New Girl in Town Pt. 24


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"No," he answered then paused. "Yes. Am I supposed to button both these or just one?"

"I'm pretty sure that it's an either/or thing but it looks like you'll be more comfortable leaving the top one done and the bottom one not," she told him. "Just make sure that you undo it when you sit down."

"How do you know this stuff?" Jake asked.

"Maybe I'm just making it up," she laughed as Sarah ran back into the room with her mom and Jessica in tow. "Feeling more secure now, Jess?"

"Yes," Jessica answered as she adjusted the straps of her dress. "The girls are most assuredly secure for tonight."

"Don't say that, Jessica. You'll make Jake pout," Dr. Golden teased.

"MOM!" Jessica gasped while Roxie erupted with laughter.

"I'm just messing with you," she laughed then turned to Roxie. "You have my permission to make the brownies that are here if you want to, Roxie. Sarah, since you plan to help then you have to listen to Roxie and C.C.. Got it?"

"I got it!" Sarah nodded excitedly.

"What have you got, little one?" Mr. Golden said as he entered the room.

"That I'm supposed to listen to Roxie and C.C. when we make brownies while you guys are gone," Sarah answered.

"We're paying her double for tonight, right?" Mr. Golden asked his wife as she straightened his tie.

"I already promised triple and that was before the whole brownies thing happened," she told him.

"Good call," he nodded. "Are the rest of us ready? We're running just about on time."

"It's a party, dear," she said. "We can be fashionably late."

"Fashionably late gets the worst parking spot," he pointed out. "If you want to walk the parking lot in those heels though..."

"And we are leaving," Dr. Golden said. "Roxie, you have all our numbers. Sarah, give us hugs and be good for Roxie."

"I will," Sarah promised then hugged them each as they headed out the door.

"Have fun!" Roxie called out and waved as they got into Dr. Golden's SUV.

They waved back then pulled out of the driveway for the short drive to the marina.


The group walked into the lavishly decorated main room of the marina where they were greeted by Mr. Blanton who introduced his wife then offered to introduce the Golden's to the rest of the board members.

"Sounds good," Mr. Golden said then turned to Jessica and Jake. "You two go have fun. We'll find you when we're done."

"Sure, dad," Jessica said. "It was nice to meet you both."

Jake echoed her sentiment then the pair headed further into the party. They passed several tables that held food and desserts, a dance floor, a DJ booth and a vintage photo booth that had been set up.

"They really go all out, huh?" Jake commented as they looked around.

"You can say that again," Jessica nodded. "I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't all this. Looks fun, right?"

"It does," Jake answered. "Should we find a table or wait for your folks to get back."

"That might take awhile," she said as she looked around then shook her head. "I think our table situation has already been sorted."

Jake turned and followed her gaze to a table where Staci sat with Ray. Staci waved to get their attention. Jake waved back as they walked over.

"Don't you dress up nice, Jake?" Staci commented as Jake and Jessica got to the table. "You're looking yummy too, Jess."

"Yummy huh?" Jessica grinned. "Well you are looking pretty scrumptious yourself, Staci. Ray, you're looking dashing as well."

"I'm thinking about dashing over to the dessert table," Ray joked. "I've got my eye on that coconut cake. What about you, Jake?"

"I don't think that I'm ready to dash just yet but I will walk over there with you and check out the selections," he told him then kissed Jessica's cheek. "Can I get you anything, gorgeous?"

"Anything sweet," she answered with a grin. "You know what I like by now."

"Something small to save room for the brownies back at home," he smiled.

"You know it," she laughed. "Don't hurry back. Give Staci and me some time to talk about the two of you."

"We'll take a lap," Ray assured her. "Maybe see if the DJ has any music that isn't from the forties."

"Good luck with that," Staci called out as the boys walked away. "You know that I hate to see them leave but I love to watch them walk away."

"You are so bad," Jessica giggled even as she nodded. "I can't say that I can disagree with you though. Hey, where is your mom at? She needs to supervise us before we get totally out of control."

"She was mingling a few minutes ago," she answered. "I'm sure that either she'll find Ray and Jake or they'll find her. Either way, I'm sure that she'll show up in time to hear you say something totally inappropriate."

"Me?!" Jessica exclaimed. "You're the one that's most likely to say something inappropriate, not me."

"Guilty as charged," Staci agreed. "Now let's stare at our boys butts and think about what we plan to do with them later tonight."

"Told you that you'd be the one that said something inappropriate," Jessica laughed. "It is a good view though, isn't it?"

"Mmm hmm," Staci smiled. "It sure is."

"I was surprised when you told me that your mom has a membership here," Jessica commented.

"She got it, like, a year ago," Staci said. "She thought it would be a good place to find eligible men. She was partially right expect most of the single dudes are my grandpa's age. At least the events are fun so she comes out a few times a year. You should see this place done up for Christmas."

"I'll bet it looks great," she said.

"Big tree, lots of lights and some of the boats are all lit up too," Staci continued. "You'll be back in town for it next year so I can show you."

"Sounds like a plan," Jessica agreed as she adjusted the top of her dress.

"The girls are still in place," Staci assured her.

"Good," she said. "I didn't think it would be that much of a problem but I'm quite big enough upstairs to pull off this look."

"You look fabulous," Staci told her. "I'm sure Jake appreciates looking."

"That he does," she smiled as she took a sip of water and looked around to see if she could find where Jake and Ray had gotten to.


"Roxie, can we watch a movie?" Sarah asked.

"I thought we were watching a movie?" Roxie asked as she pointed toward the Disney movie that filled the screen in front of them. "Is this not a movie?"

"This is a great movie," C.C. answered. "Didn't you love The Little Mermaid just last week? What happened?"

"Nothing," Sarah answered. "I still like it but..."

"Nope, not happening, Sar-Bear," Roxie interrupted her. "We are not letting you watch any more horror movies. You spent a month thinking this place was haunted last time you sneaked around and watched that Paranormal Activity movie."

"It wasn't a month," Sarah argued.

"Not what I heard so we are not letting you watch anything horror related until you are older," Roxie told her.

"Way older," C.C. said. "Like high school age at least!"

"Nooo," Sarah giggled as she flung herself at C.C. who caught her and proceeded to play wrestle with her.

"If you two want to make brownies then we had better get started on them," Roxie said.

"Brownies!" Sarah shouted as she jumped to her feet.

She snagged C.C.'s hand and pulled her along toward the kitchen while Roxie followed along.

"You are doing the measuring, Sar-bear," Roxie told her as she got out the mixing bowl and measuring spoons then placed them on the counter.

C.C. kept a watchful eye on Sarah as she climbed the stool then slid her over to the counter so she could reach. Sarah laid the measuring spoons out in neat lines as Roxie pulled the box of brownie mix out.

"Dark chocolate ones huh?" she commented. "Did you pick these, Sarah?"

"No, that was Jake," she answered. "Well Jess got them because Jake like's 'em and she said that I need to try them."

"Well if Jess says," Roxie laughed. "Okay first we need an egg, then some water and..."

"C.C., can you check the shelf in the pantry?" Sarah asked. "There's something in there that we can add."

"There is huh?" C.C. commented.

She went to the pantry, opened it and looked inside.

"I'm not adding any gummy worms, Sar-bear," she told her.

"No, not those, silly!" Sarah said.

"Ah, bet you meant these," C.C. said as she turned and held up a small bag of crushed walnuts. "No one is allergic are they?"

"No, we're good," Sarah told her confidently.

"Roxie?" C.C. asked not sure she trusted an excited Sarah's word for it.

"Should be good," she answered. "I wouldn't think they would have them if it was a problem."

"Good point," C.C. said then waved the bag of gummys. "Sure you don't want the gummy's, Sarah? I've got'em right here!"

"Positive!" Sarah answered. "Now come help me measure this stuff so I don't make a mess."

"I think that you making a mess is inevitable, Sar-bear," Roxie laughed. "C.C. and I are just hoping to make it as small as possible."

"My mess making is not a vegetable," Sarah remarked. "We aren't even using vegetables. Now show me how to crack this egg."

"We're going to be cleaning until her folks get home," C.C. giggled. "I hope you know this."

"Oh, I know it," Roxie nodded as she stepped behind Sarah to help her. "Here, you take it like this and..."


As Jake and Ray perused the food tables a woman tapped Ray's shoulder. He turned and his eyes grew wide when he saw that it was Patrick's mom.

"Hello, Ray," she greeted him. "I haven't seen you in it seems like forever."

"Hey, Mrs. Greene," Ray greeted her. "It has been awhile."

"Please, it's Ms. Greene, at least for now," she said then smiled at Jake.

"It's great to see you out and about Mr. Gibson," she said. "I know that I'm probably one of the last people that you want to see but I just wanted to say hello and see how you and your girlfriend are doing."

"Not at all, Ms. Greene," Jake said with a smile. "I'm glad to see you as well. Jessica and I are getting better and better by the day thankfully."

"I see that you're cast free but why the brace?" she asked. "There weren't any complications with your leg were there?"

"No, ma'am," Jake assured her. "This is mostly just for stability until my muscles in this leg get used to supporting me again. No one wants me falling on my head again."

"I should hope not!" she patted his arm.

"Ms. Greene," Jake started, "I... we... we were all sorry to hear about your, well, what happened or almost happened to you."

"Yes, ma'am," Ray nodded. "Patrick told Jamie then Jamie mentioned it to us and, like Jake said, we're sorry."

"Thank you, boys," she smiled. "That is very sweet of you both to say."

"How is Patrick doing with all that?" Jake asked then apologized. "I'm sorry. I'm sure that's none of my business. Forget I asked."

"Jake, it's perfectly fine," she assured him. "I appreciate you asking after him. He's taking it surprisingly well. I think getting him away from his father can only be good for him in the long run."

"That's great to hear," Jake said and Ray nodded with him.

"Did you two slip away from your girls to find the treats?" Staci's mom asked as she joined the trio. "Hi, Courtney."

"Hello, Tracy," Patrick's mom said. "I haven't seen you at one of these things for a while. How have you been?"

"I've been well," she answered. "The kids wanted to come out and see what all the fuss was about. I just love any old excuse to get all dressed up. You know that."

"That I do," she smiled. "It is great to see you again. Give me a call sometime and we'll get a coffee or something together. Catch up and talk about old times."

"I'll do that, Courtney," Staci's mom said. "Now I should be getting these fellas back to their dates before they think they ditched them for something sweeter."

"Plates, Jake," Ray said. "We can't go back to the girls empty handed."

"Get your ladies some of that the green stuff there, guys," Patrick's mom pointed. "Tastes way better than it looks and they'll love it. Have a great evening."

"You too, Ms. Greene," Ray said as Jake scooped some of the stuff on Ray's plate.

"Was that as awkward as it seemed when I saw her talking to you guys?" Staci's mom asked.

"Only kinda," Jake answered. "We didn't really know what to say considering what happened."

"Yeah," Ray agreed. "It's like do you bring it up? Do you not? Felt weird."

"She seemed fine enough so whatever was said must not have been upsetting to her," Staci's mom stated. "Now let's load these plates up and get you two back to your sweeties."


"Did you girls lose something?" Staci's mom asked as she was escorted back to the table with Jake on one side and Ray on the other.

A couple of older men who stood at their table looked up then excused themselves back to their own tables while Staci and Jessica shook their heads.

"We sent them on an errand," Staci answered as she nodded to the plates the boys held in their free hands. "And I can see that they were successful. A tad slow but successful."

"Not doing that again though," Jessica added as she reached over and pulled Jake to the chair beside her. "That was just gross so now you are attached to my hip for the rest of the night."

"How bad were they being, Staci?" her mother asked her with a glint of anger in her eyes. "I know at least one of them and more importantly, I know his wife."

"We can't say they were being inappropriate but I'll bet you that they couldn't tell you our eye color if their lives depended on it," she answered. "Nothing we aren't used to because, well boobs, but still, they're like old. Like Mr. Creepster old. Eww, no!"

"I told you that you'd be the first to say something inappropriate," Jessica commented with a grin.

"That was hardly inappropriate," Staci argued.

"Boobs," Jessica repeated.

"See, Mom, she said it too," Staci giggled as she pointed at Jessica who flushed red in her cheeks.

"Girls could you please at least attempt to contain yourselves," Staci's mom said as she shook her head. "At least try some of the desserts that your boy's brought you before you get us kicked out."

Ray and Jake placed the plates down in front of the girls then sat beside them while Staci's mom sat across from them. Staci and Jessica looked the plates over then picked up their forks and began to try things from each plate.

"Hey, both those strawberries aren't yours, Staci," Ray said as she reached for the pair on her plate. "I wanted at least a taste of one."

"Share, Staci," Jessica giggled as she mimed reaching for Staci's plate.

"Not with you!" Staci said as she pulled her plate away. "Here, Ray."

She hand fed him one of the chocolate covered strawberries as Jake pointed at the greenish blob on Jessica's plate with his spoon.

"I was told that you should try that," he said. "I heard it tastes better than it looks."

"Oh yeah? By who?" she asked as she eyed it warily.

"Patrick's mom," Ray answered between bites of strawberry. "You've been warned, Jess."

"She was nice," Jake argued. "She even asked how we were doing."

"That's good," she said as she nodded toward the plate. "You first."

"If it is good you might not get any," he teased her. "Are you sure that you want to risk it?"

"So wrong," she sighed as she lowered her spoon to join his. "You are so wrong to use my love of sweets against me."

They dipped their spoons into the green pudding like substance. While Jake raised his to his lips, Jessica lifted to her nose and sniffed it first.

"Chicken," Jake chuckled then tasted it. "Mmm, I mean, eww, terrible."

"That was so not your terrible taste face , Jake," she countered then tasted her spoonful. "Ooo, pineapple... and marshmallows too. Okay, this is good green stuff."

They play fought with their spoons in the plate to get more of the now named Green Stuff until Jessica claimed the last spoonful.

"I am the champion," she declared with a smile.

"What are you the champion of, Jess," her mom asked as she and Mr. Golden joined them at the table.

"This last spoonful of the Green Stuff," she answered. "It was a hard fought battle but I came out the victor and to the victor go the spoils."

"Spoiled is right," Mr. Golden chuckled. "For a such a battle, your plate looks surprisingly empty."

"I'm saving room for the brownies at home," Jessica said. "Have you had a chance to check in on poor Roxie and C.C.?"

"We did and they're all good," Mr. Golden answered. "They are making those brownies that you and Jake are saving room for though how you think there'll be any left when you get home tomorrow is beyond me."

"There will be," she said confidently. "Mom will save me at least one I'm sure. Mom, you've got to try the green stuff. It's good despite how it looks."

Jessica gave her mom the last spoonful and she smiled as she tasted it.

"Mmm, that is good," Dr. Golden nodded. "And yes, I won't let your father eat that many brownies though I will be sending some home with Roxie and C.C. so there might not be that many left over."

She turned to Staci's mom.

"Are you sure that you're still okay with Jess and Jake staying over tonight, Tracy?" Dr. Golden asked.

"They are always welcome to stay over, Val," she answered. "Provided they get permission from you guys and Jake's parents before hand."

"We learned that lesson," Jake commented.

"Yes we did," Jessica agreed.

"See, dear, we do parent well," Mr. Golden chuckled. "Now where did you kids get those desserts? After hearing about the epic battle over the green stuff, I need to try it. That'll save you kids some brownies tomorrow. Maybe."


"Okay so which one of you is driving?" Staci asked as she, Ray, Jake and Jessica walked through the parking lot of the marina to Jessica's car. "Now that you're mostly healed up, she's allowing you to drive her beast right, Jake?"

"It's a mini beast at best and yes, Jake can drive," she said. "In fact, I'd appreciate it if he drove us. That okay with you, Jake?"

"I'm good with it," Jake answered as she unlocked the doors.

Once they were all inside, she handed Jake the keys and pulled out her cell phone.

"I'm going to text Roxie and tell her that she should expect my folks in about a half hour," she said as Jake started the car. "Just in case she and C.C. are... ya know."

"Good call but I doubt Rox would do anything with Sarah there," Jake said. "Sarah is probably doing her level best to stay awake so the tea party can go all night."

"Very true," she agreed. "I'm still gonna text her and see how things went with Sarah. I'm hoping they didn't have to clean up too much of a mess."

"And kept Sarah away from any horror movies," Jake commented as he pulled out of the parking space and headed toward the marina gate. "You guys comfy back there?"

"Kinda," Ray answered. "I can now sympathize with what luggage in the overhead bin feels like."

"I'm fine," Staci giggled. "Benefits of being shorter than all y'all. How are Foxy Roxie and C.C. doing, Jess?"

"They're good," Jessica answered. "Rox bribed Sarah to go to bed a little bit ago with a promise to join us the next time we take Sarah and her telescope to the drive in. Now she and C.C. are cleaning up the kitchen. I tried telling them that we'd get it tomorrow but she's not having it. She's cleaning while C.C. keeps an eye on my sneaky sis to make sure she stays in bed."

"Think they got her to wash up before bed?" Jake chuckled.

"She didn't say but if they managed that then mom and dad really do owe her hazard pay for tonight," Jessica laughed then put her phone away. "Okay, they are all good and are going to watch a show until mom and dad get home. Staci, do you think that your mom will be home later? She did start chatting up that kinda cute older guy as we were leaving."

"It's hard to say," Staci answered. "I think that she's went out with him before but something didn't click or whatever so there's no telling with her. We'll know for sure if we hear her music start later."
