Naya in the Swimming Pool

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Sex at the swimming pool between two childhood friends.
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A splash of slightly chlorinated water splashed on his face. She wrinkled her eyes before rubbing them to prevent the irritation from continuing. Naya gave a black look to the boy who had just made a bomb in the pool, copiously spraying several innocent bystanders all around.

Naya did not like municipal swimming pools. But the intense heat of that scorching year had made him decide to swap his fan and the sticky seat at his desk for a two-piece swimming costume and a few metres of relative freedom in a crowded cold water pool.

Bending her arms on the ledge and nonchalantly resting her head on it, she stared at the exit of the men's dressing room, gazing at these male bodies, without any intention whatsoever. The few young men in their twenties like her never came alone. The groups of girls were even more intimidating with their silly laughter and their big expressive cries when one of them was pushed into the water unexpectedly.

Naya had sent text messages to all her friends asking them not to leave her alone in this aquatic hell. Only one of them replied and finally cancelled. She was now like a fish in water...from a too small and boring aquarium.

The long minutes of waiting were nevertheless rewarded by the appearance of a slender young man, coming out of the changing room and staring visibly disillusioned at the pool filled with marmots. Naya's eyes detailed him, caught by the familiarity of his face. was Nathan! Who would have thought the world was so small. This handsome dark hair guy was a classmate when she was in college. She remembered him very well, because she had liquefied herself trying to ask him out, only finally managing to ask him for a banality, under the disappointed shouts of her friends.

Nathan was now a young man with a pleasing physique. He was slender, rather tall, with beautiful dark eyes. Naya's girlfriends didn't think he was hot, but recognised his timeless charm. The young schoolgirl was above all sincerely attracted to his spirit and character.

He was a benevolent boy, always smiling, with a certain humour, dreamy and always a little absent when he was alone. He made him crack. She felt good when he was in the same class. But her sickly shyness had prevented her from really admitting her interest in him.

Many years had passed since then. Naya put her chin on her hands, sighing: she was sure that he had completely forgotten her. He had probably found a girlfriend.

This black thought was chased away by another, more optimistic one: she noted that he did not seem to be accompanied. A godsend. Naya was bored to death: fate had given him a chance to take his revenge and justify splashing around for a whole afternoon with a noisy brat per square metre.

She leaned against the rim to get out of the water, dripping briefly, wiping her hair dry enough to look like something. Taking her courage in both hands, letting out a loud exhalation, she approached Nathan who had just put his pretty buttocks on the edge of the pool.

- "Hi, Nathan...I don't know if you remember me, but..." she babbled, trying to keep a straight and pleasant posture.

Nathan turned around, looking down at the legs of this young woman with a slightly golden complexion, until he could stare at her bright red face.

- "Oh, Naya! Well, that's funny! It's been a long time. ".

Naya couldn't contain a broad, silly smile of relief. He remembered her. And had only taken a few moments to recognize her. She felt flattered and awkwardly, under the excitement of such an encounter, she joined him while keeping a cordial distance.

- "I'm sorry, I saw you, I thought..." she left a long silence, banging her head in her mind, regretting not being more assertive.

- "Oh don't apologise, it's great to see you again. Maybe you'll save me from deep boredom here! ".

Naya laughed, a little stupidly. The typically feminine laugh of innocent embarrassment. She spontaneously touched her hair, twisting a strand of her bleached hair.

An intense discussion began and time seemed to stand still. Their few square centimetres of privacy had become more acceptable. The two of them disregarded the heckling and shouting from the slides.

Nathan was now a foreign language student, cultured and as interesting as ever. He always lived in the same place. He punctuated the story of those years spent without her with jokes that made Naya laugh several times at the angels.

She found him even more beautiful when he followed his long descriptive sentences with his careful language. Naya devoured him with her eyes. Sometimes she wondered if this was not indecent.

The more cordial conversation gradually gave way to more personal subjects. Nathan confided his willingness to travel and discover the world, far from his hometown which he had always known. Naya deduced from this that he was not in a relationship, when he confessed that he had no ties here.

And as the young woman swung her legs in the water, as if she were sitting on a small cloud, she fell heavily from her bubble out of time and space.

Nathan was about to go abroad. It was his last week here. A twinge in his heart extinguished Naya's smile. Nathan noticed it, became confused and seemed to be worried.

- "You look sad."

Naya forced herself to smile and, as if she had nothing left to lose, took her courage in both hands.

- "You know Nathan, this is going to sound a bit silly, but when I was in college I wanted to ask you out. I couldn't find the courage, I was too shy. I'm really happy to run into you now, but I feel like karma is trying to hurt me by only passing you like a shooting star in my miserable life! "

She laughs at his lyricism, not daring to look this love of the past in the eyes. He ran his hand through her hair, rubbing his neck a little embarrassed. His radiant smile illuminated Naya's dark thoughts.

- "Yes, it's a bit silly, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out with me...but I was too scared to approach you with your group of friends around! I found you very attractive, but I didn't know how to go about it at all. "

A little silence settled in, heavy as a leaden screed, then suddenly they were both taken by a crazy laugh that took all the drama out of the situation.

- "Fucking yes, how stupid is that! How stupid we were! "

They blushed together and noticed that spontaneously their bodies had come closer together. Naya's hand was only a few centimetres from the young man's thigh. This crazy laughter was so complicit that she felt the immediate need to touch him. But she didn't dare to do so right away and missed the chance to touch him, leaving a blank space.

Her breathing stopped when he took her hand, embracing her fingers between his own. His heart lost its calm. She felt a silly smile on her face. And a spark of envy passed from one look to the other.

Reason would normally have kept her from harming herself by nourishing the hope of an idyll with a transient youthful love that was about to disappear as quickly as it had reappeared. Perhaps it was the boredom of that afternoon, her mind unable to think properly so close to him, or the butterflies fluttering in her belly that finally stunned her rationality.

Driven by the shiver up her spine, she threw herself at his neck. And pressed her lips against his. She wanted to feel it against her. To exorcise the frustration of the teenager she had been.

He seemed surprised, but did not push her away. His smile embraced the smile of this much more enterprising girl than before. One tongue caressed another. He put his hand on the thin hip of this beautiful mermaid. And gave in to the soft, wet song of her lips as she ate her own.

They plunged into the water while the mothers around them seemed indignant at such a lack of modesty. She stood in a corner of the pool and drew Nathan against her. As their kisses became more passionate, as their caresses became more and more lost in all the possible intimacy of an overcrowded pool, she slowly opened her thighs.

Their tongues danced in their hearts as she trembled as she felt the excitement of the handsome boy against her. The swimming costumes seemed powerless to hide the desire he had for her. Mischievously, she initiated slight movements of her pelvis to rub herself against his erection.

He slipped his lips into her neck, depositing warm kisses embellished with a particularly erotic hot breath.

- "Sadistic..." he whispered in the hollow of his ear.

- "It's you who makes me lose my head..." she replied, in a tone that was both honest and mischievous.

- "What would you say if... we isolated ourselves from prying eyes? "he proposed, between two kisses.

- "I'm dying for it..." she let go with a long sigh of ease mixed with a certain excitement.

- "I have an idea..."

He slowly emerged from the young woman's embrace to discreetly point to a service door reserved for the pool team. He walked out of the pool, followed after a short hesitation by Naya who spun her hair and grabbed her towel in passing. Nathan wrapped his towel around his hips to hide his manly desire.

Taking advantage of the passage of a large family near the door, he lowered the handle. To his surprise, it was unlocked. He glanced in the darkness, then, not letting this opportunity pass, dragged Naya inside and quickly closed the door behind them.

The service room seemed to give access to two small changing rooms, probably dedicated to lifeguards. A window at the back of the room, looking directly onto the street pavement, projected a pale light on the weathered walls.

A certain tension set in as they feared that their entry into this forbidden place had been noticed. Naya ventured into the box on the left. Nathan closed the door behind him without putting the lock on. They looked at each other, moved closer to each other, but did not exchange a word, as if the slightest noise could betray their presence at any moment.

One or two long minutes passed in this absolute discretion. Only kisses were exchanged. But soon the tension of being caught in the act faded away, leaving only an erotic anxiety of seeing someone arrive at any moment...

Naya stared at Nathan in the eyes, sticking himself against him again. Those long kisses, the warmth of their contact, the delightful rubbing of their intimacy despite the barrier of the swimming costume had put him in a state of more than palpable excitement. She was dying for him. And she was highly satisfied to be able to observe with the naked eye that his desire for her was putting his bathing shorts to the test...

She kissed his neck and slowly lowered her lips down his chest. The slight taste of chlorine didn't stop her. Her caresses continued to run down his hips, his thighs and finally over his buttocks. Her fingers slipped under the elastic of the bath suit and dropped it on the tile floor.

Kneeling before him, she could now contemplate his sex standing upright in front of her face. She stared at Nathan's gaze, visibly very excited, his lower lip biting impatiently.

Naya's fine hand rested on the burning sex. She started to move back and forth a few times, passing her other hand on the inside of his thighs, touching his buttocks and purses. She straightened this beautiful sex against the belly of its happy owner, placing her tongue at the lowest point and gently moving it up all the way. Naya had fun licking it slowly to make it even harder. Nathan's hand went through the young woman's still wet hair.

His tongue passed gently around his glans, then her lips came to welcome him into her mouth. One of his hands grasped the manly limb at the base to keep it in the most pleasant axis. As she reached the back of her mouth, she let a long trickle of saliva run down the length of her toy so that the slow masturbation she began would be all the more pleasant.

The long sucking movement accelerated and she mischievously enjoyed playing with Nathan's pleasure. She wanted to leave him an imperishable memory of their short romance...

Nathan gently pushed Naya's forehead back to fix her with a longing. He would have liked to take her without delay, but he was held back by a very annoying dilemma: he hadn't planned anything for the occasion... And he was very much afraid that she wouldn't agree to play with fire...

So, as if to evacuate this future frustration, he straightened Naya to make her lean against one of the walls of the cloakroom. He leaned against her to make her feel all the desire he had for her. He slid his hands over this pretty, well-drawn body, running along her back, shoulders, hips, her cheeky pelvis and her rounded buttocks. He appreciated the back of her thighs. She moaned in the hollow of his ear, shivering.

His hands went up to his chest. He massaged her breasts with a definite desire to give her pleasure. Sliding her fingers behind her back, Naya loosened the knot in her top to present herself to him in her simplest apparatus.

Nathan appreciated the pear-shaped breasts offered to his caresses and kisses. He loved to kiss them. He liked his partner's panting breath even more. He slowly drew circles around her nipples with a naughty tongue. His gaze was planted in Naya's eyes as she reveling in the spectacle. She bit her lower lip, savouring the sucking sensation that made her moan more audibly.

She accompanied the slow descent of his head with her gracious hands. He was a man who liked to give pleasure. She felt it and thanked him inwardly for not being another selfish man who was quick to forget to take care of her.

He gently took off his swimming costume bottoms and her thighs seemed even more sublimated by the profile of her sex still hidden from his eyes and touch. She opened her thighs slightly and Nathan's hand ventured into this new space of curiosity. With his fingers he enjoyed feeling all of Naya's excitement. She was soaking wet. And she seemed to be struggling not to rub herself on his hand, overcome by envy.

He loved her sex very much. A falsely youthful and thin side, hinting at a most exciting tightness. He slowly ran his fingers over Naya's lips, before stopping on her clitoris to make her gently dance under the encouraging sighs of pleasure.

He invited her to sit on the bench. As she guessed what was to follow, she moved her pelvis forward to the edge of the void, raising her thighs to present her lover with her crotch and buttocks fully offered. If the position was uncomfortable on the wooden bench, she coped very well under the influence of raging hormones.

Nathan crouches down in front of his beauty, appreciating that she lends herself so well to play without modesty. He kissed her cheeky thighs before granting a very long kiss, leaning on Naya's horny sex. He appreciated the taste of her cyprine. He enjoyed tasting every inch of this beautiful sex offered to him. He intensely licked both her large and small lips, lapping from the flat of his tongue from bottom to top until her clitoris hardened with excitement. He went to take care of it without delay, gently sucking it between his lips, making it tip over in a dance that took Naya's long complaints of pleasure away.

She placed her hand in the young man's hair to encourage her most delicious cunnilingus. He knew how to do it. She almost wondered if his fellatio was not too shy...

The pleasure went up in waves in his belly. Her thighs contracted. His head fell back, painfully holding back an overly noisy pleasure. Nathan licked the abundant cyprine on Naya's genitals and wiped everything that had fallen on her chin with a mischievous look on his wrist.

She straightened up towards Nathan to come and give him a kiss and a hug. A terrible desire to feel him inside her was tearing her stomach apart. He was burning. His legs were almost shaking. The thought of feeling him move away from her gripped his heart.

- "I'm sorry Naya, I don't have a condom... And you can't imagine how much I want you... It's so frustrating..." he says, in a low voice, his throat closed.

- "I know it wasn't planned... I know it's not right, but I don't want you to leave, not like this, not now..." she replied bitterly.

They kissed for a long time and the caresses became more intimate. She loved to feel the warmth of her sex in her hand. And she liked how her wet sex seemed to want to swallow everything that came along.

- "Please...I want to feel your sex against mine...rub yourself against me..." she begged him in a trembling voice, squeezing the hardened sex between her fingers.

Without saying a word, he invited her to sit on the bench again. He would die of excitement just by seeing her spread her thighs. He stooped down towards her enough to caress her belly with his burning acorn. She gently lowered it towards her vulva. And he almost shuddered as he felt the cyprine sliding his cock with pleasant ease. He made long back and forth trips rubbing his cock on all the relief she offered him.

Naya had lost her mind. In other circumstances, she would have slapped herself and forgotten the elementary rules of prudence. But she was totally controlled by desire. This inextinguishable thirst to be taken made her bend over to caress this sex, praying that she could pretext a false unfortunate movement so that it would slip inside her.

Nathan had his eyes closed. He seemed to contain himself and remind him of his sanity, without being able to stop enjoying the warmth and humidity on his sex. It would be so easy to get inside her. So easy to take her. So easy to make him feel his sex deep inside her. He gathered his courage not to ejaculate in the face of so much frustration and temptation intertwined.

- "You drive me crazy, Naya... "

- "Me too... I'm so crazy about you... "

Suddenly, without it being easy to tell which of the two pushed the other one to blame, Nathan's sex inserted itself a few centimetres into her. She put one hand over her mouth to prevent herself from releasing a moan of pleasure. Nathan was trembling and, feeling the limit pushed back, he moved back and forth to the entrance of her vagina for a long time.

- " you take..." Nathan let go, fear and excitement altering his voice.

- "Shh. Please, Nathan. Don't say another word. Don't make me think anymore. Please...take me..." she interrupted her, crying in frustration.

He did so. In any case, he could no longer fight against his impulses. He inserted himself into her and went all the way in. My God, the pleasure he took was immense. It was so tight and wet. His sex started to come and go. And the guilt subsided as he made himself comfortable watching his sex almost hypnotically disappear inside her.

Naya welcomed her sex indoors at the edge of the frenzy. She devoured him with her gaze. She liked to feel it inside her so much. To take it, to slip inside her to the very bottom. Her mind was unplugged. All that remained was the still unfulfilled desire for him to savagely satiate her. Even if he had done something stupid, he might as well make her worth it...

She stood up and leaned against the wall, presenting her buttocks and rump to Nathan who understood what she wanted. He stood behind her, grabbed her hips firmly and inserted himself inside her. She let out a long, loud moan. Her hand came to rest on Nathan's hip and invited him to enjoy her shamelessly...

He let out the expression of his now dissipated frustration. He began to give her more ferocious blows. He loved being inside her. To possess her. She was so warm inside, he felt so hard and provided a pleasure that could be read on Naya's face, her mouth open, silently screaming with pleasure. She couldn't resist slipping her hand between her thighs to caress her clitoris.

She felt him slowing down a little, no doubt he was having trouble containing his pleasure. She withdrew and pushed Nathan against the bench to sit down. He was somewhat surprised when she demanded the next position. He let her do it, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back forever if she continued to excite him so much...