New Girl in Town Pt. 22


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"They will at some point, Jake," Staci smiled. "They won't be able to put up with your sense of humor for much longer."

"I think I want to be back in my coma," Jake shook his head.

"Don't you dare say that, Jake," Jessica stated. "If you were then I wouldn't be able to do this."

She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. Not to be outdone, Staci moved over and sat down on Jake's good thigh then gave her rump a little shake as if she had to settle in.

"And I wouldn't be able to do this, Jake," she giggled then grinned as she felt him start to get hard underneath her butt.

She smiled wickedly at Jessica.

"Oh hello," she said. "Someone is starting to be very happy that we're here, Jess."

"She's going to break my other leg, Staci," Jake sighed.

"Up," Jessica said and gestured at Staci.

She put a fake pout on her lips but stood. Jake was thankful that he had on some loose jogging pants and not just the flimsy hospital gown. They didn't hide as much as he wished but they hid enough to save a modicum of his modesty. Jessica saw his dilemma and sat down on his thigh to help him remain covered.

"Thank you," he told her with his face slightly flushed.

"You're welcome, Jake," Staci laughed.

"And you're impossible," Jake shook his head.

"Totally," Jessica said then gave Jake another kiss.

This one was a bit more passionate and lasted until Jenny cleared her throat.

"Would you like us to give you guys a few minutes?" Tommy asked.

"Nah, we're good," Jessica assured him. "How are you guys doing?"

"We're good," Jenny answered. "We were out and about today and thought that we would check in on Jake."

"I'm glad that you did," Staci said to Jenny. "I need you to answer something for me."

"Uh oh," Jenny said. "I think that I'm in trouble."

"You totally aren't," Staci assured her. "I want to know what you were reading to Jake when he woke up."

"There's been a whole debate going on over lunch," Jessica explained.

"Wow, you all are talking about that and not about Patrick?" Jenny asked shocked. "That's hard to believe."

"Oh he's been talked about," Staci said. "Jess kind of wanted a break from all of that so that's been our backup conversation."

"I guess I can understand that," she nodded. "It's been all over our school as well. So unbelievable that he was involved."

"We're all just in shock over it I think," Jessica said and Jake nodded in agreement.

Jenny and Tommy nodded as well as they could tell that it was a sore subject for their friends.

"So what were you reading, Jenny?" Staci brought the conversation back around.

"It was just a detective novel," Jenny answered sheepishly. "It's the latest Tyler Hart one."

"You've got to let me borrow it once you're done with it, Jenny," Jake said.

"I'm almost done with it," she told him.

"Do you have it with you?" Staci asked as she ignored them. "I want to see it."

"Staci, leave Jenny alone," Jessica told her.

"It's fine," Jenny said as she reached into her bag and retrieved the novel.

She handed it to Staci who looked over the cover then flipped it over and read the back. She pursed her lips as the read then looked up at Jake.

"I might want to borrow this too," she told him. "This mysterious woman sounds interesting."

"And then some," Jenny giggled.

Staci's eyes shot up and she quickly started to look for where Jenny's bookmark was in the book. She found it, skimmed the paragraphs then frowned and flipped back a few pages.

"Oh, here we go," Staci said excitedly as she found the sex scene.

"Oh God, what did you find?" Jessica asked. "I've never seen you so excited about reading anything."

"Excited is a great word for it," Staci giggled.

"I am going to die of embarrassment," Jenny sighed as Jessica read what Staci showed her.

"Uh, yeah," Jessica said as she read. "I'm going to want to borrow this too. This is hot!"

"Tommy, what are we missing?" Jake asked.

"I know but I don't want to spoil the book for you," he smiled. "Just trust me when I say that you won't be disappointed if you let Jessica read it first."

"Definitely," Jessica smiled at him. "You will definitely want that, Jake."


Patrick's father sat in his den and fumed. He had spent the better part of the last few days laying into his son, his wife, the lawyer, the sheriff and anyone else within earshot.

"Ruining my fucking life," Buck muttered as he went to his liquor cabinet for a fresh bottle.

He rummaged around for a moment and found nothing but empty bottles.

"What the hell?" he wondered aloud.

"You won't find any," his wife called out from the doorway. "I got rid of all of it last night after you passed out."

"You did what?" he asked as he spun toward her.

"Dumped them all," she stated as she folded her arms across her chest. "You can't stay blind drunk while all of this plays out. That's not going to help any of us."

"When in the hell did you get to choose..." Buck started to ask but she cut him off.

"When our son went out and nearly killed a couple of kids," she stated. "That's when in the hell I get to choose. Now stop moping around with this whole woe is me attitude of yours so we can prepare for whatever sentence the judge decides on."

"Why do you think I told our lawyer that we wanted the judge to decide on sentencing and not a jury?" Buck asked as he sat back in his chair. "I was a huge contributor to his campaign and..."

"And you were the same with the sheriff and where did that get you?" she asked him.

"Well I didn't have much say when you and Patrick went around behind my back and confessed now did I?" he countered.

"We knew that you'd bury it," Patrick joined in the conversation.

He had heard them start to argue and walked down in the hopes that he could calm the situation.

"Just like you always do," he finished.

"Burying some soil reports isn't the same as burying attempted murder," Buck snapped at him. "I'll be lucky if I can keep your dumb ass out of prison!"

"Don't do me any favors, dad," Patrick snapped.

"Both of you stop it right now," Patrick's mother told them. "None of this is helpful."

"He should have thought of that before he tried to kill the kid that's been kicking his ass all year and the girl that he couldn't get," Buck grumbled like a scolded five year old.

"For the last time," Patrick started to shout, "I didn't know it was them!"

"Bullshit," his dad shouted back.

"Enough!" Mrs. Greene shouted. "Get back to your room if all you're going to do is shout."

Patrick glared for a moment but turned and stomped back upstairs to his room. She turned to her husband.

"You get used to being sober," she told him. "And you had better hope that all that money you're so proud of spending will keep our son out of jail!"


Jessica's phone chirped and she reluctantly pulled her mouth from Jake's. The pair had been making out since Jenny, Tommy and Staci left after she dropped a few hints that she would like some alone time with Jake.

"Do you have to get that?" Jake asked and tried to kiss her again but she pulled away. "Now?"

As she did so there was a knock at Jake's door.

"I have excellent timing," Jessica smiled.

"Says you," Jake playfully grumbled then called out. "Yes?"

"Jake," a nurse said as she opened the door. "Are you about ready to get back into your bed?"

"Ten more minutes?" Jake asked. "We were about to do some homework."

The nurse looked from Jake to Jessica then back to Jake with a grin on her face.

"I'll just bet that you were," she said as she nodded toward his heart monitor. "Must be some tough work with the way it had your heartbeat racing a few minutes ago."

"When can we take this thing off?" Jake asked as Jessica tapped away at her phone and hid her grin.

"The monitors will start to come off tomorrow so we can get you moving around a bit more," she told him as she checked the pillows that propped him up. "This cast is going to take awhile longer I'm afraid."

"Are you going to have him up on crutches soon?" Jessica asked as she put her phone aside.

"We'll see how he does tomorrow morning," she answered. "He did okay with helping us when we moved him to the chair which is a positive sign but we'll see and we'll take it slow this time. Right, Jake?"

"Yes, nurse," Jake nodded.

She smiled at Jake and told them that she would be back in a little while as she left.

"I take it that you didn't take it slow enough when they moved you this morning," Jessica asked.

"I may have slipped a little trying to help them out," Jake answered sheepishly.

Jessica frowned and gave him a stern look.

"Jake, you cannot take another bump to that head of yours," she told him. "If you do and forget me..."

"I don't think that will happen, Jess," he said then smiled. "If it did though, it would be fun getting to know you all over again."

"You really want to go through the whole Sean thing again?" she asked him.

"It would definitely be worth it," he answered.

"You're just remembering the bj I gave you that night at Grammy's house," she teased him.

"There's goes my heart monitor again," Jake chuckled.

"Well this won't help," Jessica giggled as she held up her phone so he could see her screen.

On it was a pic of Ms. Langston and Ashley. Both looked to be trying on cowboy hats in an airport gift shop. The text beneath it read Howdy from Texas .

"Adorable, right?" Jessica asked.

"That's one word for it," Jake commented.

"Gorgeous is another," she added. "Jess told me that they have a two hour layover in Dallas. She was checking in on you."

"Sure she was," he shook his head.

Jessica scrolled up through the message and showed him the text.

"See," she said as he read it. "She likes you. They all do."

"Good to know," he said. "How did your dinner with them go?"

"It went great," she enthused. "They told me a little more about UCLA and the team then we just talked. It was really great. We missed you being there."

"I missed having steak," he chuckled.

"With a pair of gorgeous women," Jessica added with a wink.

"I think you mean two pairs of gorgeous women," Jake corrected.

"Jake Gibson, did you just call my mother gorgeous?" she asked in mock shock.

"You know that she is," he stated. "Just like you will be when you get to her age."

"Flatterer," she giggled then leaned in and kissed him.

It was meant to be tender but Jake's passion rose and she started to allow herself to go with him until she heard a beep. She pulled back and shook her head at him.

"Jake, we can't get your heart racing again," Jessica told him. "Now I'm going to forward you this pic of them then we have homework to do. I think it'll be a little easier now while you're in this chair as opposed to the bed."

She looked over at his heart rate monitor and watched as it sped up again.

"That had better be because I mentioned bed and not from the pic of my hot recruiter and her big boobed friend that I just sent you, Jake," she told him with a grin.

"I don't even have a phone to see that pic with, Jess," he defended himself. "That increase was all you."

"That's good to know and we'll get you a new phone soon," she smiled as she pulled out their books. "Now lets get some of this work done so we'll have some more time to make out tomorrow when I get here."

"You're going to have the nurse back in here in a minute, Jess," Jake chuckled.

"Good," she grinned. "I kind of want to see you get manhandled back to your bed. I bet you look all cute trying not to grope or get groped by those cute nurses."

"There was no groping, Jess," Jake told her.

"Unless I'm here helping I hope," she smiled at him.

"There will be some definite groping when you help," he smiled back as he reached for her. "Aw, come on, Jess. You touched me. It's only fair that I get to touch you too."

"Later, mister," she giggled as she dodged away from his hands. "We have work to do now."

"And later?" Jake asked.

"Mmm, we'll see," Jessica smiled back. "I do need to finish something I started with my special friend don't I?"

Her smile widened when she saw Jake's sweat pants begin to tent up from her words. She wanted to put the homework aside and help him out but since she expected the nurse to come back soon she knew that she couldn't. She vowed that she would take care of him once he was back in his bed and they were alone. She would text Staci to come play look out while she took matters into her hands and maybe her mouth if Jake could keep quiet when she did it.

"That's what pillows are for," she said aloud with a wicked grin.

"What?" Jake asked as he adjusted himself so his erection wasn't as prominent.

"Just thinking about what I'm going to do to you," she told him. "You are going to have to keep as quiet as you can though. No moaning out my name, Jake."

"You're killing me, Jess," he moaned.

"Exactly," she giggled. "None of that while I take care of you. I'll ask the nurse if we can lose the heart monitor too."



"Are you ready, Jake?" the nurse asked as she came into his room Sunday morning. "We can get the day started off on the right foot so to speak."

"It had better be my right foot because my left one is out of commission for the foreseeable future," Jake joked as he started to rotate himself to the side of the bed.

"Let them help you with that, Jake," Jessica said as she walked into his room.

"Jess?" Jake asked confused. "I thought that you would be at church now?"

She shook her head as walked over to him. She gave him a brief kiss then stepped back so the pair of nurses could move him into a position to stand.

"I figured that they could use some help getting you moving," she told him then she asked the nurse. "What can I do?"

"See if he has some shoes in that bag over there," he told her. "They should be better at keeping him from slipping even better than the socks we've got on him."

"They are comfy socks," Jake said then added. "Well sock, singular."

The nurses shared a laugh while Jessica shook her head as she opened the bag. She found his shoes and pulled out the right one. She brought it over to the bedside and held it as Jake was carefully moved until he sat on the edge of the bed.

"How do you want to do this?" Jessica asked.

"Slowly," Jake answered while he held his side over his ribs.

"Are your ribs still hurting?" one of the nurses asked. "We can push this thing with the crutches back if you are."

"It's just tough to breath with them wrapped up like this," Jake told them. "I'm kind of used to messed up ribs."

"Don't rush this, Jake," Jessica warned him then asked the nurses if they could give them a few minutes.

They nodded and told the teens that they would be at the nurses station when they were ready for them. Once they left Jessica sat on the bed beside Jake.

"Jess, I'm all right," he tried to assure her.

"You might think that, Jake, but you almost weren't," she said as she took his hand. "I don't want you to rush into something that you aren't ready for."

"I am ready," he told her. "It's just my ribs. They hurt a little but..."

"But nothing," she said. "Your ribs almost killed you, Jake. I almost killed you!"

"What?" Jake asked confuse. "What do you mean that you almost killed me, Jess? That doesn't make any sense."

"No one has told you about what happened after the wreck?" she asked him.

"Everyone has been pretty vague," he admitted. "I think that we flipped and they told me that you pulled me free from the car as it caught fire. Jess, you saved me. You didn't almost kill me."

"When I pulled you out one of your ribs cut an artery or something vital," she told him as tears started to stream down her cheeks. "You almost bled to death out in the woods. Thank God Marybeth knew what to do. We owe her, Bobby and Ray so much, Jake. Without them... I don't even want to think about what would have happened if they hadn't come looking for us."

Jake pulled her into his arms and held her for several long moments. He stroked her hair as she breathed heavily into his neck as she tried to bring her emotions under control. He kissed her head then tilted her chin up until she looked into his eyes.

"You saved me, Jess," he reiterated to her.

He then kissed her tenderly and she allowed herself to melt into that kiss after a moment. They kissed for several moments until she pulled back and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Thanks, Jake," she smiled. "Now let me go get those nurses back in here and see about getting you up on your feet. I want you back to full strength as soon as possible."

She got up, gave him a quick peck on the lips then walked to his door. She paused when he called after her.

"Jess," he called out. "I love you."

An even bigger smile spread across her face as she looked back at him.

"I love you too, Jake."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I also have re-read these stories several times. Please continue writing as your fans really enjoy your take on these stories.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

After 10 readings, I still enjoy the story VERY MUCH. I hope the story continues through college and the beginning of their life together. You have not finished the story about the rescue of the woman out of Africa but PLEASE, PLEASE finish this one with them going through together and the other one to their marriage on the beach...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Kind of bored with highschool and want to see the arc shifting to California

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can someone suggest me more stories like this

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Been following this beautiful story from 2021 but it's gets released so slow that it's painful

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