Never Disappoint the Bride's Mother

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A young man seduces the mother of the bride.
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Her only goal for the day was to make it through without any tears. Happy tears were acceptable, miserable and feeling sorry for Sheila tears, were not. She almost completed her goal.

At Sheila's small home, her daughter's wedding day started at 5:30 am. She had set the alarm because enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee in the quiet kitchen was essential to her mental health. Soon the bridesmaids and the bride, her daughter Kelly, were up and buzzing. The peace and quiet ended abruptly.

Soon seven young women crowded into the kitchen, pouring coffee, eating fruit and yogurt and making smoothies. She squeezed her daughter as she floated past in her favorite Hello Kitty pajamas, amazed that the wedding day had finally arrived. Sheila and Kelly were exceptionally close especially since the divorce. Only 12 when her parents split up, they supported each other and often seemed more like best friends than mother and daughter. Kelly even considered having her mom as her Matron of Honor but Sheila wisely counseled her against it and encouraged her to fill the wedding party with friends her own age.

Sheila's sister, Patty, showed up to help about 7:00. The girls moved to their beauty stations while Sheila, Patty and the professional hair dresser attended to their every need. At least they tried. At close to 9:00, Brooke, the third, newest and youngest Mrs. James Davis, showed up ostensibly to help but in actuality, only to get in the way. Tensions rose until Patty finally convinced her that she was needed at the club to 'help' the photographer. The older women breathed a sigh of relief as 'Baby Brooke', as they privately called her, left to prepare for her close up. The bonus for Sheila was the knowledge that having Brooke underfoot would probably cost her ex even more in photography fees.

By 10:30 the whole group was dressed, beautified and headed to the country club. Greeting the procession of cars was Kelly's husband to be. Adam was charming, handsome and the perfect match for her daughter, Sheila thought as she watched them together. While Kelly was a free spirit, Adam was practical and grounded. They complimented each other perfectly and Sheila could not have been happier that they were getting married.


At just 46 years old, Sheila didn't feel ready to be the mother of the bride. Of course, she was a child bride herself when she walked down the aisle with Jim Davis. Just 20 to his 22, they were going to take the world by storm and in some respects, they did.

Through sheer determination, they both finished college and Jim went on to law school. Sheila worked to help support them during those lean years and although the birth of their daughter, just two years later, was unexpected, they were over the moon over her and worked even harder to make things work.

After Jim finished law school, he quickly began to climb the ladder at a prestigious firm. His drive and determination made him the perfect lawyer but also kept him from investing more than what was absolutely necessary at home. As Sheila devoted herself to their daughter, Jim devoted himself to the job. Distance began to work away at the fragile foundation of their young marriage and although they both saw the cracks deepening, neither did much to stop the erosion.

In fairness, they were busy. For Sheila that meant busy creating a home, busy raising a young child and busy making sure everything looked perfect to the outside world. For Jim it meant busy working, busy making money and busy making sure everything looked perfect to the outside world. It was exhausting for both of them.

Sheila enjoyed the perks of Jim's career. They had a beautiful home in an exclusive area, Kelly attended the best private schools, they took lavish vacations (often without Jim since he was too 'busy'), and she drove only the best cars. Far beyond those things though, Sheila reveled in her role as Kelly's mom. Kelly was the center of her world and for Sheila, she was all that mattered.

When Kelly was 10, Jim traveled to NYC for business with a group from his firm. Feeling very disconnected from his wife and daughter, it was easy for him to allow what had long been innocent flirting to become a full blown affair. He and Marie quickly fell into a pattern of traveling together often and taking long lunches when they were in town. It was a poorly guarded secret in the office and soon Sheila knew as well.

Jim never really tried to justify his actions. He just moved on. Soon, Jim and Sheila were divorced and since she kept the house and had all the money she needed, he thought everything was fine. He married Marie and proceeded to have two little boys in quick succession. The distance between father and daughter continued to grow but Jim didn't seem to notice or care.

Sheila became both mother and father to Kelly. Their already close relationship deepened and although Sheila worried at times that they were too dependent on each other, life was very good and Kelly was turning into a fantastic young woman.

Then after 8 years, the pattern repeated itself and Jim left Marie (and two bewildered little boys) for yet another woman. Brooke was a type unto herself. Brunette, buxomly and 22 years his junior, Brooke definitely made a splash at the country club. Even the most lecherous men questioned Jim's sanity. Again though, Jim only moved forward, thinking as he usually did about such matters; with his cock and not with his brain.

Sheila remained close to her daughter as Kelly left for college. She even provided a warm home away from home for Kelly's step brothers and did what she could to provide a sense of normalcy in their lives. She quickly downsized when Kelly moved away to a small bungalow closer to the city. She loved her life and loved her daughter. Occasionally she dated but it wasn't a priority and she had given up on meeting the perfect man for her anyway.


The wedding party drove through the club grounds in golf carts. That was interesting considering that Kelly had a 7 foot train on her traditional gown. Lots of laughter and fun ensued as they proceeded to take a million pictures of the bridal party, family and the happy couple. Sheila stood by and watched with joy as her daughter beamed. She and Kelly had insisted that the two step brothers be included in the wedding. Jim had actually objected but quickly lost the argument. Sheila watched the two boys acting like, well like two normal boys (8 and 10), and again questioned the sanity of her ex-husband.

After a light lunch at the club house, the participants retreated to their dressing rooms to freshen up for the wedding. Guests began to arrive at 4:00 and Sheila mingled and greeted. She was amused at the way that Brooke gushed over guests, taking credit for every detail, probably even including the building itself. She wore a low cut dress with a side slit that left very little to the imagination. The men seemed to enjoy the view briefly but their interest ended usually when she opened her mouth. Jim always seemed to enjoy the view but didn't seem to care about anything she had to say.

Sheila found many friends and family members to keep her occupied. Weddings always brought a sense of sadness to her since she usually attended alone but she was determined to make it a wonderful day and only shed tears of happiness, if any at all.

Just before she was to take her place for the wedding, Sheila noticed a young man of about 30 enter the lodge-like club house. She noticed him because he seemed to be alone. He was dressed in a casual suit with an open collared shirt. His dark hair was wavy and his beard was neatly trimmed. Looking confident and comfortable even though he didn't seem to know anyone, he strolled through the crowd and made his way to a chair on the groom's side of the room. Just before Sheila took the arm of one of the ushers to be escorted to her seat of honor, she leaned in and asked, "See that man over there? Do you know him?" The usher shook his head, the music began and he led her down the center aisle to her seat in the front row.

Kelly floated down the aisle on the arm of her father. Sheila only saw her though. Her happiness was palpable and the look on Adam's face as he watched her, was priceless. The ceremony went perfectly even though the younger brother tripped on the steps and swore loudly as he did. Nervous laughter filled the room but Adam diffused the situation saying, "No problem, dude! I would have said the same thing." Sheila noticed Jim's jaw tighten and his eyes narrow. She would make it a point to try to smooth things over before he harshly disciplined the boy but for the time being, she just sat back and enjoyed the wedding.

After the vows, the promises and the kissing, Kelly and Adam quickly moved down the aisle to the sound of James Taylor singing, "How Sweet it Is to be Loved By You". The atmosphere was relaxed and joyful as the wedding party retreated to the covered patio where the receiving line was to be formed. Sheila was escorted out by a favorite nephew serving as an usher. Without conscience thought, she glanced over in the direction of the handsome stranger. He was watching her and flashed a small smile when their eyes met. Jim walked behind Sheila but stopped after a few rows to fetch his wife, Brooke. She beamed as if it was her wedding.

The reception line was formed with both sets of parents and the bride and groom in the center. Brooke had fussed about not being included in the group but didn't attempt to insert herself. Months before, Kelly had wisely assigned Patty to watch Brooke and make sure she didn't cause any problems on the wedding day. So far Patty had only been an observer although she longed for an excuse to tackle Brooke to the ground. Only kidding, but not by much.

Guests were dismissed by rows and served appetizers as they waited in line to congratulate the newlyweds. Although she had to listen to Jim schmooze all the important people, the commoners he mostly ignored, she loved all the hugs and well wishes of the guests. Her new son-in-law stood on her left so they helped each other with introductions as needed.

Sheila finally spied the handsome stranger waiting in line. Blushing, she realized that she had been hoping he would come through the line. For reasons she didn't even know, she really wanted to meet him.


It's not that Rob minded attending weddings, he just didn't like attending them alone. At 31 Rob had stood up for many friends and relatives in the previous 10 years but as the old saying goes, he was always the groomsman and never the groom. Well something like that anyway.

Growing up in a suburb of Dallas, stuck in the middle of a large family, Rob struggled to find his way after high school. Bright and handsome with a quick wit, he just didn't like school and it showed. College wasn't a good option for him so he went to work with his uncle, learning the concrete business. He was a natural leader and soon was running a whole crew on his own. It was a win – win for the uncle who gave the reins completely over to Rob after about five years. Running his own company meant long hours and hard work but Rob loved the challenge and was extremely successful.

Professionally he was successful, personally, not so much. A series of women moved in and out of his life. They were beautiful, cute, stunning and everything in between. All of them recognized that Rob was a great catch but in the end, none of them had the right bait to land him. Most of the time Rob didn't even know what had gone wrong, he just knew that he hadn't met 'the one' quite yet. At 28 he thought he had finally found her and they made plans for a life together. Just days before the wedding however, she confessed her love for an old boyfriend and broke off the engagement. Rob was devastated and resigned himself to just being single. He didn't even date anymore, preferring to spend his time working and spending time with his faithful German shepherd, Ralph.

In his college years, Adam, the groom, had worked for Rob for two summers. Although their roles were clear at work, they became good friends. Adam even thought of Rob as a mentor or a big brother. Although they didn't see each other often and he had met Kelly only a handful of times, Rob wouldn't have missed their wedding day.


It was always awkward to attend a wedding alone but Rob was getting used to the experience. He timed his entrance at the club so that he wouldn't have to mingle before the ceremony. Sitting down quickly gave him time to look over the crowd. He didn't miss the stares of a few young women but he kept his eyes roving, not wanting to give any desperate young female the wrong impression. He knew that single women often attend weddings hoping to find Prince Charming, but he wasn't that naïve. He hoped to find dance partners but nothing more.

Standing behind the chairs was an elegant looking woman. She looked to be about forty and Rob thought she was stunningly graceful. Her black and white suit was gorgeous and hugged her curves perfectly. Her legs were shapely and even her shoes were a statement in fun fashion. Her blonde hair skimmed her shoulders and framed her pretty face perfectly. He caught himself staring at her and wondering about her. 'Who was she, was she taken, how could he meet her' were all thoughts that crossed his mind. His cock stirred in his pants until he had to cover it with his hands. He chided himself for being so ridiculous and looked away, hoping the distraction would quiet the action in his briefs.

Grandparents and then parents were escorted to their seats as the music began to play. A bimbo- ish brunette was escorted to the 3rd row on the bride's side, her breasts bouncing as she walked. Rob had heard about her. He knew Kelly and Adam were nervous about what she may do on their special day and after seeing her, he knew why.

Next, to his surprise, the lovely blonde was escorted up the aisle. Her smile was dazzling. Just watching her made him happy. Of course, he thought noticing the resemblance, this was Kelly's mother. He knew they were very close but he couldn't believe she was actually old enough to be the mother of the bride. She looked far younger than her age. She was seated in the front row and then at the right moment she stood, signifying that everyone should stand for the bride's entrance.

Rob felt a pang of jealousy as he watched Adam watching Kelly. Obviously very much in love, the room was filled with anticipation as they came together in the front. The ceremony went off without any problems. The only glitch was when the little boy tripped and said "shit" loudly. Adam stepped up which made everyone laugh. Loud clapping accompanied the couple as they made their way down the aisle and after the wedding party exited, Rob watched as Kelly's lovely mother left, glowing in their wake.

The receiving line moved slowly but appetizers and champagne were served and soon it was Rob's turn to meet and greet. Kelly's father was first and Rob felt sufficiently blown off at his non-greeting. Although Kelly's mom was next, Adam reached over and pulled Rob in for a bear hug. "Hey! I'm so glad you came! Rob, this is my new mother-in-law, Sheila. Sheila, this is the best boss I've ever had and my good friend, Rob."

Sheila put her hand out to Rob but he took advantage of the situation and hugged her instead. Where else but a wedding could he get away with that? She startled but recovered quickly and welcomed him. "So nice to meet you, Rob. Kelly has mentioned you. Thank you for coming."

The line was moving along quickly so Rob only had a chance to say, "Thank you. Great to meet you, too." As he walked further down the row though, he couldn't help but relive that moment when he felt her body press into his. It was a brief moment but his cock sure responded easily.

As is usually the case, there was a prolonged waiting time as the receiving line continued and pictures were taken. Rob found himself at a table with two couples and three young women. They were all friends of the couple and were pleasant. Before very long, dinner was served and conversation flowed as easily as the champagne.

Rob noticed Sheila as she made her way to a table toward the front. She stopped to talk to people as she moved gracefully. Her smile was warm and although he couldn't hear what she was saying, he could easily see that she was very well liked. Jim and Brooke, on the other hand, moved through the room like bulls in a china shop. People avoided their gaze and moved out of the way as they barreled through. The contrast between Kelly's parents was evident and stunning. Rob doubted that anyone in the room could miss that.

Over dinner, Alicia, Rob's unofficial dinner date, did her best to flirt with Rob. He was polite but not interested in a 23 year old college senior studying anthropology. His gaze kept wandering to the front table where Sheila sat with what appeared to be family. Jim and the bimbo sat at another table so at least Sheila had some peace while eating.

Rob watched Sheila as she smiled and chatted easily. Her golden hair shined against the candlelight and Rob was glad he had a seat where he could see her easily. His interest in her was a little puzzling but for whatever reason he was a bit obsessed and hoped to take it further before the night was done. At the very least he wanted to dance with her and feel her pressed against him once again.

After dinner came the toasts. Kelly hadn't wanted to allow her dad to make a toast at her wedding. She and Adam argued about it for weeks before they agreed to let her mother decide. Sheila understood Kelly's feelings, after all Jim hadn't been much of a father, but the fact remained that he was her father and should have the opportunity to toast them at the dinner. They made a compromise that he would be allowed to toast them but that Sheila would as well. Brooke tried to finagle a spot too but she was quickly refused.

Jim's toast was long and boorish and included many 'jokes' about how much he was spending on the wedding. Kelly and Adam were embarrassed at his inappropriateness and relieved when he finally sat down.

Sheila rose to share about her daughter and the wonderful view she had been privileged to have as the couple grew in their love and commitment to each other. She allowed herself some tears as she spoke from the heart. Kelly walked over and hugged her mother when she finished.

In between small talk at the table, Rob watched Sheila with her daughter. He was touched, like most of the other guests, at the closeness of their relationship. The atmosphere was warm and loving and it was hard not to get caught up in the sentiment.

Finally the dance began. The floor was cleared and the DJ began the music. Kelly and Adam danced first, the lights dimmed low and the music soft. It was a lovely view for all. The father/daughter dance came next. It was clear that there wasn't a close loving relationship between them as they woodenly went through the motions. Even before the song ended, Kelly broke away and took Sheila's hand, dancing with her instead. Jim simply moved over to Brooke and began pawing at her leg.

Adam soon joined Kelly and Sheila and they laughed and danced their way through an upbeat song. Adam's family danced next and then finally everyone was invited to join the bridal party on the dance floor. Finally, thought Rob, maybe I'll get my chance to dance with her.

The problem was that Sheila's dance card was apparently very full. She danced with grandpas and uncles and friends, and other women and little boys. She twirled around on the dance floor for at least an hour without stopping. In the meantime Rob danced with just about every available woman in the room. He kept watching for his chance to dance with Sheila and could see she was having a great time. He didn't want to interrupt so he decided he would just leave. Desiring her from afar was all that would happen, he figured.