New York Nights-Northern Lights #03


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"Where are you coming from?"

Thinking I was back in New York, I had to think where I was. I wanted to name a street in New York but I was in Alaska.

'Alaska? With New York more than 4,300 miles away, what in the fuck was I doing in Alaska?'

I wondered if I had hit my head in the accident and didn't know that I had hurt myself. I felt my head to feel if I was bleeding. I wasn't.

"Anchorage," I said.

He gave me a nod as if he was about to spit tobacco.

"Where are you going?"

Where am I going? I shrugged. I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was I needed to get away from here.

"New York," I said as if New York was the next town over or another country, and as far away as New York was, it may as well have been another country.

He nodded his head again as if he was a farmer from Idaho or a fisherman from Maine. I was expecting him to say in a difficult to understand Maine accent, 'You can't get there from here.'

"New York is the other way. You're going to wrong way," he said pointing in the other direction with a laugh. "You're going south when you need to go west. If you continued on this road it would take you to the small fishing towns along the Bering Sea. There's nothing there but water," he said with another laugh. "Get in my truck. I'll take you someplace safe and warm."

### TallBlondeBustyBlueEyedBimbo ###

Get in his truck? I wasn't sure if I wanted to get in his truck. It was such a big, loud, and scary truck. His truck was so loud that I wondered if they enforced laws that made vehicles use mufflers. Besides, they say to never get in a stranger's vehicle. They say to never let anyone take you away from where you were and especially to not allow them to take you somewhere you don't know. Only, what choice did I have?


He nodded again as if he was about to change the tobacco on his pipe. I wondered if he nodded before he spoke every time. It was kind of annoying as much as it was endearing. Maybe the nodding helped him to think. Maybe with him living in the Alaskan wilderness he had screw loose that he needed to nod back in place before answering my questions. Or maybe because it was so cold that he had to nod his head to heat up his brain before responding.

"I have a cabin not far from here outside of Fairbanks. I was headed home when I spotted your car off the road and then you," he said. "I'm Ron," he said holding out his hand.

I removed my glove to take his big hand in my hand. His hand was so much bigger than Daniel's hand. My big D cup breasts would definitely fit so nicely in his manly hands.

"Barbie," I said.

'God I hated that name. I wished my named was Jennifer, Christine, Rachel, Samantha, or even (gulp) Laurel, anything but for Barbie and/or Barbara,' I thought.

Not far? With the distances between one place to the next massive in Alaska, I wondered what he considered not far. To me ten blocks in Manhattan would be far enough to take a cab. One or two block to me wasn't far. Somehow I suspected that we'd be talking tens of miles instead of tens of blocks.

"Not far? How far is not far?"

Again he nodded as if calculating the miles in his head.

"About 350 miles," he said.

'Three-hundred-fifty miles,' I thought. 'Not far? Are you kidding me? That's a weekend road trip, an excursion. That's roundtrip from New York City to Washington, D. C. twice. This guy wants to take me to his cabin in the woods 350 miles from here. I'll never been seen again.'

I tried remaining calm and gulped down my nervousness.

"How long will that take to, three-hundred-fifty miles?"

He made a frown that Popeye used to make before reaching for his spinach.

"Well, luckily I'm empty. I'm not carrying a load to slow me down," he said scratching the beard on his chin as if thinking.

Obviously thinking for him was much harder than it was for Daniel. As if Daniel was a computer, he immediately blurted out facts and figures.

"It doesn't have to be exact," I said trying to make it easier on him.

He looked out through the windshield of his truck as if all of his answers were out there somewhere.

"If I go pedal to the metal, if we don't hit much traffic, and if the weather holds, I've made the trip in 5 hours," he said.

'Three-hundred-fifty miles in five hours. That's nearly 75 miles per hour. That's flying, especially in this big rig and especially in this weather and decreasing visibility. I didn't know these trucks could go that fast,' I thought to myself. 'Holy shit. I'd better buckle my seatbelt.'

Actually, again, what choice did I have? It was either die from the cold or die after being raped and murdered by an Alaskan, serial killing trucker.

"Could you get my suitcase in the trunk for me? I can't climb down that embankment with these shoes. I looked down at my shoes. They were already caked with mud. My purse is in the front seat," I said.

He was wearing boots and I was wearing shoes. I didn't dare go out to the car. Besides, he was the type of man who looked as if the elements didn't bother him. Daniel, on the other hand always carried an umbrella with him, even when it wasn't raining, just in case it rained.

Thinking the worse of Ron, I figured, at the very least, I'd have to blow him to get myself out of this situation. I just hoped that he didn't murder me and bury my dead, frozen body in the wilderness somewhere to be dug up and eaten by wild animals. Judging by the size of him, nearly a foot taller than Daniel and a good six inches taller than me, I suspected he had a big cock. Nothing I haven't experienced before, I've had some big dicks in my mouth. Surprising the Hell out of me, the biggest cock I ever had in my mouth was that of a short, Italian man.

He walked to the car as if the receding embankment was no big deal. He opened the trunk of my rental car and removed my suitcase before he opened my driver's side door without a problem or a struggle and grabbed my purse. He looked funny carrying my purse as if it was a football. He climbed back in his Peterbilt and grabbing the cold rolled steel, handle bar, I struggled to climb in on the passenger side.

"There's a bunk in back if you'd like to take a nap," he said.

I turned around to look and was surprised by how big and how comfortable it looked.

"I would like to take a nap," I said. "Suddenly, I'm very tired. I think the cold made me tired," I said. "As you can see with my short skirt and low cut blouse, I wasn't dressed for the weather."

Hinting for him to take a better look at me, I figured he'd look at my short skirt and my shapely. I figured he'd look at my low cut top and my big tits but he didn't. Instead he nodded his head again before talking.

"Cold will do that. That's how people freeze to death out here. Every storm they find some drunk dead by the side of the road. They just close their eyes and go to sleep," he said. "I have hot, black coffee and something stronger if you need something to warm you," he said.

I perked up when he mentioned black coffee and something stronger.

"A shot of whatever you have in some black coffee sounds good," I said turning the fan up a notch to increase the heat in the cab.

I could use something to warm me up after sitting in my cold, rental car for three hours.

"Help yourself," he said nodding in the direction of a thermos and a bottle of booze.

If they found an open bottle of alcohol in your vehicle in New York, whether you were drinking or not, they'd arrest you for drunk driving. I guess the diving under the influence laws are more relaxed in Alaska. If they weren't, they'd be arresting most of the population of the state. I grabbed the thermos, unscrewed the cup and poured myself some coffee and added a shot of bourbon.

"Want some?" I raised the cup to him.

He shook his head no.

"No, I'm good. I need to stay focused," he said. "This storm is getting worse and I need to keep my eyes on the road."

### TallBlondeBustyBlueEyedBimbo ###

When I awakened from my nap nearly seven hours later, we were there at his cabin. Looking like something that was made 200 years ago, it was a log cabin with firewood and a rocking chair on the front porch. Perched on a hill, it would normally have a nice view if the visibility wasn't so bad.

Maybe I should have feared going in this cabin alone with this man, especially with him being such a big man, but I didn't fear him. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't receiving any threat from him. He seemed like a really nice guy. He looked kind instead of mean.

Only, first things first, rather that the sex be on my terms than on his terms, as soon as he closed the cabin door behind me, I moved to my knees in front of him. I really didn't want him lifting my skirt to my shoulders, bending me over, pulling down my panties, and fucking me in my ass in the way that I imagined all mountain men did in Alaska. Figuring I'd get the unpleasantness of sex with a complete stranger and a much older man over with, I figured I'd blow him instead of him raping me.

"You don't have to do that," he said.

I looked up at him with my big, blue eyes shocked.

"I wanted to repay you for saving my life," I said staring up at him as if his cock was already in my mouth.

He smiled down at me as if he was my father and I was his daughter.

"I'm just glad that I could help," he said lifting me up by my arms. "I only have the one bed," he said. "I'll take the sofa and you may have the bed."

I couldn't believe he refused a blowjob. I couldn't believe he was such a gentleman. I looked from the bed to look at the sofa. The sofa looked fairly comfortable.

"Don't be silly. You've been working all day. I don't mind sleeping on the sofa," I said looking at the sofa again that was plenty long enough and overstuffed. "Besides, looking at you and at the size of the sofa, I'd fit better than you."

He rubbed his chin before giving me a nod.

"Suit yourself," he said.

With a nightlight the only light on in the whole cabin, he started a fire.

"You have a beautiful spot here, what I could see of it through the storm," I said looking around the cabin. "I can't wait to see the view tomorrow."

He busied himself starting the fire.

"There's some trees that block the view, especially in the summer but I love it here. It's just far enough away from town but not too far to be inconvenient. You just have to be careful of the wildlife, bears, coyotes, foxes, deer, and moose are always around," he said. "I don't like to kill anything unless I have to but I do have a scattergun to scare them away," he said.

He busied himself again adding logs to the fire.

"It's so quiet here," I said looking around his cabin for snakes. "What about snakes?"

He turned from the fire to smile at my fear of snakes.

"Fortunately, we don't have any poisonous snakes, just garter snakes. We do have lots of scary looking bugs, especially some nasty spiders but they're harmless. Venomous spiders, black widows, recluse spiders, and others aren't native to Alaska because of the cold. Yet, it's best you wear shoes when walking around. You never know what's walking underfoot in a cabin this old," he said with a laugh as if he had seen some things.

I looked around the cabin again, this time with more of a purpose and especially for spiders. I wouldn't be removing my shoes, that's for sure. I hate spiders, especially big, scary spiders even if they are harmless.

"Where's your restroom?"

He turned his head and nodded it in the direction behind the wall.

"To the left and in back. If you're hungry, the kitchen is to the right and in back. I wasn't expecting company. I don't have much more than eggs, bread, peanut butter, jelly, some fruit, cookies, and nuts but feel free to help yourself to whatever you'd like eat," he said. "With me gone all week, I haven't had the time to shop for food. I'll drive into town to get some supplies tomorrow morning."

Not wanting to go to bed hungry, I needed something, anything to eat.

"I am kind of hungry. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounds good," I said.

He stood to hold his hands over the fire.

"I'll make you a sandwich while you're using the restroom," he said.

I just had to pee and was glad that he not only had toilet paper but also had indoor plumbing.

"I'm glad you have indoor plumbing but boy that toilet seat was cold," I said.

He added another log to the fire.

"I lived for years without running water as most people do around here but the state just ran us a line. Running water is still a luxury to thousands of folks around here. Although there are some who like living in the wilderness and don't mind living in the way their ancestors did a hundred years ago. Now, hot water is another issue," he said with a laugh.

I stood by the fire to warm myself.

"The fire feels good," I said looking down at him squatting to build the fire.

He looked up at me. A good looking man, I only wished he was a little younger. It was then that I thought of Daniel again with Laurel. Better that I know now that our engagement is over instead of later. I looked at my diamond engagement ring. Presenting it to me in a blue Tiffany's box, he must have paid a bundle for it. I thought of his ring as payment for my pain and suffering when seeing them kissing through the windshield of my rental car.

"It will take a while for the fire to heat up the cabin. I've been gone all week," he said again and this time as if apologizing. "I made up the couch for you with a sheet, a pillow, and my big bear blanket that I traded an Alaskan Indian for some tools."

I was impressed that he was kind to the Indians.

"What a pleasure to live in a place that had native Alaskans. How cool is that? That's like living in New England that still had Pilgrims and/or witches."

He smiled at my naiveté.

"I don't know what tribe he was from. We have at least a dozen different native tribes in Alaska. They're good people. They know the land. They know things about herbs, roots, and medicines that are a blessing, especially with medical help so very far away. As long as we're good to them, they're good to us."

### TallBlondeBustyBlueEyedBimbo ###

The bear blanket was such a heavy thing and the fur felt rougher than it did softer and it smelled funky. The bear blanket reminded me of what a big furry dog would feel like and smell like after being caught in a pouring rain. I couldn't help but wonder if there were any spiders hidden in the bear skin that I couldn't see and that waited to bite me when I was sleeping.

I hate bugs, especially spiders. I felt like someone out of a western movie sleeping while still wearing my shoes instead of cowgirl boots. Thank God they were comfortable shoes instead of my high heels. Yet, glad that I wasn't still outside sleeping in my rental car, at least I was relatively warm and dry.

Following his lead, I didn't even bother removing my clothes. Until the fire started going and until he put a couple more logs on the fire, I was cold and shivering. Then, once the fire warmed the cabin, with him removing his pants, shirt, and sweatshirt in the dark and getting ready to sleep in his long johns, I followed suit by removing my short skirt and low cut top.

Forgetting to bring in my suitcase, my nightgown was in the truck. Not daring to go outside, I slept in my bra and panties. I knew once that fire got going, especially with this heavy, bear blanket, that I'd be hot and rather than being woken up and unable to fall back to sleep, I'd rather be cold now and comfortable later.

With him already sleeping and not much one for conversation, I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the dark. I looked around the big room. From what I could see from the dim reflection of the nightlight and from the flames of the fire, he didn't have a television, a computer, and, other than his cell phone, he didn't have a landline phone. Living alone in the wilderness without many modern day conveniences, and with him so different from Daniel, he was quite the character.

### TallBlondeBustyBlueEyedBimbo ###

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Tossing and turning, the couch wasn't as comfortable as it looked. Besides, after seeing my fiancée with his co-worker, and unable to remove the image of them kissing from my head, I was feeling rejected. I was feeling unloved. Already on the rebound, especially when imagining Daniel having sex with Laurel, I was horny.

Without making a sound, I removed my bra and my panties. As soon as I removed my underwear, I was horny. As soon as I was naked, I was sexually aroused. The only item of clothing I had left on were my shoes. As if I was an Indian squaw in a tent instead of a cabin, I wrapped the big, bear blanket around my naked body, stood, and walked to his bed. I stood on the opposite side of the bed while watching him sleep.

Standing there in the dark with the flames from the fire lighting up my shadow and with the blanket over my head as if I was a grizzly bear, I felt foolish standing there. I thought about returning to the sofa but I was cold. With me naked beneath the blanket, I felt like a bit of a whore ready to climb in bed with a man I didn't even know and who was old enough to be my father. As if he could feel or sense me standing there, he opened his eyes and turned to me.

"What's wrong?"

I gave him a sexy smile and a naughty look.

"The fire is almost out and I couldn't sleep. The couch isn't very comfortable and I'm cold," I said pausing to look at him. After he saved my life, I couldn't believe that I was complaining about my accommodations. "May I sleep with you? I'm used to cuddling and spooning my boyfriend," I said.

Before he could answer, I let go of the heavy, bear blanket to reveal my naked body to him. He stared at my naked breasts before looking down at my naked, blonde, trimmed pussy.

"No wonder why you're cold. You're naked," he said staring at my big tits before looking down at my pussy again. In the way that I looked when skiing in Vermont and staying at a cabin with some man, I looked sexy in the light of the fireplace. "Well get in here, then, and I'll get you warm," he said.

As soon as I climbed in the bed, he turned away from me and I moved my naked body beside him. He didn't smell good or bad. He smelled like a man. I was used to the smell of Daniel coming home from the field before taking a shower. After he showered he smelled like cologne. This man wasn't the type who wore cologne.

"You don't mind if I touch you, do you?" I waited for him to respond. When he didn't answer my question, I told him what I really wanted to do. "I usually hold my boyfriend's cock in my hand while I sleep," I said. "Holding his flaccid prick soothes me," I said lying. When, instead, holding a man's cock in my hand sexually excites me.

Without even waiting for him to respond, I reached around him to fondle his emerging erection through his long underwear. As if he was the woman and I was the man, he froze. His entire body stiffened to my touch.

"Oh, my God," he said under his breath as if talking to himself.

I fondled the head of his prick with my fingertips until I felt him throbbing against my hand.

"Do you like that?"

I slowly stroked him through his long johns.

"Do I like it?" He turned his head to look at me. "Are you kidding me? I love it," he said. "It's been a while since I've had sex."

I unbuttoned the button by his cock and pulled out his prick and wrapped my long fingers around him.

"You have a big prick, a much bigger prick than my ex-fiancée cock," I said by what I could see of it in the light of the fire. "It's been a long time since I've been with a real man," I said continuing to fondle his naked prick. "Make love to me, Ron," I said slowly stroking him to a bigger and harder erection. "I need to feel you on top of me and inside of me. I'm so very horny."