New Neighbor Pt. 03

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John and Laura have a pool party.
13.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 12/29/2022
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Everyone in the story is at least 18 years old, and the story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. This story follows the relationship between John and Laura, first introduced in "New neighbors Pt. 01" in which they meet. Constructive comments are welcomed.

It was Saturday, the day of the big party. Laura had not shared many details of it with John, but there was a flurry of activity this morning.

John woke up at seven to discover his dog, Bo, sleeping next to him. He was expecting to find Laura. This was the first morning in a couple of weeks that he had woken up without her next to him. He heard a lot of noise next door, got up and looked out the window. There were trucks outside labeled, Flo's Florist, Carol's Catering and Patti's Party Rentals.

Bo licked his hand, reminding him it was time to go downstairs to feed him. As the morning fog lifted from his head, he remembered that one of his jobs was to take pictures of Laura's new house, while decorated for the "housewarming/meet the boyfriend" party she was throwing.

John was a little apprehensive about the party. He was being shown off as her new boyfriend to a group of women that Laura was very close to. It felt like a trial of sorts. If her friends didn't like him, he wasn't sure what that would mean.

The other problem was that it was a pool party at which, with Laura's encouragement, most of them were going to be naked. Many of her friends were models or ex-models that Laura had worked with. He had seen pictures of some of them, and they were extremely attractive. John was a little worried how he was going to...react, to nine, naked, beautiful women around the pool. Laura had promised to keep hand, so he wouldn't embarrass himself, but he was not sure if that would be enough. Every time he saw Laura naked in the pool, he certainly reacted. With nine women, he wasn't sure what would happen. There were going to be four guys there too, husbands or boyfriends of the girls. He wondered if they would have the same problem. It would be awful if he was the only man having a problem.

John needed to be at Laura's early to take pictures. He was also the other host. He jumped in the shower and within a minute he needed to "take care of himself."

He dressed, gathered his camera gear, and headed next door. The party didn't start until four o'clock, but Laura warned him that some of the girls would get there early. When he went in, the place was already buzzing with activity. There were florists, and cleaning people all over.

Laura had trays of hors d'oeuvres delivered. She planned on grilling burgers, chicken, and veggies for dinner.

Laura saw him and ran over to kiss him.

"I didn't expect you here so soon." Just that kiss was getting John hard. "I want you to meet Katie. She helped me out at my first professional photo shoot."

Katie gave John a big hug and said, "Hi John, I've heard a lot about you." She turned to Laura and said, "You're right, he is good-looking, and his shoulders and arms feel great. Look at the muscles in those legs! You're lucky you saw him first. They'll be some jealous ladies here today." He was beginning to feel like a piece of meat and the day was just beginning.

John said, "It's great to meet you, Katie." Katie was stunning. Tall and slim with short auburn hair. She was wearing running shoes, cutoff jeans and a t-shirt. She was about Laura's age. John had the feeling that all the women would look this good. Laura and Katie were both dressed in similar outfits. I guess these were their work clothes.

Laura said, "Katie came early to help me set up, and to be the first to get a look at you." Katie smiled.

"I'm I too early for pictures of the house?"

"A little bit for this area, but you can shoot the den, living room, dining room, and upstairs."

"Great, I'll start with those. Then, if you need any more help, I can stick around."

"We need to keep working. The party starts at 4:00, but I'm sure some of the girls will get here early. They're dying of curiosity about you."

John set his camera up in the den and started taking pictures from every angle. Katie poked her head in the door and said, "If you need any help, let me know," before being pulled away by Laura. He moved on to the living room and then the dining room. He didn't have much experience shooting home interiors, so he shot everything twice with different lenses.

He moved upstairs and began with the master bath then her closet. When he got back out to the bedroom, he found Laura stretched out on the bed.

"I wanted to see how you're doing."

He walked over to her and said, "I was doing OK until I saw you on the bed just now."

Laura saw the swelling in his pants. "Jesus John. You're insatiable. Let me take care of that." She led him into the bathroom and grabbed a fluffy towel. She knelt on the towel, pulled down his pants and gave him a quick blowjob. It didn't take him long to come. "Was this from meeting Katie? She's awfully cute."

"No. It's from seeing you on the bed. I can't help it. You're so damn hot, you keep me horny constantly."

"Good answer. Now pull up your pants and finish with the pictures. We'll be ready downstairs soon." Laura got up and left. John felt much better now and finished the bedroom. With all the features it had, it took a while.

He went downstairs and asked if the pool house was ready. It was, so he went out there. He remembered being on the suspended bed with Laura and felt a stirring in his crotch. It was going to be bad if he couldn't control himself better than this. By the time he finished up, it was a little after noon and the sun was straight overhead. Not the ideal time for outdoor pictures. He took a few of the outdoor kitchen, and shower, plus the tables covered with flowers. The rest of the outside would have to wait for another day.

While he was there, he took a few pictures of the caterers setting up and the flowers being arranged. He took a couple of shots of Laura and Katie with their arms around each other, smiling, as well as some candids. They really looked good in those shorts. John asked when they thought they'd be finished decorating and they told him a couple of hours. He had enough time for a short run. That might help him relax.

"What should I wear?" John asked.

Laura said, "Something that's easy to get out of, shorts and a polo shirt maybe, and you probably should bring a robe just in case. You should bring a swimsuit too."

Katie said, "You mean, I should have brought clothes and a swimsuit?"

"If you're not good, John will get all excited," she said, and laughed.

"Very funny," John said. "I'll be back in a little over an hour to finish the pictures."

John picked up Bo and went for a run. A run usually calmed him down, and he really needed to relax.

After his run, John showered and dressed in shorts and a shirt with a pair of deck shoes. He grabbed a terry cloth robe and managed to find an old swimsuit. By the time he got back to Laura's it was three o'clock.

As Laura predicted, more of her friends had arrived early. As soon as he walked in the door, he was descended upon by Laura, Katie and two of their friends, Cynthia and Jackie. Jackie brought her husband Ed with her. Laura did the introductions.

Jackie and Cynthia both met Laura in college. She met Jackie in a history class when she first got to college and stayed friends all the way through. Cynthia was Laura's roommate in college for a while. When Laura started modeling in her Junior year, Laura convinced Cynthia to start modeling for the art department too. She was working as a waitress for extra money. It was a crummy job where she got hit-on constantly by creeps and it paid much less than modeling. Three, one-hour modeling sessions a week at night, paid more than her part-time work at the diner. It was easier and more fun.

They were both breathtaking. They weren't early to help with the set-up, they were here to see the house and meet John. They had already changed into tiny bikinis with thin cover-ups that didn't hide much. Ed was still in the clothes he came in, shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

The house was ready to go, and all the trucks were gone from the front. John excused himself to take pictures of the downstairs of the house. It wasn't easy, because there always seemed to be a beautiful woman in the shot. He took what he thought was enough pictures and headed out to take his equipment home. Laura stopped him and told him to bring his glamour portfolio over and leave it on the living room table. She wanted to show off his work.

When he got back, the rest of the guests began arriving. Laura introduced each of them to John, but his brain was overloaded. Keeping their names straight was challenging. One of her model friends, Blaire, hadn't brought a date but instead brought her niece, Ashley.

Ashley was almost six feet tall with long red hair and a body that only an eighteen-year-old has. She had done junior modeling and was considering continuing with it as a professional like her aunt. She certainly had the looks and body for it.

Only three of the girls brought dates or husbands. Courtney was married to Rodger. Rodger was a model too, that she met on a swimsuit shoot in the Bahamas. They had a two-year-old baby at home.

Vicky brought a date, Brian. She had been dating him for less than a month.

Bridgette, a friend from school, brought her husband Russell. Russell was not wild about this group of women, thinking they were a bad influence on Bridgette. No one would argue with him.

As soon as everyone had arrived, Laura gave them a tour of the house. Katie had seen it, so she disappeared to change clothes. Five minutes later, John saw her doing some last-minute chores by the pool. She was in a tiny, white bikini. John knew that there was no way it would stay on if she jumped in the water unless it was glued on. He suspected that it would become transparent if it got wet. It was a swimsuit in name only.

When Laura finished giving the tour, she showed everyone the guest house as a place to change. Laura and John went up to her room.

John said, "Did you see the bikini that Katie was in?"

"Not yet. Did you like it?"

"It's very small."

"That's OK, I'm sure it won't be on very long."

"This is going to be a very long day. I think I need some more help." John suggested.


"I watched you change into that little bikini. You know what that does to me."

Laura smiled and had him lie on the bed. She pulled his swimsuit down and started slowly stroking his cock. "What do you think of the girls so far." She felt a pulse in his cock. "You must have really liked Katie's bikini. Can you imagine what she'll look like when she takes it off." He was moaning now as Laura continued to stroke his cock and tease him.

"You know they're going to look better when we get down there. Nine beautiful women and an eighteen-year-old girl will be out there in tiny bikinis." John whimpered again. "I'm afraid it may be hard for you when we first go down. I've don't think they have any bikinis that aren't very skimpy, much skimpier than what I'm wearing. Of course, they could already be naked. I suspect they'll be taking their tops off soon. If we don't get to the pool soon, you may not see the bikinis. Several of the girls asked how long they had to keep their tops on. I told them it was up to them." John moaned. "I'm afraid they may tease you, trying to get a rise out of you, since you're the guest of honor. Once we're out of our suits, they're going to want you out of yours. The other guys will follow your lead and strip after you do."

"The girls without husbands or dates will need to have someone spread sunscreen all over them. Do you think you could help them?" John's hips were moving up to meet her strokes.

Laura was stroking him faster. "Did you see that young girl, Ashley? She certainly is pretty. I guess you wouldn't have anything to say to her, since she's just out of high school, but I bet she fills out a bikini. She'll look even better when she gets naked. I wonder if she's shaved. I bet she is. Are you looking forward to seeing an eighteen-year-old model with a shaved pussy?" John shot his load on his stomach and Laura's hand.

"John, you're welcome to look, but if you touch...well, you wouldn't want to lose what's in my hand right now, would you?"

Laura grabbed a tissue and cleaned John off, then went and washed her hands, "Now that you're a little calmer, let's go," she said.

"You think your talking like that really calmed me down?"

"I tried," she said and smiled. "If you need more 'help,' let me know."

They walked down the circular stairs to the pool. The women were indeed in tiny bikinis and the guys were in board shorts. No one was in the pool yet. Everyone was milling around talking and munching on hors d'oeuvres.

Laura greeted everyone again, dragging John behind her. John had never liked parties and crowds, but since he was the guest of honor and the co-host, he was thrust into the position of being the center of attention. Everyone was very complimentary about the new house, and they were checking John out from head to toe.

No one was swimming so Laura asked John and Katie to go get in the pool so the others would follow. Katie dragged John over to the pool and she stepped in. John dove in. When he surfaced, he saw that he was right about the transparency issue with Katie's bikini.

Katie saw John trying not to look at her tits. She said, "It's OK to look. I know it's see-through when it's wet. That's why I bought it. It's coming off soon anyway." She shook her tits a little for him. Saran wrap would have covered more of her. "The bottoms become transparent too. Want to see?" She floated on her back and John could see everything. "None of the girls care about being naked or if someone looks at them. They like it when people look and would be offended if no one did."

"Laura sent us into the pool first so I could talk to you. She said you were worried about embarrassing yourself by getting an erection." John blushed. "It's a normal human reaction. You're a man surrounded by naked women. If you get hard, no one will mention it. It's a complement for the girls. If you don't get a little hard, it's almost an insult. The guys won't say anything for fear of retribution by the girls."

"The guys, except Rodger, probably won't be brave enough to strip in front of us and will be in awe of you for being so confident. The girls won't give you any trouble. We like seeing hard cocks, and from what I can see, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. If that thing gets hard, all the guys will feel inadequate, and the girls will be jealous of Laura. She explained to us, in words of one syllable, that we were not allowed to touch you intentionally, but I suspect that some may accidently bump into you."

"After a while, you won't notice that everybody is naked. If you're willing to strip in front of nine naked women, then you're one of us."

"I haven't seen Laura this happy since college. You should know that if you break Laura's heart, you'll be in trouble with all of us, and we can be vicious."

"You really think I won't notice that these women are naked? I am a man."

"I noticed right away you were a man," she said looking at his muscular chest. "It won't seem that unusual that they're naked. You don't get hard every time you see Laura naked, do you?"


"She is a lucky woman. Oh, and thank you, Laura told me how much you liked my bikini. Do you like it more now? There are no secrets between the girls."

"Did I make you feel better?" Katie asked.

"I think so."

Katie splashed him with a big scoop of water. He splashed her and one of her boobs popped out. "Oops, look what you did." She said and took off her top, laughing. She splashed him again and quickly swam away. When he caught her, she said, "The rest of the girls will be here in a second."

Vicky noticed them playing and came over to the pool. Vicky jumped in the pool and her top ended up around her neck.

"These suits are useless in the water," she said and took it off. She called over her date, Bryan, and told him to jump in. He didn't want to, and she shrugged and joined Katie splashing John and giggling.

"Not fair, two on one."

"Isn't that what all men want?" Katie said and splashed him some more while giggling.

Hearing all the activity, the rest of the group headed over.

"Hey, you two are topless." Blaire yelled.

"John did it!" Katie shouted. John swam towards her and dunked her.

Cynthia walked over and checked out the pool and said, "That's what kind of party this is. It had to be if Laura was throwing it. She never could keep her top on." Then she jumped in.

Courtney jumped in with Rodger. He was the only other guy to join in. Blaire went over with Ashley, threw her top off and walked down the steps. Ashley didn't.

Laura saw Ashley standing at the edge of the pool, staring. Laura walked over to her and said, "You don't have to take off your top to play, but everyone will be impressed if you do, and you'll feel great about yourself."

Laura pulled the string holding her top on and it fell off. She looked over and saw Ashley do the same. They jumped in together. Her aunt, Blaire, swam over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "You're one of us now." Ashley had a giant, proud smile on her face and dunked Blaire.

Jackie and Bridgette had not been models and were not completely comfortable with their bodies. They had gained a little weight since getting married. They whispered back and forth a bit. Then they stood up, told their husbands that if they want to look at boobs, it should include theirs. They dropped their tops facing their husbands and turned around. They walked to the pool, swaying their hips and jumped in.

Vicky got out of the pool for a beer, and it was obvious that her bikini bottoms were useless. She stripped them off, threw them near her top and walked over to the cooler. Her date, Brian, ran over to her with a towel to cover her.

"What's that for?" she said. "We're all friends here."

She grabbed a beer and sat on the edge of the pool. The other girls pulled off their bottoms and tossed them at Vicky. Once the girls were nude, they started whispering to each other.

Ashley swam over to John and looked at him with her big blue eyes. She held her breasts up and asked, "Do you think my breast are too small to be a fashion model?"

Just as he started to answer, he felt a pair of hands on his legs and then his swim trunks disappeared. Laura popped up, held them over her head, smiled and threw them as far as she could. The girls cheered.

Rodger looked over and, just as quickly, Courtney surfaced with his trunks and threw them out. Another cheer rang out. Everyone in the pool was naked.

After things settled down a little, John noticed that Ashley was paying a large amount of attention to him. Wherever he sat, she would appear next to him. She would tell him that she was thirsty, and he'd get out and get her a beer. As he left, she stared at his muscular butt and legs. When he returned, she stared at his big dick.

John asked Laura about Ashley, and she said, "Yeah, she's got a little crush on you right now. You're probably the first adult man she's seen naked in the flesh, and you've got everything a young woman could want and more. She's never been naked in this kind of a situation and she's trying to show off. She's a bit drunk, curious, and horny. Just don't encourage her and stop giving her beer. If I was eighteen with an older man as good-looking as you, I'd be all over you. Wait, I am all over you. If I were her, I'd try to get you alone."

Ashley got out of the pool and walked slowly by John and Laura before she dove back in. John and Laura looked up at her tall, slender body looming above them. Laura said, "Yeah, don't let her get you alone."