Needful Ch. 05

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And then there's Kelly.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/24/2004
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Tim knocked on the game room door and checked his attire for the fifth time, trying to make certain that he had dressed as Kelly had requested. Maybe it was because Kelly was about his mother's age, but Tim felt the need to please her. Maybe it was the child-like enthusiasm she had displayed over the idea of going dancing. Or maybe Anne's comments about Kelly's sexual inclinations that had him so obliging. He was also nervous.

It surprised him that Anne answered the door. She was wearing a red-checked flannel shirt over blue jeans and black loafers. Anne smiled at Tim and invited him in. As he stepped through the door, Anne moved into his arms and gave him a very warm kiss. While they kissed, she took his right hand and pushed it up under her shirt, placing it firmly against her breast.

Tim moaned and said, "Are you sure you want to encourage me like this just before I go out with another woman?" He chuckled when Anne winced at her tactical faux-pas.

"I guess this isn't the brightest idea I've ever had," she smirked. But to reassure Tim as to her thoughts, she pressed his hand more urgently into her breast.

"Kell can be very sexy, but she isn't me and I thought you liked something particular about me. I was hoping you would think about me while you were out," she pouted.

"Oh, I will definitely be thinking about you. But I didn't need a reminder for that. I spent most of the afternoon thinking about you. And Anne, there are several things in particular that I love, I about you."

Tim blushed, feeling nervous about the slip of the tongue. Anne didn't miss it either.

With unabashed hope in her eyes, Anne asked, "Does the word 'love' really belong in there somewhere?"

With some reluctance, Tim confessed, "Yeah, I guess it does. I just didn't think you would be real comfortable with that idea coming from a kid."

"A KID!" Anne choked. "Just because you are still in school or a little younger than I am doesn't make you a kid. Tim, you are a decent, mature, sensitive and understanding man. This I already know about you. And last night, you proved you are more of a man, physically, than I can handle. So drop this kid business. You, my dear sweet lover, are very much a man. Forgive me, but I just hope that I can hold on to you for a while. Okay, Tim?"

Tim dropped his head, feeling chastised for his lack of self appreciation. Seeing his distress, Anne cuddled him into her arms and stroked his hair. He smiled into her eyes and nodded his understanding of her remarks. They kissed.

"Well if I had known that you two were going to be like this, I could have stayed in my room," said Kelly in mock indignation.

Anne and Tim broke their embrace and turned to greet Kelly. Anne, who knew of Kelly's outfit for the evening, showed no reaction to her dress. Tim, however, dropped his jaw and gaped at her. Anne elbowed him in the ribs and told him to close his mouth. For her part, Kelly chuckled at having garnered such a reaction.

"I guess I better let you two get out of here. Enjoy your dancing," said Anne as she retreated through the kitchen and on upstairs.

Kelly spoke next, as Tim was still trying to appreciate the vision that stood before him.

"I suppose you will hear about your flagrant staring later. I hope she doesn't give you too bad a time over it. I did get sort of dolled up for you though, and I hoped you would like it. I did okay?" Kelly asked, striking several poses.

Tim was still taking it all in. Kelly wore a dark blue fitted strapless dress. Her breasts, more than ample for Kelly's lean frame, rested more on the bodice than in it. Tim wasn't sure if there wasn't a bit of dark aureole showing at the point of each shelf-like cup of the bodice. The dark fabric hugged her from the bodice to the hips. Her narrow waist accentuated her hips which flared beautifully. The dress loosened up at the legs, but only enough to allow room to walk. As she turned, Tim noted that getting the dress on, or off, for that matter, was facilitated by a zipper in the back that ran all the way down to the bottom of Kelly's butt. Every movement made Kelly's generous breasts jiggle and dance in the bodice.

Finally clearing his head a little, Tim began to answer her query.

"You did great. But I have to admit to getting urges about you that have nothing to do with dancing."

Kelly smiled conspiratorially and said, "If you like, we can do our dancing in my suite and do as much or as little dancing as we like. Does that sound okay to you?"

Tim blushed, "I'd be a liar if I said it didn't. But didn't you want to get out for a bit tonight?"

"It would be nice. But wouldn't it be a bit hard on you to be in public with me, where you couldn't do anything about those urges you mentioned?" Kelly asked,

"Maybe so. But for the sake of form, maybe we could go out for at least a little while. Is that okay with you?", Tim asked hopefully. He didn't want Anne thinking that he just up and went to bed with Kelly first thing. Although, since Anne saw Kelly's outfit, he thought she would believe it, even if she didn't like it.

"Sure. Anne might be hurt if we just headed back upstairs and never left the house."

"Thanks for understanding. Seems strange to worry so much about her feelings after only a day, but I do," Tim confessed.

"I knew that you were a sweet man. Most men would be quite happy to skip over the feelings of one lover if they thought they were about to have another," Kelly beamed. "I like you, Tim Mathews."

"Thanks again, Kelly. A fair number of women would be a bit catty about a situation where a man was torn between two of them. I guess we are all pretty decent people. Sort of...."

"What do you mean by 'sort of'?", Kelly asked, not sure if she should take offense.

"Well, to be blunt, if I am decent, why am I thinking what I am thinking about your attire and its contents?"

Kelly chuckled. "And would it be normal to see a woman decked out like this and not have such thoughts? If so, then I guess I really am over the hill and can give up."

"Oh you definitely aren't over the hill. Guess I am just not used to thinking such thoughts about a woman first thing. I just apologize if I get too preoccupied with your looks. You know, ogling you.'

"Well, Tim, if you want the truth, it would just make my night if you did just that. And a few other things as well."

Tim shifted and cleared his throat, in obvious discomfort.

"Well then, let's you and I go dancing," Kelly suggested.

"Okay! Let's go."

Kelly slipped her diminutive hand into Tim's and they turned for the door. Smiling, Kelly hugged herself to Tim's arm, pushing her breast dangerously close to spilling out of her dress. Tim couldn't fail to notice and Kelly couldn't help but feel gorgeous for having a good looking man ogle her figure, even if she was giving him every opportunity to do so.

Tim needed a couple of reminders about how to get to The Willows, but they made good time. Kelly suggested that they hit the dance floor first thing. Tim agreed. It was as if both wished to fulfill an obligation to have their evening out be as advertised, for Anne's sake. It surprised both of them that they fell into comfortable conversation and danced and talked a lot longer than either had thought they might.

Tim was pleasantly surprised by Kelly's energy and enthusiasm for his favored topics as well as her own. She proved to have a well-rounded mind, friendly spirit and warm heart. She was not the stereotypical dedicated professional who was interested in nothing outside of her profession and career. She was indeed, a charming woman. And her physical charms were no less impressive.

For her part, Kelly found Tim to be warm, kind and considerate of others' feelings. She even tried to steer him into talking about his night with Anne, but Tim would not betray one bit of their activities. She felt drawn to such a decent man. She had seen too many men who were a whole lot less considerate and desirable as traveling companions.

They hit it off beautifully and danced until almost midnight. Kelly uttered her surprise at having lost track of the time and suggested that they return home. Tim confessed to feeling like his weekend was catching up with him and agreed. Gathering themselves up, they headed for the door and Tim's car.

For all of their conversations on the dance floor, they were unexpectedly quiet during the drive back to Kelly's place. Tim kept his mind on driving and Kelly pensively observed Tim as he focused on the road. Kelly felt the wetness between her legs. With as little provocation as she'd had during the two and a half hours of dancing, she felt as though she must be fired by the desirability of Tim Mathews as a warm and sensitive man.

Very little of their conversations contained any sexually charged remarks. She was just very happy and excited about a nice guy. She mused over being so jaded that meeting a truly "nice guy" would turn her on this much. She squirmed.

As they pulled into the driveway, Kelly was wrestling with herself about something. Tim parked the car and shut the engine off. He turn to Kelly. He was about to say something, but stopped himself when he noted that she seemed to be thinking, staring at the dashboard. Suddenly aware of the silence around her, Kelly looked up to see Tim waiting patiently for her to indicate what was up.

"Oh, Tim. Would you mind very much if I didn't invite you up to my suite?" Tim could see her squirming.

"If you'd rather. If you want to be alone, that's okay," Tim offered.

"Damn it, Tim! That is not what I want. And you saying it's okay just makes it more certain that it isn't what I want," said Kelly fighting back tears.

"You have no idea how many men I have dated that would have mauled me a half a dozen times over, whether I was willing or not, during the course of a single date. And you! You do nothing more than occasionally glance at my breasts which I purposefully put on display for you tonight.

"You paid just enough attention to my body to make me feel sexy without making me feel obligated or pressured. You talked with me about subjects that touched on almost everything either one of us is interested in and a little sexual conversation, and never made me feel like I had to play brinkmanship with you over it."

Kelly slowly shook her head from side to side, her tears overcoming her restraint. "Tim. You made me feel liked and respected. You accepted me as a whole person, never throwing the proposition I made earlier in my face."

They fell into silence as Kelly's sobs softened, then ceased. At length, Kelly looked up into Tim's face and asked, "Don't you want me?".

Lowering his eyes briefly, Tim pondered his response. He truly did want this charming woman, but he wasn't going to pressure anybody into anything.

"Kelly. I still have those urges that we kidded about before we left. If anything, they are stronger now than they were before. It has been a wonderful evening with a charming woman and I can think of no better way to finish off our evening than by sharing intimacies.

"But understand this. I will not demand anything of you nor will I pressure you into anything that you do not want. What little experience I have with women tells me that no sex is more satisfying than that which is desired by both lovers. And I know I get turned on a lot faster than women do, so if I am going to have sex with you, it is going to be because you tell me, in some way, that YOU want me to."

While he had spoken, Kelly had raised her head and begun staring into his eyes to see if he was real. It was not like any man she ever knew to pass up a good fuck if he had anything to say about it. Yet here was this young man who was going to let HER call the shots. She had dated men who had been very polite about it, but had, nonetheless, wanted sex and wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

She told herself that it couldn't be real. And she was going to make sure. Sniffling away the last of her tears, Kelly asked, "Would you walk me to my suite then, Tim?"

"Sure Kelly. Sit tight a second and I will get your door." With that, Tim climbed out of his car and rounded to Kelly's door. Opening it, he helped her out of the car and escorted her into the house. Kelly linked arms with him and, again, hugged his arm into her side, pressing her breast higher in the show-all bodice of her dress.

They passed quietly through the house, arm in arm, to Kelly's second floor suite. At the door, Kelly turned, stepped into Tim's arms and reached her arms high up around his neck. She pulled him down to her lips, giving him a warm kiss. From start to finish, she deliberately presented Tim with more breast flesh for the taking than he had seen all night.

He was now sure that he saw her aureoles poke out of her dress and glare up at him. He was sorely tempted to further relieve the dress of the burden of supporting her breasts, but was checked by his own belief in not pushing a woman into anything she didn't ask for.

"Kelly. Thanks for a great night. It was wonderful dancing and talking with you. I AM sorry about upsetting you. I didn't mean to."

With that, he bent down, gave her a kiss on the cheek and turned to leave.

As he walked down the hallway, away from Kelly, she said, "Tim. Thanks to you too. It was a wonderful night. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we were able to go out again sometime. Friends?" she asked.

Tim turned to look her in the eyes. "Friends," he answered smiling. He turned to go.

The warmth in his voice and the clear intention to leave without pushing anything on her was the last straw for Kelly. She could doubt him no more.


Stopping just short of the corner, Tim turned to Kelly without walking back toward her. Seeing that he was staying put, Kelly, somewhat embarrassed, waved for him to come back to her. She saw reluctance in his steps and wondered if she had pushed her test a little too far.

"What's up, Kelly?" he inquired.

Suddenly feeling uncertain, she hedged her bets and asked, "Would you sit with me for a little bit?"

Cocking his head to the right, he said, "All right. Are you okay, Kelly?"

Surprised by the question, she said, "Yes. I guess it just really has been too long since I got out and I don't want it to end just yet. Do you mind too much?"

Chuckling, Tim said, "No. I just got the impression that I was making you uncomfortable. Was I?"

"No. In fact, what was making me uncomfortable was my own expectations. Anyway, come in and sit down so I can tell you about it."

They stepped into Kelly's suite. Tim was taken aback by the difference in the suites. While Anne's had been trimmed out in ways to make it comfortable and even sensuous, Kelly's front room was tasteful, if a little Spartan. The sitting room, visible off to the left, was a working architect's office.

Kelly took Tim's hand and led him through a draped doorway into her bedroom. Passing through the doorway was like stepping into another world. Kelly's bedroom was luxurious at the very least and a lair of sensuousness at it's very best. The bedroom's "L" shape artificially divided it in two, with the door at the connecting point. The 'room' to the left featured a red lace trimmed canopy bed which rose above the rest of the room on its two-step dais. Surrounded by wood grain finishes and black lacquer and burgundy fabrics, the presentation lent itself to the impression of a pagan alter.

Built in dresser and vanity filled the wall space on the far side of the bed. Off the foot of the bed, more built in cabinetry, though the size of the drawers suggested they were for bedclothes.

The bed itself was a heavy framed four-poster canopied king size bed. A thick burgundy quilt covered the bed, touching the flooring on three sides. Only partially hidden by matching lace draping the posts were velvet covered restraints. Tim began to wonder what he had gotten himself into.

Pointing to the bindings, Tim asked, "Are those supposed to be for you or me?"

"Either," said Kelly, grinning. "But only if you wish."

Raising her arm, Kelly directed Tim's attention to the other 'room'.

"Shall we have a seat or would you care for that last dance of the evening?", she asked.

The setting was more conventional, but the colors were still the dark rich hues of red, burgundy, wood grain and black lacquer. And plush was the feel one sensed. The contrast with the austere outer rooms was remarkable. The outer rooms reflected the professional that dedicated a sizable part of her home to her career, while these inner chambers revealed the more intimate and personal side of her being.

"Well, how about a last dance for the night. Then I can take you home, so to speak."

"That sounds nice, Tim. Have you got a favorite type of music?"

"Not really. Why don't you pick something suitable."

"Okay. Let me have a look at my tapes."

With that, Kelly walked ahead of Tim to the entertainment unit. Tim could see tapes, CD's, records and VCR tapes and laser-discs. Kelly opened a folding door to reveal more tapes. She thumbed her way through these and pulled two of them.

Since they were home recordings, Tim had no idea what he was about to hear. Kelly powered up the multiplexor, tape deck and equalizer. Inserting the tape, she turned back to Tim and said, "May I have this dance, sir?"

Tim bowed, grinning. The dance partners stepped toward each other and into each others arms. Their dance began casually enough, but the little space they had left between them soon disappeared. From his vantage point, it was impossible to look down at Kelly without being greeted by the very stimulating view of her breasts. He was also greeted with a smiling, contented face. Apparently Kelly felt very happy about being able to comfortably chose her own diversions.

They had danced through four numbers when Kelly suddenly stopped following Tim's lead. Startled from his reverie, Tim looked down at Kelly's face.

"Don't move for a second. Okay?"

"Okay," Tim said, wondering what she had planned.

Kelly took two steps backward, bringing her hands up behind her as she moved. Tim heard the telltale sound of a metal zipper and watched as the bodice of Kelly's dress loosened, then fell away. Her rounded breasts shifted more than sagged. The tantalizing upper curve of her breasts took on the firmer look of flesh that held its own form. As her dress dropped to the floor, Kelly's hands rose to her nipples, pinching and rolling them. Tim marveled at the disproportionately large nipples as they swelled visibly as she teased them.

Tim further appreciated the lingerie choices that Kelly had made for the evening. In addition to the lack of a bra, Kelly wore a garter and stockings and crotchless panties. The opening in the panties began above Kelly's pubic bone which came to a provocative angular point below a firm, flat tummy. There was no pubic hair visible from where Tim stood. Seeing his admiring gaze, Kelly did a turn to give him the whole picture. The view from behind Kelly was equally inspiring, as the lush curve of her ass checks peeked out from under the panties' back panel.

As she completed the pirouette, Tim stepped toward her, but Kelly waved him off. Instead, she approached him and began to remove his clothes. She started with his sport coat. As she pushed the lapels up and off of Tim's shoulders, she shuddered, feeling Tim's fingers roll her nipples, then cup both of her breasts. She let his jacket drop to the floor behind him. His shirt followed the jacket.

Kelly, inspired by Tim's manipulations of her breasts hurried along with stripping his clothes from him. She was eager to see if the stiff penis she had felt between her breasts the night before was as big as it felt. Pushing Tim back into an over stuffed chair behind him, she removed his shoes and socks. She reached for what she saw as her reward when she moved her attention to his pants. Tim helped out by raising his hips so she could pull his pants and shorts down. Her eyes widened as she watched his semi-erect member spring from its confines. She had expected large, but the now stiffening cock was quickly exceeding her expectations.