Nerdly Yours


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Daniel smiled at him. "Hey, Mark. Yep, I am. She's great. Cool T-shirt, do you play League of Legends?"

"Yes, of course, I do. Do you play too?"

Daniel nodded.

"I play with Garen," Mark said.

"Well, I might invite you to play with my team. In which position do you play?"

"Jungler. Hey, maybe we could walk together, and talk about computer games," Mark suggested.

"I'd like that."

Daniel connected with the group of teenagers in no time. He was in touch with his inner teen, so a few minutes later he was chatting with all of them about computer games, TV shows, and movies.

Georgina looked at him with a pang of envy. Daniel's superpower was sneaking into everyone's heart.

The group was following a path that others had taken enough times so it was clearly defined and the brush didn't encroach. The path was at an incline and the rugged forest terrain was mountainous.

A few hours later, Daniel was ready to take a break. Georgina could probably go all day without resting. He felt a strange mixture of admiration and jealousy. He wanted to be her equal. He wanted her to be impressed with him.

He didn't know Georgina admired the way Daniel had the whole group in his pocket in no time. They all sat around him without even realizing it. They were telling jokes, singing silly songs, and talking non-stop since they left.

"Are we stopping here?" a student named Karen asked Georgina.

"We'll take fifteen. Be sure to hydrate," Georgina said when everyone else had caught up with them. "We need to head out soon if we want to make our designated camp by dark."

The rest of the day went pretty much like the morning: trudging through the forest, stopping for a break, trudging on. Until they reached a large clearing and Georgina announced they would set up camp there.

Some hours later, they were sitting by the campfire singing silly camp songs, playing games, telling stories, and cracking ridiculous jokes. Daniel was the soul of the group.

Before turning in, Georgina read them a paragraph from her favorite book: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

"That was beautiful Ms. E.," Karen said. Several heads nodded.

"Your boyfriend is really cool," added Mark taking a pic of Daniel and Georgina, who were sitting together on a log.

Once everyone went into their tents, Georgina and Daniel could enjoy a brief moment together.

"Too bad Lord Finrod couldn't join us," she whispered to Daniel. "Please tell him that his lady misses him."

Daniel blinked behind his glasses, his mouth slightly open. "Damn! You're playing with fire, woman," he said half-jokingly.

Georgina giggled and went inside her tent.

It was the week of their lifetime. A time that none of the students would ever forget. Daniel and Georgina had prepared a lot of fun activities. Yaron suggested to Daniel some exercises that turned out to be a bonding experience for the group. Even when Georgina knew about Daniel's experience as a scout, she was surprised to see how well he handled himself in the woods and with her students.

There was a turning point in Georgina's relationship with the group. Daniel decided to play an innocent prank on his girlfriend. He squeezed lemon juice on her morning coffee and made sure the whole group saw what he did. He wanted to prove a point to them: that Georgina had truly changed, and she was not the evil witch she had been.

Georgina sat down and Daniel handed her the doctored mug. She took a long gulp of coffee and her face wrinkled. She squinted her eyes, pressed her lips together. For a few seconds, even the birds stopped singing. No one dared to move a muscle waiting for the outburst.

Georgina held the sour hot liquid in her mouth and swallowed it slowly, then... she just laughed her ass off. Since that moment, the group relaxed around her and started to treat her like one of them.

Each night before going to their tents, Daniel told the group a story. Using his years of experience as a Dungeon Master he painted vivid pictures that had the group of teenagers hanging on his words.

One night, when everyone was inside their tents, Georgina stood closer to Daniel and whispered, "When we are back, we're going to play an X-rated version of D&D." She looked down, squeezed his cock through his pants, and added, "I see someone likes the idea."

Daniel surprised Georgina by smacking her ass, "Go to your tent, girl, while I can still control myself."

"As you order, my lord," she giggled, made a curtsey, and blew Daniel a kiss, before disappearing inside her tent.

By the end of the week, the students had developed a great bond among them and with Daniel and Georgina. During their last talk around the fire pit, it was obvious the group of teenagers loved them both. They liked Georgina because she was Daniel's girlfriend, true, but also because they could see the changes that had taken place in her.

"I know for sure that four girls have a crush on you," Georgina told Daniel once they were back in Middletown. "They were whispering about it when they thought I was sleeping."

"What?" exclaimed Daniel.

"You're the type that grows on people. Don't ask me. I thought girls liked abs," she winked at him.

"I watched myself in the mirror once and I think I found one ab," he joked.

"Not that they are going to do anything about it," Georgina went on. "They know I would chew their heads off. Abs or no abs you're mine."


Months passed. Georgina and Daniel had dinner with Ruth once a week. Both women got along really well. They used to whisper in each other's ears and giggle while they washed the dishes.

Daniel's mother started dropping not very subtle hints about them getting married, but Daniel always told her that they were good as they were and it was up to them to decide the right time to take their relationship to the next step.

Pizza and movie night became a weekly event. On one of those nights, Georgina met Yaron. They got along really well.

The more Georgina knew Daniel, the deeper she fell in love with him. He was kind, loving, tender, honest, caring, trustable, and he was always making her laugh.

In bed, he had been a surprise. He was a very enthusiastic and creative lover. He never seemed to run out of stamina and his skills as a lover had improved leaps and bounds with practice.

Thing was that Georgina was no longer reluctant about getting married, but she didn't know how to bring the subject up.

She started to drop hints, but she didn't want to press Daniel too hard. However, if Daniel didn't propose to her soon, she was going to take matters into her own hands.


"Ugh, I hate weddings," said Daniel loosening his tie. "You have to wear a monkey suit and go sit around for ages while everybody secretly hates each other."

"I'm glad I was invited to a wedding without having to worry about a plus-one.," Georgina said checking her make-up in the mirror. Months ago, she had changed the flashy colors for a more natural palette. Her wardrobe had changed too. She still dressed sexy, but classy. "You look like James Bond in your suit."

He smiled at her, "I know what you mean. I can't believe I actually have a girlfriend to attend a wedding. The last time I went with my cousin Rebecca, and she was asking the waiter for food over and over."

Georgina made her 'aww baby' face and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You don't understand," said Daniel looking at his girlfriend, "this just isn't something that happens to me. I'm worried that it will cause a giant rip in the space-time continuum or something. Dinosaurs will come back to life. The grid will go down..."

She pulled his face up to look at her, holding it in her hands.

"Do you want me to be someone else's girlfriend? To be safe?"

"Don't you bloody dare," Daniel said faking an English accent.

"You sound so English right now," Georgina placed her lips next to his with an air kiss. "It's so sexy."

He winked at her and said with an arched eyebrow, "My name is Cohen, Daniel Cohen."

They entered the church and found themselves plunged into a state of wedding chaos. People were running around like chickens without their heads.

Georgina went to chat with the other bridesmaids, Laura, Amelia, and Grace. It was a nice surprise when Diana asked Georgina to be one of her bridesmaids. Grace was the groom's sister. Daniel had already met all of them several times at different town events. During the last year, he had become a very familiar face in Middletown.

Lately, he used to spend more time at Georgina's place than in his mother's apartment. It was a good thing that he only needed his laptop and a fast internet connection to do his job.

"It's good to see you again, Daniel," Grace greeted him while she hugged him. "Tell me, are you a wizard?"

Daniel cleared his throat. "As a matter of fact, I am a wizard level 15 in..."

Georgina coughed discreetly and he interrupted himself. "Why do you ask?"

Grace placed both hands on Georgina's shoulders and said, "Because the changes that have operated in this woman since she's started dating you are truly magic. She went from sub-zero to hero."

"Georgina has always been my hero," said Daniel looking at his girlfriend with the kind of look he had reserved only for her.

A general 'awwwww' escaped from the bridesmaids' mouths.

Georgina blushed. Grace was right. So much had changed in their lives in the last year. They were still the same people they were, but a better version of themselves.

Principal Livingston, approached the group, greeted the ladies first, and then shook Daniel's hand. "Daniel, my students don't stop asking me if you and your lovely girlfriend are going to go camping with them this year. They are still telling stories about the last one."

"I think camping duties fall on the English Department this year, Mr. L."

"Well, that's true, but I thought that maybe you and Georgina wouldn't mind filling in for them," Principal Livingston explained. "My students asked me to beg the two of you if necessary."

"I'll talk with Georgina about it and let you know, Mr. L."

"Please do. And if one day you consider pursuing a teaching career, talk with me. I'll always have a place for you in my school."

Georgina, who had overheard the whole conversation, looked at her boyfriend and smiled with pride. Daniel grinned back at her. They both knew how lucky they were to have found each other. They were in love, and Middletown was the place where their love had flourished.

Georgina always made Daniel feel enormously loved, and extremely important. She worshiped him. And he loved her just as much.

The reception was held in a small salon. The groom and the bride wanted to keep it small, but even so, the room was filled.

Daniel looked around and everybody was having a good time. Georgina came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist pressing her breasts on his back.

"What are you thinking of, my lord?"

"That if you don't stop pressing your boobs on my back we're going to leave this party earlier than expected," he said.

Georgina giggled.

Daniel went on, "Next week is the Flower Festival. It was the day of our first date. One year ago, you stormed into my life and never left it, and for that, I'm truly thankful."

Georgina kissed his cheek and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Would you dance with me?" Daniel asked, surprising her.

"All right," she said, and let him draw her onto the dance floor. In her heels she was as tall as him, their eyes were on a level. He was still a clumsy dancer, but at least he wasn't stepping on Georgina's feet anymore. She looked into his dark coffee brown eyes. Behind the glasses, there was a spark that made her feel loved and cherished.

"You saved me," Georgina whispered in Daniel's ear.

He shook his head. "I was in the right place at the right time. That was all you."

One of his hands was on her shoulder, the other slid to her back, fingers brushing the space just below her shoulder blade that always made her squirm.

"You're everything to me and I love you," Daniel whispered in her ear.

Georgina said in a calm voice, "I know."

Daniel stared at her. "Was that...," he said slowly. "Was that a Star Wars reference? Because if it was, I would like to declare my love all over again."

"Good, then," said Georgina. "I mean it. Say it again. I've been waiting a while to hear someone saying that to me."

"I love you," Daniel repeated and then, looking into her eyes, declaimed. "If your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

"You know how to charm a lady borrowing lines from her favorite movie," Georgina said with a big smile.

"Borrowing lines from movies is kind of my trademark. Talking about that..." Daniel looked for something in his pocket.

"Wait, oh my god, are you getting down on one knee?! Is this happening?" Georgina gasped.

He took a ring box out from his pocket, opened it, and said, "One ring to show our love, one ring to bind us, one ring to seal our love, and forever to entwine us. Marry me, my lady."

There was a pause, broken by irrelevancies like the music and the murmur of the people all around them.

Georgina was laughing. Daniel would have thought he would be appalled to say those words to a woman and have her laugh at him. But she was always surprising him.

"Really?" she asked, her eyes shining. "Really, really?"

"Really, really," said Daniel.


She took his hand, pulled him up to her, and kissed him hard. People cheered and approached to congratulate both of them including the newlyweds.

When they were finally left alone, they danced together, really close, and Daniel told Georgina he loved her again and again and again.

He knew there would never be anybody else in the universe for him. She was it.

"You're going to get so lucky tonight, my lord," Georgina whispered licking his ear.

Daniel shivered in anticipation. "I'm counting on it."


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
hfp612hfp6123 months ago

It deserves 6*

kaotic2kaotic24 months ago

I absolutely loved this story. Thank you so much for writing it. Georgina, needed a happy ending.

XluckyleeXluckylee5 months ago

You have hooked me. I haven't read a bad story from you yet, 5 stars from Xluckylee

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNo7 months ago

Amazing! I was just introduced to Georgina as the no-boundaries man chaser and somehow you've pulled up a deeply hidden starving for redemption longing for love adolescent girl in a canoe beneath the layers of slutdom exterior and made her someone worthy of sympathy. Who's next? Irv the pig? I have my doubts that even you can pull that guy's asshat chestnuts out of the fire and make it believable. But who knows? It's Middletown. Daniel is an outstanding addition. 5.

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