Neighbor Ch. 01-03


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"Mira's opening words were that she came to apologize and wondered if there was anything she could do to make amends for her mother's terrible behaviour. Ruth and I huddled and decided to have her clear up the kitchen. I'd been baking and I'd not yet put the lunch stuff in the dishwasher. She agreed. I fibbed that the dishwasher was out of order and she'd have to hand wash everything. Whilst she was doing that, we knew we had to find a way to give her a punishment -- probably a spanking. It was if she heard us. She dropped two plates on the tiled floor and they smashed. We grinned at each other. Ruth you carry on."

"I found it hot that we now had an opportunity to get her to be ours. I stormed into the kitchen and put on my best school principal imitation and admonished her to the point she was in tears. I then asked if she agreed that she had to be punished by adding her own clumsiness to her mother's dreadful behaviour. All she could say was 'I guess'. The die was cast."

Ruth paused and swallowed three of her six oysters followed by a swig of her wine.

Ruth continued, "I brought her into the living room and asked her if she would accept a spanking as punishment. She bowed her head and shook it affirmatively. I'd expected her to fight, or just leave, but she simply acquiesced. I told her to say it out loud. I had taken out my cell phone and recorded the declaration, 'I deserve to be spanked for breaking two plates. Please give it to me.' I told her to bend over the back of the sofa, which is clear and free from other furniture. Bill folded up her short skirt to reveal good old-fashioned, full sized, white grannie panties. Let's finish the oysters."

We all finished the six oysters on our plates, enjoying the clutch feeling as they go down. Ruth clapped her hands and Mira entered and served the soup and refilled our wine glasses with shaking hands. One drip went on the table cloth near Ruth. "One demerit Mira." "Yes. ma'am." Mira left us again. The soup was superb, as were the rolls that accompanied it.

"Mira made the rolls as well as the soup. She's good." Mike was anxious to hear how the spanking went. Ruth strung it out a bit further. "Now wait until we get to the next course. Bill shot the duck in the Fall. We've had them in the freezer for such an occasion as this. Now where was I?"

I offered, "Grannie panties."

"Oh, yes. I told her the panties were too thick to for a proper spanking and they had to go. I was surprised that she agreed immediately. I took them down and off her. I told her another little white one when I said the plates were Royal Doulton and very valuable so I reckoned they were worth at least twenty spanks. Bill agreed saying that was a low count and probably worth more. Poor Mira. She was very flustered by the speed we had her ready to be spanked. I told Bill to go first and not be gentle. He did not hold back. I must say I winced as she took the first one. Mira howled. Ready for the duck?" Ruth did not wait for our reply when she clapped her hands.

The soup bowls retrieved, and the duck served without incident. Bill jumped in, "Careful. I think I found all the shot but you might find the odd pellet or two." Mike found three in his first mouthful. As they ate the conversation turned to food and hunting until they were finished that course. They continued in the same vein as the Chocolate dessert was brought in. Almost three bottles of wine were finished before the sweetness of the dessert. Mike was feeling slightly bloated when the Stilton cheese and Port was served.

Mike was determined to get the whole story about Mira. "So how many spanks did you give Mira in the end -- so to speak."

"In the end --ha, ha. Bill gave ten and I gave ten. Mira's ass was ruby red when I took over. I stroked her first. When she'd relaxed, I gave her a hard whack -- by my standards. Not as hard as Bill but she felt it and whimpered. I told her to open her legs more. She did so to reveal engorged labia which showed a slight glistening. I applied my slaps in the middle on her rectum and labia. After five I ran my finger down her slit. It was wet as I thought."

Ruth looked at Mike and Bill and grinned before continuing, "One more slap and I partially inserted one finger in her cunt. Mira's ass pushed back into it. A light slap and then two fingers. I saw Mira's whole frame shudder. I saw an opportunity to try my latest toy, a strap on cock. I told Bill to hurry and get it quickly. I worked my fingers in and out slowly waiting for Bill to return."

Ruth ate a piece of the stilton from her knife and washed it down with a good gulp of the port. "Mira was turned on. I announced my last slap. I dropped my skirt and panties and had Bill fit me up. I pushed into Mira's cunt from behind. I worked in and out slowly at first as I got used to the feel of the resistance and the pressure on my own pubes. Mira howled with what I think was pleasure. As she quietened, I slipped it out and removed it. I lifted her up and I took her to the bathroom to apply some salve to her bum cheeks. I kissed her on the lips. First time I kissed a woman. An afternoon for firsts. She thanked me. I was blown away by her gracious thanks."

Bill took it up. "Mira left soon after but pleaded to come back the following day. I guess we really rang her bell. She came over the next day and asked if she had to break something to get spanked. Ridiculous, I know. But that was it. It took a week more training to have her as our virtual slave and what you see today. Mike, if you could get it up, she's happily blow you off here and now. Any questions?"

Mike replied, "I have one for you Ruth. Has she gone down on you yet?'


"Is she or me better?"

"You darling. She's good though."

"Does this mean you'll not need me any more when Bill's away?"

"No. You'll be on duty. Don't worry about that. Anyway I am now working on how we can loosen up some of my Yummy Mummy crowd. I suspect your tongue would be in demand by them as well. Now I'd like to go to the bedroom and have you suck me off whilst I blow Bill. Do you mind if Mira watches and fills in if we need her."

Mike did not know what to say so he kept his mouth shut. Ten minutes later Mike found his head trapped between two soft thighs with Bill's naked butt almost banging the top of his head as her straddled Ruth with his cock in her mouth. Later Mike sat in a padded chair while Mira played with his lazy soft cock in her mouth. Mira worked herself with her fingers as we watched Bill ream Ruth's anus. Mira whispered, "I like your soft cock."

Well Iggy that's it for now....maybe a third Neighbor chapter as Bill is away on his work absence?

Nann (Ugh)


Jim acknowledged Kelsey's e-mail.

Ok, you win ....XXXK,

Not sure how you found time to write all this, Superwoman. Give me a few days. I'll get back to you.


Jim thought about what he'd really like to do with Kelsey, as herself not Ruth, and how his wife's returning sensuality may unfold. Jim thought he could think up material for at least one more Chapter, or even more.

Neighbor Ch. 3

The following day, Sunday, dressed to go out, Gee walked over to Jim as he lounged in his favorite chair, laptop on his knees. She bent down to peck him on the forehead.

"Off now to the studio. Not sure what time I'll be back." Her voice was slightly brittle. Strained.

"Good luck." Jim cursed himself as soon as the words left his mouth. "What I mean is have fun. No, I really don't mean that either. Just be you, Sweetie. I'll be here."

Gee left.

Jim was conflicted and somewhat confused by the events of the last week.

It bothered Jim that Gee was so open about him having a shot at Kelsey. They did not lie to each other, so he regarded his secrecy about his writing was more of a sin omission than anything else. After much debate with himself about the pros and cons of such a revelation he decided to tell Gee about his writing and let the chips fall where they may. With all that had just happened to Jim, he considered the timing was right. Time to come clean to Gee.


Gee bustled through the front door an hour later than expected, carelessly dumped her coat on the newel post of the bannister and slumped on the sofa opposite Jim. "I'm pooped out. Also starving."

"And hello to you." Jim could not contain himself and the decision he had made. With no preamble he blurted out, "Gee, I've been writing erotic stories."

"That's nice, darling. Now if you'd make me a ham sandwich with lettuce, and tomato on the rye bread. Oh, use mayo and add a slice of cheese. Also throw a pickle on the plate. I fancy a can of that hard cider we bought last week. Be a dear. I really am starving." Jim was stunned for moment. Of all the reactions he had anticipated 'that's nice' and a ham sandwich was not one of them. Jim rose to do as requested. He took a can of beer for himself and laid the tray on the coffee table in front of Gee. Jim resumed his seat.

"Gee, did you hear what I said?"

'Yes, dear, I heard. Let me finish this up." Gee then held up the empty can. "Another?" Jim obliged. He wondered if she was stalling before answering him.

"That's so good." Gee put her feet up on the sofa. "Much better. I might need a bath and massage a bit later. Do you know how hard it is to be leaning over for over two hours in one position and with only five minute breaks? Did I say I am pooped?"

"Yes, love you did." Jim studied Gee's face carefully. She was one of those rare women who looked more beautiful when tired, with slightly darkened and sunken eyes. "How did it go?" Nice open question.

Gee then brighten up, "The food's hitting. Soooo, you've been writing erotica. I did find it strange you didn't talk about what you have been writing on and off for the last few years. I could hardly fail to notice with you tippy tapping on your laptop. I thought it was some dreadfully dry tome on Sedimentary Rock or something stupid like that."

"Igneous rocks."

"Oh, you've also been writing about igneous rocks as well. I knew it would be boring stuff. I didn't ask you."

"No. What I mean is I have been publishing my stories on, the web site, under the handle Igneousrocks." Gee burst out laughing.

"You get your spewing hot rocks off writing." Gee now dissolved into a fit of giggles. One of her most endearing qualities to Jim was her ability to find humor in the most unlikely places.

"Seriously Gee. You don't mind?"

"My love, whatever floats your boat."

"I started after..."

Gee interrupted him, "No rationalizations. You did it. You do it? No biggy. I read all the classics decades ago, Nin, Miller, Reage. I'm shock proof in that department. Leave it at that. Now are you a tiny bit curious about my evening?"

Jim pulled himself back from his own preoccupations and felt a rumble of guilt about being so self-centered. "Ok. So how was your evening? Good news or no action?"

"Patrick showed me his rendering of me on the big canvas. I must admit he made me look pretty sexy. He told me he could use me for one of the other women in the composition. But I would be leaning over. I reckoned I am pretty fit these days with all the standing and walking I do in the library plus my gym workouts. I said Ok. Then he asked if I was prepared to pose topless, I thought of your comment and agreed, although I was now quite nervous."

"So your tits were on display."

"That's the definition of topless, smartass." Gee grinned at Jim.


"I had scintilla of arousal. The room was warm but my nipples had a mind of their own and hardened up pretty dramatically. But as I got used to standing there with the Vivaldi blaring, I must admit the arousal slowly ebbed leaving a nice warm sensation around my breasts. I was getting normalized to the situation."

"So that's it. An inconclusive test?"

"Let me finish. Patrick liked my nipples hard. I did too. He came up to me and without asking he put his finger in the glass of scotch he drinks when painting and rubbed around my nipple, very gently. That was a rush for me. My babies sure liked that and stood to attention one more. Patrick went back to his painting and I felt that slight downward ripple once again. What do you think of that? Can you make a story out of that?"

"I was thinking of more than a story."

"Don't rush it big boy. There's more, as the ads on TV say. About an hour into the pose there was knock on the door. Patrick had thoughtfully locked it. He went over and talked to someone there. He came over to me and asked if I minded having three of his students come in. It appeared he had forgotten he promised them a critique and they had carted their canvasses on the bus across town. I agreed and wrapped a shawl over my shoulders covering my erect nipples."

"Sound innocent enough. I'm guessing there is still more."

"I found it a bit weird that the three young men were of Caucasian, Oriental and African origin. Almost like one of those bad bar jokes. I looked at their canvasses along-side Patrick. The paintings were all female nude studies. Philip started on their palette selection and then dealt with the values and their precise uses of color. The critique was informative for me as well as the students. I noticed when one of the student's work was under scrutiny the other two kept giving me surreptitious glances up and down my body. My now relaxed nipples started to respond again."

"Sounds promising."

"I was surprised. At the library I am dealing with kids of their age all the time and quite a number look me over every day and that has no effect on me. As an erotica writer you must know a female librarian is ranked right up there with teachers and nurses." Gee gave another of her patented giggles.

"You're wicked."

"No. Just been around the block a few times. Anyway, the critique then went on to their errors in proportion and anatomy. Patrick then referred them to the painting he was doing. He was illustrating his points by comparing the previous painting he did of me and also used the other image of me that he had going. I am not sure if the students were being willfully thick or they saw an opportunity by not fully understanding what he was saying."

"Under their skins they are still red blooded horny young males. Of course, they were playing along. How did you handle it? "

"Patrick was getting frustrated with them. Totally out of character for him. I cast my mind back to the fact this was a test of my possible erotic rebirth. I jumped in and offered to resume my pose. Patrick was astounded and asked me three times if I was sure. I told him yes and cast off my shawl. Patrick gave the guys newsprint pads and some charcoal and told them to sketch. With four sets of eyes scanning my body, and two visible erections and one undecided for the Oriental because he had very baggy trousers, I knew I was onto something. I felt some distinct arousal in my lower stomach area. I declare myself to be a closet exhibitionist! How do you like dem apples?" Gee stood up and made a bow.

"Fuck. That's great. If this was a story I was writing, you'd be having a gangbang."

"No, it was all rather innocent. They sketched for about half an hour and Patrick looked at their work and kicked them out. Patrick then did another hour before calling it quitting time. He was a perfect gentleman by the way. But it does raise the point what if I had said there was gangbang as you put it? How would you react?"

"Oh dear. That's a tough one to answer. Part of me would be horrified, but I think the weight of my feeling would be supportive. For selfish reasons I love the thought that you would have your sexual feelings back for starters. Also, I would be so happy for you to have the full suite, in fact any suite, of sex reactions -- the orgasms and euphoria -- that I could give you, we could share. From what I read about cuckolded husbands I may get turned by your descriptions."

Gee looked at Jim, "Let's go try the double bed. I'm doubtful that anything will work properly for me. Just fuck me and we'll see if there is progress. I'll get the KY."

They both got naked quickly and snuggled under the blankets. Jim kissed Gee gently and held their lips together slowly engaging his tongue. Jim persisted for a full ten minutes, a muted version of their early necking experiences when they were courting. Gee responded to this. Jim started talking as he caressed Gees breasts and ran his fingers over her nipples. He whispered in her ear.

"Patrick and three students are watching you pleasure yourself. You loosen the cord supporting the harem trousers push your hand down and run your fingers along your shaved pussy as you stand looking at the black student. The material is sufficient transparent for them all to see your actions. Your nipples harden as they all unzip their jeans and pull out their cocks."

Gee simply said, "Yes. Yes."

Jim moved his hand down. "Ok?" His voice was quiet and gentle.

"Yes. Ok."

Jim stroked Gee's pussy and finds the slightest of lubrication. He continued and Gee remains unresponsive. He moved under the blankets and brought his mouth and rough tongue to the action with no apparent response. He moved up and pushed his cock into Gee's vagina.

Gee suggested, "The KY. Still a desert down there."

Jim greases his pole and inserted it again. The warmth and softness were still there. It was tight around his member. His own urges took over and he fucked her long and hard. She barely responded apart from tears running down her cheeks. "Fuck me big boy. Keep it going." Jim did and let a big load loose deep inside Gee. He was not quite sure but he thought he felt a small spasm squeeze his cock just after he was spent.

"Jim. I felt something. Yes I definitely felt it. Oh, Jim." Gee grabbed Jim's face and kissed him hard on the lips. "Cuddle me." He did.

"We'll try this again," Gee proposed as she drifted off into sleep.

Jim woke. He was still naked. It was already light outside. He glanced at the clock -- six thirty. He felt a hand playing with his cock. It moved from semi-hard to rigid in an instance. It did not take him long to come. "It's OK. I'll wash the sheets later. You deserved that."

"Sleep well?"

"Yes, until five. Was thinking. Tell me about your writings."

"You sure?" Gee nodded. Jim continued, "Like you, I had read some erotica at Uni. Then somehow, I tripped over the Literotica site. It captured my attention. That's about five years ago. I became somewhat addicted to it. Generally short reads and some real diamonds in the broad horizon of works. It became good masturbation fodder."

Gee gave one her patented giggles.


"Remember the drains blocked about four years ago. The plumber told us to stop putting tissues down the toilet. After that I noticed the number of tissues in the waste bins suddenly jumped. Remember I clear them. Didn't take an Einstein to figure out what you were doing. Go on."

Jim winced at being so transparent. "After a few years of having a daily read and spotting all sorts of patterns for plots and sexual situations I convinced myself I could write a story. I did. Then another and so on. I must have written about twenty in all. The next step was to submit them. The choice of my handle came to me as I was reading a paper on volcanic larva and the hot rock spewing into the crevasses --blah, blah, blah. Igneousrocks."