Necessity is the Mother of Obsession Ch. 05


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"No," she drawled with a smile. "Hired Wife."

"Excuse me?" He didn't know that one.

"1940, Rosalind Russell... the plot might seem familiar..." Karen smiled.

John didn't say anything while his mind raced with all the hopes and concerns around why she would have picked that particular movie. The title sounded like some business arrangement. There could be major pluses and minuses with the plot, and he didn't know her or it well enough to know what she might be wanting to communicate. He figured he'd just have to watch it and deal with it as it unwound. He held up his finger in the "one moment" gesture, went to the kitchen, and came back with a plate of cheeses and crackers, two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"Okay, move a little," he told her as he slipped into the corner of the couch, making it easy for her to snuggle up against him. "You may fire when ready, Gridley," he smiled. She pushed a button on the remote and the movie started.

Karen seemed really into the movie and John knew better than to mess with her attention, so he held her and lightly petted her, and otherwise just spent the time relaxing with this wonderfully sensuous and adventurous woman he was finding himself drawn to more than he would ever have imagined.

Maybe it was pheromones, maybe it was something more. Whatever it was, John became more and more certain he'd made the right decision earlier that day and was hoping she would think so, too,

when the time came. The bigger problem was going to be dealing with the fallout.

While engrossed in his thoughts, he'd inadvertently let his hand drift to the inside of her robe and he suddenly became aware that he was fondling her wonderful breast. Damn! You're such a horndog, John! he chided himself as he surreptitiously tried to disengage his hand.

"You move that," Karen told him levelly, still watching the movie, "and I'm going to call Housekeeping for a stapler and some crazy glue."

John chuckled... and left his hand right where it was. If fact, he took the opportunity to gently roll her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a soft sigh from Karen. Deciding to pay better attention to her, he shifted his attention to the movie and discovered it was about a CEO who paid his secretary to marry him, to hide his fortune until the threat from rival companies had passed. Then she wouldn't give him a divorce. Apparently, the Rosalind Russell character, the secretary, had connived her way into being the right woman, in the right place, at the right time, to get the proposal. Now she didn't want to give it up.

Oh, this is cute, he thought as he watched the plot unfold. I wonder if she's trying to tell me something? Several complications later, though, the plot had been revealed and it turned out the marriage was a sham, and the boss and secretary parted ways... only to find, at the end, that they really had come to love each other and wanted to be together. By the time "The End" showed up on the screen, John's arm was asleep.

Karen stretched and yawned, took John's hand off her breast, sat up, and starting shaking his arm.

"What are you doing?" John asked in surprise while the feeling of a thousand pricking needles danced along his arm.

"Getting your circulation back," Karen told him, still shaking. "Your hand went cold. Therefore, your arm went to sleep. I'm waking it up. I have uses for it tonight."

John reached over with his other hand and drew her to him, partly to get her to knock it off with his arm and partly to pull her into one of those awesome kisses she was so good at. They were both ramped up when they eased off of it.

"So, is there a sneaky, conniving side of you that I don't know about?" John teased her, referencing the movie.

"If there was, and I told you about it," she smiled, "then you'd know about it and there wouldn't be one you didn't know about."

"Um... yeah... okay," he acknowledged, wondering at her logic and figuring she had to be teasing.

"Karen..." He was hesitant to bring this up, but it needed to be aired. "Can we talk a bit about what happens when we get home?"

Oh, shit! she thought. He isn't going to wait til the flight to pull the rug out from under me. Damn!...

"Uh, sure," she answered aloud. "What about it? We're done with our deal and I go back to being your Sub. I mean, Personal Assistant."

"Well, that's one option," he told her, then sat up a little straighter. "There are several others, and I've been thinking about them."

"You have?" The moment she said it, she knew she had sounded meek. Not what she wanted.

"I have," he told her before she could correct herself. "You have to know that things can't go back exactly the way they were. Even if you hadn't impressed the hell out of me this week, I'd never be able to un-notice you. But the fact is, you have impressed me. A lot."

Oh, Lord, I was not expecting this... Karen thought. Please don't fire me for being too good...

"So," he went on, "I definitely want you to keep on working with me. I also want to keep up our intimate relationship..."

Hallelujah!! chorused through Karen's mind. Irrationally, yes, but shouting to the rooftops all the same.

"And that's where the problems are," John went on, bringing Karen down with a thud.

"Sethridge has some fairly strict anti-nepotism rules, mostly involving chain-of-command type problems, specifically like you dating your boss, or vice versa," he explained. "And I'm not sure I can get around them. Now, with your stellar performance this week, you might find yourself recommended for a promotion. Maybe to work as a field agent in Acquisitions or something. That would allow us to date, but it's a crapshoot which region you'd get, and we could end up physically, as well as occupationally separated."

"Another option would be for you to quit, or me to fire you, and you go work someplace else and we stay lovers, but dependent on our respective schedules. And another would be for you to decide you don't want to keep up our intimate relationship, and you could go back to being my P-A, or quit."

"Fuck that shit!" Karen surprised herself with her vehemence. She surprised John, too.

"Okay..." John drawled as he realized how much emotion was behind her expletive. "So... I guess the question I have for you is, what would you like to do?" Karen was quiet for several moments before answering. She took a breath... and let it out in a long sigh.

"I want what I can't have, unless I lie," she told him straight out. "I want to be your lover and keep working for you. We make a good team, John, and you know it. You've blown me away with this trip, but I think my self-confidence has taken a major booster shot, and I think I can be even better for you than I was before. I don't want to have to quit to stay your lover, and I don't want to stop being your lover so I can keep working with you. But I will do whichever one you need."

Whichever one I need... oh, Jesus, woman! You're putting your life in my hands! John thought as he tried to keep his expression neutral, while taking a close look at her. She's as hooked on me as I am on her. Okay, here's hoping Plan Zed works...

"Karen, I'm in the same place, and I'm not trying to say you, or we, have to make a decision right now. We can work it out at home, if you want. We can just keep the personal details quiet around the office. Although everybody is going to know just how impressed I was with your efforts on this trip. I'm just not going to be able to hide it. And you won't be able to hide the bonus after the merger. You'll get touted as an up-and-coming star."

John was a bit confused by the lascivious grin he got in answer. Until she spoke.

"I'd rather you were up and I was cumming," she purred. "We don't have to fly back until tomorrow night."

John smiled and stood up. "My Lady," he intoned, extending his hand for her, "might I interest you in some cunnilingus?"

"Only, my Good Sir," she answered, arising, "if you will trade it for some fellatio."

"I believe we can make that deal," he told her, drawing her to him, "provided you don't mind a cock getting buried in your pussy along the way."

"Provided he makes me cum my brains out and blows his load deep in my hot cunt, I'd say I wouldn't mind." Karen was slipping her hands inside his robe and running them around behind him, cradling his fantastic - to her mind - ass. He wanted to slip his hands inside her robe and begin playing with her tits, but she was holding him too closely. So he settled for tilting her head up to meet her lips with his and fell that awesome rush he got every time they kissed.

His throbbing cock was pressed against her belly and they were both panting hard when he suggested they move the venue to the bedroom. She didn't have to be told twice. She nearly dragged him to his bed, shedding her robe on the way. Her Tigress was pacing, but John wanted to take this one easy. If it took all night, he wanted her to feel loved. To feel made love to, not just fucked. He wanted her to feel what he was feeling.

The odd thing was... she was thinking the same thing. A few rounds of knock-your-socks-off fucking and then I'll show him what I'm really feeling, she thought. And not because I've been bought and paid for.

John preempted Karen's intent to attack him with wildcat sex by the simple expedient of rolling his body on top of hers, then kissing his way down her breasts, to her belly, to her mons and then, spreading her thighs, to her pussy. None of which she was fighting, he felt so good. He was thinking a good couple of crashing cums to take the edge off, then we'll ease up into the romantic. Which is pretty much what she was thinking. Funny how sometimes, great minds think alike.

John was a quick study, and the last few days with Karen had given him the opportunity to find out what she liked best, and now was the time to pull out all the stops. He paid attention to gently stroking her breasts and teasing her nipples as he gently lapped her labia. He knew she swelled up below her lips, the wings of her clit getting very engorged, just as her glans did. Sucking and licking along the lips was one of the secrets to getting her cranked. And when she was swollen and dark pink there, to move up and suck her clit into his mouth, teasing it with side-to-side flicking with his tongue.

"Oh, God, John!" Karen exclaimed as she reached down and got a death-grip on his ears. "You're going to take me over! Oh, fuck! Oh, Fuck! Oh, Fuck, CUMMING!!" She writhed beneath him in ecstasy, transported to pure bliss by his expertise and her desire... her wanton desire, for him, for all of him.

And he wasn't about to let her come down. Using the advantage of his weight, he kept her pinned beneath him as he continued to suck and lick, while sliding two fingers into her sopping pussy. Two fingers on a mission... a mission to find the swollen bump he knew would drive her even more crazy.

Two fingers that knew exactly what they were looking for and had no trouble finding it. The gentle circular and drawing motions of his massage worked exactly as he had hoped.

"OH FUCK, JOHN! YOU'RE GONNA..." and then she lapsed into moans and mewls, growls and groans as his body kept her flailing restricted, intensifying the orgasmic rush pounding away at her like heavy surf.

Again, he barely let her come down, slowing but keeping up the teasing until her breath was a bit less ragged and her thrashing subsided. Then it was right back up again, same technique.

"Oh, God, John..." she moaned, "you're going to turn me into a ragdoll..."

"Nnn-nnn," he disagreed, his mouth still plastered to her nethers. This time he took her slowly back up, keeping the pace down and resisting the temptation to just blast her through the ceiling. He wanted an excruciating build up and he was getting it. She moaned her pleasure as he hit all her buttons and he could feel her getting frustrated.

"Jesus, John..." she complained through her gasps, "you've got me so fucking close! Just do me, already! Christ, I'm right on the fucking edge!"

He didn't though. He kept at her, making her climb even more, waiting for those telltale little signs that she was about to go over. His patience was rewarded. He could feel her tensing up and her sharp gasp, then holding her breath. That is when he moved quickly up to hover over her, press his cock against her slit and plunge in.

"OH-MY-FUCKING-GOD!!" Karen wasn't being subtle about cumming. "OH-GOD-OH-GOD-OH-GOD-OH...GOD!!... FUCK ME, JOHN!... FUCK ME!!" Her screams could probably be heard several floors away. "DAMMIT! FUCK ME JOHN! OH, FUCK! MAKE ME YOURS!!"

Soon, John thought as he pounded away. Very soon... and then he paid attention to giving her everything she wanted, for as long as he could, before the inevitable overtook him.

She was so hot, though... so absolutely perfect... that he knew he wasn't going to last. And he didn't need to. He needed to give her what she wanted, and then give her what she didn't know she wanted... yet. He felt the buildup, felt his balls pull up and his ass clamp tight as he reached that point of no return. He gave into it, into her animal desires and his, thrusting deeply into her as he climaxed.

"Oh, fuck, Karen!" he managed to moan. "I'm gonna... you're so fucking hot!... you're gonna make me..."

"Give it to me, John," she suddenly growled, the screams gone and replace by a feral beauty writhing beneath him, pushing back into him, matching him stroke for stroke. "Give me your seed, John. Fuck me deep, fuck me hard, fuck me into oblivion... but cum in me! I want you! All of you! Deep..."

He couldn't have stopped if he'd wanted to. With a moan from his core, he began spurting stream after stream into her, feeling himself explode into her, becoming one with her. Everything between them was perfect. They fit perfectly. They responded to each other perfectly. They melted together as the dark velvet curtains fell...

* * * * *

Karen woke to the sound of the phone. And the realization that she had to pee, badly.

"Be a luv and get that, would you?" John asked from her other side.

Without thinking, Karen answered it with "Mr. Thompson's office. How may I help you?" Only to have the automated wake-up message start bleating at her. That brought her awake enough to first look at the phone, then the clock, then John.

Then slam the phone down and run for the bathroom.

"You bastard!" she called out, sitting there. "Five o'fucking clock in the fucking morning???"

"Ow..." she added as he walked by on his way into the shower. "God, my pussy's sore!"

"Out of practice, my dear?" he asked as he waited for the water to heat, then stepped in. "Sorry..."

"Why the hell are we getting up at... oh, shit!" She suddenly realized this was her boss she was railing at and it wasn't at all clear that yelling at him was okay.

"We're getting up at oh shit! because we need an early start," he told her from the shower. "We need to get breakfasted and packed, and make it out to the airport fairly early, if we're going to do everything I want to get done today. Hopefully, you'll like my choices."

"Everything you want to get done?" Karen asked in a teasing voice, finishing up and then joining him in the shower. "No messing around, or we're never getting out of here," she admonished him, grabbing the shampoo.

"No messing around," he agreed. "Bacon, eggs, toast, fruit, juice and coffee and we can pretty much use up what's left."

"Mm-hmm," she agreed as she soaped up. She felt him rinse off and leave, and finished washing up herself, taking a little extra time to let hot water pound on her shoulders and back. Eventually, though, she had to shut it off, get dried off, grab a robe and see what John had laid out for breakfast.

As he'd said, he was cleaning out the larder. For some reason, she was very hungry, but decided to be safe and ask.

"John, are we going to be doing anything that would be bad on a full stomach?" she called into his bedroom, where he was packing.

"Only riding in a helicopter," he answered. "If you can handle that, then nothing else should faze you. Oh, and I've laid out what I want you to wear on your bed."

"You did what?" She just wasn't getting used to him taking over her life. She wasn't complaining... she just wasn't used to it. She detoured into her room to find the shorts, t-shirt, thick socks, hiking boots and bikini on the bed. And of course, he knew exactly what sizes to have purchased, including the boots. Deciding to be the good little worker bee, she got dressed, then went to the kitchen.

She piled up a plate and took it back to her room, looking through what she needed to pack as she ate. She had a lot more going back than she'd had coming out. Finally, she gave up and asked John how she went about getting a bunch of it shipped back. His response was to call the concierge and have a box sent up. When it arrived, he told her, "pack what you want to ship in that and we'll have the hotel send it." Those kinds of instructions she could follow.

The net result was that by 6:30am, they were on their way to the airport. Karen thought she would nap part of the way but sat up shortly as John turned off I-15 onto St. Rose Parkway, and then a road called Executive Airport Drive. She could see they were approaching an airfield. But it definitely didn't look like McCarran International.

"Usually, helicopter tours have to be scheduled weeks in advance, often at the same time the hotel is booked," John explained as he turned onto a road named Executive Terminal. "There are, however, advantages to being a Regional VP and having your maternal grandfather as the Chairman of the Board."

"You get some kind of Platinum treatment when you're booking?" she asked, looking around as they pulled onto Executive Terminal Drive. It looked like a scaled down airport, but there seemed to be small jets taking off and landing.

"You get to commandeer the corporate chopper," he smiled. She was still looking at him in surprise when he pulled into a parking lot near a building that said Henderson Executive Airport. He pulled into a parking spot, shut off the car, reached into the back seat and pulled out a light backpack and told her, "grab your purse and anything you absolutely need and put it in the pack. Then, let's go."

Karen wasn't about to argue. She knew when it was time to shut up and follow. And follow she did as he led her through a nicely appointed lounge to a small waiting room where John walked up to a man in a jumpsuit kind of uniform.

"Carl!" John greeted him and the man rose and took John's hand. "I'd like you to meet Karen O'Reilly, my Personal Assistant. Karen, this is Carl Morse. He's one of Sethridge's pilots and the one I requisitioned for today. I've already briefed him on our local flight plan, and as soon as we've hit the head, we can be off. There's no lavatory on a helicopter."

Karen shook Carl's hand as John asked, "which one did you bring?"

"Big Bertha, your favorite," Carl smiled. "I've got her set up as a 6-plus-2. Should give you the best viewing, maximum comfort."

"Excellent! Did you follow up on my arrangements?" John asked.

"Yes, sir, and everything will be ready, permits and all," Carl told him

John nodded and turned to Karen. "Ready?"

She shrugged and said, "sure... which way?" He pointed out the restrooms and walked her that direction, telling Carl, "we'll meet you at the aircraft."