Needful Ch. 07

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No prank this time, Mark! Double date, part 1
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/24/2004
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"This isn't another one of those jokes, is it?", Mark wanted to know.

"For the hundredth time, Mark, no this isn't a joke", Tim muttered in frustration. "Will you get it through that thick skull of yours that this isn't a gag. I have a date with a new girlfriend and she has a friend that hasn't been out a lot lately, so we set up a double date. I know I have a history of kidding you once in a while, but I never played any jokes on you like the other guys. Did I?" Tim waited a moment for an answer. "Well? Did I?"

Mark dropped his head in embarrassment and said, "No you didn't. Sorry, Tim. It's just that this is the kind of thing the guys used to do to me whenever they could talk me into another blind date."

Tim softened. "Damn it, Mark. I know you had a rough time of it with the some of our so-called friends. But this is on the level. And the only reason I gave you a second thought on this is because you said you wouldn't mind fucking my mother. And Kelly, your date, is about my mother's age. And she is also the right height for you and she is a knockout.

"Plus, I know you'd treat a woman like a lady and not a hunk of meat. Well, not unless she makes you think of her as a hunk of meat anyway."

Mark opened his mouth to respond, but was silenced by the grand house set back from the road where Tim turned into a long drive.

"Wow! If nothing else, I'm going to get to see a really nice place", Mark brightened.

"And you're going to see and meet a couple of very nice women too", Tim countered.

Tim drove around to the back of the house and parked the car where Anne had him park on Friday. Mark was obviously impressed. Tim just hoped that he was equally impressed when he met Kelly.

Tim shut the car off and said, "Okay, Mark. Let's go."

They stepped out of the car and Tim lead the way to the game room door. Mark was busy taking in the size and style of the house, while Tim was looking to see who would be at the door to greet them. Remembering how Kelly had ambushed him with her dress the night before, Tim wondered what she had in store for Mark tonight.

Tim checked his watch and noted that it was 6 PM straight up and smiled. He looked up again just in time to see a tall, very female form step up to the glass door from within. He smiled at the warmth in Anne's eyes as he approached. Seeing that Mark was still taking in the outside of the house, Tim gave him a gentle nudge, bringing Mark back to the important sights on the property.

Mark, belatedly blocked the elbow and brought his attention to the door in front of him. All his fears about a prank on Tim's part showed painfully on Mark's face. Seeing Mark's discomfort and anger at being betrayed, Tim quickly grabbed his arm and said, "That's Anne, MY date! And keep your hands off of her."

Still visibly shaken, but relaxing, Mark countered "I couldn't reach her if I wanted to. But I can see why you'd want to keep the wolves away. Very nice!"

"Now, if you're done having a fit, would you like to meet YOUR date?"

Somewhat guilty for suspecting his friend, Mark said,, "Uh, yeah."

Anne slid the door open and said, "Hi Mark. Tim."

Mark was amazed at Anne's openness and warmth. And she was definitely the knockout that Tim had bragged about. Statuesque and lush, he could see why Tim was so wrapped up in her. If he were taller, he could see enjoying every inch of her lovely body. The beige, v-neck sweater she wore did nothing to hide the round curves at hip and chest. And the knee length tight brown skirt, slit on the right side, revealed some of the firm long legs that lay hidden within. Flickering firelight danced on shimmering soft shoulder length blonde hair. She was a vision all right.

Anne stepped back from the door inviting them inside. Tim signaled Mark to go first. Mark stepped into the game room. Before him stood a woman of short stature and lean build. Lean that is, except for the size of her chest. Her face was pretty and she was smiling. And he was looking down into her face. She extended her right hand. Mark, obviously stunned, tentatively took her hand, shook it first, then awkwardly bent at the waist and kissed it.

Kelly chuckled and said, "Tim, where did you find such an old world gentleman for me?"

"Well, actually, he's not so much a gentleman as he is just pleasantly and thoroughly shocked."

Marked looked back at Tim as he closed the door and just shook his head.

"Kelly. You have to understand something about my friend, Mark. Because of his height and a couple of other traits," Tim grinned, Mark winced, "Mark has suffered endless jokes and pranks at the hands of his schoolmates, not too long ago."

Mark looked at the floor in embarrassment and nodded confirmation of Tim's remarks. Then he again looked at his 'date'. Kelly was in heels, but was still a couple of inches shorter than he was. Her trim legs, nicely curved at the calf, rose up to disappear into a brown wool skirt that started a couple of inches above her knees. The skirt's waistband snugged a beige knit sweater with three-quarter sleeves and a deep v-neck. The v-neck exposed a generous cleavage that Mark had trouble ignoring.

Anne broke the silence. "We started a fire and thought that since we all have some place to be in the morning, we could put on some music and do our dancing here. "Would that be okay?"

Tim and Mark looked at each other and shrugged. "Sounds good to me", Tim offered.

"Me too", grinned Mark, "but I don't have to be at work until tomorrow afternoon and don't have classes again 'til Tuesday."

"That's great!", Kelly squealed. "Anne, help me pick out some music. I want something slow and romantic.

"Is that okay with everybody?", Kelly asked as she scanned her friends' faces.

Mark piped up, saying "It sounds good to me."

"Oh, Mark. Thank you. I've always loved slow dancing", Kelly gushed. To Tim, she said, "And thank you for finding me such a nice date."

"It was the least I could do."

Kelly and Anne left the guys standing at the door, while they went off to pick out some music. Kelly was giggling as they went. Tim and Mark followed the girls deeper into the game room. The girls disappeared behind the rich mahogany bar. The boys dropped into one of the couches near the fireplace, facing the bar.

A moment later, soft romantic strains filtered into the room and the lights dimmed. Tim noticed Anne's hand on the dimmer switch on the wall by the end of the bar. She turned her head, catching him looking and they both smiled. Anne stepped quickly around the end of the bar and made a beeline to Tim.

Tim stood and they moved to an open area next to the covered pool table where they melted into one another and swayed slightly to the rhythm of the music. Still sitting, Mark watched and sighed as the couple slowly entwined themselves as they moved.

"Did you just want to sit and be jealous, or would you care to dance with me?", Kelly prompted into Marks ear as she bent over him from behind the couch.

Mark flinched at the unexpected proximity of Kelly's soft whisper. He hadn't noticed her return from behind the bar.

"Sorry, Kelly. They just look so good together", he offered as he stood.

Kelly eyed the dancers and, with a note of jealousy in her voice, said, "Yes they do. Shall we try to look as good?"

Mark turned and moved to his right to meet Kelly at the end of the couch. She took his hand and lead him to a spot a couple of feet away from Anne and Tim.

Mark stopped as Kelly turned to face him. Mark, still not comfortable, raised his arms to hold Kelly at a respectful distance as they danced. Kelly briefly allowed it, but her face show her disappointment. Mark relented and pulled her to him. He was rewarded with a warm smile and a whispered 'thank you'.

He was also rewarded with the very pleasant feel of Kelly ample breasts pressed into his chest and her head on his shoulder, as her hips mated to his. She smelled sweet and fragrant. She felt warm and inviting as she molded herself to him. His body was responding.

"No, Kelly. Thank you."

"For what, Mark?", she queried.

"I don't know if Tim said anything about me to you, but because of my height, I have had too many dates where the lady was taller than me or even towered over me. They were blind dates that 'friends' had set up just to rib me about my height. But you are just perfect."

"No. I didn't hear about any of this from anyone. Anne stopped by my suite this morning and said that Tim wanted to set up a double date. I told her Tim seemed nice and wouldn't bring anybody who wasn't also nice, so I said okay.

"And you're perfect too. It's nice to be able to rest my head on my partners shoulder rather than against his chest."

Anne's voice interrupted the conversation.

"Is anybody besides me feeling too warm?"

Mark said, "I am. I'm sweating a little, in fact." Looking embarrassed, he said, "Sorry, Kelly."

Kelly chuckled, "No. That's quite all right. I'm warm too. Since we didn't know if you'd want to go out or stay here, we dressed warmer than we would have to stay in.

"Tell you what. Why don't you guys lose the jackets and Anne and I will go change into something less toasty?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me", chimed in Tim.

"Good. Hit the fridge behind the bar, if you'd like something to drink and we'll be right back", Anne said.

With that, the girls bounded out of the game room. Tim headed for the bar.

"So what do you think so far, Mark?"

"You were right about her being a knockout and about her being the right size for me. And she is perfect, even if she is older. You sure couldn't knock anything about her. Thanks for thinking of me, Tim."

Tim had a can of pop in his hand and asked Mark if he wanted one. Mark declined. For a few minutes, they talked guy talk about their dates and it all boiled down to both of them thinking they were very lucky guys.

The conversation ended abruptly when the ladies strutted back into the game room. The knits and wools were gone and in their place were silks. Anne crossed the room, shimmering in the firelight in a short, silk kimono, cinched at the waist, with billowing sleeves. It's length showed all but the top third of her shapely, muscular thighs. The powder blue silk picked up Anne's eye color. Tim opened his arms to embrace her as she came to him.

When Kelly emerged from behind Anne, Mark gulped. While Anne's choice of attire was quite alluring, Kelly's was playful and blatantly inviting. She wore a two-piece outfit of red silk. Mark couldn't imagine it was meant for anything but seduction. The top was a bare midriff, low-cut, loose fitting affair that sported two ribbon ties in front and draped tantalizingly over Kelly's proud breasts. Mark could see her breasts peeking out from beneath the garment, behind the ties and swelling above the scoop neckline. His pulse quickened and he gulped a second time.

The lower article of the set wasn't much different. Kelly's lean torso flared beautifully into the nicest hips Mark could remember ever seeing. There were side slits in the skirt that rose to the waistband. And he could discern no undergarment. Kelly turned dramatically as she approached him. He noted that the side slits were wide enough to reveal a hint of the dimples of Kelly's round derriere as she moved. The fireplace was no longer the greatest source of heat in the room.

As she twirled into his arms, Kelly asked, "So what do you think?"

She saw him gulp. Again. She smiled invitingly.

"If I wasn't so warm, I would swear I'd died and gone to heaven," Mark confessed. "I just know I'd get slapped for what I'm thinking."

Kelly turned her head toward Tim and said, "Tim, your friend says the nicest things and has the best manners I've seen in a young man in a long while."

"Well, Kelly, I think good manners should be rewarded. Don't you?"

"Yes, I do!" she effused.

With that, she turned her face to Mark again and kissed him most warmly while they danced slowly to the rhythm of the soft music. She sighed as Mark's arms circled her waist and pulled her closer. The kiss lengthened. She felt his response pushing into her belly. Mark's inexperience with women was apparent to both of them. He was relieved that Kelly didn't reject him on that point. In fact, she broke the kiss only to kiss him again. Her hands rose to his face and guided him as she kissed him long and slow, teaching him the finer points of the art. They swayed in place while Mark received his first real lessons.

Some time later, Kelly interrupted the lessons to look around the room. "They seem to be in their own little world", she observed.

Looking around, Mark said, "Seems that way. But you'd think he'd refrain from exposing his girlfriend's backside while other people were in the room."

Kelly turned her head to look again and noted how Tim had Anne's kimono bunched up over his wrist, pushing the silk above her backside. His hand was squeezing and caressing the muscular cheek. Panties were absent from Anne's backside.

"Well, at least he's being nice about it," Kelly sighed wistfully.

Mark said, "You say that like you'd like it too."

Grinding against Mark's stiff cock, she purred, "Mmmm! I like all sorts of things."

Suddenly struggling with a dry throat, Mark croaked, "Anything you'd like to tell me about?"

"I'd much rather show you," Kelly whispered, as her gaze bore into his eyes. "Are you interested?"

"I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't," he confessed shyly.

She watched his eyes as they dropped to survey her impressive cleavage and felt his cock press more firmly into her belly. At least he was responding to her, even if he was a little new at this.

'Guess I'm not over the hill just yet,' she thought to herself.

Without taking her eyes from Mark's, Kelly announced, "We're going upstairs for a little while."

She was vaguely aware of Anne saying something about the fireplace and having fun.

Kelly lead Mark out of the game room. She knew she didn't seem much like a lady, the way she was hurrying, but she was suddenly very hungry for this novice at sex.

They engaged in no conversation as they worked their way to Kelly's door. Before she opened her door, Kelly turned and melted into Mark's arms and kiss him softly. She loved how perfect it felt for her body to mesh with his in the warm intimate embrace.

"You may be new to this, but you sure know how to kiss", she breathed into his mouth.

"You make it easy", Mark rasped back. "The hard part is resisting doing things I shouldn't."

Reaching behind herself, Kelly twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

"And what things do you think you shouldn't be doing?", she asked softly.

Emboldened by every suggestion from her questions, gestures and attire, Mark dropped his hands from Kelly's back to her ass and squeezed, pulling her against his jutting cock.

"This, I suppose", he murmured. "And others things."

Kelly removed his hands from her backside, turned and entered her suite, pulling Mark in behind her and closed the door. She immediately turned, stepped back into his arms again and put both of his hands on her ass.

"It's very polite of you to respect the feelings of others. However...", she then clutched his ass, "I don't remember hearing anybody tell you there was anything you shouldn't do."

Mark suddenly looked very much like a little kid in a candy store, in spite of his anxiety..

Pulling his left hand from her ass and bringing it up under the silk covering her right breast where she guided him through the caresses she desired, she said, "Mmm! Most definitely. Any objections?"

Marks face went crimson. "Only that you'll probably have to teach me what to do. I really don't know that much about having sex.

"That history of mine that Tim and I were referring to downstairs left me afraid to go near a girl for fear that she might be part of a gag meant to embarrass me in some way. So I'm more than a little behind in that area of my, uh,... 'education'."

"It sounds as though some of your friends were a little cruel in the ribbing. Well, I think we can do something about that. If you're willing", Kelly smiled.

"I sure am", Mark grinned.

Kelly said, "Look around."

Reluctantly letting go of Kelly's warm flesh, Mark took a half-step back and made a visual sweep of Kelly's outer rooms. With the architect's work space on one side and a Spartan kitchen and breakfast nook on the other, there wasn't much to suggest romantic possibilities.

His response was, "You work at home?"

"Sometimes. When I need to review specifications, local building codes, budgets and client tastes, I'll go to the office where I have greater resources on hand and the proper environment to host clients. But when I get down to the actual grunt work of the designs, I quite often work here. It's more conducive, because it cuts down on the endless interruptions that are part of the office environment.

"By the way. That's a very effective way to get a girl, or woman, into a conversation. You ask her about her interests and she'll open up to you. You could get an idea of what she likes or is interested in that you might have in common or that you might at least build on.

"Are you sure you don't know what you're doing?"

Mark considered his answer for a moment, then said, "It just seems like common courtesy to ask about a persons interests."

Kelly smiled. "Believe it or not, you have this sex thing half beat already. If you always treat a woman with courtesy and respect, she will warm to you. Where it goes from there is up to the two of you. And right now, you have me very interested."

Taking Mark's hand, she said, "Come with me".

She lead him through the doorway to her bedroom. Releasing Mark's hand, Kelly moved to the night stand on the left side of her magnificent four-poster bed. Mark noted the pronounced sway of her hips as she moved and the flutter of her wide-slit silk skirt. Kelly leaned over the night stand and flipped a switch on a control box mounted against the wall. Music from the stereo in the game room filled Kelly's bedroom. As she bent down, her breasts revealed themselves beneath the loose-fitting top.

Mark couldn't resist. "Kelly. You are putting on one very impressive show. I hope you don't mind me saying so."

Kelly smiled warmly. "If it hadn't impressed you, I'd have been very disappointed with myself. I'd hate to dress like this for nothing. I'm glad you like it, but would you be willing to demonstrate your appreciation more physically?"

Swaying provocatively, Kelly sauntered back to Mark, untying her top as she moved. Loose fitting, the open top draped itself into the deep cleavage.

"It's too bad I don't have anything to show you. You have me at a disadvantage."

Kelly's smile gave way to a chuckle. "That's not entirely true. I felt a very promising response while we danced downstairs. Would you mind letting me see what was so eager to say 'hello'?"

Kelly almost laughed at the red hue that covered Mark's face, but decided he might be embarrassed and run out on her. Not giving him time to reconsider, she asked, "May I?"

Marked gulped and paused a moment. Then he nodded, saying "Sorry. This is new to me."

"It's okay. We're all new at this at some point in our lives. Actually, it's kind of nice starting off this way. I can teach you how much better sex is when you please your partner. The dividends can be wildly surprising."

She sat Mark on the edge of the bed and removed his shoes and socks. Kelly stood him up and started with his shirt and worked her way down, unfastening and removing clothing as she went. Kelly was forced to stop and stare in awe when she dropped Mark's pants and saw the massive bulge throbbing inside of his shorts. She gently rubbed the large organ, uttering an appreciative "Oh my!"

"Who says you don't have anything to show me? Mark, I can tell you with confidence that will you always have something to show a woman."