Neighborly Love


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"Mmmm, yes!" Lana murmured, but not too loud.

Robert thought he brought her close to orgasm; however, she turned around and slid down his chest slowly, grinding her butt against him as she descended. When she got down to his cock, she reached for it and guided it into her pussy all in one motion. Instead of bouncing up and down on it, she just sat there for several seconds before just squirming around on his dick. It actually felt pretty nice for him, and her continued soft moans indicated enjoyment for her.

It didn't take Lana long to come, but she did so quietly given their location. As she was climaxing, she threw her head back resting it on his shoulder and reaching behind her to grab his head and press it lovingly to his. This caused her back to arch and her tits to poke out, so Robert slid his hands under her shirt to caress her breasts over her sports bra. She quickly pulled her shirt and her bra off.

Robert was somewhat amazed that Lana was so desperate she would completely undress in this slightly secluded area just outside their neighborhood. Still, he cupped her bare boobs and fondled them to her delight.

Once her orgasm subsided, she stood and slipped her leggings back on. Robert watched with raised eyebrows, wondering if this was it. But she only pulled them to below her crotch. She pulled Robert up, grabbed his dick and guided it toward her pussy and used his cock to tease her clit.

"Rub it against my pussy," she commanded, "and leave something in my leggings to remember you by."

Robert had seen this in a couple of porn videos; guys rubbing their cocks against a pussy and coming in the crotch. The woman then pulled them up, her snatch sitting in a puddle of cum. He'd never done this, but it seemed he was now. It didn't take long for him to realize he liked it, and even less time for him to deposit his load in her leggings.

She didn't waste a second pulling up her pants and using her hand to rub the crotch into her pussy.

"Mmmm, that's so good," Lana purred with a grin, putting her shirt and bra back on. "Shall we head back?"


As they walked, she asked, "Do you like doing it outside?"

"It was nice, but unnerving doing it in such a public place, never knowing if someone was going to come."

"That's why we were there: to come!" Lana giggled, then added a bit more seriously, "I've never encountered anyone here. I don't think many of our neighbors know about it. I sometimes come here to masturbate. It just feels so liberating out in nature. We should come back tomorrow."

Robert took a deep breath. "Lana, this was fun, but we can't keep doing this. I'm glad I was able to give you some... relief... but it's not right."

"I understand, Robert. I'm sorry if I caused you misery. You're not only the first man to come along in a while who would do it with me, but who actually had the tool and was good at it."

"Okay, well..."

At the end of the wooded area, they parted company.

* * *

Once again, Robert was uneasy about what he'd done, so he didn't go walking the next morning. He did watch for Lana. She walked slowly past his house, but didn't stop, then moved on. He didn't see her again that day.

The next day was Saturday, Joan was off, so of course, he wasn't going walking that day, either. After he had stepped into the shower, Joan came in to tell him something, but he couldn't hear her over the running water. She was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, so maybe she was going to exercise in another room, which she sometimes did. She waved and he waved back.

When he finished, he looked around for her, but she wasn't there. Then he had a horrible feeling.

* * *

"You must be Joan," Lana said as she approached the woman who exited Robert's House.

Joan hadn't been looking in her direction, so she turned. "Yes. And you are?"

"Lana. Your husband and I have walked together a couple of times.

"Yes, he mentioned that." Joan immediately noticed how well Lana filled out her tight leggings and tank top. Nothing was left to the imagination.

"Are you going for a walk?"

"I am."

"Mind if I tag along?"

What could Joan say. "Sure. How are you?"

"Pretty good. And you?"

"Can't complain. How is your husband? Robert said he was ill?"

"He's about the same."

"Is that good?"

Lana shrugged. "He's not worse, so that's good."

"Okay." Joan didn't know what else to say. "Must be difficult for you."

"Well, if I'm being honest," Lana intimated, "what's worse is he's just too weak to have sex. That's what's difficult for me."

Joan definitely didn't know what to say to that.

"Must be nice to have a very gentlemanly husband like Robert who can give it to you anytime you want." She glanced at Joan quickly. "I'm sorry. I'm getting a little personal."

"I understand your dilemma," Joan sympathized; she truly did. But her red flags also went up. Joan guessed that Lana was about her same age and that she obviously took good care of herself; good care meaning that, for their age, she had a very nice body with big breasts. Just the type of woman Robert would be attracted to. Joan sensed Lana might have her eye on him. "Life isn't always fair, is it?"

"Not so much." But not for you, Lana thought, because of what Robert had told her. Joan could have it but didn't want it. "But maybe I'll get lucky."

"I hope you do." Joan did sort of feel sorry for her neighbor.

"I'd love for you to come meet my husband," Lana said. "He doesn't get to meet many new people."

"Sure," Joan agreed. She wanted to see for herself what condition the man was in.

They ended up in front of Lana's home a few minutes later. Joan was not surprised to meet the much older man in the easy chair, who was exactly as Robert had described him. It was now easy to understand Lana's predicament.

"You are a lovely lady," Myron complimented in his frail voice. "Your husband is a lucky man. I enjoyed meeting him."

"Thank you."

"I wish Lana was so fortunate to have a man such as him." Myron attempted a chuckle, but it quickly became a cough. Finally, he was able to add, "Instead, she is burdened with me."

"Oh, Myron, stop it," Lana chided. "You know you're no burden."

Joan couldn't determine from Lana's tone whether she was sincere or just being kind to her husband.

"Except that I can't give you what you need like I bet Joan's husband can give her."

Joan pretended to look around to give the impression she was uneasy about their woes.

However, Lana took it differently. "Myron, you're embarrassing our guest. I'm sorry, Joan. There was a time when we had a really active sex life. Myron was a real stallion. He always tries to blame himself for his illnesses and inability to--"

"I get the picture," Joan said, cutting her off. But she did have a hard time imagining Myron as a stallion.

"I really apologize if this embarrasses you, Joan," Lana offered. "On the other hand, get used to it. Even though this is a 55 plus subdivision, the majority of people are older, in their seventies, and all they want to talk about is everyone's health and who can still do it, who can't, and who just doesn't."

"Just doesn't?"

"There are one or two who probably still can but choose not to. One I know of can but just doesn't enjoy it anymore, so she does not." Lana was, of course, referring to Joan based on what Robert had told her. She threw that out to just to see what Joan's reaction would be.

Joan hoped that Robert had not described their situation to Lana because it sounded familiar. "Hmm," was Joan's only response.

Lana shrugged. "As you meet other neighbors and they get to know you, they'll figure a way to work that into a conversation."

"Why is that so important to these people?" Joan wanted to know.

"Because some can and most cannot, and the cannots live vicariously through the cans. I've even heard one or two of the older women ask one or two of the ones who still can to describe what they do."

Joan showed a modicum of surprise though she really wasn't. Lana did not know of her past.

"Offer our guest some coffee," Myron said. "I'll have some also."

Lana did not ask Joan if she wanted any, she merely got up to fix some.

"So, which group do you fall into?" Myron asked after his wife was out of range.

"Which group?" Joan asked to stall.

"Can, cannot or don't."

"Myron!" Lana returned in time to hear his question. "I'm sorry, Joan. Sometimes he's just as bad as the neighbors."

Joan merely nodded. She didn't really want coffee but accepted it to be polite.

"Next he'll be asking you to let Robert... take care of me."

That made Joan nearly spill her coffee, though she should have almost seen it coming. "Excuse me?"

But Lana had returned to the kitchen to get her husband's cup.

"Would you let him?" Myron asked.

But Lana returned, so Joan didn't respond.

After a couple of sips, an uncomfortable Joan stood. "I really should be going."

"I hope we didn't offend you," Lana asked.

"No, no. I'm sure Robert is probably wondering where I am."

Lana followed her to the front door. "I really hope you're not offended, but thanks for listening."

"I'm really not and I hope you figure a way to solve your... dilemma." But they did plant a seed.

Joan looked toward her house and saw Robert standing in front. As she walked toward him, she considered Lana's unfortunate situation and Myron's question.

"So, you met our neighbors," a worried Robert noted when she reached him.

"You mean Miss Hot-to-Trot?"

"Miss Hot-to-Trot?" Robert repeated innocently but knew what she meant.

"You couldn't tell that Lana is hornier than all of our former female neighbors put together?"

"I guess I did get a sense that their marriage was lacking due to her invalid husband."

"You got a sense? She as much as told me. Her husband wasn't too shy about it, either."

"Really? What did they say?" Robert could only imagine.

"Let's go inside." Once behind closed doors, Joan told him, "They both would like me to let you fuck her."

That didn't surprise Robert at all. But he had to act as though he was. "Seriously?"


"What did you say?"

"I didn't answer." But she could see Robert's erection growing in his pants. "She's quite a hottie for her age, don't you think?"

"Uh, well, she, uh, does seem to stay in shape."

"Would you like to fuck her?" Joan asked, slowly.

"What? I can't believe you're even asking me that."

"Why? You got a hard on when I told you, and you haven't had sex in a while--"

"Not because I don't want to."

"I know. Exactly my point. I'm sorry I just don't enjoy much of it anymore, but you know I'll do it if you want to."

Robert shook his head. "I know. But I'm not going to have you do something you don't want to do for my own selfish wants." He said it more defensively than he wanted to. "And frankly, doing it just to get off is not--"

"I understand."

"And you don't have to be sorry. You have every right not to want to do it."

He had told her that many times before, and though she wanted to believe it and let him think she did, she wondered if he really meant it, or how much he meant it. She went into their master bath and stripped down to shower. Robert followed her. She was still a very attractive woman herself.

"Do you miss the old neighborhood?" Joan asked, turning the shower on. "And all we used to do?" She stepped into the stall.

"Sometimes. But not too much. In the beginning, all that group sex and orgies were fun and exciting, but after a while, it was just sex."

"I agree. For me, it got to be more fun mostly watching than doing," Joan revealed.



"What does that mean? Is there something else you like?"

She shrugged. "Maybe."

Robert frowned at her vagueness but didn't pursue it.

"But you miss having sex."

He shrugged to make it look less important. "Occasionally."

"So, be honest," Joan said, stepping out of the stall and drying herself. "Did Lana come on to you?"

Though he felt guilty, Robert was still not ready to come clean. He shrugged. "I did get the feeling that she was... available."

"Available, huh?" Joan said with a chuckle. "How did that make you feel?"

"This was the first time since we moved here that I have come across a woman who, you know, might be--"


"Something like that."

"So, you really don't want to fuck her?" Joan's tone was purely conversational.

"You obviously think I do," Robert noted. "That's the second time you've asked."

"And that's the second time you've evaded answering." Her tone was not accusatory.

With a heavy sigh, Robert said, "I guess if this was the old neighborhood and she moved in, and she became part of the group, then..."

"Robert, it's okay for you to say you'd like to fuck her. I might even like to watch you fuck her." Joan licked her lips. "I think she'd be a good fuck and it would be exciting to watch."

"Well, that's pretty confusing," he said, shaking his head. "You don't want to have sex, but you want to watch."

"There are a number of things I don't want to do but enjoy watching. Like all those reality shows on TV. And I saw that."

"Saw what?"

"I saw your cock jump in your pants."

"It's the conversation," Robert explained with a smirk.


"It's a two-way street," Robert contradicted. "Just because you think you want to do something doesn't mean you really want to do it."

"Excuse me?"

"A guy sees an attractive woman and says, 'Boy, I'd like to fuck her.' Doesn't mean he really does. It's just something guys say as though there is a rule of common knowledge that a woman who is very attractive is good in bed. And of course, there is no truth to that. So, just because Lana takes care of herself and has a nice body doesn't mean she's a good fuck." Except that she was.

"That actually makes some sense," Joan commented in a tone that sounded as though she couldn't believe she admitted it. "Except how do you know for sure unless you do her? There are a lot of attractive women who are good in bed. You fucked most of them in our old neighborhood."

Robert shrugged. "If you think she'd be a good fuck, you fuck her."

Joan shook her head. "You'd just love to see that, wouldn't you?"

"I'd love to see you do anything."

"I don't really want to do a woman, nor did I get a vibe that Lana did. So, we're back to where we started."

"Why are we even still talking about this?"

"She's our neighbor and because of her situation and the infatuation I think she has for you; the issue is not going to go away."

"So, you think the solution is for you to watch me fuck her?"

"I don't know about it being a solution, but it could be fun. We haven't done anything really fun since we moved here."

"And you watching me have sex with another woman is fun for you?"

"Yes, Robert. Believe it or not, it is," Joan stated firmly. "Before, when I said for me in the old neighborhood it got to be more fun watching than doing, it's because--and don't let this go to your head--but you're good in bed and it was more exciting watching you do to other women what you used to do with me. Watching you come all over them."

"You used to eat my cum."


Now, Robert really felt bad about his sexual encounters with Lana. "Wow. I had no idea about all of that. How come we never talked about this before?"

With a shrug, Joan said, "I guess it never really came up. When we got together with the others, there were only four men to fuck seven women. Don was pretty good, Brad was okay; Darrell not so much. Anyway, someone was always left to just watch, and I gradually didn't mind it being me. I really liked it when you fucked Roxanne or Peg. They were the ones you were best with."

"Probably because they were the best." Robert smiled fondly at the memory of the two women. "Roxanne was a nympho, and Peg was just a single woman who was horny."

They both sat in silence for a few minutes in blissful reminiscence.

Finally, Joan asked, "So, what do you think? I kind of feel sorry for Lana."

"If I agree, what would you do? Tell her you reconsidered?"

"I don't know. Maybe we would just have to go for a walk in the morning to figure it out."

With a heavy sigh, Robert said, "I'll think about it."

* * *

But of course, Joan and Robert were out the next morning for a walk. And no surprise, Lana just happened to be out for her walk.

"Good morning, neighbors!" Lana greeted cheerfully. "Nice to see you out together."

"Not too often we get to walk together," Joan mentioned. She noticed the woman's nipples harden a bit and become visible imprints in her tight tank top when she saw Robert. Joan's eyes happened to drift down, where she noticed Lana's leggings were so tight, her camel toe was clearly outlined. A quick glance over to Robert revealed that he had noticed also as there was movement of his cock in his pants. Joan smirked.

"You guys need alone time or do you mind if I walk with you?" Lana asked.

"No. Please join us," Joan agreed.

Lana led the way allowing Joan to drop back and tap Robert's erection.

"Not interested, eh?" she whispered.

Robert merely gave his wife a look of annoyance.

"Myron was thrilled to meet you yesterday," Lana offered as they walked. "He hopes you'll visit again."

"Of course."

"He loves it when women visit him."

"Oh? Why is that?" Joan felt obligated to ask.

"Well, neither one of us has much interaction with the opposite sex. Myron was quite a ladies' man in his younger days."

"That right?"

"He would have charmed you. Would have made Robert jealous."

Joan turned her head away to smirk without Lana seeing. "He would have done that in front of you?"

"We had a fairly open marriage," Lana revealed. "l flirted a little, too."

"Open marriage?" Joan repeated. "What does that mean?" Of course, Joan knew what it meant, given her past. But she wanted to hear Lana's definition.

"Uh, well, I, uh, I hope this doesn't shock you, but we, uh, well, we liked to watch each other with other people."

"Oh!" Joan allowed a moderate amount of surprise in her voice, but she really wasn't.

It was all Robert could do not to burst out laughing because he knew his wife was playing their neighbor.

"So, you two were swingers?" Joan followed up.

"No, we didn't swap, and we didn't do it that often, but occasionally we would find a man I liked and invite him over, and he and I would... you know... and Myron would watch. Then there were times we would find a woman Myron liked and... well, you get the idea."

"Yes, I do. You did threesomes?"

"No, no. When it was a woman, I would just watch, and when it was my turn, he would just watch. We never had another man or woman at the same time." Lana's face formed a huge smile. "After the person left, then Myron and I would have the most wonderful--" she caught herself. "Well, you know, we'd have a very good time."

"Wow. I can only imagine," Joan said in amazement. Again, she really wasn't amazed, but wanted to show she was.

"I hope you don't think any less of us. Some of the people I've told this to are really put out."

"Oh, no. We've known other people with similar... interests."

Lana spoke slowly. "Have you two ever watched each other with other people?"

Joan didn't respond right away, uncertain how much she wanted to reveal at this time.

Robert sensed her hesitance given the underlying situation. He finally spoke up. "Lana, let's take Joan through the wooded area you showed me the other day."