Neighborhood Thrills Ch. 04


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"That was a delightful thing to see, Delia," I murmured into her ear, "I think I enjoyed that almost as much as you did."

Amber took her hand off Delia's breast and whispered, "Thank you Delia. You can't imagine how much pleasure you just gave me."

Delia sat up and held her face in her hands, still breathing heavily, "I can't believe you girls made me wet my pants. I gotta get outta here while I can still walk."

"That's not pee that wet your pants," I teased.

"It sure doesn't smell like pee," giggled Amber.

Delia groaned and staggered out of the tent. In the doorway, she turned and murmured, "You two have a wonderful night. I'm going to the bathhouse and take a quick shower with my shorts still on - I can't go back to my tent smelling like this!" And she was gone.

"You did enjoy that," I snickered at Amber, "And it didn't take any booze, either."

Amber stood and switched the lantern back on and light filled the tent. "Yeah, but you're losing momentum every second, and I really don't want to get it on. Especially not here, not in this camp surrounded by high school girls and teachers." She smiled at me to take some of the sting out of her words, "What just happened, just happened, but it's just another sweet memory of this wonderful day. And right now, I do feel like I need a drink."

"Better not," I cautioned, opening my cell phone, "It's lights out in two minutes and you have two tents to visit. You don't want to go with alcohol on your breath." She groaned but stepped away from the ice chest.

"I forgot the cups anyway - left them in my car." She gave me a little smile, "I'll pick them up on my way back. See ya in a while!"

I nodded at her and went back to fishing through my backpack for an extra pair of panties. I was pretty sure I needed a change after the scene with Delia. I found them and also ran across my bottle of sesame seed oil. Mmmm, I smiled, an idea forming in my mind. I set the oil on the floor beside my sleeping bag and went to check on my tent of girls. Instead of being inside their bedrolls, they were all sitting on top of them in a little circle and talking softly. When I poked my head in, they quieted and looked up at me.

I had memorized their names from a list I'd been given. Susan Weatherby was a curvy blond almost as tall as I am and maybe ten to fifteen pounds overweight - not even enough to call her plump - it just softened her generous curves. I knew she was eighteen because Alyssa had recently mentioned attending her birthday party. Alyssa had also mentioned that she suspected her of being a 'girl's girl' which was Alyssa's euphemism for bi or lesbian. Susan was also the least dressed, wearing only a sleeveless tee shirt and panties where her dark triangle of pubic hair was plainly visible. Either by the strength of her personality or by election, she functioned as leader and invited me in a soft but clear voice, if I would do them the honor of joining them for a moment. "Sure girls," I smiled and sat down on my heels in their midst, and finished with a sotto voce whisper, "What's up?"

Alice, a very slim girl with brown hair and glasses answered, "We just wanted to tell you that we're very proud to know you and to thank you for being our chaperone."

"And we also wanted to ask you," said Susan with a glare at Alice for leaving something out, "If it would be okay to give you a hug goodnight."

"Of course, girls," then I paused, "But you're not really girls, are you? You're all either seventeen or eighteen, and that makes you women." I smiled again, "But I'll give you each a hug anyway."

"Actually we're all eighteen or older in this tent," murmured Annette an attractive brunette, as she sat up on her knees and put her arms around my neck. For a second, I thought she was going to kiss me, but she just put her face close and said even more quietly, "I'm nineteen because I missed a year of school traveling in Europe." And then she hugged me tightly enough to press her breasts firmly against mine and she did kiss my neck. She also held the hug for a little longer than necessary and I could feel her nipples hardening against my breasts. Then she pulled back and looked earnestly into my eyes and whispered, "Look, I know you were kidding when you suggested having sex together last night, but we went ahead and did it, and we're all bi-sexual in this tent now. Well, except for Susan. She never has cared for boys. So this is for the suggestion." She kissed me on the mouth and licked into my mouth with her tongue before I could stop her. Stunned, I even kissed her back. Like her hug, her kiss went on for a while.

I felt kind of panicky as Annette sat back down and Lynn got up on her knees. Lynn had brown curly hair and a heavy spray of freckles across her nose and upper cheeks. Lynn was a little plump, but had a pretty face and sexy legs. She gave me an apologetic look as she put her arms around me, "I hope being kissed by girls isn't freaking you out, but you can't imagine how much we admire you, especially after this morning."

"You all want to kiss me?" I asked faintly, "I mean, no, I don't mind kissing girls, I'm bi-sexual myself, oh, I don't know what I mean and I'm afraid this is so inappropriate. But I'd be a lot less nervous if you'd put out the light." Alice immediately leaned over and snapped off their electric lantern. About then Lynn drew me very close and gave me a surprisingly gentle kiss while one of her hands wandered down between my legs and gave me a firm squeeze on my private parts. She gave me several soft French kisses and continued squeezing my groin. I know all the girls saw it too, because the moonlight was as bright in their tent as it was in mine, and her hand cupping my pussy was the last thing she removed as she sat back.

Slim little Alice and somehow slipped out of what little she had been wearing and straddled my thighs as she embraced me. She'd taken her glasses off, too. She had small pretty breasts and unusually long nipples, and her dark patch of pubic fur was rubbing hard against my thigh as she whispered, "Let us take your shorts off, Claire, we want to give you an orgasm, please. It will only take a few minutes, I promise." I didn't say okay or anything in fact, mainly because Alice already had her surprisingly long tongue in my mouth, and groping hands from all around be were pulling away my clothes. I didn't cooperate as much as I could have, but I didn't fight them off, either. In moments, I was lying on my back in the center of the tent with naked girls all over me.

Alice had her arm crooked under my right knee, holding that leg spread wide while she kissed and nibbled at my right breast, and Susan had my other leg spread just as wide, and was kissing my left breast. Annette had her neck arced and was vigorously licking my clit and that had to be Lynn's tongue snaking into my bottom. I had no idea whose fingers were in my vagina, and didn't care in the least. Then Susan was whispering in my ear, "Claire, I'll only do this if you want me to, but may I lower my pussy to your face so you can lick me?"

I turned my head to her and whispered after a brief moan, "You just live a few blocks from me, don't you?" She nodded, and I added, "Then don't be a stranger, sweetie; and the answer is yes, if you kiss me first." She gave me an incredibly sweet kiss with only a little tongue, then made good on her word and lowered herself on my mouth. She had a tangy and sweet smell, perfume, I realized and the taste of her was rich and sweet as well. I actually wondered if she'd put syrup or honey in her pussy, she tasted so sweet but, it just kept flowing so much that I had to start swallowing, and I realized she was just naturally sweet! Then Susan was easing aside, and Alice's narrow hips settled around my face.

Alice was very tangy and so musky she would have to classify as almost stinky, and I had to admit, I enjoyed her very much. She had a prominent clit that I managed to slurp and suck for a minute before I was so overwhelmed by an orgasm, than the myriad sensations blurred around me and inside me. Every girl kissed me on the mouth a few times while I was coming and every one of them took a turn at licking my pussy and tasting my juices. Lynn sat on my face and rocked her hips while my nose tickled her clit, and I enjoyed her feminine smells. Annette only squatted over me long enough for me to taste her and sip at her juices, which flowed as strongly as Susan's. Then they were dressing me and kissing me good night. I wobbled off still in a stunned state, and still tingling all over from my orgasm.

I got back to my tent and went over to look at my cell phone. Ten-twenty. I'd only been gone twenty minutes. Amber gave me a round-eyed look, and sat aside her drink. "What happened to you, Claire? Good heavens! I can smell you from over here!"

I felt a little drunk as I picked up my towel and bath kit, "Yeah, I have to take a quick shower."

Hastily, Amber put her hair up into a ponytail and grabbed her own kit and towel. "I'll come with you." I was already out the door, but I slowed so she could catch up. "Are you going to tell me what happened or not?"

"Not! At least, not at the moment," I sighed. Surprisingly we were alone again in the bathhouse but one person running a shower. We stripped and headed for the showers even as we heard the water turn off. A lady with skin colored like chocolate milk came out and passed us and Amber said hi to her.

"That's Esmerelda from Panama," murmured Amber, "doesn't she have a great butt?" I turned my head to catch a glimpse of a nicely rounded bottom, just as the lady turned the corner. Then as we turned the showers on, Amber added, "She's Delia's roommate and is deeply religious."

The water was bringing me around, as I had set it more cool than warm, and with the clarification of my thoughts, I began to regain a healthy interest in Amber's nudity. Amber noticed me watching her and gave me a shy smile, "I swear this is the last time you will ever see me naked if you don't tall me what happened!"

I grinned, "All four of the girls in my tent took off their clothes, took mine off and had sex with me."

"No shit?" Amber was wide-eyed again, "In just twenty minutes?"

I shrugged lazily, "It doesn't take that long to come with four girls licking you all over at the same time, and that was all they were out to do - make me come. I don't think any of them did. Although I'm sure they've all had orgasms by now. Quite the orgy thing going on in that tent!"

"Wow!" gulped Amber, "And you didn't do anything to them?"

"Oh they each took a brief turn squatting on my face, and I kissed all of them several times. It was an interesting experience, but it all happened so fast... Amber I can still feel my orgasm." I shivered under the cool spray and washed my face. With my eyes closed, I said, "I've been with three women at once several times, but that was my first time with four and all of them just concentrating on me. Gosh!" I felt my hand go down to my pussy and gently rubbed myself there before I remembered where I was and opened my eyes. Amber was watching very closely. I smiled at her and she blushed.

On the way back to the tent, Amber reached over tentatively to take my hand and I gave her a reassuring squeeze. We didn't talk, but we did hold hands all the way back. Once we were back inside she offered to make me a drink, and I accepted. We settled down on our little pallet made by pushing our sleeping bags together. I took a sip of my drink while Amber and I just looked into each other's eyes. Amber smiled and said, "I'm glad you had a good orgasm, so now you won't have a need to seduce me."

I took a good gulp of my screwdriver and reached for my bottle of sesame seed oil. "I'll admit to having no urgent needs at the moment, but I wonder if you'd allow me to feel one of your calves. They've just fascinated me from the first moment I saw you."

"Back to complimenting my flaws, huh?" she giggled and stretched out her legs toward me, leaning back on her arms. "Go ahead, you can pick either fat leg and play with it as much as you want to," she giggled again. I uncrossed my legs, spread them and cocked my knees, leaning forward slightly as I picked up her right calf and began feeling of her thick, rounded freckled calf. It felt delightfully firm, almost hard, and I began to knead her muscles with my fingers.

"Wow, great muscles, you liar; I don't think you have an ounce of fat on your whole body. This really feels wonderful!" I closed my eyes briefly from the pleasure I felt from rubbing her calf.

"Well," she grinned, lighting up her face with her enchanting smile, "I admit that what you are doing feels pretty good to me, but I have trouble believing that it feels that wonderful to you!"

I gently lowered her leg and reached for the sesame seed oil and poured some on my hands and then rubbed my hands together before picking up her leg with my slippery hands and starting to massage the oil into her calf, "And you'd be wrong, sweetie. I have quite a fetish about women with thick muscular calves, and I find it very sexually arousing to touch you like this."

"So you start massaging my leg and then you tell me that you are aroused by girls with thick calves?" she sighed and looked at me with her eyes half open, "You're such a pervert, Claire, if I even let you convince me. But at least I'm getting a lot of pleasure from it, I'll tell you that! But I still think you're lying to try and make me feel good about myself, and to make me love you, and all because you want to get into my pants."

"Is it working?" I smiled gently.

"Oh God! Yes," she sighed, "but you'll need to work on my other leg, soon, it's starting to get a little lonely." I obeyed, and after getting more oil on my hands I started rubbing her other calf. She sighed again, and sank back until she was lying down with her hands on her stomach. She had pretty, dainty feminine hands. "Who would have thought that having my legs oiled and massaged could make me feel so sensuous?" She murmured. She ran her hands lazily around on her tummy, then allowed one to brush across the base of her breasts. She let out a low moan.

I bent over and kissed the side of her sesame seed oiled calf, a warm wet lick and kiss. She sat up, breathing through her mouth. "You can't be kissing my legs, Claire," she whispered nervously, "At least not with the lights on."

"Okay," I said, and I stood and snapped off the lantern. I got her to lie down properly, length wise on her sleeping bag with her head on her pillow, then I resumed kissing her calves, and stroking them with my fingers. Then I dried my hands by rubbing and massaging her dry thighs.

"Mmm, that feels so good," she murmured, "Today in the waterfall, I was standing in the spray, the cool spray, you know. And I just put my thighs together and I peed on myself. The combination of the cool spray and my warm pee running down my legs, just made me feel so free. I mean, I didn't even really need to pee, and I only had the slightest urge to, and I just peed anyway. I felt so free." She sighed and even more softly asked, "Do you think that's weird, Claire?"

I began to lick and kiss her thighs as I murmured, "No, baby, I think that sounds like a really nice, sensuous experience. It sounds sweet, just like you, Amber, really sweet, really sexy." I kissed one of her inner thighs right at the base of her shorts, gave her a slow lick, and then kissed the same spot again. "Would you like to pee on me sometime?" I whispered as I nuzzled the crotch of her shorts, "Because I would let you pee on me, if you wanted to, Amber." I kissed her crotch and breathed hot hair through the cloth.

"Really?" she asked in a startled voice, "you'd let me pee on you?"

I kept kissing her crotch and nuzzling it, "Oh yes," I whispered, turning my cheek to her cloth covered mound to speak, "I'd let you pee on me, anywhere you wanted, and if you wanted I would pee on you, too. I'll do anything for you, Amber. I'll grant your every fantasy, your every whim, and I'll let you do anything to me that you'd like." I looked up at her and could see her face clearly in the moonlight. "And you have the most beautiful, sexy, feminine hands. May I kiss your hands?"

"I know it sounds perverted, Claire, but peeing on each other just sounds so sexy," she said breathlessly. Then she sat up further, and held out both hands to me and I began to kiss them and suck on her fingertips. "Oh Claire, you're doing it to me, you are so seducing me! I'm almost ready to take off my pants for you, so we have to stop." She pulled her hands away from my kisses, "If you'll do anything for me, please stop, Claire. Turn on the lights, and I'll rub your calves with oil. Would that be all right, please?"

I straightened and stood up, "Of course, I said I would do anything for you, Amber, and I meant it. But before I turn the lights on, would you just look around and please notice how bright the moonlight is in here? Now would you please step outside and try to see in. Please?" She gave me a mystified look and went outside. She tried peering in the windows and peered high and low from the mosquito-netting door.

"Wow," she said, coming back inside, "You can't see a thing in here with the lights off, at least not from outside." I turned the light back on, and sat down, holding out the bottle of oil for her. She stuck out her tongue, "So you're telling me that I'm crazy to get all paranoid about being seen by anyone."

I stood, walked over to her and handed her the oil, then I knelt down at the base of the zipper that held the door closed, "And look here, please." I took the zipper and hooked it into the little hook attached to the canvas floor that served as a lock, "Now, not only can no one see in when the lights are off, but they can't come in, either. And no I didn't call you anything, I just wanted you to know how well protected you were."

"I'm sorry," she said a little sheepishly, "Look, I already know who two of your three secret lovers are and with beautiful, sexy, hard-bodied teenaged girls like that, I can't understand why you would want to have sex with me anyway. I'm plain. I have a weird looking body, and I'm just a dull chemistry teacher, who's lonely and horny." She said as she rubbed her palms with oil and began applying it to my right calf.

"You're hot, sexy, and beautiful, and what difference would it make if you were ugly? It should still be obvious to you that demented old me at least thinks that you're hot, sexy and beautiful!" she smiled a little and I changed my tone to serious, "What teenaged girls are you talking about, Amber."

"I guess it is obvious that you want to get into my pants," she agreed, and when she saw my eyebrows lowering, she hastily added, "The way that you and Alyssa and Holly look at each other. It was pretty subtle, but not to someone like me. I don't miss much, Claire. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Who's your third secret lover? Another teenaged girl?"

"It's Alyssa's mother Paula, who happens to be four years older than me, although much more beautiful. We love each other very much and spend nearly all our spare time together." I sighed, really starting to enjoy, Amber's massage of my calf, "I have never found as much joy in the company of another person - until I met you this morning. I feel the same about Delia, but to be honest, while I feel very close to both of you. I mean, I could be Delia's lover and I could certainly come to love her, and I do love Alyssa and Holly, never doubt that. But I am IN love with Paula, and I think I could be with you, too."

Amber froze, "Are you serious? You're falling in love with me?"

"I don't know Amber, I just said I could be. I mean I feel like I am, but that's just childish having only known you for a day, on the other hand, it doesn't mean it won't turn out to be true with time." She was still staring at me, and I felt myself turning red, "Okay, I'd like to call it my child-like innocence but you can call it childish if you like. But I stand by what I said. I have strong feelings for you, so there!"