Nemesis - Amy


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I didn't follow them closely this time. I figured they were returning to the villa. As I arrived there, the Major was just driving away in his Merc, alone.

I drove up a turning that allowed me to park and look down onto the villa. Then I settled myself down for the night. Out of interest I turned my mobile back on. Hey, the thing went crazy, Amy called me six times before she gave up and apparently went to bed. I spent an uncomfortable night in the little Seat.

About eight in the morning, the Major pulled up in his Mercedes. I must say things got a little comical then. He knocked on the door and Jill answered. For a moment it looked like he was going to go inside the villa, but Jill stopped him. Then the pair of them started looking around. I realised they were looking for me, but for some reason they didn't look up the hill to where I was. I think they thought I might have been in one of the other villas. That would really have been the easiest place to spy on them from.

Amy joined them and obviously an argument occurred inside. I watched a couple of the neighbours earwigging. There was lots of walking up and down and a lot of finger pointing. Then I saw Amy get her mobile out of the pocket of the jeans she was wearing, and punch a couple keys. The sudden noise in the car as my mobile rang again surprised me; Amy was obviously trying to call me again. I let it go to voice mail; but Amy didn't leave a message. She put the phone away and started on at Jill again.

I don't know but they must have been out there for an hour before a taxi pulled up and to my surprise Ron got out of it. God, I wish I could have heard what they were saying to each other. Ron took Jill off to one side of the yard for a few minutes and then came back and talked to Amy. The Major was looking a little uncomfortable to me. Then Ron completely surprised everyone and walked over to another villa and talked to a guy who had been watching the charade for most of the morning.

After maybe ten minutes Ron came striding back like a man on a mission. He walked right up to the Major and landed one right on his nose. The Major went down like a sack of coal. I get the feeling that he had no right to use the title of Major. Any army man would have seen Ron's punch coming a bloody mile away.

Ron shouted something at the girls and then got back into his taxi that had waited for him and left, only moments before the police arrived. The whole scene then turned into complete pantomime. Two officers got out of their car to find Amy and Jill crying on each other's shoulders. The Major was staggering about with blood pouring from his nose. Whilst a couple of the neighbours were apparently attempting to render first aid to him, at the same time they tried to explain to the two Spanish police officers what the hell had happened.

Once an ambulance arrived the two policemen threw their arms in the air and got back into the police car and left. The ambulance took the Major away, and then Amy and Jill were accompanied back into the villa by some of the neighbours. A little later a guy came out and brought his car over. I watched as the girls' cases were put into the car and the girls were driven away. I assumed to the airport.

That left me with a problem. If I went to the airport now I was likely to run into the girls and probably Ron as well, something I wasn't in a hurry to do. I wanted Amy to stew for a while. My only option was to drive to another airport, which I did. The next nearest one with scheduled flight to London was a hundred odd miles away so the journey on unfamiliar roads took me some time.

I had to stay over another night, as I couldn't get a flight. So it was Thursday afternoon when I caught the transfer bus from Heathrow to Gatwick so that I could collect my car. Once in the car I could charge my mobile again as the damn thing had gone flat on the previous afternoon. I had a long list of voice mail messages and I was about to start going through them when the bloody phone made me jump as it started ringing.

Caller ID told me it was my father calling me. Trouble I knew, because Dad doesn't like mobiles but he was calling me from the one I insisted he kept in his car in case he had a break down.

"Hi, dad. How are you."

"What the hell is going on, son?" my father demanded. "Amy was around here this morning asking if we knew where you were."

"Amy and I are having a few problems, dad. Now don't you and mum go getting all upset about it."

"Upset! Amy's crying her bleeding eyes out. What the hell have you been up to?"

"I haven't been up to anything, dad. It's Amy who has got something to hide. Tell me, was Jill with her?"

"No, Amy was on her own. But what do you mean Amy has got something to hide?"

"Well, that's the problem, dad. I don't know what she's got to hide. But I figure if I make her sweat long enough and don't tell her what I know she'll either tell me the truth or leave me and, to be honest, I'm beginning to think I don't care which she does."

"Come on, son, you can't be throwing a good marriage away over nothing."

"Where did you get the idea it was a good marriage, dad. My marriage to Amy has been very one sided. The most important person in Amy and my marriage up to now has been her sister Jill."

"Oh, I never realised. I knew they were close, but not that close."

"Well, Amy has got to make a decision on who she wants to spend her life with - Jill or me. Mind, I need to know exactly what they've been getting up to together first. So if Amy's still there, don't tell anything or we've got no chance of salvaging anything."

"All right, son. I promise you, your mother and I won't stick our noses in. When will you be home?"

"Well, I'm at the airport now. You can tell Amy she had better be home when I get there or I'm just going to pack and leave again."

"Don't go doing anything silly, son."

"I need to keep the pressure on her, dad. I need Amy to think she's about to lose me. I need to know if she wants our marriage to go on."

"I think I understand what you're up to, son. But you're playing a dangerous game. You could lose her."

"It could be I'm late on the playing field, dad, and the game's half over before I started playing. I could have lost the game already."

My dad hung up and I started my journey home. My mobile rang several times on the journey. Twice the ID said it was Amy's mobile and the last time it was our home phone calling. I didn't answer.

As I pulled into our drive, Amy opened the door and just stood there. I got out of the car and pushed past her into the house without saying anything to her.

I made my way directly to our bedroom and picked up the case Amy had just used on her trip to Spain. Tipping the remaining contents on the floor I proceeded to pack some of my own clothes in it.

"What are you doing? Oh, god, please can't we talk about this?"

"Go on then, Amy, start talking."

"I only danced with the man, honestly."

"So where were you going in his car then?"

"You saw they closed the night-club because of a bomb threat. Sean was just driving me back to the villa."

"Why weren't you going back with Jill and the Major? That's how you got to the night-club, wasn't it?"

"Because Jill and the Major were going back to his place. That's why."

"And you didn't want to go?"

"No, Jill was going to sleep with him. But I think you know that."

"So you planned on sleeping with the other arsehole at Jill's villa then."

"No, how could you think I would do such a thing. I wouldn't do anything like that and you know it!"

"Wouldn't you?"

"No, you know I wouldn't."

"Do I? Do I have any idea what you would do behind my back Amy? Tell me, would I expect my loving wife to lay around some arsehole's swimming pool in the nude, sunbathing. Would I expect my wife to show her most private parts off to all and sundry?

"Oh, my god, how did you know?"

"Come on, if you showed him your body, how far did you let him go? Did he rub your sun screen on for you?"

"No, he didn't, Jill put it on my back for me. Jeff, the Major put it on her. Look I know it was wrong to sunbathe in the nude at Jeff's place. But the first time I did it, I was drunk. We had gone up there for the afternoon. I didn't know that Jill had a thing going with Jeff."

"Are you sure about that? Listen, Amy, I've had just about as much as I can take. If I catch you lying to me, I'm out of here and we are finished. So make your bleeding mind up what you want. Are you going to be honest with me or am I leaving?"

"I'm sorry, that was a lie. Jill's had a thing going with Jeff since last year, when we first went out there. Christ, she even told me that she got to spend some time with him when she was out there with Ron. Ron went out on a boat, fishing or something. Jill gets seasick so she slipped away to meet Jeff."

"So who were you with, when Jill was with Jeff?"

"No one honestly. I just played gooseberry most of the time. Christ, they never had sex or anything in front of me. But, of course, I knew what they were doing. They would go into Jeff's bedroom whilst I stayed by the pool."

"So no one else saw you in the nude besides Jeff then?" I asked that question in what I thought was a threatening tone. I hoped I was hinting that I already knew the answer.

"Well, yes, a couple of Jeff's friends came around and saw both Jill and I in the nude on occasions. Look, the first time I took my bikini off, I was drunk and there was only Jill and Jeff there. Jill took hers off and persuaded me to take off mine. I knew I shouldn't do it but I was drunk. Once I'd done it the first time, I couldn't see the point in being coy. It was only Jeff there and he had seen me naked by then anyway.

"Then one day I was nude and I fell asleep under the sunshade. When I woke up, there were two other guys there. Christ, I had a bloody fit and covered myself up with a towel.

"One of them came over and said I had a nice body and I shouldn't hide it. I think he wanted to chat me up. I told him it was your body and only your body. I think he got the hint."

"He didn't say or do anything else then?" Amy didn't stop to think she just blurted out.

"Yes, he did. He snatched my towel away from me and said he didn't want to touch just look. I put my bikini back on and told him that was all he was allowed to see from then on."

"And that was the only time?"

"No, I think you know it wasn't. A couple more times guys and girls showed up at Jeff's place. The girls all stripped off, the moment they got out by the pool. I don't know. I think I'd got used to the idea of being naked. No one seemed to take any notice so I just stayed naked as well, but honestly no one ever touched me. Except for when Jill and another girl put sunscreen on my back for me. No men ever, I swear."

"I find it hard to believe that any man could keep his hands off your body. I know I have difficulty."

"Ah, well there were occasions when some of them did require a little persuasion to keep their hands to themselves. But I've got my little friend here." Amy reached into her hand bag and pulled out what looked like a short metal bar about six inches long with a round knob on one end.

"God, what the hell's that, a bloody dildo?"

"Don't be silly love, it's my leveller." Amy gave a flick of her wrist and the bar sprung out until it was about twenty inches long. "It's the same cosh as the police use nowadays. Small discrete but extremely effective, I got hold of it in Barcelona. When the guy's see this, they soon keep they're distance. One blow can break an arm."

"Jesus, is that legal in this country?"

"I don't know, but it works. Jeff had a party one night and some guy said he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Jeff told me later that I broke his arm. After that I had a reputation and all the guy's have always behaved like gentlemen around me."

"Why the hell were you mixing with these arseholes, anyway?"

"I couldn't leave Jill on her own. I love my sister, but she's a fool to herself sometimes. God, if I didn't try to keep her in check, she'd have been working for some pimp by now. Jill never has been able to keep her legs crossed."

"Does Ron know what she's like?"

"I think he must do. I believe he's caught her a few times in the past."

"Jesus Christ, you can't go through life as her minder."

"Don't you think I realise that now. I'm not daft. I knew what you thought when you saw me with Sean in that car. At that moment I thought I was going to die. But Sean was just giving me a lift home honestly. Oh, he would like to get friendly with me, but I put him straight on that, last year. Now he just flirts with me and then plays like I've broken his heart.

"The party was going to be at Jeff's place later that night and I was tired. I have tried never to take any risks; there would have been a lot of drink at the party. I try not to get drunk around Jill's friends.

"Sean's a bit flash but he knows me quite well. Christ, the poor sod nearly shit himself when you blocked him in. He thought you were a police car at first. I don't think he wanted to be around the police."

"So you are trying to tell me that you've never been unfaithful to me."

"Yes, since we've been married, I haven't done more than give the odd kiss to another man."

"Are you sure? I told you I will not stand for any lies." Amy thought for a moment.

"Oh shit, no, that's wrong. Thomas. Thomas Evens. Jill has a thing going with his brother, David."

"You mean she's shagging him?"


"In my bed at the cottage?"

"Oh, God, no, that's my bed as well you know. I think they use a blanket on the floor in the lounge. I always went to bed so I'm not sure. Jill would have a shower before she came to bed."

"And Thomas?"

"Oh, shit, yes, Thomas. Well, I had a couple of drinks too many one evening. Something I've made sure never to do again around Jill. I was dancing with Thomas at the hotel. David drove us home in his car and, on the way, Thomas and I, well, we were kissing. Look, I was drunk, and for a moment I thought I was with you. Don't ask my why, I don't know, I told you I was drunk. God David looks so much like you."

I have to admit he does, but I didn't say that to Amy

"Thomas got his hands into my blouse in the back of the car and got my tits out. Then Jill said something that brought me to my senses. I pushed Thomas off and smacked him around the face. Then I wouldn't let David come into the cottage that night. David made sure that no one tried it on with me after that, as he never got into Jill's knickers that night."

"Go on, Amy girl. Its about time you let your hair down!"

"Pardon? Oh, my God, how do you know what Jill said to me in the car that night?"

"You'd be surprised at what I know about you and your sister, Amy."

"Oh, God, I'm sorry. I love you, please don't leave me?"

"Well, one of us has got to go." Amy's face was aghast. "It's either your sister or me. You choose and please make your mind up quickly."

"I made my mind up outside the villa in Spain and I told Jill I wanted her to get out of my life on the plane home. I told her if she had cost me another husband I'd most likely kill her."

"You had the same thing happen with your first husband?"

"Well, not exactly, no. I found him and Jill in my bed together."

"Jesus Christ! And you forgave her?"

"Yes, she convinced me that he had seduced her. Like a fool I believed her."

"Jesus, girl, are you stupid or something? Your sister jumps into bed with any guy who comes along. And you take her word for it that your husband seduced her?"

"Well, not exactly. But he cheated on me, so I would never have been able to trust him again, would I? But Jill was my sister, so I forgave her in the end."

"You know, I think the first thing we've got to do tomorrow is take you to a bloody shrink. Amy, I never thought I would say this to you, but you can be one dumb bitch sometimes."

"I know, But I'm your dumb bitch. Look, in the future, will you tell me when I'm doing something stupid? Hey, hold on a minute, if you knew about Jill and David. Why the hell didn't you do something about it?"

"Maybe I'm dumb as well, but I never could stand Ron. The bugger has always got right up my nose. Whilst you were behaving yourself, I wasn't worried. But I know everything you did in South Wales, don't you worry.



"Isn't it about time we started that family?"

"It could be."

"I love you."

"Well, then, get your bloody clothes off and let me see that tan then."


I've got to say I'm not very proud of what I did, but I had little choice. I have to admit that it was touch and go there for a while. I'm as sure as I can be that Amy, besides sunbathing in the nude in Spain, behaved herself.

After all her fidelity had been pretty well tested in South Wales. I never did tell Amy that I had spent a lot of time down there as a child. I'm damned if I'm going to tell her the guy who picked Jill up the first time they went down there was a distant cousin of mine and one of my oldest and best friends.

And I'm definitely not going to tell her that Dave's brother, Thomas, was not the only guy whom I had charged with the job of testing Amy's resistance to being seduced. Mind, Thomas did get the closest, and I was pretty worried that week, I'll admit. But all of the others, Amy shot down well before they were anywhere near close.

I suppose Amy's story about thinking Thomas was me when she was drunk that night, could hold water because Thomas and I were often mistaken for brothers in our younger days. We still are come to that.

Okay, what else could I have done? I suspected that Jill was a slut, and Amy was sticking to her like glue. What the hell would have happened if I'd told Amy outright to stay away from her sister? Yeah, she would have liked that, wouldn't she? Try coming between two close sisters

No, it was a decision she had to make for herself. Amy had to distance herself from Jill.

I let Thomas and the boys loose on Amy because I needed to know what she would do when I was not about. I think she proved herself to me.

Oh, in case your wondering. I trust David and Thomas with my life and my wife. I saved David's life once when he was thrown from a horse when we were young. He says can never do enough to repay me.

Life goes on.

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JohnSmith19E31JohnSmith19E3110 months ago

Sometimes I think I like the "Just in Time" stories as much as the BTB stories.... You write good ones.. Thanks...

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

Every time I see an unfaithful wife say, "Oh, my god, how did you know?" I want him to say, "Not because you told me!" That's a part that gets overlooked so often. It isn't just the behavior. It's the deception as well.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 2 years ago

I like the modus operandi with holf-knowns and half-unknowns. This is how reality works, unlike the stories when cheating is 100% certain and hubby hears every word of every conversation while hiding.

I would prefer a real cheating with Amy rather than reconciliation as it is more interesting to have a blowup than a bland end. But the story is good anyway.

kirei8kirei8almost 2 years ago

Do they have lie detectors in England? She would be doing that before putting out money for shrink. Any man that lets his wife go off repeatedly gets what he deserves

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 2 years ago

Piece of shit story where the hero husband knows everything before it happened….except he didnt until he told her. And if David was so special, why didn't we hear about him until the end? Why wasnt he at the wedding? WHY DIDNT MR. PERFECT EVER TELL HIS WIFE ABOUT HIS BEST FRIEND!!!

Stories like this piss me off because they assume that we, the readers, are gullible idiots.

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