New Xanadu Pt. 08

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Introducing Joan, Salome, Susan and James.
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Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/30/2021
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Friday morning started with my alarm clock going off, which was kind of disappointing. Not even a repeat of Monday's wet dream, much less Martha's special "wake-up calls." When I got over that, I realized that I also didn't smell any coffee, so I threw on some clothes (why?, I later thought) and headed to Martha's bedroom. The bed there hadn't been used, so I went through the connecting door to Mary's bedroom. There I found them, sleeping spooned together. Not surprisingly, given the beating her ass had taken, Mary was the spoon rather than the spoonee.

I went around the bed and shook Martha on the shoulder. Her eyes opened and she gave me a bleary stare. Then consciousness hit and she said, "Shit, I'm late, aren't I?"

"Not yet," I said, "but you're working on it." I'll get some coffee going while we get dressed and we can drink it in the car." Somehow we'd managed not to wake Mary, so I said, "What do you want to do about Sleeping Beauty here?"

"She works for herself, so let her sleep. If there's anything important, one of her employees will call her when she doesn't show up."

With that I headed for Martha's kitchen as she slowly rolled out of Mary's bed. By the time we had both finished our bathroom stuff and gotten dressed, we were only running about 10 minutes late. Dropping me at the L station rather than the garage shaved a few minutes off of that, so that's what I had her do. On the way we agreed that we needed to make some plans for this evening's SAA meeting. Since her school day ended before my office hours, and I'd already been pushing my luck with 3 afternoons off in a row, Martha volunteered to bring home some food that we could eat quickly before we all left for the SAA meeting. I'd given up expecting a kiss in the car, so I was surprised when she leaned over and gave me one. It wasn't earth-shaking, but it nice, and was a whole lot better than nothing. "Thanks for last night, John. It was awesome," she said as I got out of the car.

I'd be lying if I said I was able to fully focus on work. What had seemed like a simple idea had suddenly begun to seem like a complex near-impossibility with answers that I did not begin to have. I made sure I didn't screw anything up by going over every bit of work that I did twice before I signed off on it. I was sure my reduced output would catch my boss's attention, but I figured she would probably chalk it up to the divorce papers I'd received. And even if she didn't, better to have done less work right than to have made a mistake that cost any of the bank's customers money.

When I got back to the apartment Martha was the only one there. As soon as I came in she said, "Mary called and said she's about 30 minutes out. It would be nice not to have to share you for a change. How about a quickie?"

That didn't take a lot of thought. I moved in close, gave her a kiss and then turned her around and bent her over the counter of the bar. When I flipped her skirt up, I found that she wasn't wearing any panties; and when I slipped my hand between her legs I found that she was very wet. Her being that turned on got me going too. By the time I had gotten out of my pants, my little guy was standing at attention.

"You know I'm an any port in a storm sort of guy, ma'am. Where would you like me to put in?"

"Shut up and fuck my cunt. Hard! Now!"

To say that I immediately rammed my dick all the way into her would not be quite accurate, because her backward thrust covered more than half the distance. From there it was more like a battle than lovemaking, as Martha kept driving herself onto my dick, and her frenzy drove me to greater and greater efforts. Martha's backward thrusts meant I didn't need to hold on to her hips, leaving my hands free to maul her breasts. She had already come three time, with a steady stream of string of "Fuck me, ram it into me, and oh Gods" punctuated only by her gasps and groans. I was getting close when, suddenly, I felt something push into my ass. I suddenly stopped my suddenly and looked over my shoulder to see Mary leering at me. Apparently her "30 minutes" and been way off, and Martha and I had been making so much noise that she had been able to come in without us noticing.

"Oh, don't stop on my account," Mary said. "You were doing so well."

As Mary wiggled her finger in my ass, I thought what the fuck, and resumed my pounding of Martha's cunt. That got Martha going again and within no time at all, as I felt a second finger probing my anus, I was shooting my load.

When I turned around to complain to Mary about sneaking up on me the way she had, she just dropped to her knees and sucked my dick into her mouth. Then she began to lick it thoroughly until she had me all cleaned off. When she'd gotten all that she wanted, she said with a smirk "Go on and wash up now, John," "You'll want to be all neat and tidy for the SAA meeting."

What can I say, she was right. I pulled up my pants and headed for the bathroom. When I got to there I looked back over my shoulder, to see that Mary had turned Martha around and was gobbling my cum out of her pussy.

When I got back to the kitchen there was food on the table and the women were sitting there as though nothing had happened. Mary's freshly washed face gave nothing away, though Martha's was still pink and puffy enough to show who had provided the scent of fresh sex that pervaded the room.

"Um, not that I'm complaining," I said to Martha, "but what brought that on?"

"You remember that hormone soup that I have to work in? Well, right after lunch I came across a couple of kids from my senior History class in a stairwell. The way he was zipping up and her guilty look, the moisture on her pouty lips and the dust on her knees, it was pretty clear that she had been giving him a blowjob when they heard me coming. I haven't been able to shake that image all afternoon, and playing with myself after I got home only seemed to make it worse."

"Well, I wish you would thank them for me next time you see them. But I guess that wouldn't be appropriate, would it?"

Martha just did an eye-roll and said "Shut up and eat, John.

Martha's idea of supper was a lot lighter than the Polish food I'd brought in. Just a nice fakes soup with a Greek salad and daktyla bread. With water and a little wine it made for a meal that wouldn't get in the way of thinking on our feet in case we were able get any of the other SAA people to listen to us.

While we ate, Martha said, "You've heard my news of the day. What's on your mind Start anywhere - tonight, problems, whatever."

Mary's fingers in my ass were certainly on my mind, but I put those aside for the time being. In between bites and sips I told her that I was really concerned about the shortage of people and money. That was our first hurdle, even before we approach the guy who wanted the farm land, and whatever other local people we'd need to get on our side. Then I told her that if we actually got something going, my talk with Jack Doe had made it clear that I hadn't a clue as to how to run it. It was easy to talk about a club, and security, but I'd never really focused on things like how to recruit members, greeting people at the door, whether or what to feed them, and changing the sheets that people had just screwed on.

"So," Martha asked, "you're having second thoughts? You want to back out? If you do, there's no time like the present."

"No, I don't want to back out. After all, we're only a week into this. But somewhere you pointed out that the devil is in the details, and the devil is kind of kicking the shit out of my confidence."

"Good," she reached across the table and held my hand. "As someone once said, 'pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.' It's good that you're less confident. If it's any help, I agree this may all be a pipe dream, but like I said, it's so crazy it just might work. For a true sex addict, it's a lovely dream, and worth pursuing until it falls apart. For Mary, my friend, it's possibly a life saver, or at least the answer to saving the kind of life she wants to lead, where she wants to lead it. So, Hon, I'll try to help you make this dream come true - short of making up the missing money, that is."

Mary said, "I'm not sure I like the sound of me as a charity project, but there's enough truth in what you said that I'll try to stifle that. As for 'I'm not going to make up the difference,' count me out of that too. I've got enough of my old man in me to wonder if having this 'prime fixer upper opportunity' in my lap is more than a coincidence."

I must have looked like I was going to say something because she said, "Hold on. I'm not accusing you. It's just that especially after St. Louis, I've come to accept that a little paranoia is a good thing. And just because I can appreciate that a hundred grand to you might be a few million to me doesn't mean I'm willing to cough up more in some misguided spirit of equity. I like it that you've got skin in this game. It helps me keep a lid on my suspicions while I'm enjoying that other skin that's hanging down there between your legs.

"Bottom line, as long as you're true to me, and to my friend Martha over there, I'm going to do what I can to make this thing work, short of bankrolling it. " Then her voice got an edge to it. "Let me start with some personal advice - don't ever underestimate my brains or my business sense again. So far all you've seen is a spoiled rich woman with a severely overdeveloped sexual appetite. Under the circumstances, I'll forgive you for your shallow snap judgment - once. Just don't make that mistake twice."

Mary didn't give me an opening to apologize. "And now for some business advice to go with that. Us rich people, us rich business people, have learned that we can't do it all ourselves, and that it's needlessly stressful to try. We hire people who are good at what they do, to do the things we want done and don't know how. You try to do this all yourself, you'll drive yourself nuts, which would be unfortunate for you. What's more, it would probably screw up the works, which would be unfortunate for me. You understand?"

Perhaps sensing that my fragile male ego was being badly bruised, Martha had come around d the table and put her arms around my shoulders. She kissed me on the top of my head and said, "She may be a heartless bitch, Hon, but basically she's right. I didn't mention that while we were fucking our way through college Mary was carrying a 3.9 GPA. And it's not just her smarts and business experience that she brings to the table. With the people her dad's willing to steer us to, you're looking at a lot more than a beautiful, super-horny multi-millionairess. Learn to see her as something other than a cum dump and you'll be doing us all a favor."

"Yeah, and speaking of beautiful super horny cum dumps, you might want to listen carefully to Martha. Her GPA was higher than mine."

"Ladies, I am humbled and I am hugely apologetic. If it weren't for the fact that we have other fish to fry tonight, I'd offer show how abjectly sorry I am.

"Cut the bullshit," said Mary. "Believe me, I'll find a way for you to make it up to me for the insult. Right now I agree we need to plan things out for the SAA meeting. You said you had picked out 10 people to pitch your plan to. We've got 5 plus you, tell us about the rest."

So I told them about handing out cards to the two guys and the woman who had not showed up at Starbucks last Friday, and about the man and a woman who'd missed the meeting. I said there wasn't anything special about them; just that, like the rest of our little group, they really didn't seem happy to be there, they dressed well and seemed to pay attention to their looks. (I didn't mention that I'd had a hard-on for one of the women, a red-head, ever since I'd seen her at my second SAA meeting.) I told them that I'd brought more cards in case those two showed up.

Martha told me about the woman she and Mary had approached, someone she said they'd known from some of their upper-class parties that turned into orgies after all the prudes had left. Not one of the women on my radar for some reason. She said that this woman hadn't been interested last week because she'd had other plans for the evening, but that she should be good for tonight.

Mary pointed out that if we counted the original 10 plus me and the woman they knew, that made 12. Not that she suffered from triskaidekaphobia, but she thought we should stop at 12 for now. If we were still short after tonight, we could figure out where to look for more.

We set up ground rules for who would talk to who and how much would be explained beyond the basic pitch about becoming happily functioning anonymous sex addicts. The guys would talk to any guys who made it to Starbucks, and the women to the women. We could mention that we'd all been fucking like bunnies since the last SAA meeting, but any mention of Mary's identity was right out. Finally, just in case we had a full house, it was decided that I would ride with Martha in her car while Joyce brought Mary in the limo. We'd play it by ear on the way back, but would aim for equal numbers of men and women in the back seats to facilitate fun and games en route.

At the SAA meeting, the two guys and the woman to whom I'd given cards last Friday showed up, and each approached me in turn before the meeting got started. One of the men gave me back his card and said he thought he was going to stick with SAA for now. The other guy. James, and the woman, Joan, both said that after thinking about it for a week they were interested in hearing more. They were each older than me, possibly a bit north of 40. James was tall and fit. Joan was what you might want to call voluptuous, especially if you wanted to take her to bed. She had a round face, but enough style sense to have had her hair cut in a lob that made her face look thinner.

I sent Joan over to Martha and Mary, who I noticed were already talking to the woman that they'd approached at last week's meeting.

Finally, the guy and, to my delight, the redhead who had not made it to the previous meeting came in. There wasn't much time, so I went over to Martha, gave her one of my cards and pointed her at the redhead. Then I approached the guy, gave him a card and told him that there was a group he might want to join at Starbucks.

When the SAA meeting broke up, Matthew, Luke, Thomas and I headed straight to Starbucks where we were joined by the two new guys. Mary and Martha must have made a pit stop, because they didn't come in until about 15 minutes after we got there. But I was happy to see that they had all three of the new women, Joan, the red-headed Susan and their petite friend, Salome, with them.

As before, when we got there the place was almost empty, with Ron and what looked to be another of his cop buddies occupying the table by the front door. We guys took a round table near the back and the women another near the center, all far enough away from everyone else to allow for some quiet private conversation. Luke said he'd just stopped by to say that he would have to go home to keep up appearances, but that as long as the weather held he should be able to get in a full afternoon of "golf" on Sunday.

When we'd gotten our drinks, I introduced Matthew and Thomas to the two new guys, Simon and James. I launched into the short version of what we were about - the sex addicts looking for a way to be happy, thinking of forming our own sex club, not just for us but as a business proposition, and that we'd just had what was probably the best week of sex that any of us had ever had. I told them that the price of admission to the next week's frolics was that they would have to bare their identities and pasts, plus commit to strict confidentiality. As for the sex club business, if they wanted in on that as principals, it would involve a substantial financial commitment.

Naturally, that got a rise out of them with Simon beating James to the punch. I'd noticed that he'd looked uncomfortable when I laid the "baring all" part on them, so this did not surprise me. "How much," he said.

"I'm in for a hundred grand," I said, "and the rest of us are good enough with that to make a commitment if things fall into place." I looked at Matthew and Thomas and they both nodded Yes.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Simon asked, only it didn't sound like a question. "You think that even if I had it, I'd give that kind of money to someone I'd never known for some looney project? You don't have any relatives living in some sand dune who want me to help get millions out of their country, do you?"

With that, he got out of his chair and stomped out of the coffee shop. Ah, well, I thought, sometimes you cast your bread on the waters and all you end up with is soggy bread. If we're gonna lose them, best to do it sooner rather than later. Besides his little fit might not have been about the money, but about the "baring," in which case very good riddance.

James was still in his seat, sipping his latte, after Simon's exit. He said, "Like we say up there, I'm James and I'm a sex addict. I may be nuts, but I want to know more, because this SAA shit really is not for me. I don't think I could change my stripes if I wanted to, but I don't want any other stripes, either. If you have a way to keep me happy and out of jail, I'd like to hear about it."

So I told him about Ron and the background check and the STI tests and he said, "I've nothing to hide. I got busted once for public indecency when my girl friend and I were screwing on the deck of my boat. My lawyer got me a plea deal for a suspended imposition of sentence, so I don't have a criminal record, not that anything ever goes away with the Chicago police. As for any STIs, if I have any they'd be news to me. So, yeah, bring in your guy and let him do what he has to do."

With that I started to motion Ron over, but he was already on his way. I noticed that Mary and Martha had had better luck - none of the new women had left, and Ron had three licenses in his hand as he approached our table. When he reached us I had James give Ron his license and asked him how long he thought it would take to get his reports.

"Oh, we should be out of here before closing time. Last week I had to wing it, but I have my people primed for this now, so for four subjects 20 to 30 minutes should do it."

Subjects, I thought. Nice of him not to say suspects.

We ordered another round of drinks and sat there talking for twenty minutes while Ron did his thing. I told James that I didn't want to get into details of the project until we'd gotten Ron's background check results. Matthew and Thomas told him that they'd wait until tomorrow to tell them personal stuff, but that as far as they were concerned the sex club idea had a chance of working, and the sex just in our little group had been fantastic, so even if things never got any farther off the ground, it was a great ride.

James said he could wait for the rest of us to feel better about him, but that since we were going to have Ron's report soon anyway, he might as well tell us a little about himself. "I'm a car dealer. I own a few dealerships in the Chicagoland area. I don't appear in my own commercials or splash my mug on billboards on account of I figure if you're in the lifestyle, letting everyone know who you are when you don't know who they are is not such a good idea.

"I was in that sex club in Markam last year when the police busted the party. I was scared shitless they were going to arrest all of us, 'cause my lawyer told me you only get one 'Get out of jail free' card and I'd used mine already with that thing on the boat. Even though they only arrested the owner, after the Markam bust I was so afraid that I stopped going to clubs, and I hadn't really built up a network of sex partners. I thought about making moves on some of my employees, but I've heard enough about sexual harassment suits to know that's a bad idea."