New Beginnings


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"Not all the time, but yes, we did watch them," she said.

Archer stood in the middle and put an arm around each of 'his girls' then said, "Say 'CHEESE'!" as the nurse snapped a couple of quick pics.

"Do you mind if I take one of my own?" the nurse asked still having trouble believing what she was seeing.

"Sure!" he said not stopping to think every woman in the hospital would have it in a matter of hours.

"Thank you!" Allison told her as she left moments later.

"Come on! Let's go rinse these bald heads off, shall we?" he said letting the ladies go first.

His arrival created no small stir there, either, as a pair of doctors also did a double take.

"Wow. Talk about going the extra mile," one of them said.

The male MD's female colleague said, "I think it's pretty amazing."

"It's...something," the male doctor said. "But I have to admit the two ladies look very fetching."

Allison looked at her mom who explained the meaning of the word.

"Oh. In that case—thank you!" Allison told him.

She got closer to him then said, "It's all the rage."

As they got closer to the restroom, Margaux heard the female doctor say, "That's the news anchor that Doctor Rhodes has got it so bad for."

She spoke very quietly, but Margaux still heard her. Perhaps Archer wasn't just a hot, hunky doctor who was only a player. After all, he had shaved his head when there was absolutely no reason for him to do so.

A few minutes later the trio of cueballs was free of stray hairs.

"That's really gonna save me some time every day," Margaux said when her head was dry in less than five seconds.

"And you are gonna look even hotter with short hair," Dr. Rhodes told her.

He turned toward Allison and said, "And it's gonna look great on someone else, too."

Getting his confirmation was huge for Allison who was starting to feel a little self-conscious already knowing everyone was looking or staring.

"Can we put on a bandana or something?" she asked on the way back to her room.

"Ah! We have them here in the gift shop," Dr. Rhodes told her. "My treat!"

Fifteen minutes later he was sporting an American flag bandana while Allison choose a gold color and Margaux went with a color that matched her eyes quite nicely.

"Okay, I've got more patients to see, but I'll be back to check on you later," the bandana-wearing doctor told them.

Three days later, Archer had a day off and Margaux invited him to have dinner with them. Allison didn't have much of an appetite, and asked to be excused after eating two small bites.

"I just wanna go lay down," she told them.

"Of course, honey," her mom said. "I'll come check on you before I go to bed."

Around 11 o'clock, Margaux peeked in and her daughter was sleeping soundly.

"Her body needs the rest," Archer told her. "And so do you."

"Are you in a hurry to leave?" she asked.

"No, not at all. I just thought perhaps you'd like a little time to yourself," he said as they walked back into the living room.

Margaux sighed and told him, "Time to myself is all I have these days."

"I'd actually like to stay," he told her as they stopped in front of the sofa.

As he looked into her eyes, she really did look amazingly attractive with her makeup on and a shaved head. So much so that he smiled before leaning over to kiss her.

"I was beginning to think you didn't want to do that," she said quietly when it ended.

"I've been dying to kiss you all night. But with Allison here I wasn't sure it was okay."

"I think she knows how I feel about you," Margaux said as she stared into his eyes.

" do you feel about me?" he asked he reached up and touched her face.

" I wouldn't mind if you stayed, you know, a while longer," she told him as her heart pounded furiously.

"Oh. Oh!" he said when she looked at him 'that way'.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Very," she told him. "I mean, if you're interested, that is."

"Very," he told her with a smile.

As she lay in his arms an hour or so later, she said, "If you can stand to make love to me looking like this...."

"Hey. Hold on a minute," he said politely cutting her off. "You look amazing. Absolutely amazing."

"I don't know about that, but I do know you were amazing. As in...'wow!' amazing," she told him.

"I do aim to please," he told her without needing to remind her he'd brought her to orgasm three separate times with his tongue, the tip of his middle finger, and then his amazingly thick cock. He'd lasted far longer than any man she'd ever known, and although she'd only know four in her life before him, that was another very pleasant surprise.

"I, uh...I probably shouldn't be here when Allison gets up," he told her a few minutes later.

"Oh, right. No, that...that might not be such a good idea," she reluctantly agreed.

Archer kissed her again before throwing his feet over the side of the bed then going in to take a shower.

"But maybe we could keep one another company in there?" he said pointing to the bathroom.

"Oh. I do like the way you think, Doctor Rhodes!" Margaux told him as she slid out from under the covers, too.

As they stood by the door two more orgasms and another hour so later, Archer took her hands and said, "When I asked how you feel about me, I didn't take the opportunity to tell you how I feel about you."

"Oh?" she said with a bright, happy smile.

"I just wanted you to know that I've never felt this way about any woman before, Margaux."

He paused then said, "Ever."

Her eyes were flicking back and forth as she looked into his no longer even noticing the missing hair. She had no real reason to think this was anything more than a much-needed diversion or a fling of sorts, but deep down, and way in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but hope against hope this might be something more.

"That makes me very happy," she told him sincerely.

"You make me very happy," he said without a smile. It was an honest statement of fact and she knew he meant it.

"I still find it hard to imagine someone like you could, you know, have...feelings for someone like me," she said partly in truth and partly as a kind of feeler to see what he might say.

This time he smiled then said, "And yet I do. And they're growing stronger and deeper every day."

"Archer?" she said.

He tilted his head waiting for her to continue.

"You don't have to, you know, say things like that. I like spending time with you, too. A lot, actually. But it's no secret I was around for the original showing of the movie you mentioned before with the bald woman."

He smiled then said, "Oh, right. Hey? While we're on that topic, how was it watching the premier of Casablanca in the theater?"

Margaux's eyes opened wide then narrowed.

"I was not around that long ago!" she said pretending to be deeply hurt.

He suddenly pulled her very close and put his arms around her waist.

"I really, honestly don't care about any of that," he assured her. "All I care about is what an amazing woman you are. Well, you're clearly an amazing mom, too, but I can't imagine it being any other way."

"Oh, you are smooth, Doctor Rhodes. Very, very smooth," she said before kissing him. "And incredibly handsome. Even bald."

The way he was looking at her made her wonder what he was thinking.

He sensed her discomfort then said, "If I don't leave now, I'm going to say something that might scare you off, and I don't ever want to scare you off."

Margaux's heart went into overdrive when she realized what he was hinting around at.

"I...I don't scare easily," she told him as their eyes danced again.

"I'm glad," he told her before kissing her one last time without saying whatever this 'thing' was he felt he shouldn't say.

"I had the most amazing evening of my life," Margaux told him when the kiss was over.

Archer smiled warmly and said, "What a coincidence. Me, too."

"Call me?" she asked sweetly.

"Oooh. Calling is so...old school," he said emphasizing 'old' and drawing another faux look of offense.

"Okay. Fine. Be like Allison and text me then," she said.

"I am like Allison," he reminded her as he ran his hand on her nubs and then on his.

"Oh, right. For a moment, I actually forgot I don't have any hair."

"And that doesn't matter to me, either" he assured her. "You're just as beautiful now as you were before. Maybe even more so for doing something so incredibly selfless for your daughter."

He touched her face then said, "I can't wait to see you again."

The way he said those words melted her heart before she replied with, "Me, either."

It was then her turn to kiss him one last time.

"Goodnight, beautiful," he told her.

"G'night...handsome," she said back as he opened the door and let himself out.

As Margaux lay in bed rubbing her stubble on the pillow, she'd never felt happier or more beautiful. Or more in....

No, she couldn't be feeling that. Yes, they'd had sex. Twice. But sex wasn't love, and she knew was well aware of that. And yet no one, not even her ex-husband when they were dating, had ever made her feel this way before. Now here she was at 52 years old feeling downright excited again about life and her future, and she even felt more hopeful about Allison's chance for a full recovery and total remission. Every single thing in life looked sweet to her; even her daughter's future which, in spite of her best intentions, had had a kind of dark cloud hanging over it since the diagnosis. She was still divorced and out of work, yet somehow she was nothing if not brimming with optimism and happiness.

Margaux wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep, but she did know Allison had climbed in bed with her for the first time since she was four or five at some point around 2am.

She rolled over and said, "Hey, kiddo. You okay?"

"Uh-huh," her daughter told her. "I'm just so happy."

"What? Why are you happy? I mean, I'm glad you are, but you seemed so sick and now...."

"Don't be embarrassed, but I...I kind of heard you guys," Allison said.

Margaux grabbed the sheet, pulled it up with her to cover her breasts as she sat bolt upright and said, "What do you heard us?"

"Mom, I'm not a kid. I know people have sex."

Margaux suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

"Honey, you shouldn't make assumptions just because...."

Allison slid over and lay her bald head in her mother's lap and said, "I've really been hoping so much that the two of you might, you know, fall in love, so I'm also hoping I heard correctly."

She looked up and smiled then said, "And I'm positive I did. And it's okay. I want you to be happy, Mom. I really do."

Margaux ran her hand over her daughter's stubble and both of them laughed.

"It reminds me of dad's face when he didn't shave for a day or two," Allison said.

Even the mention of her father didn't upset her this time.

"Or my legs if I don't shave," she replied.

"Mom?" Allison said after laughing at the leg comment.


"Do you love him? Do you love Doctor Rhodes?"

"Love? Honey, we barely know each other. I mean, I do really like him, but love? I'm not so sure about that."

"Okay. But you didn't tell me 'no' so that tells me you probably do, and you're doing what Abbie's dad calls 'hedging your bets'."

Margaux smiled warmly and said, "When did you get so grown up?"

"I have a very smart mom," she told her. "And I pay attention."

"I don't know about Doctor Rhodes, but I do know I love you, sweetie," her mom said.

"I've always known that, Mom. You're the best. Every kid says that, but you really are."

As her daughter wrapped her thin arm around her mom's waist, Margaux felt her eyes welling up with tears.

"And I have the most amazing daughter ever," she told Allison.

"Yeah, I know," she said sweetly.

There was a moment of silence before Allison said, "Mom?"


"Can I sleep in here with you tonight?"

"Of course you can," her mother said.

"Good. Cause I may not get another chance with, you know, you and Doctor Rhodes and everything."

"Allison! What's gotten into you lately?" her mom said as she tried to adjust to the 'new Allison'.

"Life. Thinking you might die makes you appreciate it so much. I'm not planning on doing crazy things like jumping off of buildings with a parachute, but I really want to live and experience...everything."

Margaux hoped the 'everything' reference meant love, marriage, and children, but it was probably more likely she was referring specifically to what she and Archer had just enjoyed doing. Her daughter was still much too young for that particular experience, but she couldn't blame her for desiring something so beautiful and enjoyable when she was old enough to appreciate how special and amazing it could be with the right person.

She decided not to respond and moments later both of them were sound asleep.

Dr. Rhodes called her the following day during a break and after exchanging pleasantries Margaux shared most of her talk with Allison.

"We are so busted," he said lightheartedly.

"I know! What are we going to do?"

"Since she knows and she approves, I'd say...have more sex?"

"Archer!" she said pretending to be distressed.

"No?" he asked.

"Well, maybe," she said before quickly changing that to, "No, make that 'yes'. Definitely yes!"

"I will," he told her. "I'm off tomorrow night again. Could I maybe make that a 'definitely yes' night?"

"Um...definitely!" Margaux said happily.

"Is it too early to bring a toothbrush?" he asked.

"Um...definitely—not," she told him playfully.

"Margaux, I want you to know I much I enjoy being with you and how much I meant every word about the way I feel about you."

"Thank you, Archer. I...I feel the same way, and I can't ever remember being happier."

"Yeah. Same here,' he said in agreement. "I have patients to see, but I can't wait to see you again...sweetheart."

Margaux's heart leapt when she heard his first-ever use of an endearment for her.

"I don't know if my heart is sweet, but it's beating out of my chest right now," she told him, feeling like it might burst with happiness.

"I'll make sure to take a look at your chest when I see you. Just to make sure everything is okay, of course."

"I'll look forward to your thorough examination, Doctor Rhodes," she told him with a laugh.

"See you soon," he said.

"Bye," she said sweetly.

In spite of her talk with Allison, Margaux was a little nervous when she told her Dr. Rhodes was coming over again the following evening.

Before Margaux could even hedge her bets, Allison said, "It's fine with me if he stays here. You know...all night."

Margaux came very close to blushing again, but only smiled as she realized her daughter really was growing up fast.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"I am. One-hundred percent," her daughter assured her. "In fact, I'm okay with anything to include you marrying him."

Her mother's eyes opened wide in shock again as she said, "Whoa! Marry him? Honey. Hold on a minute, okay?"

"Okay. I can wait a minute or even two. Or maybe even a year or so. Just don't blow this, okay, Mom?" she said with a cute little smile.

"You are quite the 'pistol' lately."

"Ha! I remember Grandpa saying that all the time. 'She's a little pistol, that one'!" Allison said as she tried to imitate her mom's father.

"Yes, that was my daddy, all right," she said as she remembered her late father.

Archer did stay that night and as many nights as he could thereafter.

When Allison's course of treatment was finished, she got the best possible news from Dr. Willows. She was totally cancer free.

"We'll have to check you regularly until we're sure this is full remission. I want to be optimistic here, but not naively so. That said, I'd say you have a very good chance of staying cancer free. But we are still gonna check, okay?"

Allison was so happy she gave her a hug and thanked her as she tried not to cry.

"And your hair is growing back already. In another month or so, you'll be able to style it."

She looked at Margaux and said, "Same with you. In fact, yours already looks very dark and thick. I can't wait to see the two of you once you decide on how you want to wear it."

"How about me?" Dr. Rhodes, who'd been there the whole time finally asked.

"Well, all of us realize you're off the market, so...meh," she said with a polite smile as she looked at Margaux. "And you are the lucky winner of the Doctor Archer Rhodes lottery."

"I definitely feel that way," Margaux told her as Archer took her hand and smiled at her before saying something else.

"No, I'm the lottery winner," he said still looking at Margaux. "I've fallen in love with the most beautiful woman on earth."

Dr. Willows saw the look on Margaux's face as Allison whirled around in surprise.

"I think I should give the two...or three of you...some privacy," Dr. Willows said before leaving.

"Mom!" Allison said.


"He just told you he loves you!" she said.

"He didn't say it exactly like that," she said as her heart beat like a drum.

"Well, I do. I love you, Margaux, and I'm very much in love with you. Is that clear enough?"

"Very," she said softly before saying, "and I love you, too, Archer. With all my heart I love you."

Allison gleefully joined in and hugged them both.

"I'm gonna have the most handsome stepdad ever!" she said causing both the adults to laugh. "Well, it's true!"

Six months later, Allison was still cancer free, and when she got the clean bill of health, and Margaux was trying not to cry, Archer said, "You know, we first met here in this hospital. And Allison's cancer, as awful as it was, is the reason we met."

Margaux was going to agree with him, but Archer kept talking as he reached for Allison's hand to pull her in closer.

"I'm so in love with your mom, Allison. And although I'll never be your father, I love you, too."

Both 'girls' could tell something was up as Allison said, "I love you, too...Dad."

Everyone laughed but it all stopped when Archer fished something out of his jacket. And then when the girls saw it Margaux gasped and Allison said very quietly, "!"

Archer knelt down and said, "I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever find a woman like you, sweetheart. I still can't believe how it happened, but my life changed the day I met you."

He looked at Allison then said, "You too, honey."

She smiled back and realized she had tears in her eyes before noticing her mom did, as well.

"Margaux Van der Waal?" he said. "Will you marry me?"

Allison wiped away tears with her finger as her mom tried to answer. Her head was nodding and her left hand shot out, but no sounds came out.

"She says 'yes'!" Allison said loudly as Archer slid the ring onto her finger before opening his arm for Allison to join them.

"You see, this is why I'm the luckiest man on earth," he said as he kissed his fiancé and then kissed his soon-to-be stepdaughter on the cheek. "I have a ready-made family with the two most beautiful girls on earth!"

"And I have the most beautiful mom and handsome stepdad in the whole world!" Allison said.

"And I'm so happy I can't stop crying!" Margaux said. "The man I love just asked me to marry him and my daughter is cancer free. Can it get any better than this?"

Four months later, when the happy couple got married in the hospital's tiny chapel, Archer recalled her words and reminded her of them.

"Oh, how wrong I was," Margaux said as she stood with her husband and daughter.

Margaux looked stunningly beautiful in her white wedding dress and very cute, short hairstyle while Allison looked equally amazing in her blue bridesmaid dress and same style of hair as her mom.

"Today is even more wonderful," she said before the three of them embraced again as they started their new beginnings together as a family.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Yes,a very good story.

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

Very warm and loving tale 5 stars

HragsHragsover 4 years ago they are embarrassed

Why, when a woman is told how beautiful they are.... Never fells they always say "OOOO...... ARENT YOU BEING SO KIND........Like they have and never hear that before, even tho they love hearing .

However, I love telling them so just to see their face like up. Especially my WIFE.

Leejr61Leejr61over 6 years ago
A truly beautiful story!

This story will definitely pull at your Heartstrings.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 6 years ago

Another home run by this author.

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