Needing her Daughter

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Mother needs her daughter's help when hubby gets in trouble.
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All characters depicted in any form of sexual activity are 18 years of age or older.

I would like to thank my editor Todger65.


[Alright this is something different for me. One of my readers really liked a story of mine and told me it reminded her of fantasies she has had and asked if I would be willing to write her a story based on them. I told her to send me what she had in mind and if I felt it was something I was interested in I would write something. When she sent me the details of some of her fantasies I liked the concepts and agreed to write it for her. Once I started writing my creative juices (as well as other juices) started flowing and I came up with this story.

Jen I want to thank you for sharing your fantasies with me. I greatly enjoyed turning them into this story; I hope you enjoy the direction I took and that it meets with your approval and makes your fantasies seem that much more real.]

'Why do these places always have dozens of checkouts but never more than three or four are open and you always seem to get stuck in the line with the damn trainee who is slow as fuck,' Tammy Wilson thought as she finally made it through the checkout line at the supermarket.

She had come in for just a few things to make dinner tonight but she hadn't had lunch yet and you know how it is when you go shopping on an empty stomach. So she was already upset with herself when she reached the front of the store and realized just how much crap she really didn't need she had picked up anyway. Then she had to wait nearly half an hour in line as the teenager working the register ever so slowly rang up each customer.

Tammy quickly put the groceries in her trunk and was going to stop at the first fast food place she came across to calm her angry stomach. She got behind the wheel and was about to turn on her car when she noticed the box sitting on the hood, "What the hell is this?"

Tammy got out and grabbed the box and quickly opened the wrapping; if she had been in a better mood and thinking more clearly she may have called the cops about a suspicious package, but luckily for her it didn't explode in her face though when she saw what was in it she may have wished it had.

In the box was another smaller box, a letter, a wallet and a cell phone. She first grabbed the letter and read:

'Tammy Wilson this letter is to inform you we have your husband and as proof we included his wallet with this letter. If you ever wish to see him alive again you will do exactly as we tell you.

First you will not inform anyone and we mean anyone that you have received this message. If you do we will know and you will quickly become a widow.

Second we do not want your money or anything of the kind. What we want in exchange for your husband's safe return to you is simple. You are to seduce and fuck your step daughter Ashley. To know you have done what we asked we have included several small digital cameras that you will hide around your house and they will send their footage directly to us.

Again we repeat you are not to tell Ashley or anyone else what you are up to or why you are doing it or your husband will regret it. No matter what it takes you WILL fuck Ashley by midnight tonight or you both lose her father.

Your future is in your hands,


Tammy reread the letter three times before her brain fully processed what she was reading. Tammy quickly grabbed the wallet hoping find it empty and that this was all some kind of sick joke, but to her horror when she opened the wallet it was indeed her husband's. His license, credit cards, and even the pictures he kept in it were all there; this was really happening her husband had been kidnapped and as a ransom she had to seduce her own step daughter.

In a state of shock Tammy just sat there for a few minutes thinking about how around a decade earlier she had met the most amazing man and nine years ago they had gotten married. The only thing that kept it from being the best time of her life was her step daughter Ashley. In the beginning Ashley and Tammy had a very strained relationship. For years it had just been Ashley and her dad after they lost her mother and now there was a new woman in his life and Ashley did not approve. Ashley thought Tammy was trying to replace her mother and steal her father away from her. But over the years Ashley had realized this was not the case and she and Tammy have actually grown quite close.

'And now these freaks want me to seduce her,' Tammy thought, 'how the hell do I manage this? And even if I do our relationship will never be the same.'

Still shocked and confused Tammy drove home, now completely forgetting her hunger, and tried to formulate a plan of how she would do what these people have demanded of her. Once home she again reread the letter and finally opened the smaller box and found a dozen small digital WiFi cameras, the ones that people use to keep an eye on their nanny, maids, etc.

As she was looking more closely at one of the cameras she jumped and nearly dropped it when the phone in the box started ringing and vibrating. She quickly pulled it from the box and read the message she had received:

'We see you have found our little package. We are sure you have read the letter and know what you must do. When you have hidden all the cameras and if we are satisfied with your work we will let you know. If we don't approve, we will help you correct your mistake but your husband might not like that you needed a second chance so place them carefully. X'

Tammy put the phone in her pocket and picked up the box of cameras; with only twelve cameras to place she knew she had to be very selective in how she placed them. She was sure these freaks wanted the best view as possible, but she also knew she had to cover the most area as she could not know where she and Ashley might end up.

Before placing a single camera Tammy did a complete walkthrough of her house trying to imagine what would be seen if she placed a camera in one spot over another while keeping in mind the unknown element of what Ashley might do and go. Finally after much internal arguing she had the cameras placed.

One was in the living room on the entertainment center so it had a full view of the room from the front door to the hallway. One was on the back deck so it covered the deck, back yard and hot tub. One was in each of the two bathrooms. Four were in Ashley's bedroom in different spots to get different angles of the room, especially her bed. Four were in her own room also spread out to get as many angles as she could of the room and bed.

Tammy nervously waited with the phone in her hands to let her know if she had done good or bad in her choices. After what felt like an eternity but was only a few moments the phone finally went off, she quickly opened the message that simple read:

'Good Girl X'

For a moment Tammy felt relief but that quickly faded as she began the seemingly unending wait for Ashley to get home from work. To help pass the time Tammy finally made herself a small snack to help quiet her growling stomach, however, when finished she still had more than half an hour to wait.

Tammy paced around her their living room trying to keep herself busy. As she did she was in her head trying to figure out how the hell she was going seduce Ashley. Tammy had never been the one to pursue lovers, normally she was the one pursued. The other issue was even if by some miracle she manages to seduce Ashley what then? Tammy had never been with another woman. She had never really even thought about it much, sure in her younger days there was a time when she thought of experimenting but never did.

Then another thought occurred to Tammy, even if Ashley was interested in lesbian sex and ok with the fact the woman she would be hooking up with was her step mother, would she be attracted to her? Tammy went to her bedroom and looked t herself in her full length mirror. For a mature 54 year young woman she thought she looked good but would Ashley.

Tammy stood at 5'4", had shoulder length dark brown (nearly black) hair, brown eyes, weighs about 135 pounds that are spread over all the right places especially her large 36D bust and round ass. She was currently wearing jeans, a baggy t-shirt that still hugged her large tits and simple sneakers.

'If I'm going to do this I really need to dress sexier than this,' she thinks as she starts to pull off her shirt but stops when the phone goes off in her pocket.

The message says:

'Don't change your clothes we like you in what you have on. Besides it won't seem normal if you are in a nightie when Ashley gets home'

Tammy does as she is told and stays dressed as she is and goes back to pacing in the living room until finally the front door opens and Ashley enters, "Hi Tammy how was your day?"

Tammy wants to scream, 'Horrible your father was kidnapped and the only way they will let him go is if I fuck you on camera', but instead she simply says, "It was okay I guess."

"I'm glad you had a good day, mine sucked."

"Oh what happened?"

"Oh you know the usual; long busy day, lots of guys bugging me for my number, that kind of thing."

Tammy watched her step-daughter kick off her shoes and fall back onto the couch. Ashley was basically Tammy's polar opposite. Ashley was taller than Tammy at 5'7", had short blonde hair, bright blue-green eyes, and firm perky 34 C breasts. Tammy couldn't really blame men for finding her 27 year old step-daughter attractive; in fact for the first time since she met Ashley Tammy realized just what a little hottie she was.

"Well Ashley just sit and relax and I'll get dinner started."

"Thanks Tammy but I think I'd like a soak in the hot tub better," Ashley says as she stands and leaves the room.

Tammy gets dinner started and in the stove then paces around the kitchen trying to figure out how to go about seducing her step-daughter. Finally she thinks, 'Fuck it! I'll just wing it and hope for the best. The best being me fucking my daughter. Fuck how did my life get so fucked up?'

She goes to her bedroom and goes towards her closet to grab her bathing suit, but instead goes to her dresser and pulls out the tiny string bikini she usually only wears with her husband. Once dressed, if you can call it that when all you have on is a few pieces of string and three small cloth triangles, she goes to the door leading into their backyard and the hot tub. She pauses at the door trying to burst her courage enough to actually go outside with her step-daughter while she is practically naked.

"Okay Tammy you can do this you know what is at stake," she tells herself before opening the door.

Ashley is sitting with her back to the door and has earbuds in so she doesn't see or hear Tammy walk out to the hot tub. It is only when Tammy steps into the hot tube that Ashley notices her and slides farther under the water so only her head is visible above the bubbles. "Wow! Tammy when did you get that?"

"Your dad bought it for me awhile back until now he's the only one to have seen me in it. Do I look alright?"

"You look great, but why did you decide to wear it now?"

"Oh I don't know really it's a nice day and when you said you were getting in the hot tub I thought that sounded like a good idea and since it's just us girls I figured why not wear this. But if you think it's weird me wearing this with you I can go change or if you would rather be alone I can just go back in and leave you be."

"No! I mean no it's ok I don't mind the company and you can wear whatever you want it is your house," Ashley smiles.

For the next ten or so minutes they both just sat there in silence enjoying the relaxation of the hot tub, or at least Ashley was, Tammy was so nervous she couldn't relax to save her life at the moment. No matter how she sat she couldn't seem to be able to get comfortable so she was constantly shifting and moving every few seconds and she couldn't help glancing over at Ashley then looking away when they made eye contact.

As much as Tammy hoped Ashley wouldn't mention her nervous attitude, that hope came crashing down when after glancing away again Ashley asked, "Tammy is everything ok? You seem upset or something."

Tammy so just wanted to tell her everything that was going on but she knew if she did it would probably kill her husband so she just smiled and said, "Everything fine."

"Bull shit," Ashley said loudly surprising Tammy, "something is clearly up with you. I thought we had finally reached a point where we could be open with each other but clearly I was wrong!"

"Ashley no you're right we can be open with each other it's just..."


"Just...," then what came out of her mouth Tammy would never know where it came from, "Have you... ever had feelings for another woman?"

"Feelings," Ashley grinned, "as in sexual feelings?"

Not really sure where she was going with this Tammy simply nodded.

"Sure don't all girls think about sleeping with another girl at some point in their lives?"

"I never had...," Tammy stammers, "at least not until recently."

"Cool who is it?"


"You heard me," Ashley grins and sits up higher in the water exposing her bare shoulders, "who is the woman you have feelings for?"

"Ashley, are you naked?"

"Oops," she giggles, "but don't change the subject, who is the other woman?"

"I... it's...," Tammy mumbles not sure what to say and distracted by the tops of Ashley's perky tits just above the water line.

Ashley looks where Tammy is staring, "HOLY FUCK! REALLY? You want to fuck me?"

"What no of course not, you're my daughter," Tammy shouts.

Then a voice in the back of her head says, 'what are you doing this is perfect just go with it or do you not want to save your husband?'.

"Ashley I'm sorry but ... yes... it's you," Tammy says barely above a whisper.

"Wow... that's so... so..."

"Fucked up I know," Tammy finishes for her, "I'm so sorry."

"Yes fucked up," Ashley says then with a huge grin adds, "but also fucking hot."

"Wait really!?"

"Hell yes! I've had a crush on you since Dad introduced us all those years ago. If I ever thought you felt the same way I would have said something a long time ago. How long have you felt this way?"

"Well... to be honest I'm not really sure, it's just... I don't know," Tammy stammers not having a clue what to say after being caught off guard by Ashley's confession.

"You know what who cares how long as long as we both feel the same way, Ashley says before quickly moving across the hot tub and pulling Tammy into a deep kiss.

Completely caught off guard by Ashley's sudden attack Tammy does the only thing she can and that's return Ashley's kiss. The kiss may have only lasted a few seconds or an eternity Tammy wasn't sure but what she was sure of was never in her life could she remember enjoying a kiss more. The feel of Ashley's smooth soft body pressed tightly against hers, their breasts mashed together, and the overall intensity and passion that they shared. During that kiss nothing else matter or even existed for that matter it was just the two of them and their bodies trying so desperately to become one.

When they finally broke their kiss they just sat there with Ashley straddling Tammy's lap, their arms still around each other, their foreheads pressed together and both panting as they try to catch their breath. After several minutes Ashley is the first to move as her hand slides over Tammy's back and unties the two knots holding her tiny top in place. Tammy starts to say something but Ashley puts her finger to her lips and just grins down at her step-mother as her hands slowly drift down Tammy's body until they reach her hips and the knots that hold her bottoms in place and pulls them away. Ashley just grins at Tammy as if daring her to make the next move and Tammy takes that dare and pulls her daughter into a longer more passionate kiss.

Eventually Ashley breaks the kiss, "Tammy as amazing as it is being nude in the hot tub with you, there's a fantasy I've always had that if you're game I'd love to share with you."

"Anything Sweetie," Tammy pants, at this point up for anything and everything Ashley may want.

"Cool now go to your room and put on the purple nightie you have and the matching thong then meet me in my room in about five minutes and just play along please," Ashley says with a look on her face like she's begging.

"For you anything," Tammy smiles then kisses her softly and quickly on the corner of her mouth. It isn't until they are out of the hot tub and that Tammy turns to Ashley, "How did you know I have a purple nightie with a matching thong!"

"Umm, I may have gone through your clothes a time or two and tried things on," Ashley quietly says looking down at her feet.

Tammy laughs and reaches over and gives Ashley's firm little ass a slap, "That's for going through my stuff you naughty little girl."

Ashley grins then darts off towards her room shouting back, "I'll see you in a few minutes."

* * *

After reaching her room the reality of her situation hits her; the reason her started this thing with Ashley was for her husband's sake not hers. In fact she wanted nothing to do with any of this. So why was it she found herself so excited to meet Ashley in her room? Part of her wanted to be disgusted by their actions in the hot tub, part of her was telling her she was only doing these things to save her husband, but the largest part of her was telling her to ignore the other voices and just enjoy herself, after all when was the last time in her life had she felt the way she does at this moment. It was this voice Tammy listened to and five minutes or so later Tammy had dried off and put on the requested purple nightie and was knocking at Ashley's bedroom door.

From in the room she hears, "It's open come in."

Tammy didn't really know what to expect when she opened the door but what she found was definitely not it. Ashley was lying in her bed on her belly feet in the air, wearing her usual relaxing around the house sweat pants and t-shirt and was reading a book, "Hi Tammy do you need something?"

At first Tammy just stands there not sure what to do then remembers Ashley's request to play along and walks in smiling, "Hi sweetie can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure what's up?" Ashley asks as she sits up and puts her book aside.

Tammy walks over and sits on the edge of the bed next to Ashley, "Well Ashley there is something I've been meaning to ask you."


Not sure how Ashley wanted things to unfold Tammy simple says, "Well... is there anything you want to tell me?"

"About what?"

Tammy has to stop herself from laughing as she realizes that by playing the innocent little girl Ashley is forcing Tammy to take the lead. "Well... you know about boys and stuff."

"Eww, boys are gross," Ashley says with a look of disgust on her face.

"Honey you are a young woman are you really telling me you aren't interested in guys?"

"Nope not interested at all, why?"

"Okay what about girls then?"

"What about them?"

"Do you like girls?"

"My friends are girls, so yes," Ashley smiles at Tammy.

"I know that but what about when... you know... your'e...?"

"I'm what?"

"Playing with yourself."

"Playing with myself?"

"You know like rubbing your pussy."

"Tammy I don't have a cat."

Tammy can't help but laugh but quickly gets back into the character Ashley is forcing her into, "That's not what I meant... when I say pussy I mean your vagina."

"You can play with it? How? Can you show me?"

"Well I guess... but are you telling me you've never done it yourself?"


"Okay Ashley just watch me closely," Tammy tells her before pulling her thong off and moving one leg up on the bed so Ashley has a clear view of her pussy.

"Wow I've never seen another girl's special place before," Ashley says with excitement.