New Girl in Town Pt. 25


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Jessica sighed and shook her head. Jake and Roxie danced together rather stiffly and with enough room for at least another person to fit between them.

"I was hoping this would push the pair of them past this awkward phase they've been in lately," she said.

"Can't expect those two to do it on their own, Jess," Bobby said. "Hell, they hid their mutual crushes for years without a word. You gotta nudge them into anything new."

"Oh, I'll nudge'em all right," Staci said. "Come on, Jamie. I've got work to do!"

"Staci, don't..." Jessica started to say, but she had already pulled Jamie toward Jake and Roxie, "do anything to make things worse. How bad did I just mess things up, Bobby?"

"Who knows with Staci," he answered. "Guess we should watch and be ready to put out the flames, huh?"



Neither Jake nor Roxie noticed Staci and Jamie's approach until Staci ducked under their arms and popped up between the pair. She smiled at Jake.

"Hey, guys. Enjoying the dance?" She asked.

"Staci, what are you doing?" Jake asked.

"Since the two of you left soooo much rooooom here," she said as she danced between them, "I figured that you were inviting someone to join so here I am."

She looked over her shoulder and grinned at Roxie.

"Hey, Foxy Roxie. How's it going?" She asked.

"It was fine until your butt butted in," she shook her head.

"This butt, you mean?" She asked and bounced her bottom at Roxie.

She then spun to face Roxie and repeated the move with Jake.

"She meant this butt, Jake. In case you were wondering," she giggled as she continued to dance between them.

"Staci, you're taking up my Jake time," Roxie whispered to her.

"I'm also taking up your Jake space as well. What gives?" She asked.

"I... we... don't want to upset Jess," she said.

"Upset this Jess?" Jessica asked.

She and Bobby had made their way over and were now behind Roxie.

"Staci, you can rejoin Jamie now, please. I've got this," Jessica said.

Staci leaned in, kissed Roxie, spun back around, kissed Jake then ducked back under their arms.

"Ooo, you two are in for it now! Jess is going to get the both of you back on the right track," she said as she rejoined Jamie. "Come on, big guy. We need to ask the DJ to play us another slow dance."

"Thank you, Staci," Jessica called after her.

She then pressed her butt against Roxie's and encouraged her to move closer to Jake.

"He only bites if you ask him nicely. I promise," she giggled.

"Jess, if she doesn't want to..." Jake started to say.

Before he could finish Roxie moved into his arms and pressed herself against him.

"Got to you again didn't he?" Jessica giggled.

"Every freakin' time now thanks to you," Roxie shook her head. "Now if you please, Jess. I would like to mold my body to your man's until this song..."

"And the next one. Consider this one your practice dance to feel each other out so to speak," she giggled.

"So wrong, Tall Girl, but okay. This dance and the next one. Is that good with you?" She asked with a wiggle of her butt.

"Mmm, sounds hot to me," she smiled then winked at Jake. "How are you holding up, sweetie?"

"Uh... well I'm..." Jake tried to answer, but with Roxie pressed against him he had trouble finding the words.

"Just about how I thought you'd be," Jessica smiled.

She stepped away from Bobby for a moment then gave Jake a quick kiss over Roxie's shoulder then, as she pulled back, kissed that same bare shoulder. Roxie shuddered and gripped Jake tighter as Jessica giggled.

"Take good care of each other, my loves. Jake, I'll be seeing you in a little bit," She said then rejoined Bobby. "Come on, Bobby, they're good... well, they're getting there now at least."

"Dude, try and have fun," Bobby said. "The both of you have fun and don't think, just do..."

"If you tell me to just do it..." Jake started to warn him.

"I wasn't but now that you mention it..."

"Jess, get him out of here before he ruins all this progress that you've made with us," Roxie said.

"We're going now. Enjoy yourselves!"


The DJ made an announcement before he started the next song.

"I was asked to inform all you ladies once more with your current dance partner for this one," he said. "Fellas lift your boomboxes up... or ask one of your teachers here what that even means. Here's 'In Your Eyes' by Peter Gabriel."

"Your Jess has become one naughty girl, Jake. What did you do to her, huh?" Roxie asked as the song began.

"I was going to ask you that, you know, when I was able to form words again," he grinned.

"Does something about dancing make it hard for you to form words, Jake?" She asked.

Roxie moved closer to him then gasped when she felt his erection against her. That realization caused her to go rigid.

"Oh," Jake frowned. "Rox, I'm sorry about that... uh... this... well, him I guess?"

"No, it's fine," she blushed. "Just the first time I'm feeling a penis is all."

"You can't tell me that the other guys that you've danced with tonight weren't at full attention."

"Oh, I could see that they were, but none of them had a girlfriend that pushed me into their arms and... well," she looked down. "Penis."

Jake's mind flashed back to middle school when they had split the boys and girls up to talk about sex ed with them. The word Penis was thrown about a lot and the memory had him chuckle.

"What? That's what it's called," She said.

"Sorry, my brain flashed back to that sex ed class and hearing it called that struck me funny."

"Too technical a term for you? How about I call it..." she paused then spun in his arms.

She pressed her ass against him and slowly moved her hips back and forth.

"Your cock, Jake?" she asked.

Her use of that word caused it to twitch.

"Oh shit," she squealed. "It moves!"

Jake unable to control his moan, held Roxie's hips against him as he groaned. His warm breath traveled across her bare neck.

"Oh fuck," he moaned.

She shivered as his hands drifted downward from her waist. When she reached down and grabbed them Jake froze fearing he'd gone too far. He groaned when she guided his hands back up until he was almost cupping her breasts.

"Mmm, yes," she moaned back as she felt his touch through her satin dress.

It took her a moment to snap back to reality. She quickly turned back around to face him but didn't move away. They each took a moment to catch their breath then she smiled up at him.

"Things are getting a bit dangerous here, Jake," she said.

"Agreed," he nodded. "Do you want to take a break? Jess will understand."

"No," she answered a little too vehemently.

She blushed slightly and turned her face away.

"Uh, I mean, I'm good if you are," she said.

"Rox," he said then waited for her to look at him.

Slowly she did and saw him smiling at her.

"I am very good," he grinned.

"Yes, you are. You're also crazy but I think that we all might be this evening," she laughed.

"We all need one great high school memory, right?"

"Oh, we've got way more than that this year alone, Jake. This is almost the cherry on top."

"Almost?" He asked.

"Evening's not over yet, handsome. Let's see what else this night has in store for us. I'm sure there's more memories to be made."


The guys didn't get a break from the impromptu mixer the girls had established until each of them had danced with each other. Jake's last partner was Marybeth and she was, it seemed to Jake, just as worked up as he had been. She had attached herself to him as soon as her turn came around and didn't leave him much breathing room until the slow dance ended.

"That was... that was something, Marybeth," Jake said as she led him from the floor.

"Yes, it was, Jake," she nodded. "Now take a seat with the guys while we girls take a powder break."

"We'll have drinks waiting for y'all when you get back," he said.

She glanced down at his crotch and bit her bottom lip.

"Better make them cold drinks, Jake," she giggled.

"Ice cold," he winked.

He took his seat at the table with Bobby, Ray and Jamie. Antoine and Des took seats at the table beside them. They sat in silence for a moment until Antoine broke the ice.

"Man, did anyone have an idea of what the girls had in store for us tonight? Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

"No clue," Jake said. "Anyone mad at what's been happening out there?"

All the guys shook their heads.

"I can see where we might feel a little guilty about how things are going, but then again, it's not like we're the instigators in this," Ray said.

"They orchestrated this in the best way for all involved. I didn't see Jess or what she may or may not have been doing except for one time and even then... let's just say she was there encouraging my behavior," he said. "So I can't be mad at any of you and I hope that none of you are mad at me."

"Can't be mad at you or the ladies for that matter," Des said. "We all are having a great evening and I, for one, see no reason to mess it up by getting pissed at any of y'all. Hell, it ain't like I can throw stones like I've been all innocent out there."

"Our ladies are drawing the lines tonight so I say that we enjoy ourselves and not let jealousy mess this up," Jamie said.

"Cool," Jake nodded then nudged Bobby. "We need to go get the ladies something to drink before they get back and I need to swing by the DJ. See if they'll play something for me."

"Man, they aren't going to play 'Horny Son of a Bitch' no matter how much you beg'em to, Jake," Bobby told him.

"I was going to try for 'Slipped Her the Big One'," Jake grinned.

"Dedicating that to me huh, Jake? That's sweet of you," Antoine grinned.

"You know it, Big Guy," Jake smiled.

As he stood, he took a moment to check himself to make sure that he'd shrunk enough to be presentable. The guys watched him and laughed when he nodded.

"Oh like any of y'all weren't in the same state as I was when we were brought to the table," he shook his head. "I'm not sure if the silk boxers was one of my better ideas or one of my worst."

The guys shared a look then answered together.


"Yeah, it kinda was," Jake grinned. "Come on, Bobby, before they get back."

Jake and Bobby walked to the DJ area first.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could get you to play a song for me in the next set," Jake asked.

"Gotta get an okay from one of the chaperons here first before I can take requests," the DJ told him.

Jake looked around and spotted Coach Pennington as he stood by the refreshment stand.

"You grab some of the drinks while I get Coach to okay this?" Jake asked.

"Do I even want to know what this song is?" Bobby asked.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled.

Bobby shook his head as they made their way through some students to Coach Pennington.

"Hey, Mr. Pennington, which one of these is spiked with the good stuff?" Bobby asked with a wink.

Jake shook his head as he imagined his request going up in flames.

"Looking to get as tanked as your grade in my class tonight huh, Bobby?" Coach Pennington asked.

"Damn, Coach, that was quick," he smiled. "You must be having a good night."

"Not as good as you gentlemen have been," he grinned.

"Been watching us huh?" Bobby asked as he started to sort out the drinks.

"Let's say that you all have been hard to miss. Thought that I was going to have to intervene on some of Jake's dancing," he said.

"Sorry about that, Coach," Jake apologized. "We were...well, they were... I don't even know myself. I was told to keep my mouth shut and to enjoy tonight so that's what I went with."

"I could see that. Also saw you over at the DJ booth so I'm assuming that you're over here to ask me to okay a request," he said.

"I'd like to get you to okay a song. It's doesn't have any questionable lyrics or anything like that," he hurriedly assured him.

Jake pulled up the lyrics on his phone and after Coach Pennington looked them over he nodded.

"I'll tell the DJ that you're good, Jake," he told him.

"Thanks, Coach!" He said.

"Not a problem and, Jake. Try and keep things a bit less racy out on the dance floor, huh?" He asked.

"I'll do my best, Coach," he nodded.

Jake helped Bobby collect the drinks then stopped by the booth again. He showed the DJ the song and after a quick check that he could pull the song he looked over at Coach Pennington. He gave him a thumbs-up then went back to watching over the dance floor.

"Okay, my guy, I'll get this in the next set. Look for me and I'll let you know when I'm starting it," he told Jake.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. Come on, Bobby, I see the girls are coming back. Which one of these is Staci's again?"

"Really want that kiss huh?"

"With the way the girls danced with us, a kiss might be the least thing I'm thinking about right now!"


Jake and Bobby distributed the drinks as they returned to the tables. The girls were all giggly and kept sharing knowing looks with each other as the everyone rested. After a couple of songs played Staci spoke.

"Have all you guys calmed down enough for some more dances?" She asked with a devilish grin.

All the guys took a moment to check. That set off another round of giggles from the ladies.

"We're good, but you all should know that Bobby and I got a mild warning from Coach Pennington when we got drinks," Jake shared.

"Ladies, make sure that you're aware of where the chaperons are while we're on the floor," Jessica said.

"We could just make sure that we're more toward the center of the dance floor," Staci suggested. "No more hanging near the edge, Jake."

"I've been edged most of the night," Jake laughed. "Are we dancing with our partners this time around or..."

He left the question hung in the air until Jessica answered for the ladies.

"Thinking that I'll give you a little..."

"Big!" all the girls that had danced with Jake interrupted her.

"Relief," she shook her head at the giggling girls. "You haven't danced with Marie yet and Marisha has insisted on another dance or two..."

"Or three," Marisha laughed.

"Or three if there's time," Jessica continued. "We ladies would like some time with our partners this time around. That good with all you guys?"

Again the guys all nodded then stood and offered their dates their hand or arm to lead them back to the dance floor. As Jake and Jessica stepped onto the dance floor, he recognized the opening guitar riff of the next song. He looked over at the DJ who gave him a thumbs up. Jake pulled Jessica into his arms then quietly sang the first line to her.

"Angel eyes, you have angel eyes, such a smile, lights up my life," he sang along while he looked into Jessica's eyes.

She smiled then stopped his singing with a quick kiss as they swayed with the music.

"I'm thinking this could be our song, Jake. I really like it," she said as the chorus kicked in.

"I was hoping that you would," he told her.

"Why have I not heard this before?" She asked.

"I was saving it for tonight," he confessed. "It's Steelheart. You've heard some of their stuff before just not this song."

"I knew the singer sounded familiar! This is really sweet, I'm glad you requested it," she said.

They danced until the song ended then they kissed tenderly again. When they broke apart Jake saw the other guys in similar embraces with their ladies. Bobby saw him looking and threw up the devil horns. Jake returned the gesture then another energetic song began playing and they were off again. Once that dance was done the girls all rotated from guy to guy again and he got his dance with Marie with more bump and grind style dancing.

"Hard to believe that you're up for this type of dancing, Marie," he said as she moved her body against his.

"What can I say, Jake? Your Misfits are bad influences..." she paused and rubbed him again, "Maybe good influences?"

"Great influences from my perspective," he grinned.

"Those girls are right about you, Jake. You do say the sweetest things," she told him.

"I try and I know that you're considered a Misfit now so doesn't that make you..."

"Happy to be a dancing with you and enjoying that we've all decided to be a bit naughty this evening?" She asked.

She danced close to him and again rubbed her body to his.

"The answer to both those are yes and yes," she grinned.

"Those get a big yes from me as well," he said.

"Hmm, I'll say," she laughed.

They danced the next slow dance as well then she rotated to her next partner. C.C. was after Marie and as she danced close to Jake she grinned up at him.

"Jake, I want those kisses you owe me tonight," she said in a breathy way that somehow made Jake harder than her body was doing.

"C.C., I'm not sure..." he started to say.

"You can try bluffing. You've got a pretty decent poker face, but everyone has a tell."

He looked at her, confused.

She placed a finger to his lips, "Poker."

Her other hand moved down his chest and brushed against his erection. "You're Poker has been poking me this whole dance."

"Oh... uh, I'm sorry about that," he blushed.

"Don't be," she cast a wicked grin then pressed her chest closer to him. "You've made me all kinds of pokey too."

She giggled as she pressed her body against him then pulled back as the song ended.

"I'm turning you back over to Jess for a few dances now. Have fun, Jake."

She smiled as she walked away. Jake tried not to stare at her ass but failed.

"She definitely put an extra sway in her hips huh, sweetie?" Jessica giggled as she hugged him from behind. "Hot little butt on her though, don't you think?"

"You know I'm not answering that, Jess," he said as he turned to face her.

"I don't really need you to answer it verbally," she smiled and glanced down at the front of his slacks. "My friend's state is answering me loud and clear, Jake."

"He is huh? Did you hear him tell you that he can't wait to be inside you later on," he groaned into her ear.

"Ooo, naughty boy. I can barely wait to get you to Staci's," she smiled as they started to dance.

"About that. C.C. said that she wants her kisses tonight," he shared.

"Makes sense. We're all so worked up from all these dances that I'm surprised she didn't hike her dress up and mount you so she could get those kisses while you danced," Jessica grinned.

"Don't... I don't need that visual, Jess," he told her.

"Too bad," She smirked. "The only thing keeping me from doing it to you right now is knowing that I'd only get a few seconds, but if I'm patient I get you for the whole night."

"When do we leave again?" he asked.

"They still have to announce prom king and queen then you have a few more dances scheduled with Marisha and me as well then we can go," she said.

"Did you say two minutes? Swear I heard you tell me that we leave in two minutes," he smiled.

"That's just your head playing that Maiden song, sweetie," she said then patted the front of his pants. "Soon enough. Good things come to those who wait."

"Only good things?"

"Great things, sexy things, naughty things... should I go on?" She asked.

"Part of me is saying yes please," he smiled.

"He's gotten all his promises for later. If I tell him more he may not survive your next dance partner and we can't have you ruining anyone's dress tonight."

"I wouldn't... I mean, okay, yeah that's a possibility with how things have been going, but I'm really trying not to."

"All of you guys are and we ladies are duly impressed by y'all so... keep it up for us," she winked at him then went back to dancing.


"If I can have everyone's attention and to gather around, please," Ms. Simpson asked as she stood on the stage.

While everyone started to make their way to the front of the stage. Jake and Jess were already there with Ray and Staci on one side and Bobby and Marybeth on the other.
