Nerdcam Pt. 04

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Jack spends the night.
8.2k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/29/2023
Created 10/17/2021
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Note: Thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed the story so far - and especially to all those who have left comments. They've been very gratifying and a great source of motivation. That is all. Back to the story...

Jack chugged down half the bottle before lowering it again. Instead of capping it he tipped it in unspoken offer to Anna, who eyed it for a moment before shrugging and taking it.

"Good thinking on the prep work." Jack commented, referencing the items Anna had gathered and set out on the coffee table before they started getting busy.

"Mm," she acknowledged when she had finished draining the bottle, "preparation is key."

"So... gaming, or did you wanna, like, bask in the afterglow?" Jack asked.

"Mmm, gaming, but before that I'm gonna go clean up a little. And you," she gave him a meaningful once over, "Probably should too. But give me about ten minutes before you come back."

"Sure thing B-" his breath caught as Anna rose on her knees, relinquishing his now softening but still quite sensitive cock. "Heh, sure thing Beautiful."

Anna stood to go, then paused, giving him the sort of look he would normally translate to mean 'silly boy, what would you do without me.' Water bottle in one hand, she bent and dabbed at the side of his face with the damp cloth in her other hand.

"I missed a little me on you there." she observed, then with a saucy smile gestured at his lap, "I'll let you deal with the rest of that."

"Uh, yeah, thanks." he watched her go.

While he gave her some time, he studied the mess in his lap.

"The shape these are in, I'll have to borrow your skirt to go get the shit from my place." He quietly joked to the empty room.

Thinking of the skirt reminded him of the moment he had first seen her enter the sandwich shop wearing it. Which reminded him of the pictures he took. He leaned forward to grab a towel from the coffee table and make sure his hands weren't too sticky before reaching in a pocket to retrieve his phone.

In the first pic she was smiling, her eyes cutting to one side. For several seconds he sat, admiring her with a faint smile of his own before swiping. The next pic caught her eyes rolled upward, her cheeks beginning to color. She stood under the lights of the sandwich shop, in almost-sharp focus, against the blurred interior of the shop. Like a candid outtake shot from a staged fashion photo shoot.

Which reminded him about what she'd said about dating. About her looks and how they're a mixed blessing. He supposed, had he seen her on the street instead of learning about her tattoos and joking, he probably would've assumed she was just another beautiful, sexy, and vapid woman. Not exactly fair, but experience and stereotypes do leave an impression.

Jack smirked, partly at himself and partly at another thought. During their time out for sandwiches, probably at least one guy had wondered what a chick like Anna was doing with a guy like Jack. So... They were subverting all kinds of stereotypes, he half-jokingly thought.

Coming back from his musings, he swiped again. She had taken her jacket off in the next shot and stood with hands on hips, patented arched eyebrow in full effect. Heh. That might be a good one to print. He could put it on the corner of the table where he kept his art tablet.

He glanced up at the sound of the toilet being flushed back in the bathroom. He went ahead and swiped to the last pic before going back. It was almost the same picture, except for the tip of Anna's tongue protruding from the hint of a smile. Cute. Jack wondered in passing if she would stand still for more pics if he said he wanted to draw her. Filing that away in the same storage as his vague ideas for future practical jokes, he put the phone to sleep and slid it onto the coffee table.

Standing, he glanced down at the damp spots all over his lap.


Deciding to worry about dealing with that later, he stripped off his pants and boxers. Wadding them up in such a way that they wouldn't get fluids on anything, he left them and took a towel from the table. He started to wrap the towel around himself, then stopped. Better to keep it clean, then use it to dry off after.

As he moved back to the rear of the room and found a bedroom door ahead, closet on his left, and the bathroom door, ajar, to his right, he realized that her apartment was essentially a flipped version of his own. In layout, at least. He paused long enough to glance in through her open bedroom door. Light from the living room cast a strip of visibility into the room, revealing pale blue carpet leading back to a wooden trunk which sat at the foot of a bed.

Naturally he was curious, but decided he would rather she invite him before he went snooping. Easing the bathroom door open and sticking his head in, he found that, like the apartment as a whole, it was essentially a flipped version of his own. Sink straight ahead -- the margins of counter around it populated with bottles of lotion and liquid soap, a cup holding toothpaste and toothbrush, and a zippered bag which Jack assumed held makeup. Toilet to the left of the sink. And past the toilet, the shower -- which took up a healthy portion of the room.

There was a thick gray shag rug on the floor alongside the shower, towel rings on the wall, and a set of shelves in the other corner, but Jack's attention was drawn to the feminine figure behind the semi-translucent shower curtain. Stepping inside, he set his towel on the back of the toilet and eased the door closed behind him.

"Hello?" he spoke up, then stealthily stepped over next to where the curtain met the wall near the faucet and shower head. The movement behind the curtain ceased. Anna twitched the curtain aside enough to lean out, only to find Jack standing there. She first blinked water from her eyes, then blinked in surprise at Jack's unexpected closeness.

"Uh? Hey... I was starting to think you fell asleep." she looked him up and down before adding; "Naked Nerd."

"Pants were kinda drippy, if you remember."

"Uh huh." She dragged the curtain open. "Well, get in while the water's still hot, dummy."

Jack obliged. Since she stood at the front, just below the shower head, he stepped in further back. Not that it had bothered him, but what with being naked, he had begun to notice how cool it was. The hot water felt nice. Getting his hands wet, he saw to washing off any lingering residues harbored there, while enjoying the sight of Anna's glistening body. There were anti-slip decals of some sort under his feet, but he was much too preoccupied to have a look.

While he watched the way the water ran from Anna's hair over her breasts and down her midsection to ripple and course down her thighs or sluice between to dribble from her foreskin, she took a bottle from a little alcove and squirted a glob of emerald colored pearlescence into her palm. She replaced the bottle and moved closer to Jack, squishing the gel between her hands.

"You're not allergic to bath stuff, right?" she asked, pausing and looking up at him.

"Nope. Lucky about that too, so far. No allergies that I know of."


She pressed her slippery palms to his midriff, causing a little splap sound.

"You don't mind if I clean you up?" she asked, glancing up again to give him a smile.

Having just shifted his arms out to his sides uncertainly, he smiled back and shrugged.

"As long as you're enjoying yourself," he chuckled, "No, I don't mind."


She slid lather up over his chest to his shoulders, then trailed her hands back down to his abs. Then down, between his legs, she was slow, gentle, and thorough. Jack watched her, largely her soaked raven hair and shoulders from his vantage, while she grabbed another squirt of body wash.

Under other circumstances this would be a perfect lead-in to sex, but they had just done that, and anyway, there was something about her manner just now. It wasn't lust he was feeling. Mostly he kind of wanted to put his arms around her and hold her.

"You like it?" she asked, surprising him.


"The body wash," she explained, giving him a look, "You were just sniffing."

He hadn't really realized he was doing it, but the scent of the stuff she was using had made him curious on some barely conscious level.

"Uh, yeah, it's okay. I was more curious -- I don't think I've ever smelled... whatever that is. Before."

"Oh. Yeah, I order it special. It's got bergamot in it. That's what you're smelling." Anna enthused while rubbing her hands together to form more lather.

"Berga- what now?"

"Bergamot." Anna reiterated. "They used to use it in perfumes and stuff a lot. It actually comes from the rind of some certain type of orange or something."

Looking her in the face, intently, he slowly developed a big smile.

"What?" she asked, squinting as if he were behaving suspiciously.

"I'm just beginning to wonder why I'm the one being called Nerd all the time."

"Aw." Anna pressed herself to him, reaching around to lather his back, "That's a term of endearment now."

"Oh, is it?" he enjoyed the playful small talk, while also enjoying the closeness.

"Mmhmm. Obviously I'm a nerd too. You've seen my tattoos. And about the scent -- I looked all that stuff up."

While she spoke, she withdrew her arms and reached up to gently knead his collar area, shoulders, and the back of his neck.

"Like, I liked the smell of this stuff, and like you said -- it's not quite like anything else," she carried on, "so I checked the ingredients and looked them up. Then it was like, a rabbit hole, you know? I do that. Get curious about stuff, then spend hours looking it up online and reading all about it -- even if it's mostly pointless information."


Still listening, Jack slid his arms around her, gradually turning it into a gentle hug. Anna became still.

"Oh." she said lamely, leaning back in his embrace to see his face.

"Um, it's not-" he began.

"Shh. Here, your arms are longer." Anna interrupted.

She withdrew her arms to thread them under his and around his back again. Returning his embrace, she settled her face against his neck. As they both became still and slowly relaxed against each other, Anna was reminded of the moment they had briefly shared at the sandwich shop.

"This is okay." she said quietly.

They stood, silent and mostly motionless, for a time. With the hot water only hitting his front, and largely blocked by Anna's body at that, the water beaded on Jack's back began to cool. He hardly noticed.

Eventually, he gave Anna a gentle squeeze.

"Hmm." she murmured indistinctly and nuzzled against him before shifting to look up at him.

"Sorry about interrupting, Beautiful." He had that serious tone he only occasionally got.

Anna swallowed, her expression momentarily hard to read.

"'S okay," she said, "That was kinda nice."

She rose on her toes for a quick kiss.

"Now let's rinse off before the water gets cold."

She half turned as Jack released her from his arms, smiling when he copped a feel of her ass. She turned her face up under the spray for a moment, then stepped under the showerhead and out of the way. She wrung her hair out a bit before leaning out of the shower and taking a towel from where it hung on the opposite wall. Jack watched, mildly impressed, while she bent over and deftly worked the seeming magic of coiling her ebon locks in the towel so that it held itself together when she stood and let go.

While she stepped out and took up a second towel with which to dry herself, Jack checked that he had rinsed away the interestingly scented body wash before joining her. Anna began to retrieve a towel for him, but stopped when he grabbed the one he had left on the back of the toilet. When Anna had wrapped the second towel around herself, she moved to the sink. After dribbling mouthwash into her mouth, she held the bottle out to Jack and grunted.

Before leaving the bathroom Anna turned in the doorway and regarded Jack.

"Hmm. Okay. I'm gonna get dressed. Gimme your keys and I'll got get you some clean clothes. Aaand toothbrush. Anything else you need?"

Jack blinked.

"Um..." he considered arguing, but realized he had neither a good argument, nor a particular reason to argue.

"No, I guess that's about it. My keys are in my pants."

"Cool. I'll only be a minute. If you're hungry or thirsty help yourself to whatever's in the fridge. Although... I can't promise much." Anna spoke from her room while she found some clothes and dressed herself.

Jack had retrieved his keys when she emerged into the living room wearing jeans and a Nine Inch Nails tee that would have been big even on Jack.

"Nice shirt." he commented, handing off the keys.

"Thanks. It's my pajamas. These pants are coming off when I get back."

"Ah," Jack plopped down on the couch, "I approve of that decision."

"Uh huh. Be right back."

Down the hall, in Jack's apartment, Anna felt around for a light switch. When she could see, she was mildly surprised to find a cardboard box at her feet. Until she recognized the note taped to the top. With a snort of amusement, she lifted the box and carried it back to Jack's bedroom with her.

Finding the light switch in there, she paused to have a look at the room before going to Jack's desk. She took the top square from a handy sticky note pad and a rather nice mechanical pencil. After replacing the old note on the box with a new one, she pulled back the blanket, set the box down, and cast the blanket over it.

Satisfied with that bit of work, she went over to a utilitarian dresser that looked like it could have come from Ikea. Checking all the drawers on principle, she pulled a big white tee with the Patriots logo on the front, a pair of plaid boxers and a pair of grey sweatpants -- just to cover the bases.

Setting the clothes on the corner of Jack's bed, she scoped out the bathroom next. To her surprise, it wasn't so much uncluttered as it was barren. There was a hand sanitizer dispenser on the sink, but that was it. Peeking behind the shower curtain she noted two bottles -- Head and Shoulders and a generic body wash.

"Okay." she muttered.

Checking the medicine cabinet helped little. He had a sparse array of pain killers, a mini bottle of Pepto, tweezers and nail clippers. And one old, yellowed band aid. Yeah, he was a single guy all right.

Finally she checked the two narrow drawers under the sink. The first contained a zippered leather shaving kit, which she pulled out and unzipped. Ah ha. Toothbrush, paste, deodorant, razor, a little plastic box of Q-tips... She momentarily wondered if this was a normal thing amongst men. She had previously just sort of assumed that everyone left their shit cluttered on the sink and/or around the tub or whatever.

Re-zipping the bag she went back to retrieve the clothes from his bed. Having a thought, she set the bag on the stack of clothes, then set both on top of one of his pillows. Not that he had asked for it, but Anna always felt better having a familiar pillow to sleep on, so maybe he would too.

Meanwhile, back in Anna's apartment, Jack rose and padded over into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, more out of curiosity than hunger or thirst. His eyebrows rose. Well, what was there seemed fresh and healthy. Unfortunately what was there included a nearly empty half gallon of milk, a pouch of coffee, two yogurt cups, an apple, a tomato, and a few condiments. And a box of baking soda. He wondered how many meals she ate out.

Upon opening the freezer section, he reconsidered. Either she had a definite taste for it, or everyone she knew had given her frozen pizza as a housewarming gift. Maybe both. Although, to be fair, there were frozen vegetables as well. And some microwavable meals. He guessed she must eat out, but make relatively good choices when she did. She was way too healthy to have much of a fast food habit.

Closing the freezer, he glanced over the spice racks on the counter over by the stove. From there he meandered back to the living room and over to the media center. He perused the variety of controllers -- some corded and some wireless. One that was colored in a woodland camo pattern. One that was all different shades of blue.

And the consoles. An original Nintendo. Super Nintendo and Sega. The latest iterations of Xbox and Playstation. Given the number of consoles, she was almost certainly a bigger gamer than he was. He wondered if she only played on console, or if she also had some games on her computer.

Eventually he moved back around the glass coffee table and plopped back down on the couch. He was surprised a couple of minutes later when there came a knock at the door. Hopping up and stepping over to the door, he stopped short of opening it.

"Hello? Are you my stripper-gram?" he asked loudly.

"Open the door." Jack was gratified to find that she sounded amused.

"Do you have change for a twenty?"


Jack swept the door open and stood aside. Anna pressed her burden into his arms and closed the door behind herself.

"I'll give you change for a twenty, smartass." she griped, still smiling, while working the button and zipper on her jeans right where she stood.

Jack noted that he had his shaving kit, clothes and even a pillow. How thoughtful. He looked up in time to watch Anna stepping out of her jeans.

"Really serious about pajama time, huh?"

"Damn right. I like being comfy. But this is as much stripping as I'm doing right now. Where's that twenty?"

Jack chuckled.

"Oh, I couldn't do that, Beautiful. I respect you way too much to-" he trailed off as Anna sauntered over to stand quite close.

"Aww. Well, fair's fair. We can just take your bottoms off, too."

With that she gripped his towel where it was folded over at his waist and tugged it loose. Letting it drop, she stepped back to admire the effect. Jack opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Hm." He arched an eyebrow. "I'll take that smile as a compliment."

"Good." She stepped close again, "Here, I'll take this. And this. You go ahead and get dressed."


While she deposited his shaving kit in the bathroom and tossed his pillow in onto her bed, Jack pulled on the boxers and sweat pants.

"You can leave the shirt off if you want." Anna commented, stopping to lean against the back of the couch. "I won't complain."

Eyeing the soft pale curves of her thighs below where her shirt fell -- about halfway down them -- Jack left his shirt folded. Bending he snagged Anna's jeans, folded them, and set the clothes on the edge of the coffee table.

"Nice." Anna moved to turn on the television and pick out controllers. "Game time."

With a game loading and controllers in hand, she joined Jack on the couch.

"Okay, so first we'll see how you feel about Overwatch. I can tell you about the characters and how the matches work and stuff. After that we can see if your Halo and Call of Duty are paying off."


Over the course of the following hour and a half, Jack tried out about half of the available characters. The matches all involved being part of a team competing against another team, so his skill or lack thereof was only one factor in winning or losing. That said, by the time he opted to take a break, he was generally an asset to whatever team he was on. He had quickly caught on to the game mechanics and the nuanced tactics used in the different scenarios.

"Not bad, Nerd. You pick up on stuff pretty quick. Little surprised -- you seem to favor Junkrat and Roadhog. I thought most guys either played the big manly ones or the sexy chicks. For the eye candy."

"Heh." Jack shrugged. "I definitely don't mind eye candy, but in games like this -- with unique characters -- I usually like playing the kinda weird, oddball ones. Especially if they have explosives."