New Job with Benefits


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"Hello Peter, prompt and on time" Ashley's Scottish Brogue sang.

"Good morning Ashley" Peter blurted coming out of his thoughts.

"Settling in okay?" Ashley asked quietly.

"So far so good" was all his brain could come up with.

"Carol and Verity will keep you busy I'm sure" she said with a wink. "This way" she continued, pointing at the two doors behind her desk.

Ashley knocked on the right door and after Bill Spencers voice sang out she opened it and they both walked in. Peter was met with a firm handshake from Bill and also heard the door close behind them. Bill gestured to Peter and Ashley to sit on the red leather chairs opposite his desk. Peter marvelled at the size of this office. The same size as Ashley's but o of tthe walls were adorned with various documents in photo frames.

Bill opened up proceedings with some pleasantries and then pointed at the wall stating that these were all the 'Big Deals' they had signed over the years. Peter's job was to get as many deals as he could on the wall. I only have the best 50 deals up there Bill explained and that he always replaced the lowest value one. The more deals you get up there, the bigger the bonus. Some bonuses are of a personal nature too. Peter's eyes widened at this phrase. Bill told him that Ashley will explain the 'personal' bonuses when the time was right.

Bill then handed Peter five big files and explained that these were acquisitions that needed bidding on. Carol and Verity would guide him through the bidding process initially. Bill also explained it's very rare that they lose a bid unless they don't want the work. Bill then gave him a brief appraisal of each file and all had a deadline of this Friday. Bill stood, signalling the end of the meeting, shook Peter's hand and Ashley escorted Peter back to the lift. He doesn't waste any of his time Peter thought.

"Welcome to Spencers" Ashley smiled at him. "Don't look so worried, you've got the best team here in my view. Plus, you'll really love some of the bonuses." she said with that wink again.

The lift signalled its arrival and Peter got in. The last thing he saw as the doors closed was Ashley's legs and bum wiggling their way back to her desk. It's like I've gone to MILF heaven Peter thought to himself as he exited the lift at his floor and walked back to his office.

Over that first week Peter had a steep learning curve. He learned how to dissect the information given to him by Spencer and how the company wanted it presented. Verity and especially Carol gave him great support though. As a team they soon gelled and worked well together. On the face of it, Peter thought Verity was the more 'flirty' of the two women. But something about Carol made him take more notice of her. There were times all three of them were sat around a table in one the meeting rooms. Small round tables meant legs and knees touched sometimes. Verity would always move hers away apologising for the accidental touch. Carol never did. She allowed the contact to continue which Peter both liked and thought strange. Nothing more than just knees or shoes touching though. No movement either, just touching.

The weeks rolled by and Peter could really appreciate how professional everyone was at the company. The bids his team put together seemed to go down well with Mr Spencer and his weekly meetings with him went well. Peter also noticed that there was more to Ashley and Spencer's relationship than just work colleagues. Little comments like "I never get bored of seeing that rear leave my office" and "I wish all women walked and bounced liked that", although said in a throw away tone, Peter saw the lust in old Spencers eyes. Probably similar to the way he looked at Carol when she left his office.

After one particular meeting, as Ashley was escorting him to the lift, she asked "looking forward to this Friday Peter?"

His blank expression must have registered to her. "It's a dress down Friday. Come in dressed in clothing from the year of your birth. Remember?"

He'd forgotten it but recovered well "Oh that, got my old mod suit ready to go" he smiled.

"I'm going to charity shops lunchtime with a few of the girls from here" she smiled back "Carol and Verity are coming with me" and she winked at him again.

Just then the lift pinged and Carol's smiling face appeared as she walked out to stand with them.

"We were just talking about you" Ashley smiled at Carol

"I admire your topic" Carol said still smiling then continued "was it juicy gossip?"

"I was just being told about your shopping trip at lunchtime" Peter smiled now

Carol replied "Ah, good, that's why I'm here and seeing as your together it makes my question easier too. I thought it would be great if we took an early lunch Ashley. I've heard some of the other girls saying they will be going to the charity shops too this lunchtime. Thought we'd get there before them as I want something particular"

Ashley laughed "Seems all us girls have the same good ideas. I'm up for and early lunch, I'm sure Mr Spencer will let me make it to him for going early" she did the wink again. Both women now looked at Peter. He blushed slightly. Then realised what they were waiting for.

"Oh... yes, fine with me ladies. Carol can make it up to me also." he said smiling.

Carol giggled "I'm sure I can think of something suitable" then looked at her watch. "It's nearly midday Ashley, if you get your coat and bag we can grab Verity on the way out" She turned to Peter and said "Thank you boss, you'll have three very happy girls return after lunch".

Peter road the lift with the two 'girls' down to his floor and Ashley held the lift as Carol quickstepped to the office to grab her coat, bag and a very happy Verity. Peter was just entering the office as the two of them sashayed past him on the way to the lift. His mind torn as to which bum to watch. When they got to the lift Ashley released her hold on the doors and the three of them all laughed at something she said. The doors closed and they were gone. Peter went back to his office, stood by the window and looked out over the town and out to the countryside. He thought about his chat with Ashley more deeply. Then, as he was just rerunning the two bums he just saw in his mind, he saw the three of them out of the corner of his eye heading to Carols car in its usual place in the car-park. Although he couldn't hear them he could see they were still laughing together. He wondered if they were talking about how Carol will 'make it up to him'. Then shook his head and decided to immerse himself in some work and not dwell on office banter.

It was a couple of hours later when Carol and Ashley returned. Peter hadn't noticed the time really until Carol popped her head through his open door to say they were back.

"Get what you wanted?" he asked.

"It took some finding but I've got most of it yes thank you. Ashley and Verity have got some great things too. Thanks again for letting us go, we'll make up the time no problem."

Peter just smiled and nodded. Carol smiled back and returned to her desk.

They were working on a large corporate deal for the rest of the week, all of them immersed deeply in getting the bid perfect. Before they knew it Friday arrived.

Peter was dressed in his 'Mod Suit' as he called it. Drain pipe trousers and form fitting jacket. It was a very dark purple colour. He remembered pictures of his dad wearing something similar. As Peter approached the Spencers building that day something struck him. He thought the 'Dress Down' day was compulsory but noted, although there were some brightly coloured psychedelic flared trousers and Kaftans entering the building, allot of the women were still in business attire. Then he noticed something else. Most of them were carrying bags and some had those zip up suit holders over their arms. Then he noticed the unmistakeable figure of Carol. She was in her normal business attire also but carrying one of those large rectangular upmarket shopping bags over her shoulder. Peters mind had various images of what was in the bag. He joined the stream of people entering the building and decided to take the stairs this morning as there was quite a queue at the lifts. As he went through the large double doors and ascended the first flight he could hear various laughs and giggles echoing around the stairwell. He had a thought to himself, not only is this dress down Friday but guards down too by the sound of it. There was a certain feeling in the air that today promised to be a day of surprises.

Entering their offices Peter stopped in his tracks. Greeting him was a smiling Verity and she was wearing a long dress that was definitely from the hippy era. It was just an inch away from the floor and a pink paisley print. It had no shape to it as such apart from the pink scarf Verity had tied around her waist. She has a blonde afro wig on and some pink Star shaped sunglasses with yellow lenses.

"What do you think?" she smiled at Peter as she did a twirl to give him the 360 view.

One thing Peter noticed was that she was not wearing a bra today. Her breasts wobbled when she stopped her twirl. Peter wondered if she was commando under that dress too.

"Wellllll?" she laughed and then said "I suppose silence is a good thing?"

"Err... Wow Verity. Actually I'm speechless." Peter managed to finally say.

"Thanks, I think." Verity said back.

"Seriously, you look great Verity. It's a stunning look. I think the blonde hair threw me and you look totally different. Amazing." Peter recovered well he thought.

"Praise indeed. You're suit looks great too, by the way, and reminds me of the lads that used to chat me up back then." she giggled at herself and continued "I had many a good ride on a scooter" she finished, smiling and knowing Peter had caught on to her innuendo.

"Might need to get myself a scooter" he smiled back just as the door opened and Carol walked in.

Peters jaw hit the floor for the second time. There standing before him was another vision. This one was wearing a chequer board patterned black and white mini skirt (bordering on the micro skirt Peter also thought). A white halter top that tied behind her neck. She had knee length white socks on and white stiletto shoes. Her hair was made up into one of those buns with a thin white ribbon tied around it.

"You both approve I take it?" Carol said smiling at them both. Peter noted that Verity also had her mouth open. He also noted, turning back to Carol, that she too was not wearing a bra. Little bumps of her areolas and her nipples were clearly visible straining against the material of her top.

"Give us a twirl Carol." Verity said breaking the awkward silence.

As Carol turned around Peter's mouth went dry. She looked fabulous. So utterly sexy he thought, nearly slutty. He also realised that a certain part of his anatomy had started to react as well.

Verity spoke again "Wow Carol, I'm glad you didn't try that on in the charity shop. That old guy there would have had a coronary seeing you like that."

Carol stopped after doing her twirl and laughed "I thought I was too old to pull this look off but I kind of like it. You don't think the skirt is too short do you?"

Peters mouth said what he was thinking and slowly he said "God... no. It's perfect... just perfect." then realised that both Carol and Verity were staring at him. Then the girls burst into laughter and Peter had to join in when he realised what he'd said.

When the laughter calmed down Carol was just about to speak when the office door opened and Mr Spencer walked in. He was wearing a black leather bikers jacket, white T shirt and black jeans with turn ups at the bottom. He had his hair slicked back and was wearing black suede shoes.

He broke the silence "Great outfits all." he chirped "you remind me of a few girlfriends I had back in the day ladies." he was now staring at Carols boobs. "Brings back some nice mammaries... err, I mean memories." Carol blushed deeply seeing him oggle her boobs.

Spencer spoke again "Can I see you and Carol for a minute?" he directed at Peter.

"Sure Mr Spencer, come through" Peter said waving his arm towards his door.

Carol gave Verity and Peter a quizzical look as Spencer opened the door and walked in first. Carol and then Peter followed him. They all sat down around Peters desk and Spencer took no time in launching into a tirade of the errors he found in there last corporate bid. He gave Carol a hard time saying she should know better having been with the company for 3 years. Though most of it was said whilst starring at her boobs rather than her face. Peter now realised that Spencer was indeed an old letch and a very rich one at that. Carol was deeply embarrassed and her whole neck and top part of her body turned red. Something you wouldn't see in her business attire. Peter also noted that Carol fidgeted in her chair whenever Spencer mentioned the phrase "whip it into shape". Spencer finished by saying that this was just a warning to them, that he expected improvement and wanted the bid updated by lunchtime Monday. He got up and left. Carol and Peter just looked at each other for a second in silence.

Peter broke the silence watching Carol carefully he said "well that was a verbal SMACK in the face"

He saw Carol fidget in her chair again when he emphasised the work SMACK. He thought he'd spotted something in her maybe!

"I'm so sorry Sir. I should have known. I'm sure we'll get it sorted out." Carol said as she blushed again and dropped her head.

"Well, we'd better WHIP it into shape as old Spencer said." Peter replied watching Carol squirm again in her seat. He continued "you'd better go and get the bid back from him. He didn't bring it with him did he. And be careful up there, he's got his eyes on you."

Carol blushed again and nodded "I think this outfit is maybe a bit more revealing than I thought"

"I happen to think it fits perfectly, but don't take my fashion advice. If Verity and old Spencers reactions are anything to go by then you've got it just right. Stylish and sexy if you don't mind me saying".

Carol reddened again "Thank you Sir. It means allot to know you approve."

She got up to leave when Peter asked "Why did you not wear it to work? The outfit I mean."

"If you knew my husband you'd understand. Anyway, a lot of the ladies changed when they got here, you should have seen the queue for toilets" she smiled and left.

Peter was left wondering what Carols husband was really like. He'd never thought about him until that moment. He also had a large suspicion that Carol was into BDSM in some way. She had started calling him 'Sir' after the verbal dressing down from old Spencer. All that fidgeting too when the words Whip or Smack were used. He turned in his swivel chair, looking out over the fields, started running scenarios in his mind of what Carol might like. Does she like a whipping? Would she like to be tied up? Although these first few weeks had been crazily busy he was building a dangerous image in his mind. There was also his wife Pam to consider, his rational side had cut in. Sex was pretty plain with her, though she was a great mother and companion.

She wouldn't parade around in a mini skirt with no bra he reasoned. What if he was reading Carol wrong? There was also flirty Verity too. She always gives an innuendo or two every day. The scooter ride comment this morning for instance. Just then Peter had the image of Carol, dressed as she is today, riding pillion on his scooter. Then having her hands tied to the handle bars her body facing backwards. He'd grab her legs and lift her onto his erection. Slowly lowering her panty-less bald pussy down his shaft. When buried inside her hot wet channel he'd tease her nipples. Then untie the halter top. His face would bury itself between those soft mounds. Then biting and nipping at her long hard nipples. Peters mind was working him up. Making him horny, really horny. His cock was hard, steel like hard.

Just then Carol walked back into his office and closed the door. Peter swivelled around and saw Carol was flushed and embarrassed again. Peters mind had really worked him up. He glared at Carol with lustful eyes.

"Here's the bid file Sir." she placed it on his desk. "Old man Spencer said I had a nice arse too" she smiled.

Peters lustful mind took over... you know the rest.

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curiouscarolecuriouscarolealmost 6 years ago
Good writing!

I liked the story but why turn it around?

Well written liked the theme, however unlikely but really thought it would have been better in chronological order.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story. I hope there will be a continuation.

I enjoyed reading this story but it stopped ratjer suddenly, leaving the reader hanging. Surely there will be a new chapter where we find out how far Peter will push Carol.

OzBushrangerOzBushrangerabout 7 years ago
Left Hanging

Not a bad read but you left me hanging. I was awaiting a climax that didn't come.

I suggest that you re-read your stories before pressing the 'publish' button as there are a number of grammatical errors and typos contained in the story that were distracting. Some of these errors should have been picked up by your spell checker -- assuming you used one -- but others would only be picked up by a thorough editorial read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good to see you back

Good to see another posting from you, though what happened to your excelent story "Just this Once"?

This latest one isn't quite so good, but perhaps it's only part 1. I would just mention that you use "allot" instead of "a lot" in this tale.

Hope to see you again soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Needs a part 2

A few minor spelling or grammar errors, but well told. Going to explore the Personal Benefits in part 2?

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