe her abused pussy.

Eventually, Lauren came back to earth. She hung limp from her bonds, just breathing. I gave her space. Finally, she raised her head.

"Thank you, Mister Thompson, thank you. That was exactly what I needed. Give me a moment, and then we can get to the second part of my punishment."

"You're welcome, Miss Daniels. I'm glad you appreciate how this can help you deal with your special needs." I was transitioning my language slightly, moving from an authority figure role to something a little closer to a co-conspirator.

I slid my hands over her back and legs, massaging the muscles to keep them from getting stiff. She sighed her contentment, stretching her body under my touch. When she started twisting into my palms, I brought a hand down to cup a breast. The nipple jutted into my fingers.

"You are a perfectly wicked girl, Miss Daniels. Your body never fails to respond. Let's play with that luscious ass."

I slid a hand to caress her ass while I kept up the massage of her breast. I kept my touch light, and explored the smooth skin of each ass cheek. After a while, my fingers ventured between her cheeks, and then I brushed her pucker. Lauren moaned as I exploited her weakness.

"Now I see why your boyfriend is always playing with your ass, Miss Daniels. He can do anything he wants to your naughty body, and you can't resist it."

"I know, Mister Thompson. I'm helpless in his hands."

"Don't worry, Miss Daniels. We'll help you make up for your wicked ways. I'll get undressed and work to understand what makes your ass so naughty."

I undressed beside her, seeing Lauren's hungry eyes watch every move in the mirror. She was way turned on, and I could tell she couldn't wait to have me deep in her ass, fucking the daylights out of her.

Now naked, I got the lube and coated a finger. I placed it at Lauren's anus and slowly worked it in. She let out a series of low moans and twisted her ass sexily to encourage my finger inward. When I bottomed out, I reached around and again palmed her tight breast with my other hand. I let her enjoy this new stimulation, then I withdrew my finger to a whimper and coated two with lube. I replaced them at her anus and let her open up and wiggle her hips to take me inside.

Lauren twisted, and pushed, and groaned to draw my fingers inside. Once I was seated, I pumped slowly while I rolled her stiff nipple between my fingers.

"Oh, God!" she moaned. Lauren was lost in a sea of sensation. I slowly added a twisting motion to my fingers, and she purred her assent. As I felt her anus relax, I twisted more and more, until I had a writhing Lauren panting to the reaming of her asshole.

"Get your cock in me, Mister Thompson, and punish me like I deserve."

"It will be my pleasure, Miss Daniels." I withdrew my fingers, wiped off my hands with a towel I kept handy, and moved the sawhorse so the vibrator was at her pussy again. "If I see you fully acknowledging your wickedness, I might be convinced to turn this on again."

Lauren uttered a low, sexy moan. I had a feeling she'd be doing everything possible to convince me to flip the switch.

I lubed up my straining cock and got behind her. I placed it at her anus, and Lauren wiggled her hips and slowly pushed back. My cock slowly opened her up. She paused when I hit her inner ring, relaxed, then pushed me past. We both moaned as I descended into her fiery depths. Lauren kept up the sexy wiggle of her hips, driving my cock bit by bit just the way she liked it. Finally, her ass pushed into my groin-I was in to the hilt. Lauren gently rocked forward and pushed back to a lusty sigh. I knew how much she enjoyed this, and I gave her time to savor my cock in her sensitive back entrance. After a bit, she picked up the pace.

"Spank my ass, Mister Thompson," Lauren said in a throaty voice.

I pulled back and gave her ass a medium swat. Her body convulsed.

"Oh, Fuck!"

Her voice was pure lust. Emboldened, I swatted again and started meeting her thrusts with my hips, driving my cock deeper into her.


I started swatting in time to fucking her ass, and then suddenly my orgasm rushed to claim me. The long tension of the role play, Lauren's matchless eroticism, and her incredible ass combined to hurl me over the edge. I pulled her tight and howled as I emptied blast after blast into her clutching bowels. The sense of release and relief was palpable. Damn, did it feel good.

Lauren stayed with me the whole time, keeping her ass pressed deep into my hips to amplify the pleasure. When I could think again, I spoke.

"Miss Daniels, you were incredible. I can see that you are committed to understanding and atoning for your wicked ways."

I reached under her and flipped on the vibrator. Lauren spread her legs and mashed the vibrator into her pussy lips.

"Keep punishing me, Mister Thompson," she said between gritted teeth. "I can take it."

My cock hardened again to see my girlfriend so deep into lust. I pulled back and then pushed forward, driving my hips into her ass and putting pressure on the vibrator mashing into her pussy. I reached back and gave her another swat. She moaned her appreciation.

I got into a rhythm. Lauren was in another world, with deep, guttural noises coming out of her throat. It was clear that she didn't care that I saw her at her most naked, vulnerable, and passionate state, stripped of all barriers to her darkest erotic desires. Tied up, her ass full of cock, her butt getting smacked, and her loving it.

Soon, her body went rigid, and I felt her ass tighten in anticipation. A few more strokes, and she screamed to the bottom of her soul as her ass clamped wildly around my shaft. I stood in awe to watch my girlfriend give everything to the dark passion whirling through her body. Her limbs jerked in the restraints while the orgasm continued to consume her. Choked sobs tore from her throat. Finally, she came down and pushed away from the vibrator.

"Give me a moment to recover, Mister Thompson, and then you can complete my punishment."

That's my girl, I thought to myself. Lauren never ceased to amaze me with her multi-orgasmic abilities. She was always eager for another round. I let her rest, then I felt the first sexy wiggle of her hips. Soon she started sliding along my cock, then I felt her settle her pussy over the vibrator.

"I'm such a dirty girl. Make me pay."

My cock jolted at this admission. On its own, my hand drew back and cracked over her ass. Then I pulled back and plunged into her back channel, slamming her pussy lips into the vibrator.


Lauren wanted a hard fuck, so I gave it to her. I kept my aim true so I didn't hurt her, but I reamed her ass harder than I ever had before. My spanks also increased to the maximum level I thought she could take.

Lauren peaked quickly from all the stimulation, and her passion drew me right along with her. I was rock hard, my brain short-circuited with the erotic current pulsing out from my girlfriend. My balls tightened up in anticipation.

Lauren tensed up again, hanging on the edge. On more swat, and another primal scream filled the room. It was joined by a roar as her clenching ass ripped my orgasm out of me and I emptied again into her bowels. We pressed tight together and twitched into each other while wave after wave crashed through us.

Finally, I relaxed back so Lauren could move her abused pussy off the vibrator. She did with a long sigh, but kept her hips pressed deep into mine. I caressed her back while we enjoyed the afterglow. When I felt her hips relax, I slowly pulled my cock free of her ass, both of us twitching when her sphincter closed over the retreating head.

Lauren let out a long sigh and hung limp from her restraints.

"That was exactly what I needed, Mister Thompson."

I summoned enough brain cells to continue the role play.

"I am very pleased to see us understand each other, Miss Daniels. I look forward to our future training sessions."

"So do I, Mister Thompson."


I reached down and released her ankles, then let her lean against me while I unfastened the wrist restraints. I put an arm around her to support her slumping body when the last wrist came free. I guided her to the futon and gently lowered her to the sheets. I got in with her, and we tenderly kissed, returning to our normal relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Lauren pulled back, and her eyes crinkled in mirth.

"My butt stings, Bryan."

I laughed. "Too much?"

"Oh no, you gave me exactly what I wanted. But now that the hormones are wearing off, I'm paying the price."

We both laughed. We kissed some more, then pulled back to look into each other's eyes.

"You've utterly ruined me, Lauren."

"How so?"

"No woman will ever compare again."

A big smile came over her face.


*** To be continued in Part 4 ***

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Special thanks to DawnJ and Famille Emmell for their editorial assistance and encouragement!

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EyeOfTheBeholderEyeOfTheBeholderalmost 5 years ago

I love the wit and banter you put in you or stories. They always seems more relatable and real with it in them.

General_OGeneral_Oabout 5 years ago

Great story please write more

DreaMajorDreaMajorabout 5 years ago
Love and depravity, yum!

I’d love to see how far they can push these themes while retaining a truly loving relationship. The hints are all there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The care you take developing the story leads me to believe the Lauren Daniels is a redhead with blonde highlights.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 5 years ago
Great story

I loved that how much they cared for each other shines through the story. Thanks.

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